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(DF) The Chronicles of Alaric Mycroft

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4/17/2012 23:01:24   

Have Fun Reading: Commentary



The mage sat alone by the large pit near Veneer. He hummed a familiar song he heard his mother sing before she died. The night sky was illuminating into the early morning hours, signaling the robins to chirp. He got up, clutching a large scythe in one hand and a large claymore in the other. The intricate looking black blade shot out the other way, glowing a bit. Most mages didn't receive the rank of Battle Mage at such an early age. However, at 377 years old he wasn't that young himself. The BattleMage looked into the pit, ready to jump down into the abyss. He wore a very large, tall armor with intricate dragon designs and magical runes. It wasn't a problem wearing a black and gold armor, but where he was heading the armor would mess things up. Nevertheless he jumped down.

Alaric dragged the black dragon's head behind him as he trudged along the muddy mountain path. Killing it wasn't really the hard part. Getting the precise measurements to decapitate it's head was tricky, especially for a Dynamancer such as himself. Ultimately he got the job done and it was time to head back to the guild. As he approached the massive building made into the mountain a familiar person came up to him. He wore thick animal hides and small pieces of armor. Quickly, he took up the dragon's head and bowed before leaving. Although it seemed ingenious, Alaric never found the use of the native Berserkers necessary. A couple of rangers appeared and quickly ran out of sight. Everyone seemed to be busy today in the guild. Mainly in part to the ongoing Undead Assault near DoomWood, which itself was only on the other side of the mountain. As Alaric opened the guild doors a small shaking occurred. Not really paying much attention to it he walked in and closed the doors.

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 5/6/2012 14:05:23 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 1
4/18/2012 16:49:44   

Chapter One

"You really are the Dynamancer," a voice said. Alaric had switched over from his BattleMage armor to his recently achieved DeathKnight armor. He turned around to see another DeathKnight drinking a mug of moglinberry juice. He got up and grabbed his sword.

"Is there anything you want?"

"No, just complimenting a fellow adventurer." Alaric smiled as he walked for the door.

"Tristan I'm heading for the battlegrounds!" A voice called out BE BACK SOON as he walked out. This time of the year the mountain would be having a bright summer, but it's been snowing and nightfall drapes the sky. Alaric held out a hand, and out from the ground came an undead horse. He jumped on it, and the undead horse made a ghostly neigh before galloping for the nearest battleground. As they approached it the snow began to cease, and the night sky began to expand.

"Today just might hold up for us Argos." The horse grunted as they began riding through the battlefield. Alaric jumped off and began examining bodies. They were the bodies of Paladins, Necromancers and other rivaling groups of the Undead Assault. So far everything didn't seem promising until he discovered the body of a Necromancer in particular. His armor was different from a normal Necromancer's. It resembled the robes of an Assassin, but the hood was pointed and there were 2 sharp black blades protruding from the armor's left fist. There was also a large demon's skull woven into the right shoulder. As he looked down Alaric noticed the strange gauntlet at the end where the hand should have been. It was black and green with razor sharp fingers.

"Perfect," Alaric said. He grabbed the dead Necromancer's head and began absorbing his knowledge of the dark arts. The armor began receding from the man's body and into Alaric's hand. When he was finished he dropped the body. As he did so he noticed a rather large scythe stuck through a Paladin. He took it out and surmised it was the Necromancer's own, but the blade was purified by the Paladin before dying. He bounded it on his back as he walked back to his undead horse. As they began heading off Agros bellowed in pain. Alaric stopped and got off him. He walked off into the bushes, disappearing for a while. He came back a while after, dragging the body of a rather large horse. He then transferred Agros' soul into the horse.

"What the hell are you doing?" As the soul was placed into the horse Alaric got up and spun around. A very pale man stood before him, syringe him with disgust.

"I am transferring the soul of my war horse into this fresh new horse."

"That's one of my horses!" Fangs elongated from the man's mouth. As he lunged Alaric jumped out the way.

"You're going to have to do more to catch me."

"You're a pretty fast DeathKnight." The vampire dashed to Alaric, but narrowly missed again. At that same moment Alaric took a wooden fence lying on the ground and rushed it into the vampire's heart. The blood sucker coughed up blood as he fell to his knees.

"I told you. Death's Speed is very useful when in permanent usage."

"Finish me off!" Alaric grabbed the vampire's head.

"And waste my opportunity to add a vampire to my undead collection? I don't think so." With that Alaric whispered an ancient spell, transforming the vampire into his undead minion. With that he sent his new minion to his Purgatory. When he turned he saw that the horse turned undead, but looked stronger. He got on and galloped off back to the guild.

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 4/30/2012 13:09:01 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 2
4/18/2012 18:57:04   

Chapter Two

"Those aren't Necromancer's robes," a feminine voice said.

"Then what am I wearing?" Alaric asked. The rogue flipped a gold coin in her hand, examining the armor Alaric retrieved from the dead Necromancer from the battlefield.

"That was a Necromantic Assassin you just robbed. Very rare, could fetch for a lot of gold back at the Necropolis."

"I don't plan on selling this one."

"That's something. You usually keep items if they're very powerful, and so far the only set you haven't sold the DeathKnight."

"It was Sir Malifact's own. The helm and blade I keep in storage."

"And the ring?" Alaric showed a skull-shaped scar etched into his neck.

"Magical binding."

"Heh, you'd believe I'd try to steal it." Alaric sneezed, wiping snot with a tissue. They were sitting near the back, where most private dealings were held. The rogue wore a pink skirt and a white shirt and pink sweater. She even had pink cat-like eyes and white long hair. Tucked to her sides were dagger slots with special gilded-bladed daggers in them.

"Knowing you I'd find them on the market 10 years from now." She laughed as she got up, reaching for her bow and arrow.

"I have a job if you want to come. We could split the reward 70/30."

"60/40 and it's a deal Aisha." She shrugged.

"You're going to use those new powers you possess?"

"Yea. It'd be a great test run for me."

The two reached Falconreach by nightfall.

"So you have to assassinate this 'Noxus' fellow. He sounds very familiar. Isn't he one of the high-ranking Necromancers in the war?"

"Exactly, that's why you're here. I myself cant take him on so I brought a powerhouse with me." Aisha then nudged him.

"Me? Take on Noxus? Even with the combined efforts of my BattleMage, DeathKnight and Necromantic Assassin Noxus would flatten me."

"Alaric, you probably have the power of a large army! And I'm saying that with only you using DeathKnight alone."

"I'm not so sure myself. Well, where will we be staying until Noxus appears?"

"There's a small inn right in the center of town. We wont have to worry about appearances. Many Necromancers are aiding the High Paladin Artix Kreigger."

"That I know. However, I wonder why Noxus is lurking in the area? Shouldn't he be on a battlefield laying waste to hundreds of enemies?"

"That may be true, but my employer hasn't specified the details. We should be meeting her right now." Alaric began walking, but stopped before he began descending the path. The wind blew fiercely as he summoned the scythe from the battlefield.

"Someone's here." At that moment an undead giant sprang out from the brushes, propelling itself at Aisha. She jumped out of the way and near instantly grabbed a yellow arrow and drew it back on her bow. The giant rushed up again and dashed back at her. She shot the arrow, which glew brightly and exploded in a bright burnign sphere of light. The giant roared and continued at her, but Alaric intervened. He took the scythe and sliced clean through its arm. The beast walked back, leaving it open for an attack. Aisha grabbed ten arrows and shot them all simultaneously. They turned bright and exploded on contact, killing it completely.

"You're fast," Alaric said.

"Yea, I know."

"Where do you suppose that undead giant came from?" Then out from the brush came a Necromantress wielding a DeathKnight's staff. Judging by her uniform she was from Necro U.

"So you two are here for the job?" she asked.

"Well, I am here for the job," Aisha said before moitoning to Alaric. "He's my Support."

"Oh good. I hope you two can handle him. Noxus is a very level-headed Necromancer. Also one of Necro U's top Necromancers."

"We know. Alaric here event went to Necro U." Alaric shook his head.

"I was there for DeathKnight training. Passed in a few decades, actually." The woman smiled.

"It's good to see a graduate from Necro U. Now, here is the situation. Noxus found a very dark mausoleum under Necro U. In it is an ancient evil, such of an ancient evil that there are Warden Chains surrounding it. He plans on opening it, so he needs to sacrifice a very powerful paladin."

"Wait," Aisha asked, "what are Warden Chains?" Alaric scratched his head.

"They are protective magical chains only a Spirit Warden can create. They only use Warden Chains whenever they need to bind some sort of dark malevolent power away for good." The Necromantress nodded in approval.

"You're pretty smart. You look familiar, what is you're name?"

"Alaric Mycroft."

"Hmmm...I'll check back in the archives for you. When did you attend Necro U?"

"About 240 years ago." Aisha giggled.

"You look younger. Wait a minute." She turned to the Necromantress.

"Did you send that undead giant after us?"

"Yes. I needed to see if you were the real deal, lest the University needs more 'spare parts'." And with that she walked off.

"When will he be coming to Falconreach?"

"Tomorrow night. Be prepared, as he brings his best pupils." Alaric sighed.

"I hope he isn't as powerful as the rumors say."

"Rumors like what?" Aisha asked.

"They say he can reanimate a graveyard with the lift of a finger, that the mere look from his eyes can necrotize any living being." He shivered with goosebumps.

"You never know, he might chicken out." Alaric shrugged as he sensed a growing aura of evil nearing Falconreach.

"Tomorrow isn't going to be my best day."

The morning sun stretched over the horizon as Alaric rolled out of bed. He stretched as he walked over to the shower. He passed the mirror, oblivious to his purple hair, storm gray eyes and the blade scar running over his left eye. He didn't procrastinate in showering, but got out after a couple of minutes. He decided to don his new Necrotic Assassin armor for the upcoming fight. As he exited his room, he was met by Aisha wearing the same attire from the night before, but black.

"You're ready Alaric?"

"Honestly, no. However I hope to live." She giggled.

"I'm headed to breakfast. What about you?"

"Not sure. I might go with you." She smiled as she held his hand.

"Ok then." She ran, pulling Alaric with her downstairs. Alaric quickly slipped from Aisha's grip and walked to a table. She quickly sat next to him laughing.

"You're not the touchy type aren't you?"

"Nope." She sighed.

"There's always been something different about you Alaric."

"That's usually me though."

"Not this time. You seem, more feral emotionally. Is this about Noxus?"

"I don't know. He's near here. I can almost feel his aura." She then turned around and felt silent.

"Alaric, when I count to 3 start attacking."


"It's Noxus!"

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 4/30/2012 13:09:27 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 3
4/19/2012 21:18:53   

Chapter Three

"My my, what do we have here?" Noxus walked up to the inn keeper, Serenity, and smiled deviously. "A jewel among rocks."

"Go away Noxus," she said. "You have no right here."

"As a matter of fact, I do." He then snapped his fingers, and 2 DeathKnights stormed in and grabbed a Paladin sitting by himself. The Paladin unsheathed his blade and fought the DeathKnights. However he was quickly put down by brute force.

"3!" A voice shouted. Alaric jumped over to the DeathKnights and paralyzed them with his electrically charged fists. He helped the Paladin up as Noxus began walking to him.

