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RE: =MtAK= Tendou - The GummyKnight

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4/11/2012 19:25:10   

Hello Tendou

Once again, Congratz on AK-ness, Have some Cotton Candy! *Summons Fluffy cloud of Cotton Candy*

I read you watched Death note, so I now have returned and have 4 Questions:

Light or L? I'm currently sat like L.

May i notice you i have a Death Note on my home? *lets make the eye deal Ryuk!*.

Ryuk or Rem?


Do you think the Films are as good as the anime?

This is not Death note related, but it must be asked.

No, for me Anime Films are just like Fillers, i dont love fillers :/.

Have you played Batman: Arkham Asylum or Arkham City? if yes, Who's your Favourite character?

Missed it, i may play later :/.

Goodbye and have fun being an AK!

Thanks and cya =D.

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/12/2012 1:12:45 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 76
4/11/2012 21:10:29   
Legendary Ash

Greetings Tendou!

Congratulations on the promotion!
Being an ArchKnight requires much dedication to the forum and judging from our close Forum Member creation date, you appear ready to rewound these Threads back into that neat little Ball of Yarn.

I hope that your soon level up in real life into young adulthood from 19 doesn't mean anything in regards to presence on the AE forums
What major are you taking in college and where are you located in the world?

Currently am studying to be a Graphic Designer, i may wait for College annoucement date to do such test and am at Brazil ;P.

Is AQW your favorite game online? It is definitely the main game, I have been with it since the first month of Gamma.

Yup ^-^.

Although you are currently not a Brony, consider taking a glimpse into some fanwork of ponies, commentary expected to the next few links of D'awww.
Take 1: PMV You're Gonna Go Far Kid
Take 2: Shhh...somepony is napping
Take 3: Pony in Real life?!
Take 4: Game of Ponies Intro

If you like what you see, perhaps you should watch the epic Two Parter Season Finale beginning next Saturday.
The Brony and Pegasister community, a majority of it visiting EQD, the home of the second link above, is an ideal place to interact, its comparable to the more civil AE forumites.

Sounds interesting but am not a pony fan x).

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/12/2012 1:06:25 >
AQ  Post #: 77
4/11/2012 21:36:43   
Vertigo Beast



Congratz on ArchKnightship Hope you have lots of fun :D

Thanks ;).

Never really seen your name around except for all over the wiki

I can see x).


Gummy were bear royal knight ;P.

How did you get your name? (it always sounded awesome to me)

Its a japanese word which means "Path of Deva".

If you ever see me in game will you say hi? xD

Of course, why not ;P. Am mostly on private jojns because am doing somethings at wiki. I always at ESV.

Favorite color out of Purple, Gamboge, Razzmatazz, Xanadu, and Ultramarine?


I hope you pick right.......

Waittt :o....

Well other than that....Your name still sounds really awesome and Good Luck GummyKnight!

~Vertigo Beast

Thanks ;).

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/12/2012 1:10:47 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 78
4/11/2012 22:27:13   
Cyber Unisus

congrats bro
it must be a tough job to be an AK
you're an inspiration to me that's why I joined the wiki xD

Am really glad to hear see such thing ;). Thanks!.

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/12/2012 1:12:12 >
Post #: 79
4/11/2012 22:51:57   

Good luck answering all of these questions. Lord knows how many until you crack.

Thanks x) lol.

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/12/2012 1:13:22 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 80
4/12/2012 7:59:05   
moon keeper

im back *creepy smile*

whats your favorite manga/anime genre (ex. action ecchi comedy.....)


guy or girl

Guy all the waaayyy!.

do you like skillet? (the band)

hmhm never heard about it :o

favorite class?


have you ever gotten arrested?

No lol

do you hate stalkers?

Not so much, if things goes mad i warn them about harassing isnt the east way then on a further case i warn about /ignore button.

thats all i got for cya

Cya... wait.... it is a cya not a bye :o.

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/14/2012 2:41:53 >


AQW  Post #: 81
4/12/2012 14:51:36   
Soulweaver Zard

More Questionzzzzz

Seen Godslayer? Like it?

Not much :/.

