Emperor Awesome
Admire your Epicduel character enough to write a background story? Well, you're safe to place your character background story here! Well here is mine: Emperor Awesome: The beloved son of Baelius and warlord mercenary of the legion was leading a squadron of Shadow guards on a mission to infiltrate an Exile base and destroy exile munitions. As the group stood upon enemy soil, Oz and the rebel forces quickly "greeted" the legion squadron with an ambush. He knew they were outnumbered ten to a thousand,but he arrogantly proclaimed that he was a match for all of them. And he proclaimed correctly. The legion squadron slaughtered the exile forces by the hundreds , forcing them to retreat. Consequently, eight of the ten legion soldiers were killed in the battle, leaving one shadow guard and Emperor Awesome to complete the mission alone. When they arrived at the exile occupied base, they quickly disposed of all exile forces guarding the munitions room. They destroyed every weapon the exiles had, but before Emperor Awesome could proclaim victory he was stabbed in the back by the shadow guard. As he took his last breath, the shadow guard took off his helmet to reveal that he was.....Negawraith! Emperor Awesome laid unconscious , but when he awoke he was on an operating table, surprised to find M4tr1x operating on his body. It took several hours, but Emperor Awesome was now reborn into a lowly bounty hunter. As he approached M4tr1x to thank her, he noticed the television. On that television was Negawraith, falsely proclaiming Emperor Awesome's betrayal. To Baelius' disbelief he had no choice but to exile Emperor Awesome. Now the exiled emperor has one thing on his mind. Revenge. Now, Whats your story?