"Who are you, to take down my DeathKnights?" Alaric ignored, asking the Paladin if he was ok. Noxus laughed as he raised a hand. Green and black energy beam to concentrate before his palm. He shot it, but Alaric and the Paladin moved out of the way. The beam tore a hole through the wall and into the sky. Then 5 arrows whizzed in the air, but Noxus broke them all instantly. When he turned he saw that Alaric and the Paladin ran off in the direction of the Guardian Tower.

"Fight me," Aisha shouted. Noxus smiled as he turned.

"A challenge? Don't flatter me!" She raced out the inn, shooting arrows. Noxus dodged all before chasing her. She took a white arrow and shot it. As it shot through the air energy began to accumulate, gaining speed. Noxus grabbed the arrow and snapped it. Aisha began to draw gold arrows as Noxus quickly advanced. At that moment a golden dragon effigies knocked him off his feet, hurtling him into a tree. When Aisha turned she saw the Paladin with his blade pointing outward. Noxus got up and grinned.

"I have to admit, that stung. However I wouldn't count on another lucky opening." The Paladin steadied his stance as he began to encircle himself in holy light.

"Artix is not to far away. He'll be here in a few moments." Alaric then appeared.

"Vince try and keep a boost against darkness. He maybe the strongest Necromancer but he hasn't ascended to the next stage." Noxus shook his head as he ripped a black hole in the air. He dragged out a black staff with bands of spikes on it. On the top was a wickedly warped skull with spikes.

"You believe I don't have in possession a Doom weapon?" Noxus said. Alaric then summoned his DeathKnight Blade.

"The blade of Sir Malifact has power equivalent to a Doom Weapon," Alaric said as he switched into the full DeathKnight set.

"You believe a measly DeathKnight can defeat me?" Vince summoned a bright golden spear.

"The combined efforts of a Paladin and DeathKnight can be catastrophic." Aisha held the golden arrow drew back in her bow.

"Don't try us Noxus!" Noxus laughed as he raised the staff.

"Foolish assassin, you know nothing if the Skull Staff of Doom!" With that the ground began to break apart as dark energy began gathering. He pointed the sphere and shot it. Vince threw the spear into the blast, which clashed. Alaric slashed, sending a large black wave of energy into the spear. The energies combined, causing an explosion. When the smoke settled, Noxus had gathered more spheres of dark energy. He shot all, decimating the ground beneath them. As it neared Alaric quickly grabbed Vince and Aisha and dashed out of the way with ease. Then he raised the DeathKnight Blade, causing the clouds to darken.

"Skull Shower!" Thousands of skulls rained down, causing a line of dark explosions ripping into the ground going inland. Noxus had evaded them and advanced to Alaric. Alaric quickly planted his sword in the ground and grabbed Noxus' wrists.

"I admit, you're the first to lay contact on me." Noxus then raised the Skull Staff of Doom into the air, creating a black depression in the clouds. For an unexplainable reason it switched Alaric into his Necrotic Assassin armor. A black energy shot down, engulfing the two. Vince shot out a golden eagle, but it disapated before it reached the column of darkness.

"What's going on?!" Vince shouted.

"I don't know," Aisha replied. The column widened before disappearing into the sky. When it left, Noxus held Alaric by the neck and tossed him aside. Alaric struggled to get up but Noxus slammed his foot into his back.

"You simpleton, believing you could challenge me?!" Noxus grabbed Alaric again, hoisting him upward. "You possess a great amount of necrotic power, however." Alaric slammed a foot into Noxus' side, doubling over. Alaric ran off and backflipped onto a roof. Aisha shot the arrow, striking Noxus. It caused an explosion to rip into the forest area. Alaric began gathering electrical energy around him. Vince gathered more holy energy for a Holy Dragon Spear.

"You're going to use that form here?!" Aisha shouted. Alaric's eyes began to flood with electricity as he stood up.

"I'm holding him off until Artix arrives." And with that Alaric was surrounded in explosive electrical energy, causing his body to become pure lightning but still keeping a humanoid shape. Noxus stepped out from the fire, wielding his staff.

"You plan to hold me off? Let's see what you can do." Alaric shot out to Noxus in less than seconds. Noxus raised his staff to erect a mile high mile wide wall of bone. Alaric slammed into it, breaking through and tackling Noxus. He dropped Noxus and kicked him off. Vince threw the spear, exploding on contact with Noxus. Aisha readied another golden arrow as Noxus quelled the explosion.

"Why do I even hold back on you mortals? I only need the Paladin." Then a golden beam blew Noxus into the forest miles away. When Vince turned around he saw Artix walking up to him.

"Vince, how long has this been going on?"

"About eleven minutes." Artix steadied his grip on the Blinding Light of Destiny. Then he noticed Aisha and Alaric.

"Who are they?"

"The girl is an assassin sent to exterminate Noxus and the other man is her friend AND a DeathKnight."

"Then why does he resemble a Lightning Elemental?"

"I guess there's more to him." Noxus then appeared behind Vince and drove the staff through his stomach.

"I don't have time for this!" And with that, he disappeared. Artix tried go swing, but he failed.

"Where did he take Vince?" Alaric cancelled the massive electrical energy surrounding him and channeled the last of the energy into the sky.

"The bottom of Necro U." Artix rose his axe and slammed it to his back.

"What for?!" Alaric summoned Agros and hopped on its back.

"It will be better if we leave now. Aisha ran to Alaric and got on the undead horse. She sat behind him, hugging his back. Artix whistled, and a horse wearing Paladin armor walked to him. He got on the steed as the two rode off to the Necropolis. As they raced off, Aisha blushed a little as she squeezed tighter.

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 4/30/2012 13:09:51 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 4
4/22/2012 21:55:35   

Chapter Four

Artix rushed through the crowd of undead, cutting down each and every one of them. As Necromancers began to reanimate the fallen undead they themselves were cut down by the undead summoned by Alaric.

"You seem to enjoy this," Alaric said to Artix as he choked a Necromancer to death.

"This isn't as fun as going through a crypt!" Alaric then took the body of a Necromancer and fed on his necrotic energy. After he had his fill he reanimated the Necromancer as a Lich, sending his new minion to destroy more undead for him. Aisha shot arrow after arrow into the skulls of limping and running undead, befalling them. Alaric began to float in midair, moving about and inspecting his progress. They were just about to reach the entrance of the Necropolis, a certain victory at Artix's rate. Alaric held the scythe in hand as he quickly engulfed a large group of undead in a magical circle. The tried to run out, certain of their doom. With a wave of his hand, he banished all the undead into a black pit, and sealing it after their fall.

"What was that?!" Artix shouted.

"I've banished their souls to a rather unforgiving place." Artix tried to look into Alaric's eyes, but he couldn't pierce through the dark shadow covering it. Alaric commanded his minions to explode, destroying the majority of the swarm of undead. Artix, in that same span, destroyed the remaining undead. When he was finished the entrance to the Necropolis was left open. Before it closed the three rushed in, sealed off from the outside world.

"Ok we're in," Artix said. Alaric looked around puzzled.

"That's odd. There's supposed to be some sort of gatekeeper guardian monstrosity here." At that moment a large black armored undead leaped from some location to in front of them.

"Spoke too soon," Aisha said. The GateKeeper summoned 4 undead minions to surround them. Aisha quickly shot them down, but they were replaced by double the previous amount. Alaric waved his scythe in the direction of the GateKeeper, depleting its necrotic energy.

"I temporarily took down its necromantic powers. Kill it now Artix." Artix quickly leaped over to it but the GateKeeper dodged. Artix swung around, cutting its arm off. The creature started to roar, but Artix decapitated it. Alaric grabbed its head and drained it of the powers binding the soul to the armor. The armor's soul quickly drifted into Alaric as he got up.

"What is the purpose of draining the undead you defeat?" Aisha asked.

"Its not really me using the energy. The scythe is sentient."

"Lets hurry and rescue Vince," Artix said. "I say we storm the Necropolis city." Alaric shook his head.

"Although you are the strongest Paladin Artix, even you cannot take on the entire city, especially Necro U."

"Alright then. How do you propose we get to the bottom of Necro U?"

"We sneak in of course."

"But how do we do that?" Aisha asked. "You're wearing the Necromantic Assassin uniform. I wont fit in, and especially Artix."

"You could enter Mystic Shadow mode. Artix, I could temporarily element swap you."


"I could temporarily give you darkness power, enough to swap your light magic for an hour."

"So that means you're going to make me undead?"

"No, not really. Actually, you'll become a DeathKnight." Artix stared at him.

"Only for an hour?"

"Yes. Plus, you wouldn't really make the best DeathKnight." But Alaric lied to himself. DeathKnight Artix could cause twice the havoc than Paladin Artix. Alaric made a circle around Artix and made a swirling column of darkness engulf Artix. When it dispersed Artix was full clad in the DeathKnight save for the sword and helm.

"Not bad Alaric," Artix said. "However, my axe is still, you know, golden." Alaric made an illusion that made it seem that the Blinding Light of Destiny was the DeathKnight blade. Aisha engulfed herself in shadow, becoming a moving mass of shadow with a woman's figure.

"So where to?" Aisha asked. Alaric began walking to the busy city of necromancy.

"Follow me, and we can get there in half an hour or so."

Artix nearly tripped as he walked down the secret stairs to the underground chamber under Necro U.

"Be quiet Artix," Alaric hissed. Artix nearly fainted earlier, having been surrounded by endless amounts of the undead. Aisha had to stop him multiple times before he could berserk.

"How far are we now?"

"We should be here now." Alaric opened a large wooden door and slipped in the room with the others behind. When they entered, they were filled with grief. Vince was pinned to an altar half naked and wounded beyond repair. Noxus had a rod stuck in his stomach and the other end to a gigantic tomb laden with skulls.

"Once the creature is resurrected by the blood of a Paladin I shall destroy that damned Artix and those traitorous Necromancers," Noxus said. Alaric shushed the others as he pinched to a pillar by the tomb. He tried to see the engravings but failed after a minute or two.

What does the inscription read? Alaric thought.

"Maybe if you inches closer you could see," Noxus said as he destroyed the pillar. Artix rushed in, sending out a golden dragon effigie at Noxus, but it dispersed. Noxus summoned zombie hands to immobilize the three.

"What are you doing Noxus?" Artix asked.

"Reviving the PaladinSlayer." Alaric's eyes gleamed with sheer terror.

"I thought it was only a mere legend."

"Oh, I did too," Noxus said," until I found this crypt. The Warden Chains were worn so expelling them wasn't a hard task. Finding a sacrifice wasn't either. Then he gestured to Vince.

"What is the legend of this PaladinSlayer?" Artix asked. Noxus smiled with glee.

"The PaladinSlayer was originally a DeathKnight named Dante who had a knack for killing Paladins. However, he desired more power. So one day, with the help of a lich he kidnapped 500 Necromancers and 500 DeathKnights. In doing so he sacrificed all of them and absorbed their power. As a lethal bonus he absorbed the lichen, becoming engulfed in unimaginable dark power. He soon developed a large armor out of the dead DeathKnights and layered them with their skulls. As with the Necromancers he compressed their bodies into a gigantic sword laden with skulls. Finally he took the Lich's skull and fashioned a helm out of it. Thus, the PaladinSlayer was born."

"That doesn't explain why Dante is inside that tomb if he was so unstoppable."