Like AQW? Favorite Artist?

Yep. Fav. dev at AE games?Milton Pool

I Can Haz Be AK too?

If youre following the AK requirements you may be selected on our AK super secretly secret hidden jutsu of hiding AK threads and then the Head Mod of the thread you mostly help may PM you.

Gummyknight..... Whos gummy king?

Solrac of course, but hes cannibal lol.

Thats all i gots. Goodbye and congrats AK, uh, i mean gummyknight!

Bye, enjoy the game :).

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/14/2012 2:48:53 >


AQW Epic  Post #: 82
4/13/2012 15:15:04   

Congratz bro!

Thanks :D.

Haha, gummyknight :) Makes me want gummy bears

Some gummy bears are radioactive soooooo... lol.

Wanna get on and do the release tonight with me?

Due players demand am mostly at Evil Sir Ver during releases, but since i started the Weapon Damage chart my releases post went down on wiki (you may notice about every week) after completing the Damage Chhart i may work as i always did again.

That'd be so awesome!

I know! =D.

Anyway, congratz on it!

Thanks again :).

You get a cookie :) *Gives a cookie*

*Suddently bounces and eats the cookie like a zombie on a flesh*.

You want another? *Too bad, gives another* *Gives milk with it*

*Suddently bounces and eats the cookie like a zombie eating a lot of people at once*.

There we go :)

Hehe...annnyyywayyy, just PM me with the answer to the release :)

We shall become even better friends than we already were :)

From a friendly person, to a help, constructice and friendly member of the community


Sure :) Ill do it after managin some threads >:3.

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/14/2012 2:53:46 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 83
4/13/2012 16:07:56   

Gratz Tendou..... I remember back when you were a normal forum'er.........*goes off into a rant about the good 'ld days*

Anyway Gratz again

Yup ;) thanks and enjoy the game DAAAA game!.

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/14/2012 2:54:55 >


AQ DF AQW  Post #: 84
4/13/2012 19:20:11   

Congratulations! I was reading some posts, and OMG NOWAI I <3 Naruto 2!!

>:D currently updated on manga, about filler.. meeerrr only if it talks about the only Jinchuuriki i didnt saw on the anime: Fu.

But I still have one question for you. Brace yourself.

hmmm kay...... ................... WHAT SORCERY is dat :o?

1) Platypuses or Platypi?

First one x).

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/14/2012 2:57:58 >
Post #: 85
4/15/2012 1:01:05   

Well then, ima guess ima back :D

What's happenin? :)

Just as usual.

By any chance, do you have an Iphone or android?

Androoooooooid beeep beeep..

If so, do you have world war? If not, GET IT!!! it's free too :)

Oh :o i will take a look on it :D.

Also, how's the AKing?

Kinda interesting ;P.

You lieky?

Sure :).

You know you do, don't deny it!

You liek pandas?

*Curses him to like pandas even if he already does, makes him liek them moar!* Abra kadabra lieky pandas!

*mesmerized* yes.. i.... like.... dat.... fur.....

Lol just having some fun :)

We shall become great friends :3

If we arent enemies we are friends ;P.

Well then, I guess i'll be back sooner or later hahahahahahahhaha


*Suddenly there's a puff of smoke, then you hear urmmmnurmmmerff, and there's a fat panda in the place of enjoi*

:O Panda Kawarimi!.

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/15/2012 1:40:01 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 86
4/15/2012 11:03:42   

Hello Tendou!

Congratz on your AK-ing.

Thanks :).

Do you like being an AK?

Sure! >:D

Favorite color?


Favorite AE game?


Favorite thing ever?


Well, that's all that I can think of XD.


^-^. Enjoy daaaaaa game

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/15/2012 23:57:30 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 87
4/15/2012 14:42:56   

Custodian (DF)

*Elryn grins*

*Elryn grabs Tendou, crushing him and flailing him around like a rag doll in a bearhug*

Another one joins. This will be fun.

I think i never went on AK ritual :o

Greetings and congratulations on your Archknightship, Tendou. I hope you are made of sturdy stuff, there are number of warmongers amongst us.