"After a few decades Dante nearly wiped out the Paladin Order. Then, as a blessed gift by the Avatars, a Spirit Warden engaged Dante in a fight. Dante soon lost and was sealed away. The Spirit Warden then entombed him with Warden Chains, ensuring a tightly sealed coffin. However, that was 500 years ago. I plan on unleashing Dante back into the world once more. Watch as the fall of the Paladin Order commences!" Noxus then forced the blood out from Vince, killing him effectively. He transferred the blood through the rod into the tomb. A large shaking occurred, followed by dark energy seeping from the tomb.

"Artix you need to escape!" Alaric shouted. Alaric forcefully sent the zombie hands back into the ground and the three started to run. As they neared the door a large group of DeathKnights stormed in. The tomb's lid exploded, and a very large figure got out.

"Get out of our way!" Alaric shouted as he sent a giant stream of lightning into the crowd. As the DeathKnights laid on the ground, dazed and paralyzed, the three rushed out. They entered the main hallways of Necro U, fighting their way out. Soon they reached the steps to the entrance of the Necropolis. They quickly ran up and destroyed the gate. They spilled out in DoomWood, tired and out of breath.

"What do I do?" Artix asked. Alaric got up and summoned his DeathKnight blade.

"We try out our new foe." As he said that a gigantic beam of black energy shot out from the gates of the Necropolis. Alaric summoned a giant wall of bones, but the beam broke through and struck him in the chest. The PaladinSlayer crept out, tossing Vince's body to the side.

"Fresh, weak prey!" Dante shouted. Artix looked back, but Alaric was knocked out cold.

"This isn't going to be fun."

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 4/30/2012 13:10:08 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 5
4/24/2012 13:27:31   

Chapter Five

Artix raised his axe, but Dante knocked it away from his grip. The PaladinSlayer grabbed him by the neck and tossed him into a tree. Artix tried to blast him with light magic, but the immense number of skulls proved otherwise.

"You silly insolent Paladin. The amount of skulls I possess can deflect your trivial light blasts." Then he picked up Artix by the hair. Artix kicked off Dante and rushed to his axe. As quickly as Artix swung it around Dante clashed with his sword. Artix drove him off and blasted a light sphere into Dante. The PaladinSlayer was pushed back a little, enough to give Artix an escape. Aisha shot a few dozen arrows at Dante, who in return blasted her back with a dark energy beam. When he turned Artix kicked him in the face and slashing into his shoulder. Artix backflipped and landed on the ground.

"I thought the PaladinSlayer was supposed to kill Paladins. You're just like any normal undead to me." Artix ran to Dante, but was stopped by his rising undead minions. Artix quickly destroyed through them and jumped, coming down with a heavy blow. Dante grabbed the axe and tossed Artix. As he held the grip the axe began transforming. The blade burned away, leaving black steel in its place. From the middle of the axe undead hands sprouted out making a wing shape. A skull with iron rods in it popped out, eyes glowing red with death. The outer blades became razor and jagged as Dante rose the blade.

"Yes! Bow to me Shadow Reaper of Doom!" The blade screamed out as it glowed red. Dante walked over to Artix and picked him up. As he brought down the axe Artix kicked Dante in the gut and flipper over his shoulder. Dante however sped up and held out the axe to slash Artix. Before he could he was met by another blade: the Final DeathKnight Blade of Sir Malifact. It's cold black and gold steel slid off from the Shadow Reaper of Doom as Dante drew back. Alaric panted heavily as he readied the sword.

"I was afraid that would happen to the axe," he said to Artix. Alaric ran to Dante who was awaiting him. They clashed heavily, releasing wild necrotic energy.

"You are a Necromancer. Don't believe we are equal!" Dante pushed, but Alaric threw him off. Before they could attack Noxus appeared and struck a small dagger into Dante. Dante fell to his knees, becoming controlled. After a minute he got back up, poised as any undead minion.

"Now you are under my jurisdiction," Noxus said. He grinned evilly at Alaric and Artix. "This confrontation is over. If you try to follow I will sacrifice 9 more Paladins. It takes 1 to revive, but 9 to restore apex power." With that said they disappeared in a flash of darkness.

"My axe....," Artix said. "And...Vince." Alaric walked over to Vince and kneeled next to him. He grabbed Vince's arm and called out a spell quietly. Instantly Alaric glowed red and Vince glowed white. His wounds began to heal, spiking Artix's curiosity. Then, as if he never died, Vince got up. Alaric fell to the ground drained of energy.

"I'm alive!" Vince shouted. Artix looked at him and began to shed a tear.

"Pass my sword and the PaladinSlayer's sword," Alaric said. Vince brought the Final DeathKnight Blade and Artix brought Dante's sword. Alaric grabbed their handles and glew red. The weapons glew gold as Alaric drained their dark power. The Final DeathKnight Blade turned completely gold, shimmering in the moon-lit sky. It burned in his hand as he threw it to the side. Dante's sword turned crimson red as Alaric began to over-corrupt it. Skulls sprouted on the hilt, their horns stretching out ti the sides. The blade turned completely black and glowed bright red. Finally, Alaric let it roll to his side. He took his scythe and merged it with the sword. The sword became a very long katana but radiated more evil. When he was complete Alaric grabbed his chest in pain.

"What's wrong?" Artix asked.

"I've...went...over...my mana limit." Aisha got up and noticed Vince and Artix stand over Alaric. She ran, kneeling at Alaric's side.

"I've endangered your life. I'm sorry Alaric."

"You did no harm to me. Stop complaining."

"I can heal you."

"How do you propose doing that?" She leaned over and kissed him on the lips. She blushed, but she knew what to do. Quickly, Alaric started to look healthier. She raised her head staring at him. Alaric only smiled as he got up.

"Thanks." Aisha got up, smirking.

"Don't think I've gone soft on you." Artix held the new golden DeathKnight blade.

"This is mine now?" Alaric nodded.

"The Golden Heavenbringer is yours now." Then he picked up the katana and sheathed it to his back.

"Where will we head off to now?" Vince asked.

"The Paladin Keep. We need to warn all the Paladins of Dante's coming," Artix said.

"We're also going to need some assistance. What do we know of Dante's powers so far?" Aisha said.

"He can deflect light magic and he emits black beams that can knock you out for a while," Artix said.

"He's very fast as well, despite wearing all that armor," Alaric chimed in.

"Now where can we find a Spirit Warden?" Aisha asked. Alaric shook his head.

"We're going to need to destroy him for good. A being with such power shouldn't even be existent on Lore."

"How?" Artix asked.

"I'm not so sure right now. I might have to add him to my Collection, but it's a slight chance it will work."

"You could always use that spell," Aisha suggested.

"No. It's too risky."

"What spell?" Artix asked.

"Revoke the Avatars."


"It's a spell in which the User summons the Elemental Avatars to defeat an opponent with the Elemental Fury attack."

"That sounds great!"

"The thing is, you have to use your body as an amplifier to truly destroy the opponent. The survivability chance is extremely low."

"That's stupid," Vince said.

"But it would destroy Dante. You guys could take care of Noxus if by chance I don't live."

"So will you use it?" Aisha asked.

"Yea, why not?" Artix shook his head.

"You maybe a Necromancer but you have a kind heart. You shouldn't throw such a wonderful life away."

"I really couldn't care anymore. I don't mind sacrificing myself." Artix wanted to talk, but he lost hus words.

"So what do we do now?"

"Head to the Paladin Keep," Aisha said. The others nodded, but Alaric raised a hand.

"Could we at least head to a tavern? I'm hungry."

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 4/30/2012 13:10:27 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 6
4/28/2012 14:31:25   

Chapter Six

A young Alaric ran through the dark forest escaping the capture of an unseen monster. He held only a small rusted dagger in his hand, holding it close to his heart. He tripped, and the dagger shot out through his back. As he struggled to his feet the severe blood loss sent him back to the floor. As he looked ahead he noticed a familiar figure run to him. He wore a black trench coat that had a very large collar that reached to the back of his ears, black pants accompanied by knee-high boots, and a black button shirt. His full black eyes showed every ounce of anger under his long black straight hair. As the figure reached to him Alaric felt himself rise. The figure reached out a hand, trying to grab Alaric's rising body. Alaric grabbed his hand and pulled himself to the figure. The beast emerged, speeding at them.

"Don't go Jet," Alaric shouted. Jet summoned dual flaming pistols as he ran to the beast. It was a black amalgamation of body parts and limbs, reaching out. Jet shot round after round into the beast, but to no avail. As he ran around the creature he tripped, leaving himself open. As the beast lowered to devour him Alaric passed out, falling into the recesses of his mind.

Alaric woke up, falling out of bed. His entire body ached but that was normal. He looked out from his window in the Amityvale Inn, staring into the dark abyss of the forest area around him. Dante and Noxus were out there, kidnapping and sacrificing Paladins to destroy the Paladin Keep. But, the dream of his brother Jet disturbed him greatly. As a breeze flew in the room he swore he could have sensed Jet's presence. Surely not, as Jet has been dead for more than 360 years. Then again, he couldn't doubt the mysteries of the universe. Maybe he did survive that night and ran off, but that wouldn't explain why he would run off. After a while to think Alaric walked back to his bed and stared into the ceiling. He never slept for the rest of the night.

Alaric held a transparent orb in his hand, staring into it. It began to grow darker, and after a minute, completely black. It glew red, with two menacing red eyes flashing inside it. He then teleported the orb back to his Collection chamber inside a seperate dimensional space. Artix looked at him in confusion.

"So that orb has your DeathKnight magic stored inside it?"

"Pretty much, yes." Then he summoned another orb. This time, the orb did contain magic. It contained black, red and silver colored mana inside, swirling lazily. He absorbed it, and glowed white. When he stopped glowing he found himself in a new attire. He wore a black and gold trench coat that came down to the back of his knees. Accompanied by it were black pants with knee high black and gold boots. He wore a large belt with a skull buckle. Along the sides of the coat were golden buckles and a black shirt underneath. Strapped to his waist were two very large devilish pistols.

"So what are you now?"

"An Obsidian Gunslinger." As he said that Vince came in holding a small knife in one hand and a loaf of bread in another.

"What's with the new get-up? Are you supposed to be a pirate captain of something?"

"No, I'm a Gunslinger."

"Not many of those around anymore, huh?"

"I'm not so sure. This was the first class I was taught." Artix sighed, gesturing to the skull buckle.

"What's with the skull buckle?"

"It's the skull of a lich I had killed for bounty."

"You were a bounty hunter?"

"That's all in my very long and quite bothersome past. We live in the now." Alaric then walked to the door, but turned to Vince before leaving.

"They're serving breakfast?"

"Yea. I know the sun doesn't rise here but they can tell time." Alaric shrugged as he opened the door and left to eat.

Aisha was sitting at a table talking to a couple of people when Alaric arrived. Pretending to not notice he walked over to the counter and sat on one of the barstools. A woman wearing a black corset and red dress appeared from the door, catching Aisha's attention. Not really paying attention she turned back to her table and continued the conversation. However, when the woman sat next to Alaric she truly began to pay attention. The woman had glossy red lips with long black hair with a bang covering over one eye. Judging by the one exposed eye Aisha could tell she had purple eyes. She began talking to Alaric. They began talking as a waitress came and asked them what they wanted. After telling the waitress what they wanted she walked off into the kitchen, leaving Alaric and the mysterious woman alone again. Ignoring the thoughts in her head Aisha went back to talking to the crowd of people at her table.

The waitress came back and handed them two small cups filled with tea. As she left the woman inched up closer to him, interested in Alaric. Her slim, voluptuous appearance made Aisha feel uncomfortable. Artix came down from upstairs, holding his sword in hand.

"Alaric there's a whole graveyard filled with undead just a few minutes from here!" Alaric smiled.

"Sounds like fun."

"I know!" Artix shouted as he ran out the door. "Ill be back in a while!" As soon as Artix left Vince ran behind him.

"Graveyard! Undead! Tons of them!" Alaric waved as Vince left trailing Artix.

"They seem quite excited about the Graveyard," the woman said.

"They're Paladins. I'm not saying all Paladins are crazed over killing undead but those two make an exception." The woman giggled.

"So what's a great guy like you doing here in Amityvale?"

"Not much reasons, just to rest." She leaned in to Alaric her lips to his ear.

"I get really lonely around here. Why not come to my place soon?"

"Sure, why not?" She smiled and kissed him.

"I'll see you around Alaric Mycroft." And with that she walked out. Alaric shook his head, smiling as he drank the rest of his tea. After the crowd of people left Aisha walked up to Alaric and sat next to him.


"What's up?"

"I saw that lady you were talking to."

"Yea, what about it?"

"Are you trying to...you know...?"

"Pick her up? No. However, I will be meeting up with her in a bit."

"You're so sure you're not trying to pick her up? That kiss wasn't very convincing to me."

"Oh, don't worry. She's actually vital to the location of Dante and Noxus."

Alaric stood inside the opening of a very large mausoleum, staring at the Gothic architecture on the ceiling. The tomb in the middle had no contents, but he knew the contents. The woman from earlier appeared from thin air in front of him.

"I'm glad you came."

"Same here." She grabbed Alaric's collar with her vampiric strength, pulling him to her. She kissed him deeply, squezzing him to her tighter. She pulled back and elongated her fangs. Before she got the chance to bite down Alaric had one pistol pressed to her heart and the other to her temple.

"I see you didn't come for the love." Alaric looked at her, and all the warmth in his eyes drained out instantly.

"Where is the PaladinSlayer?"

"I don't know. Maybe...if you let me drink a pint maybe the memory would come back to me." At that moment five undead Gunslingers appeared, pointing their pistols at her neck and head.

"I don't negotiate so easily."

"OK. They're heading for Darkovia. The Necromancer mentioned that they needed Paladins, and there was a small fort filled with 'just the right amount'." With that Alaric de-summoned the undead Gunslingers.

"Thanks for the cooperation." As he walked she sighed.

"I was serious about being lonely though." Alaric turned to her and looked into her eyes. Even though she was a vampiric siren he saw honesty. He summoned a familiar undead vampire he recently necrotized.

"You summoned me again for round two DeathKnight?" the undead vampire said. Alaric grabbed his head and turned him back into a vampire, with flesh and hair and all.

"No, but you have a wife now." Then the vampire noticed the woman, standing alone.

"She's beautiful."

"And she's single." The woman noticed the vampire and smiled shyly. The vampire ran to her and held her hands. They stared into each other's eyes and hugged. Alaric smiled as he walked off.

"Thank you," the woman said. Alaric waved a hand.

"Hey, DeathKnight." Alaric turned around.


"Whenever you stop by in the area again, make sure to visit." Alaric laughed.

"I won't forget."

Alaric sat down on a park bench by the Graveyard entrance. He heard the battle cries of Artix and Vince accompanied by the moans of the undead and the clashing of weapons. He stretched back on the bench and yawned. As he looked around a series of gunshots rang in the air. Judging by the echoing they came from the Graveyard. Alaric grabbed his guns and ran inside. He met the sight of Artix and Vince combating a Gunslinger. However, he looked more Necromancer than Gunslinger.

"Alaric! Good timing," Artix shouted. When he said that the Necro-Gunslinger turned to Alaric.

"Oh my...Alaric!" At the sound of that voice Alaric's eyes watered with tears.


< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 4/30/2012 13:10:46 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 7
4/30/2012 13:29:32   

Chapter Seven

Jet sheathed his bone-ridden pistols as he ran to Alaric. Alaric did the same. They embraced, hugging each other.

"Who is he?" Artix asked.

"This is my brother Jet Mycroft."

"You mean the Jet Mycroft? Greatest Gunslinger in all of Lore Jet Mycroft?" Vince asked.

"The one and the only."

"But that's impossible. Jet Mycroft died over 300 years ago. There's no way he's still alive."

"Oh, but I am," Jet said. "You see, I may have been a Gunslinger, but I also practiced Necromancy. Right before I was to 'supposedly' die from a Dark Abomination I activated my pylatchery necklace. As I died I became a Lich, and ran away from the scene."

"That's why you ran away?" Alaric asked. Jet scratched his short orange hair as he tried not to look at Alaric.

"You see, in our family bloodline we always find a way to reach immortality one way or the other. Either becoming a Lich, stealing the immortality from someone or something immortal or being in the small circumstance of naturally inheriting immortality from our family blood line." Then he nudged at Alaric. "Judging by what the Paladin just said it seems you've achieved immortality. How?"

"I don't know. After my 24th birthday I stopped aging in appearance. Then I stopped aging altogether." Artix looked at him.

"So you're immortal?"

"I guess so. I mean, like the oldest person in our entire family is over 12,000 years old, and she looks thirty." Jet nodded.

"So what are you three doing here in Amityvale?"

"We're hunting down a Necromancer and a PaladinSlayer who plans on destroying the Paladin Keep."

"You could need assistance, but sadly that won't be me."

"How come?"

"I'm on a hunt of my own, but I'm tracking the whereabouts of a rogue SoulWeaver. However, I can lend someone you know dearly to help."

"Who exactly?" With that a woman stepped out from the brushes holding a purple flintlock in her hand. She wore exactly what Alaric was wearing, but with a purple and black color scheme. In the place of pants was a black and purple skirt. She had long white hair that extended to her back, accompanied by soft green eyes. She looked up and noticed Alaric. She blushed as she diverted her eyes from him.

"Who is she?" Vince asked.

"I'm Rebecca Nightraven." Vince shrugged then started walking to the entrance of the Graveyard.

"So where is Noxus and Dante?"

"They're headed straight for the Paladin Keep. If we get there quickly we could face them before they get there," Alaric said. Artix spun around his sword and sheathed it to his side.

"Let's go now." And with that he ran off. He stopped at the gate however, waiting on Alaric. Jet waved his hand.

"Just give us a quick second Paladin." Then he turned to Alaric and Rebecca. "After this whole PaladinSlayer nonsense you two can accompany me." Alaric shrugged.

"I joined a guild a couple decades ago, so I have something to go back to." Rebecca looked away. Jet turned around, heading for the other side of the Graveyard.

"Stay safe Alaric. I wouldn't want to be brother-less now." With that, he walked away. Alaric smiled at Rebecca.

"How's it been?"

"Everything's....been....good." They started walking over to Artix and Vince as they began to walk back to Amityvale.

Dante struggled to get up after being hit by a light bomb. He and Noxus had reached the Paladin Keep, but were being held back by a strong resistance. The Paladins heard news of their arrival and prepared a vicious offense. Most of his skulls had been blown away by the numerous light bombs, revealing a slick shadowy body underneath. Noxus was killed by the first bomb, but managed to transfer his energy to Dante. As he got back up he tried to summon more undead minions, but fell to his knees.

"Prepare for your doom PaladinSlayer!" a voice shouted. A small whistilng sound echoed through the night air as the exlposion ripped into the earth. When the dust settled, Dante had all his armor returned to him, and grew. He soon towered over the tree-lines of DoomWood, and after a minute or two, above the Keep. Dante destroyed one of the main towers with a single swipe of his hand. The Paladins cowered in fear, some staying back to combat the oversized PaladinSlayer. However, they were only swatted to the side. As Dante started on intaking Paladins, a giant light orb shot through him. He screamed, shrinking a bit. When he turned, he was met by a familiar sight. Artix, wieling the Golden Heavenbringer, stood poised as he readied for battle. Vince stood back to back with him, encircling magical light energy around his fists. Alaric held two dragon-themed pistols in his hand, ready to decimate Dante.

"Oh look, everyone's here!" Dante shouted. He grabbed a handful of Paladins and ingested them. "I've sacrificed more Paladins than needed. I can take care of you all on my own." He shrunk down to normal size amid a black smoke. Two axe-wielding Paladins rushed out ready to kill Dante. He only needed to grab their heads to crush them into brain matter. He raced foreward, sending a fist in Alaric's direction. Everyone evaded, just in case. Alaric jumped up and shot dozens of light bullets into Dante's back. The PaladinSlayer retaliated, flying straight for him. Alaric fell to the ground just in time as Dante swiped the air with his sword. As he turned he was met by Vince's fist. His face turned to avoid the incoming blow. In that split second he kicked Vince over into a tree, felling it. Artix dashed in, clashing weapons with Dante.

"You will fall tonight PaladinSlayer!"

"Not before you fall Kreiger!" Dante kicked Artix in the stomach, sending blood out from his mouth. As Artix flew across the field Alaric sent multiple glowing bullets into Dante's head. The PaladinSlayer fell to his knees, leaving him open. Vince jumped in, punching him in the face. Dante flew across into the ground, creating a rather large crater. The three began walking to Dante, who quickly got up and readied his sword.

"Now!" Alaric shouted. Vince and Artix jumped away, leaving Dante and him to battle. Artix sent his palm out, making Alaric glow. Alaric threw his pistols to the ground and unsheathed a raiper. He made a circle in front of him and then twirled. With that 8 black openings appeared around the two. Before Dante began to escape Alaric shook his head. "The barriers will incinerate you."

"But I shall die anyways!"

"Too bad." One by one the openings began to fade. One faded into a fiery realm, another into a frozen realm. The next became very bright and the one opposite it became very dark and shadowy. Next to that one it revealed a very gray and very windy realm and across from it was filled with dust and earth. The second to final showed a near-oceanic realm and next to it a very golden-like realm with intense static. Dante readied his sword as he stepped back.

"You....this spell!"

"Elementalal Tyraid." The portals connected into one chain of elemental portals, shooting beams of elemental energy into Alaric's body. He instantly glew white, even his clothes. He became an outline of his former self with blazing gold eyes.

"I SHAll END YOU!" Dante shouted as he rushed at Alaric.

"Stop in your place PaladinSlayer!" Alaric commanded. His voice sounded multiplied, signaling Dante to know who was speaking.

"The Elemental Lords."

"You have pushed our Servant to revoke our divine powers, PaladinSlayer." Alaric put out his hand, sending forth colorful chains to restrain Dante. He tried to grow in size but the chains held him to the floor. The portals closed in on Dante. He struggled, trying to get up but to no avail. The portals unleashed a torrent of elemental magic on Dante, making him disperse into 8 parts. They floated into the portals as they closed. Alaric stopped glowing and fell to the floor. The upper part of his body was burned off, including his top clothes. Steam flowed from his body as he gasped for air. As he got up the Elemental Avatars appeared behind him.