Thanks ;)

Speaking of warmongers, on to the questions:

Are you a warmonger?

Hmhmhm not a full Warmonger *begins scared about the answer* lol

Have you ever fought/are you familiar with wars in Adventure Quest? Dragonfable? AQworlds?

All thinks are related but, sometimes different stories appears, i love them all ^-^

If you have fought wars in AQWorlds, how are they like?

They are awesome!

War achievements?

Lots of skeletal heads

Proudest moment/event(s) in war?

XD. If am no wrong at mogloween war i did all emotes when i defeated the war boss and said: YOU dont deserves to be a WAMPIRE!

What kind of war is your favourite?

Well i loved them all but surprises during war and some not randomly monsters will be my favorite, like Dwarfhold one.

That is all for now. See you around.

Cya :).

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/16/2012 0:06:54 >
AQ  Post #: 88
4/15/2012 20:38:57   

Congras on getting your AK! You really deserve it!

Thanks :D

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/16/2012 0:08:51 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 89
4/15/2012 20:57:31   

Muahaha. I'm back! >:)

How's it going?

I'm meaning to ask you this..

Favorite pokemon? :D?

Alakazam and Gengar, old rules!

Favorite person from the pokemon games and the show?

Hmhmhm dont have a one but i have many: Team Magma!

Apple pie or Pumpkin pie?

Apple! But i cam mix them to eat Pumple pie!.

Mmk,I'm done here,baiii.

*Teleports into teh Runescape world by using over 9000 Law Runes*


< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/16/2012 0:11:57 >
DF AQW  Post #: 90
4/16/2012 20:14:46   

Congrats Tendou Enjoy being a GummyKnight!


< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/18/2012 1:21:45 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 91
4/17/2012 14:12:45   
fiend of twilly

i'm back :)

x) lol.

enjoy this! *FoT* gives tendou an apple...

Jump and eats the apple like a anteater.

alakazam and gengar? :O mines are gallade (if i spelled right xD) and few others...

U mixed fighting with psy attacks >:3.

What happens if u mix LORE with pink?

Maybe BE? (Beleen Entertainment).

hmmm again can i have gummy bears? solrac is mean!*

Can't betray my friends :/

U can play football (soccer)? lol

Yup >:D

thats it!! have a good night/day/afternoon!!!!!!!!!!

*jk about the mean solrac part -.-

Cya ;)

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/19/2012 3:26:58 >


AQW  Post #: 92
4/17/2012 17:12:48   
Vertigo Beast

I'm back >:D

SooooOOooooOOOoooo HI :D

Last time I said this:

Favorite color out of Purple, Gamboge, Razzmatazz, Xanadu, and Ultramarine?


Now time to see if you answered correctly :P

*Drum Roll*

And The Answer is:

Yes! But Please Try again...... o.O

Personally I prefer a Nice Razzmatazz :D


Now for the True or False Section:
(Answer True or False to the next statements)

Vertigo Beast is awesome.

Yup, coz hes a tailed beast x3

Tendou is a great name.

YA! Everyone asked Tendou meanings (Patch of Deva)

Razzmatazz > Purple.

Purple > Razzmatazz.

Elephant is a color too?


This is a very interesting post.

Meh seeeeeee like dead girls like meeee *suddently sings Voltaire*

That is the end of the True or False section.

Orange is a color and a fruit.

So i can eat inks?

Hope that was enjoyable :D
Well I'm off *Waves*

~Vertigo Beast

Cya *tsunamis*

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/19/2012 3:30:46 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 93
4/19/2012 2:58:09   
AQ lord123

this is kinda noobish but what is an archknight exactly?

Don't think this is a noobish question, just a newbie one ;P. You can read more about here >:3

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/19/2012 3:32:44 >


AQW Epic  Post #: 94
4/20/2012 21:41:02   
Dark Fox

I too use purple but I don't feel like using it or you may get mad at me for stealing a color.

I use a color near indigo >:3

Sorry for telling you a congrats too late, I'm as general discussion person.

Evil or Good?

Do you leik meat?
Nature gave me to me the power to eat meats >:O

And I would like to thank you because not only are you an AK but I enjoy you helping me by helping the AQW wiki. I think you are a very great person!