"Young Mycroft," Voidstar said, "you're dying my friend!"

"Using that spell was very ignorant of you," Fiamme said.

"He did it to protect the others," Celestrias retorted.

"Why do we argue when a trusted ally dies before us?" Haeos commanded.

"We must try and preserve his life while his heart still beats," Khazri said.

"Come my brothers and sisters," Neso asked,"let us make him anew."

"We come to your aid," Kyanos commanded. They held out their hands, forming an elemental sphere around him. The burning ceased, with his skin and clothes returning. Artix looked on in awe as the Avatars themselves worked to revive Alaric. As he got up Alaric noticed the Avatars surrounding him. As he reached out they disappeared, save for Voidstar and Celestrias.

"Alaric Mycroft you have used a spell that would have killed any normal magic user," Celestrias said.

"We have healed you old friend," Voidstar said,"but be warned. If this occurs again don't think you will be so lucky." With that they dispersed themselves.

"Thank you," Alaric said. Artix and Vince hugged Alaric as he turned to them.

"My friend, you willingly let your life be taken to save ours," Artix said. "You're a Paladin in my book." When Vince backed away he noticed a pulsing energy of light behind him. When he turned he was met by a familiar sight.

"The Blinding Light of Destiny." Artix ran and grabbed the axe and held it high. Alaric dusted off his clothes as he noticed the axe.

"I forgot to tell you that another effect of the spell was the revoking of my magical powers." Artix looked at Alaric with sadness, then with amazement.

"I think you're wrong." Alaric shrugged then noticed electrical currents going through his body randomly.

"Ive lost my Necromancy...and every other one of my saved classes. I only feel Dynamancy."

"So what do we do now?" Then Artix looked at the Paladin Keep, which by chance, was restored to its former glory. The Paladins were inside, evident by the loud noise coming from it.

"Vince, lets go."

"You sure? What about the war?"

"With Noxus dead it's all pointless. The armies are retreating hopefully." Then he turned to Alaric. "Thank you again. If you are ever in the area, you're always welcomed here. Alaric smiled as he began walking away.

"Thanks Artix."

As Alaric walked away he felt a sudden shiver run up his spine.

"I can't help but feel like I'm being watched." Shrugging he continued to Amityvale. However, on a cliff far away the shadow of a DoomKnight loomed over, watching his every move.

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 5/24/2012 18:39:44 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 8
5/6/2012 13:56:41   



The DoomKnight swung his sword at Alaric but narrowly missed. Alaric jumped over him and entered his Living Energy form. The DoomKnight sent forth thousands of black skulls at Alaric, who quickly sped through them and tackled the DoomKnight into a slab of rock. Alaric jumped back as the tired DoomKnight swung his sword.

"You believe a fledgling Dynamancer can defeat me?" the DoomKnight said. Alaric gathered a spear of energy in his hand.

"You believe me to be a fledgling?" Alaric shot the spear into the DoomKnight before he could react. "You are surely mistaken my friend." The DoomKnight struggled to get up but Alaric snapped his neck. He grabbed his neck and began to absorb his powers. As he did a certain unnatural energy filled him, as well as a certain knowledge. After that he ran off to Swordhaven with an urgent message. It was bad enough that he was heading for Swordhaven but this was more urgent.

In 24 hours Sepulchure will hold a siege on Swordhaven, and he won't hold back.

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 5/6/2012 14:03:03 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 9
5/6/2012 16:11:27   

Chapter One

"We only have but a few hours!" Alteon said as he held in his grip a golden dragon-like sword.

"I've warned the Paladin Keep. Every Paladin and even the Highlords will be here before Sepulchure get's here," Alaric said. King Alteon peered out the castle window and noticed the endless waves of Paladins entering Swordhaven.

"We still have time." Alaric now was in the DoomKnight armor, the same as the DoomKnight who he killed. However, restored it back to perfect condition. "How do I know I should trust you?"

"My King, do you remember the revolution against Slugwrath?"

"Yes, of course."

"And do you remember Colonel Mycroft, who helped siege this very castle?"

"Of course, he was a great colonel." Then Alaric took out a small grey and red medal and held it Alteon. He gasped, admiring it. "It's good to see you again."

"Should we activate Morning Star?" Alteon looked outside again, noticing the last line of Paladins entering the city.

"Send the message to every nearby town to send every hero they can. With Sepulchure in the way of the heroes we shall win easily." Then he turned to Alaric. "Begin Morning Star Mode." Alaric ran out the throne room and dashed into the messaging room. There was a small portal-like station situated in the center. He stood in it and channeled his magical energy into it. As he did he transmitted the message across to every city nearby asking for assistance in helping against the siege. When he finished he ran to the top tower and activated a series of magical panels. As this happened the walls began to raise and became laden with magical cannons and catapults. The walls themselves became reinforced with iron, diamond, obsidian, gold and extensive light and darkness barriers. The main tower became riddled with archer stations and ten more towers arose with the same stations but with magical cannons. The Paladins encircled the walls, ready for the oncoming siege. When he was finished Alaric was met by a Highlord who greeted him.


"Do I know you?" The Highlord took off his helm, which really revealed him to be a her. Her hair was long and grayish. Her eyes were emerald green coupled by her shapely figure.

"Do you know me now?" Alaric hugged her that same moment.

"My sister, Gwyn, how long has it been?"

"Long enough Alaric. How have you been?"

"I've been great. I actually saw Jet."

"Really? I thought he was dead."

"He became a Lich. But still he's a Gunslinger, so don't try and kill him."

"Thanks for the heads up. Well I'm here to help strategize."

"You and me strategizing? It's going to be like old times, no?" Gwyn smiled as she peered out the main window. A flying dracolich castle approached on the horizon, followed by an endless swarm of undead soldiers.

"A piece of cake, you mean?" She slid her hand across a panel which send hundreds of light bombs to fly through the air. An eruption exploded into the waves of undead, starting the battle.

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 5/6/2012 18:28:37 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 10
5/7/2012 20:19:29   

Chapter Two

Hundreds of light bombs raced across the night sky and slammed into Sepulchure's Flying Castle. The Great Dragon roared out in pain but did not wane. It breathed a volatile jet stream of black and green fire. The fire slammed into the city walls, chipping it a bit. The Paladins and Undead furiously fought it out, the casualties already in the hundreds. King Alteon then commanded the Knights into battle, aiding the Paladins. In return Sepulchure sent his DoomKnights tron the Flying Castle. They came down decimating everything in sight, friend or foe.

"He's sent the DoomKnights out there," Gwyn said. "Should we send in the HighLords?" Alaric shook his head as he commanded hundreds or magical cannons to fire into the undead waves. Thousands died, but more filled their place.

"No, not now. Wait until the heroes come in." Gwyn nodded as he gave the ok for the Royal Rangers to step out.

"Royal Rangers: LightStorm!" The rangers, clad in half knight half ranger uniform, shot hundreds of thousands of arrows into the sky. They came down on the Flying Castle in a bright explosion. The Dracolich roared and breathed the necrotic fire straight into the Paladin group. Their screams echoed throughout the air as Alaric commanded for the Healers to rush in. To back them up the Wizards tagged along, causing magical hell for the Undead. The DoomKnights slowly pinched their way to the City Walls, killing scores of Paladins. Alaric looked at the group and hatched an idea.

"Gwyn remember how we used to hunt basilisks in Surewood?'

"Of course."

"Remember how they would beat us every day for 2 years straight?"

"Yea. The best of times."

"The way how we found a loophole to beat them. This could apply now?" She nodded, then smiled in excitement.

"We're going to fight now?"

"Yea. Just remember the loophole." Gwyn nodded as she rushed out the window. Alaric jumped out as well, both landing on the battlefield. She summoned dual light daggers that looked familiar to Alaric.

"I know what you're thinking. Yep, these are the Twin Blades of Destiny." Alaric laughed.

"I guess I'm going to learn firsthand how to use DoomKnight spells." With that a few DoomKnights rushed for them. Gwyn swiftly decapitated three, leaving two left. Alaric kicked one on the back of the head. It walked forward and fell back. As it did Alaric snapped its neck. The last jumped, but Alaric shot a stream of lightning through it.

"That seemed too easy," Gwyn said.

"I know." Then a DoomKnight came around from a tree and grabbed Gwyn by the waist. He began to drag her back, but Alaric attacked. The DoomKnight released Gwyn, who impaled him with her daggers. As that happened Alaric shoved his arm through his neck. He slid it out and began absorbing the DoomKnight's energy.

"Look out!" Gwyn shouted as an undead jumped from the bushes. Alaric turned and punched its skull into a rock slab, destroying it. Then he quickly attacked another DoomKnight. The DoomKnight threw him back, but Alaric recovered.

"You've handled all the clones so far," the DoomKnight growled. Alaric smirked as he cut into the stomach of the DoomKnight.

"You believe me to be a simpleton," Alaric said. "You don't realize what you are fighting." Gwyn jumped in and kicked the DoomKnight into a tree. As he got up Alaric kicked him in the head, killing him effectively.

"The DoomKnights....they don't know the hell one Mycroft can cause," Gwyn said. Alaric laughed as he absorbed the DoomKnight's energy.

"The power of two Mycrofts is a force to be reckoned with!"

Alteon controlled the magical panels as he began to turn the tides of the siege. Already, the first set of heroes arrived, evident by the swarming amounts of DragonLords. He commanded several light bombs to strike the battlefield, destroying portions of the undead forces. From the Flying Castle, Sepulchure sent forth his LichLords. With their arrival millions of undead arose, completely flipping the tides. The Paladins were forced into the city, followed by the Knights, and ultimately, Gwyn and Alaric. The two raced up into the Command Tower to assist King Alteon. When they got there Alteon was already staring out into the endless wave of undead.

"The heroes, they must arrive soon."

"We can last a siege. We have enough supplies and food to last months," Alaric said. Alteon shrugged as he witnessed the undead attacking the walls.

"Even then, the city walls in Siege Mode only have 10 barriers, and out of them 4 are magical. I'd say we have a week or so." Alaric shrugged as he took back control of the Magical Panels.

"I have an idea. An idea that actually, could work."

"By Loritha's magic tell us now!" Alteon said.

"Streamline Magic."

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 5/8/2012 19:04:21 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 11
5/17/2012 11:51:25   

Chapter Three

A small bird eased out of it's nest as the aura of a DoomKnight rotted the tree. Its eggs would have to die, her unborn chicks turning undead. As she flew away the undead birds rushed in and devourered their mother, squaking in glee. Sepulchure stood next to his DoomKnight subordinates as he peered at Swordhaven's glimmering lights and battle-ready defenses.

"Lord Sepulchure," a DoomKnight said,"there are three people with high mana levels coming from the top tower."

"Alteon the Good and Gwyn the Highlady, that I'm aware of. However, there seems to be another DoomKnight with them. But he has the aura of a ThunderKnight." The other DoomKnights shifted, becoming uneasy. ThunderKnights were extremely volatile warriors of the Energy Lord. Their power, like the other Champion Knights, somewhat rivaled DoomKnights, but ThunderKnights were faster.

"Shall we destroy their walls?" a DoomKnight asked.

"Yes. Send in the Undead Abomination.

"You always had a great affinity to energy," Gwyn said. Alaric had shot a small stream of energy from his index finger into a small burnt tree outside the castle walls. He kept the energy at a stable pace, so he wouldn't set off a wide area discharge. He flicked his finger, and the stream of energy shot into the sky. For a minute nothing happened, but suddenly rain fell. Heavily. Thunder slowly came, and after a minute, lighting.

"Now with a good source of Lightning I can set up some traps." He got up, but a surge of Doom energy shot through his body. He staggered a bit, but Gwyn grabbed him before he could fall.

"Brother, are you ok?"

"Yea. The DoomKnight energy is being merged."

"With what?"

"I can't say exactly what it is now." He coughed into his hand. When he moved it he noticed the splotch of blood covering his knuckles. His skin started to grow pale as his eyes turned solid black. Alaric fell back and sliiped into unconsciousness.

"Alaric!" A large thud came from outside, forcing Gwyn to investigate. When she looked outside she couldn't believe her eyes. A gigantic undead creature was breaking through the wall layers as if they were mounds of sand. Already the other Highlords went to combat the beast. She turned back to her brother, who was going through a transformation process only a handful of people knew. His affinity to energy was fusing with Doom.

The Highlords had defeated the Abomination after a few minutes but by the time they were finished only two layers remained. A single beam of red energy broke through the rest, leaving a gaping hole. The Overlords quickly swarmed in, combating the Highlords. Sepulchure rushed in along with his entire army. Alteon stood next to Gwyn, who herself was holding Alaric. Sepulchure entered the room, smiling.

"King Alteon the Good and Gwyn the Highlady. So good to see you two." Then he gestured to Alaric. "I see you're harboring a ThunderKnight."

"He's not a ThunderKnight. He's only a Dynamancer," Gwyn said.

"Nonetheless, I came to kill you Alteon." Gwyn looked at the old king, who readied a marvelous golden dragon sword.

"It's a pity that the Old Prophecy has to come to fruitation." Sepulchure dashed at him, but Alteon dodged. Gwyn was surprised. Alteon was faster than she thought. Alteon swung the sword, clashing with the Necrotic Blade of Doom. The static energy ripped the ground beneath the two, causing the castle to shake. Gwyn looked to her brother, who was still out. However, she felt his mana level jump. His body began to give off static energy, and even the static energy became visible.

"What is happening to you Alaric?" Sepulchure unclashed and kicked Alteon in the stomach. The king flew back but got his footing. Sepulchure ran at him, but Alteon spun around and punched the DoomKnight smack in the face. Sepulchure flew through the air crashing in a wall.

"I'm not as old as you believe," Alteon said as he readied his sword. Sepulchure smirked, wiping blood from his mouth.

"I'm not as pathetic as you think." The two rushed in, clashing again. They raised swords and clashed again, and again, and again until the walls were becoming undone. Gwyn rested her brother aside, shooting a large ray of light into Sepulchure. He caught it in his hand and crushed it. As he did Gwyn punched him in the face and slashed at his arm. He raised it, but Alteon grabbed it and tossed him to the ceiling.

"You end here Sepulchure," Gwyn said as she readied her axe in hand. Sepulchure laughed.

"You pathetic Highlord! You believe you possess even a fraction of power to harm me?" He slashed the blade, sending a large blast of darkness into the two. She grimaced in pain, causing Alaric to shudder. He landed and kicked her in the stomach. Quickly he turned and punched Alteon into a wall. He started to become engulfed in a static-like Doom aura. As he walked to Gwyn Alteon dashed at him. The two clashed again. Gwyn rose to her feet and lunged at Sepulchure. He unclashed with Alteon and drove the Necrotic Blade of Doom into his stomach. He then swung it, slashing her stomach open. She fell down, dying from the wound. Sepulchure walked to Alteon and stomped on his head, killing the king. He then turned to Gwyn, who managed to heal herself a bit. Sepulchure kicked the axe out of her hand and grabbed her by the neck, hoisting her up.

"You will pay for killing Alteon!" A large lightning bolt appeared outside, dispersing as it came down. Sepulchure laughed.

"Your end is here." He raised his sword and brought it down. It slammed into the shoulder of a knight armor unfamiliar to Gwyn. It had broad spiked shoulder plates that resembled the Overlord's own but the spikes were straight. The chest plating was all fit to fit into the chest, but it had intricate symbols on it. The leggings were spiky and dangerous looking, as energy crackled on it. The helm resembled Tropy's helm in every way possible, but the spikes were straight and the color silver. The entire armor was silver, as a matter of fact.

"Don't you dare strike my sister!" The being clashed with Sepulchure with twin claymores, sending Doom and Energy discharge everywhere. Sepulchure pushed him off and jumped back.

"So I was right. You are a ThunderKnight." Gwyn looked at her brother, who stared at Sepulchure.

"More than thunder." Doom discharge mingled with the Lightning discharge, creating a death zone of two feet. "Honestly, I believed the ThunderKnight legends were falsehood."

"There are more of your kind. You don't even know that your world just flipper on it's side. You're one of the Elemental Knights now." Alaric kneeled down next to his sister, healing her wounds.

"Alaric, I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry Gwyn. We're siblings. I myself can never be angry at a brother or sister." Sepulchure rushed at them, but Alaric made a field of Doom and Lightning around him and Gwyn. "I wouldn't touch it, if I were you."

"Ive already gotten what I came for anyways," Sepulchure said as he gestured outside. The DoomKnights were carrying a large stone coffin, and teleported back to the Flying Fortress.

"You...how..." Alaric said.

"Finding her resting place wasn't a difficult job. Bringing her back might be a tough one."

"I swear on Lorithia if you touch her I'll incinerate you."

"I must do what needs to be done." With that Sepulchure disappeared. Alaric looked outside to notice the Flying Fortress flying away. As it neared out of sight Alaric sent a giant lightning bolt to strike it. As it did some lightning fell to the ground. Alaric's earlier trap activated. All undead were destroyed, including the Lich Lords.

"Alaric, the king," Gwyn said. Alaric looked over to see Alteon's lifeless body lying in the crater.

"Robina's not going to like this news at all." At that moment the Highlords rushed in, all of their armors torn open and ripped to shredds. They saw Alteon's body and gasped in horror. Alaric picked up his sister and sighed.

"The King is dead!" one shouted.

"Send a ranger to get Robina. She's going to have to take control for her father.' At that moment Alteon twitched a bit. He tried to get up but failed.

"He's alive," Gwyn said. The Highlords rushed to Alteon and began healing him.

"Did he take her tomb?" Alteon asked. Alaric nodded. "That's not good."

"Whose tomb is it?" Gwyn asked.

"The tomb of a being whose powers are revered and feared by even the most powerful DoomKnights: Scarlet Nightdawn."

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 5/25/2012 21:26:49 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 12
5/21/2012 16:36:07   



"Hard to believe the Siege was a month ago," Alteon said as he sat in his throne.

"It surprises me as well," Gwyn said. After the Siege she was promoted to Alteon's personal body guard.

"How is Alaric? I haven't seen or heard from him since."

"He says he knows a way to stop the resurrection of Scarlet Nightdawn."

"How does he propose so?"

"Alaric has ties to a small group of Chaos Weavers who he believes could assist him."

"He's a Chaos Weaver?"

"Alteon, my brother is the most solitary, self-secluded person I know. There are many things I don't know of him."

"How does he feel about being a ThunderKnight?"

"He says he hates the armor. He left it in my room here in the castle."

"Let's hope he doesn't get killed."

"It's Alaric, my King. That, I can assure you, is impossible."

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 5/24/2012 20:23:04 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 13
5/21/2012 21:50:19   

Chapter One

"Well, look who we have here Tenebron. Alaric Mycroft." The figure walked out from the shade of a building in Ravenloss. He had black leather boots with black and red leather mix steel pants with a near matching top. From his back a long black cape drooped down. His eyes were solid purple, and his black spiky hair went down to the top of his back. Floating next to him was a figure wearing only a tattered hooded robe, its face concealed in darkness. However, bright purple eyes shone from it.

"Greetings Na'haret."

"Good evening Alaric. Why the devil are you back here? Master Ra'aret banned you from returning."

"As a matter of fact, I need to speak with him."

"You can't. A lot of things changed in the past couple of months. I'm sure you heard about the Ravenloss War?"

"I actually have."

"It was terrible. I killed soo many, but alas, I couldn't care about it."

"I surmise you had fun making fodder out of the opposing side."

"Their limbs were as airborne as birds in the sky." Alaric nodded, but wondered about Na'haret. He's a great warrior, but his psychological condition made him unstable. He had fought against Na'haret many times in the past, and nearly lost his life on every occasion. He shuddered at the thought of Na'haret standing over thousands of corpses he had slain.

"Is there something wrong Alaric?" Tenebron asked.

"No, I'm fine." Na'haret smiled, showing rows of filed to the point teeth.

"I'd say we do a little sparring but my duties call to me. Come along, I'm sure you know who my master is."

The bodies of chained Chaos Weavers decorated the walls of the dim-litted chamber. Some moved as Alaric, Tenebron and Na'haret walked by. Na'haret took out a dagger and made a special type of wound into them.

"It makes them bleed very slowly, but also very painfully."

"Why do you chain the ChaosWeavers and torment them?"

"Ah, a good question Alaric. These ChaosWeavers have been secretly serving your wretched brother Vaal under Ra'aret's nose. There were a few dozen more, but I took care of them personally."

"You knew them?"

"Some I shed blood for. But, even that factor didn't deter me from making necklaces from their bones."

"So where is Ra'aret?" An almost metallic hand grabbed Alaric's shoulder, prompting him to look back. The spider-like figure had a battle-scarred body riddled with scars and entropic marks, giving hints at a not-so-pleasent past. His left eye was somewhat robotic with small pistons and gears twirling at the sides. It gave an eerie red glow. Two of its six legs were also steampunk-ish, with whirling gears and active pistons.

"Alaric Mycroft. I thought we were on terms that you don't return here. EVER."

"Emperor Ra'aret, I have something of importance to tell you."

"And if I let you tell me and it doesn't serve anything of sentimental value, may I dismember you?" Na'haret looked at Alaric, whose eyes were devoid of emotion.


"Then speak."

"Emperor Ra'aret, Sepulchure the DoomLord is about to resurrect the most feared being in Lore's history. He wants to revive Scarlet Nightdawn." Ra'aret eyed Alaric and grabbed him by the neck.

"You dare speak of the Destroyer as if it was something common."

"I need your help Ra'aret. Your binding magic is of the greatest that I know. We don't need Nightdawn alive. We, especially you, know what she has done to ChaosWeavers in the past."

"To be honest, not even binding magic is enough. You will have to kill her."

"Can I take Na'haret with me as well?" Ra'aret looked at Na'haret for a while before continuing down the hall of tortured ChaosWeavers.

"Don't die Na'haret. However, I doubt such an event could occur. When you return you report to me immediately." Then he stopped. Three figures appeared next to him. "Amesgaizto, assist Na'haret and Tenebron. Inform me of all occuring events that would be of useful knowledge. The figure instantly appeared next to Tenebron. "Now, begone." Na'haret smiled.

"More bloodshed!"

"Let's go before Ra'aret changes his mind. And stop smiling."

"He's resorted to ChaosWeavers?" a voice said.