*Uses the power of 90000 computers and teleports to AQW*

Thanks ^-^ >:3

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/21/2012 7:07:17 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 95
4/21/2012 13:36:55   

Hello there!

Congratulations on becoming an AK :)

Thanks :)

No with the questions...

What is your favorite Anime? (if you have one)


What would happen if an unstoppable force hits an immovable object?


Will I ever get enough peanut butter for my sandwich?

maybe, well.. put more >:D!

Coke or Pepsi?


Did you watch The Hunger Games? And if you did what are your thoughts on it?

Never heard bout it.

What if Pinocchio said "My nose will grow now"

He'll be lying and the nose will grow after x)

That's all the questions for now (dun dun dun...)

P.S. Extra points for my good grammar?

*extra exp awarded*

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/24/2012 10:18:23 >


Post #: 96
4/21/2012 22:31:32   

I'mmmmmmm baaaacccckkkk!


Lol, you take my advice and try world war? You do it this instint if you didn't.

Hahaha, JK, i'm not that mean.

I got meh deady bunee? You get your deady bunee?

No ;(. I was supposed to buy it but life dont let me to do that lol

*Gives yet again, another cookie*

*Happy face* :)


Play any sports?


Just got back from water polo tournament WEEEEEEE! Super sore now :/

Just checking in on you, see how you is doing.

Harharharharharharharh. epic laugh :)

What's your favorite AQW set?

Dont have a favorite set x)

Favorite AQW armor?

Deady Bear Body Morph

Favorite AQW weapon?

Rixty Ripper

Favorite AQW place?


Favorite AQW cape?

Fiend tail

Favorite AQW helm?

Cowl of malicious intent

Sorry many questions asked :)

*Puff of smoke, you here in the faint distance, "good-bye tendou!" and then randomly a panda takes enjoi's place*

Take panda away and re-appears.

Forgot to say good-bye, *Says good-bye one more time, then a panda takes me place*

Panda kawarimi! >:D

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/24/2012 10:23:50 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 97
4/22/2012 21:01:17   

Hiya Tendou!

New AK huh? Gratz!

Mind if I ask you some questions?

  • Cookies, Cream, or Cookies and Cream?
    Cookies and cream :0

  • Favorite AQW NPC?

  • Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?

  • Favorite AE Moglin?

  • Do you have a puppy/dog?
    Yup ^-^. A tiny one

  • If you were to pick, Mocha or Chocolate?
    Chololate ;P

  • Do you believe that raccoons and moglins could join forces and lead the World Abomination?
    psst dont let lady azjurai know about a raccoo war...pssst

  • ^ If so, which side would do more destruction?

  • You're a raccoon right? Any special powers?
    Call me le raccoon ninja, trained by mrs Raccoon sensei. I holds a lot of forbidden jutsus :p

  • How many noses does an elephant haz?
    hunnn hunn errrr hurrrr *patrick mode on*.... errrr... hurrrrr... one? THATS ONE yay!

  • Pie?

That's all! Send my best regards to Lady Azjurai! ^.^ Tell her I've send an army of raccoon-colored moglins on her door.


Thanks! She love working for players toturn a game into a safest one :)

< Message edited by Tendou -- 4/24/2012 10:30:44 >
Post #: 98
5/1/2012 1:07:02   

Psst. Hey,you.
I'm back for the 3rd time. >:D.
*evil laugh*
Now for some moar questions.

1.Favorite meme?

Challenge Accepted

2.Have you ever heard of a cliche'?
If you do,tell meh one.

Yup. "The hero always defeat the villain on the end" and "mortal silence"

3.Favorite kind of pie?

Dont have a one just eat them all :o (if theyre made of fruits...)

Done here for now.
*rides on Lapras' back,and travels to the the Hidden Land on PMD*

Cya... wait... dat golden ball :o

< Message edited by Tendou -- 5/1/2012 20:28:30 >
DF AQW  Post #: 99
5/1/2012 6:28:08   


Thank you :)

< Message edited by Tendou -- 5/1/2012 20:26:31 >
Post #: 100
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