"Yes my lord."

"And where is his brother?"

"The Gunslinger or the ChaosWeaver?"


"The Gunslinger is in the Sandsea. The ChaosWeaver isn't too far from him."

"Make him and his ChaosWeaver brother meet. I don't expect warm hugs and open arms."

"Yes my lord."

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 5/24/2012 20:32:29 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 14
5/24/2012 19:00:25   

Chapter Two

Aisha stood on top of a chair, ready to throw a dagger at Na'haret.

"Get him away from here!" Na'haret shrugged.

"Should I dismember her for you Alaric?" Aisha grabbed a dagger and poised to throw it.

"Aisha I wouldn't attack Na'haret if I were you. He's nearly killed me in practice fights." She lowered the dagger to the sheath strapped to her hip. Rebecca only sat and watched the ChaosWeaver eye Aisha in puzzlement.

"So you're a ChaosWeaver?" Na'haret turned to her and smiled.

"I don't need an amateur Gunslinger telling me what I am."

"I can headshot you in half a second."

"Don't make threats to Na'haret," Alaric said. Na'haret nodded.

"Take a hint from Alaric." Alaric nudged him.

"You need to stop scaring people. I thought you could shapeshift." Na'haret formed a green magical circle under his feet. His skin turned tan and a monk's robe appeared on him. He placed the hood over his head, only showing glowing purple eyes. His hands became human but had claws at the end.

"This is as far as human I will get. Anyways, when do we get to kill the Destroyer?" Alaric contemplated for a while before answering.

"We need to locate Sepulchure's Flying Castle." Tenebron pointed outside.

"Is there a way for us to search airborne?"

"Maybe." Aisha looked at him.

"Who are you speaking to?" Tenebron formed into a woman with tan skin, long hair and solid purple eyes. She only wore a cloak that resembled Death's own, but it had eyes on it. Moving spiritual eyes. Aisha jumped back.

"Who the sneevil are you?!"

"An Ally of Na'haret and friend of Alaric."

"Tenebron do you know what DoomKnight energy feels like?"

"Of course. I can feel for Sepulchure's energy." She closed her eyes and concentrated. After a minute or so she opened her eyes.

"Any luck?"

"No. I think he hid his energy...however, there's someone else coming."


"I'm not so sure, but his or her energy level is very high. It's similar to yours Alaric." Rebecca got up and stretched.

"Hey Alaric can I speak to you, in private?"

"Yea, of course." Alaric had opened the door to the small cottage and walked out behind Rebecca. As they walked up to the trees she stopped and turned to Alaric.

"Alaric you know how long we've known each other?"

"Childhood friends. Of course."

"When you left to go train I fell into ruin. You don't realize the pain you dealt to me."

"I'm sorry."

"And days after I didn't know what to do."


"Alaric I lo-" A dagger shot from the cottage into the tree directly above Alaric's head. He turned around to meet a familiar face: Vaal. The others rushed out the cottage, weapons in hand.

"I would stop throwing daggers if I were you," Vaal said. Then he turned to Alaric. "Good day brother."

"What do you want Vaal?"

"I heard news of the Swordhaven Siege. I wanted to see if you and Gwyn were safe."

"Don't speak lies into my ear."

"You always found it hard to believe me, no matter the circumstance."

"I wouldnt blame him," Na'haret said. Amesgaizto floated next to Tenebron and stopped. As soon as he did Ra'aret's voice boomed from him.

"VAAL! What the devil are you doing here?! I ought to appear there myself and kill you."

"But sadly, you can't. At the least, stay for what I have to say." Alaric noticed the skulls sticking on protrusions from Vaal's back.

"You killed them. You actually killed Baron, Fenrir and Hollow. How could you kill our brothers?" Vaal shrugged.

"That's a story for another time. However, what I'm about to tell you will be greater than the deaths of those three idiots. Sepulchure, as you already know, has stolen the tomb of Scarlet Nightdawn. We both know how destructive and volatile she was and letting her loose on Lore again won't be the best option. I've thought of ways to restrain her, but they all won't really work. That's why I say we destroy her."

"I've already come to that conclusion," Ra'aret called out. "The DoomLord is too powerful to be restrained."

"That's why I say Alaric and I destroy her. We both have an exceptionally large amount of energy and mana to spare." Alaric shook his head.

"I rather fight with Na'haret. He's as strong as you Vaal, and you know it," Alaric said.

"Even if that may be so, he's not a Mycroft."

"What does being a Mycroft have to do with defeating Scarlet?"

"It was our father who sacrificed his life originally to kill Scarlet. Unless you have knowledge to Celestial Magic, sealing her is out of the question."

"I could drain her of her energy." Everyone looked at him.

"Drain the energy of Scarlet Nightdawn?" Ra'aret said. "You may be known as the Mycroft Leech, but her energy level is far too great for your body to handle."

"Sacrificing myself isn't a problem. It never has been." Vaal sighed and looked at his brother.

"You could survive. You probably know some special magic to keep you alive. You are the Jack of All Trades after all." A sharp pain shot through Alaric, Vaal and Rebecca's head, sending them on their knees. They screamed out in agony, surprising everyone.

"Sir the discharge has been emitted. All Mycroft and anyone sharing their energy are now incapacitated."

"Excellent. Send my Knights after all of them."

"But sir, there seems to be a problem. Jet is in the middle of the Sandsea. Gwyn is in Swordhaven. Alaric and Vaal are in the company of a ChaosWeaver, two ChaosAllies, a Gunslinger and an Assassin."

"Looks like I'll have to pick them up myself."

"Someone tampered with the Mycroft mana lines. They're reacting to it harshly," Ra'aret said. "Ill send some of my troops there. Take them back inside and wait for me to arrive." Na' haret grabbed Alaric and Rebecca and slung them on his shoulders while Tenebron grabbed Vaal and took them inside. Amesgaizto turned to Aisha, but it was Ra'aret who was speaking.

"Emperor Ra'aret."

"Good day child. You should go assist Na'haret with the Mycrofts."

"I'm not a big fan of creepy people."

"You shouldn't underestimate Na'haret, Assassin. He's gentle most of the time. I sense the feelings you have for him." Aisha jumped back, face flushed.

"I don't like him, wel, not like-like."

"Like-like? You humans are completely blinded by false emotions." Then Amesgaizto started to float to the cottage. "Come, I have a special job for you."

"What is it?"

"Kill Vaal." Aisha looked at the ChaosAlly, stunned.

"Kill Vaal? Are you kidding me? He's way beond my reach of power."

"Ah, but you have Na'haret."

"I still don't know. He's Alaric's brother."

"That may be the case, but you don't realize the trouble he's caused. You saw how Alaric reacted when he saw him? They haven't been on good terms in a very long time." That sparked curiosity within Aisha.


"Alaric and Vaal got into a fight a long time ago over Vaal's plan on making a relic of supreme power: The Judgement Wheel. The Judgement Wheel would grant Vaal a lot of power, more power than anyone could realize, added thaat his SoulWeaving was that of great importance. However, Alaric discovered his brother's plot and they fought. During the fight Alaric had unleashed a sort of poison to incapacitate Vaal long enough to destroy the Judgement Wheel. However, Vaal's aura tainted it and that became the ChaosWeaver disease. It had spread all over, but Alaric sealed it and Vaal inside Ravenloss for over 150 years. What happened from then and now is something you will have to ask Vaal himself."

"Wow! So where is the Judgement Wheel now?"

"I've sealed what remains of it."

"So you want me to kill Vaal?" At that moment a large wave of Doom energy slammed into Amesgaizto. As that happened Na'haret and Tenebron jumped out to aid Amesgaizto. Aisha turned but was hit with the same Doom energy. She flew back, slamming into a tree. She got up and unsheathed a short sword. Sepulchure spun the Necrotic Blade of Doom in his grip as he approached the cottage. Na'haret sped to Sepulchure and knee'd him in the gut. The DoomKnight stumbled back, but got his footing. Na'haret spun around and kicked Sepulcure in the face. Then he jumped to the floor and kicked Sepulchure up in the air. Then he jumped on Sepulchure and threw him into the forest area. All this had occured in the time-span of three seconds. Aisha was awe-struck by Na'haret's show of speed as she walked to the ChaosWeaver.

"I know of your plan to kill Vaal," Na'haret said. Amesgaizto turned to Na'haret, letting Ra'aret speak.

"You will do as I say. Kill him!"

"No, we shouldn't. This DoomKnight needs the Mycrofts and Rebecca for resurrecting the Destroyer. Let's keep them alive, or at the least, let this DoomKnight lead us to his Flying Castle."

"You cannot combat Sepulchure on your own!"

"Watch me." Doom aura seeped out from the trees, decaying them to wilting dead limbs. Sepulchure came out, blade in hand, ready to kill the ChaosWeaver.

"You're pretty fast. What type of magic are you using?"

"No magic. It's only my physical powers. I wouldn't need to use such drastic measures as my magical powers."

"You believe yourself to have more power over I, Sepulchure? Come, let me see your real power." Na'haret's hands were instantly covered in purple and black ChaosThreads that formed deadly-looking claws over his hands.

"You're going to use your ChaosWeaving Na'haret?! The troops are only a few minutes away."

"Ill hold off the DoomKnight until then." Na'haret began to eminate purple aura that appeared like fire on him. Sepulchure smiled as he rushed at the ChaosWeaver. He flew with incredible speed, but Na'haret dodged. The ChaosWeaver kicked Sepulchure into the sky. He then slashed in the sky, making a sickly purple magic circle to appear. Hundreds of daggers flew out and hit Sepulchure on contact. However, the DoomKnight only laughed as he took the pain with ease. As he blinked Na'haret clawed at him, tearing some of his armor off. Sepulchure kicked him away, but Na'haret blocked it with his wrists. He crashed into a few dozen trees before running back at Sepulchure. As he made a symbol in the air, Sepulchure punched him in the face. However, to his astonishment, he only managed to turn Na'haret's head to the side. Still forming the symbol, it turned into a small blade, in which he stabbed Sepulchure in the arm with. The DoomKnight jumped back, eyeing the ChaosWeaver.

"You're not that bad Weaver."

"You aren't either. Too bad I'm going to enjoy eating your corpse." Na'haret smiled, revealing rows of sharp teeth. Sepulchure jumped and brought his blade down, but Na'haret grabbed the blade and tossed it to the side. He tore at the armor, revealing torn skin. Na'haret licked the blood,intensifying his aura.

"You'll pay for this!" Na'haret instantly bounded Sepulchure midair. Tenebron grabbed the DoomKnight, sending some of her aura into the DoomKnight. He began to writhe but Na'haret tightened the grip of the binding ChaosThreads. Sepulchure screamed out as nightmares filled his mind. Tenebron dropped him, and Na'haret picked him up. He opened his mouth to five times its size, showing just how much teeth he had. As he neared Sepulchure's head to his mouth he was bounded by three different ChaosChains.

"I simply don't realize why you devour other living organisms," Ra'aret said as he emerged from the trees. He then slapped Na'haret on the head. "However, it's a good thing I arrived." Then he turned to Aisha, who was amazed and freighted by Na'haret. "Assassin, show me to the Mycrofts." She nodded as she walked to the cabin, with Ra'aret in pursuit. Sepulchure looked up to Na'haret, expressionless.

"You're lucky Master Ra'aret arrived. Its a shame I didn't get to taste your flesh."

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 5/25/2012 17:56:07 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 15
6/20/2012 11:59:15   

Chapter Three

Alaric woke up in a bright room chained to a wall. At first he believed he was only dreaming as he noticed tubes running from his arms were connected to a large reservoir of mana suspended over a giant coffin. He looked around to see other relatives in the same predicament, although some looked worse than others. Jet took a serious beating, as he had blood running from his head, chest and arms. Someone had actually gunned down Jet, but he was a Lich so he still managed to survive. Next to him was his step-sister Alexandria. She was only 98 but had the body of a twenty-something woman. She was wearing her Necromancer robes, but there were bloody holes and gashes in her. Opposite her was Hannibal. It shocked Alaric to see Hannibal, the second oldest and quite possibly the strongest Mycroft, beaten, sliced up and barely breathing. He was one of the Ancients, his age passing 9,000.

Next to Hannibal was Aunt Candice, the oldest Mycroft in existence. She was 12,000 years old and a Enchantress. How anyone found her is a complete mystery, as no one had seen her since Alaric was born. Next to her was him and Vaal. Only they weren't bloodied and bruised, but everyone had their mana being drained into a large pool over a large coffin in the middle of the room.

"Well look who woke up!" a voice shouted. Alaric slowly turned to see the barrel of a gun pointed at his head by Rebecca. Alaric only sighed as he looked at the reservoir of mana slowly filling up. Vaal slowly came to his senses and watched as his mana was being drained. He looked on in horror as all his family members were being drained. Then he turned to Alaric.

"I knew that wench wasn't to be trusted."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Rebecca Nightraven." Rebecca took another gun and aimed at Vaal.

"Don't you dare say my name you wretched name Mycroft!" As she pulled the trigger Sepulchure stormed in with three Liches in tow. Judging by their robes Vaal knew who they were.

"Alaric, isn't that Klaatu, Verata and Nicto?"

"Hmph! We seem to be running into old enemies." Verata looked over to see Vaal and Alaric being chained.

"My my, look who we have here brothers. Vaal and Alaric Mycroft." The other two laughed as they began chanting an ancient spell. Suddenly Jet came to his senses and laughed as he heard the chanting.

"Trying to revive Scarlet Nightdawn? Haven't you fools learned anything since she was roaming Lore?" Sepulchure punched Jet, making him slump. Alaric struggled in the chains, trying to break free. Rebecca laughed.

"Struggle all you want Alaric, you aren't escaping." Alaric looked at his family members all around him. He slumped back and closed his eyes. Vaal did the same, spiking suspicion. Sepulchure walked to the two and stared.

"What are they doing?!" Rebecca shrugged.

"Hurry up and revive Scarlet. We have more than enough mana to revive her."

"And what if some remain alive?"

"Scarlet will be hungry. Feed them to her." Sepulchure grinned at the idea.

"Klaatu, Verata, Nicto: revive her." The three Liches chanted as red and black smoke swirled around the coffin. The mana evaporated into the smoke as it drained into the coffin. It shook violently as the lid flew up and was reduced to dust by the evil aura eminating from the inside. The tubes draining the Mycrofts fell and the chains withered. They all fell, some alive, others unconscious. A pale-skinned woman with blonde hair slowly rose from the coffin. She had pitch black eyes and razor filed teeth. She wore a crimson red cloak fashioned in Death's own appearance and wielded a very large scythe. The blade alone was pure Doom energy condensed into a shape. It radiated souls, evident by the small screams and howls.

"She has returned!" Sepulchure exclaimed. Vaal and Alaric looked up to see Scarlet Nightdawn step out from the coffin. She slowly walked to Hannibal and picked him up by the chin with the blade of her scythe. She smiled, right before decapitating him. Alaric looked away in horror as she ate his head and hungrily ate away at his body. Blood ran down her scarlet lips as she licked the blood away.

"Alaric we need to get out of here now," Jet whispered. Vaal heard it too and nodded. As they inches next to each other a great pressure crushed Alaric's arm. Sepulchure laughed as he picked him up.

"Where do you think you're going Alaric?!" Scarlet turned around to notice Alaric staring at the floor.

"My my, what a handsome young man." Alaric knew he was talking to him, and only continued staring. She took a finger and lifted his chin up to face him. "Look at me Mycroft, the one who will devour you." Alaric looked up to stare Scarlet dead in the eyes. She opened her mouth to devour Alaric, but stopped halfway. "No, you're too willing to die. Instead, you will be my King." Jet cursed under his breath, Vaal shaking his head in sadness. Alaric wanted to break free so badly, but there was nothing he could do. Then, as if by chance, an explosion ripped a hole in a wall, revealing air and DoomWood under them.

"Everyone run!" Jet said. Jet and Vaal soared out the hole, with everyone alive in unison. As Vaal disappeared under the clouds he looked up and talked to Alaric mentally.

"You're able enough Alaric. The ChaosWeavers are waiting below to help us land. I summoned help so just hang in there. We're too weak to use mana. We'll try to rescue you. GOOD LUCK!" Alaric looked ahead as he noticed what made the explosion. A machine-like aircraft cruised by and shot into the Dracolich. A figure jumped from the aircraft into the room and took Alaric. He then jumped back into the aircraft as it flew away. Scarlet shook her head.

"I'm still hungry. And I need a living being." Sepulchure grabbed Rebecca and threw her at Scarlet. She screamed as the deity ate into her neck.

Alaric stumbled back as the dagger shot straight for his neck. He kicked it up, but was met by a few more hundred daggers. He couldn't understand who this figure really was, but he knew she was dangerous. The cloaked figure was literally eating all of his attacks, leaving Alaric in a tight spot. He fell back, managing to dodge the seemingly endless swarm of red daggers. He grabbed his sword and rushed at the figure, who only moved as a larger figure grabbed him by the collar.

"Finish me!" The figure grabbed Alaric's neck and began to apply pressure before another man walked in. His pale skin, wild black hair, and tribal tattoos nearly shocked Alaric. The large figure dropped him, leaving him gasping for air.

"You think the daggers were too much Lala?"

"Not exactly. Could have been worse." Alaric pointed a shaking finger at the man who was approaching him.

"No, it can't be you. You're..."

"Yes. Vladimir Romanov. Is there a problem with that?"

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 6/20/2012 12:52:23 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 16
6/20/2012 18:49:03   

Chapter Four

Gwyn shot up from the Infirmary bed in a cold sweat. She felt Hannibal's aura disappear, meaning he died. A tear ran down her cheek, realizing her uncle died, or murdered. She got out of the Infirmary and staggered to the throne room. Alteon ran and grabbed her before she could fall from weak legs.

"Gwyn, are you alright?"

"Yes my King. However, my family is in danger. Alteon, I sense an immense aura of complete evil and destruction. I think Scarlet was revived." Alteon suddenly looked out the window. The once blue skies were slowly turning blood red and the sun becoming black.

"As I feared, she's on her way here to revive the Dragon." Gwyn left Alteon's arms, shaking her head.

"You mean the only dragon to rival the Great Dragons, Gilgamesh?!" He nodded gravely.

"You see, Gilgamesh was a darkness dragon that evolved his darkness powers beyond limits, becoming a Doom Dragon if you may. He was a giant among dragons, and was devouring every Darkness dragon he could find to increase his already invincible power. The 8 Great Dragons banded together and sealed Gilgamesh away on these very grounds thousands of years ago in a tomb of never-ending blinding light."

"I always heard tales of the Devourer of the Night. I always believed it was a legend."

"All legends have truth behind them. And lucky for us, we'll be able to see for ourselves."

Alaric sat uncomfortably as Radomir completely devoured a container full of strange-looking fruits and vegetables. Lala giggled as she noticed Alaric's expression.

"Radomir likes to eat. A lot. Don't worry about him eating you or anything."

"Why would he eat me?" Radomir sniffed Alaric's head.

"You smell like fresh apples and asparagus. What do you taste like?" Alaric tried to get up but Lala laughed.

"He's joking Alaric. No need to run away." Radomir laughed.

"Who said I was joking? Drop your guard and I'll eat you like sushi." The room grew quiet before Radomir laughed. "I'm joking."

"You're kinda cute Alaric. You probably have some girl crushing on you." Alaric then thought of Rebecca's near confession, then her pointing a gun to his head.

"No I don't. Trust me." Lala got up and sat next to Alaric, hanging an arm around him.

"We're gonna get along real nice then." Vladimir walked in, holding a wakizashi in hand.

"So this Scarlet Nightdawn woman is a Doom deity? I'd like to cut her open."

"You hate her that much?" Alaric asked. Vladimir shook his head.

v"For experimenting of course. I don't even know the blasted woman. However, that face is familiar." Radomir raised a hand as he took a bite out of the metal container.

"You don't think its....no. It couldn't be..." Alaric looked at the two as they contemplated.

"What are you talking about?" Vladimir shook his head.

"It was just a hypothesis. Anyways, where's Vaal? He summoned me from my studies with urgency. What happened?" Alaric straightened himself as he remembered.

"Sepulchure laid a siege on Swordhaven a month or two ago. Why he did was uncertain at the time however. Myself, Gwyn and Alteon combated him in the throne room, where Alteon and Gwyn were gravely injured. However Gwyn and I managed to fend him off long enough until he left, proclaiming that he already "got what he came for." I then left to enlist the help of the ChaosWeavers in order to seal Scarlet in case she somehow returnee. My friend Na'haret came along to assist me. So I got him and two of my friends to help me look for Sepulchure. Then Vaal came and we almost fought. Then I blacked out in pain. I suddenly woke up with most of my family members and I having our mana being drained into Scarlet's coffin. Soon she rose out and devoured my uncle Hannibal. You guys came and blew a hole in, and everyone else jumped out. Then you Vladimir came and rescued me. And now I'm here." Vladimir nodded slowly as he held his sword.

"It's impossible."


"It's completely impossible to seal Scarlet now that she was unsealed. It's just impossible. I could drain her but after looking at her I wouldn't walk a mile near her."

"So what do we do?"

"We follow Sepulchure to wherever he's going. Any ideas?" Alaric thought about it before reaching the ultimatum.

"There was a legend, that the greatest Darkness dragon ever to exist is under Swordhaven. She might revive it."

"Revive Gilgamesh? She's insane! Let's go watch." Alaric sunk back in his seat.

"You guys are crazy." Lala giggled as she kissed him on the cheek.

"We're not crazy." Radomir ate the last piece of the metal container.

"We're Romanovs!"

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 6/20/2012 20:59:34 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 17
6/21/2012 9:51:26   

Chapter Five

"How long have I been sealed away?" Scarlet asked. Sepulchure stood a good distance from her,in part that he was genuinely afraid of her power and that she could devour him. He began to realize reviving the Destroyer of Life wasn't such a good idea.

"A few thousand years. Six at most."

"What became of this planet since my absence?"

"Well, not much. The Great Dragons aren't alive by the looks of it."

"I can tell since you mounted this pathetic waste of a castle on one of them. However, I congratulate you on actually reanimating one." Sepulchure looked at the woman in sheer puzzlement. He was dying to see her true abilities. He didn't want to raise her if her powers had been depleting over the millenia.

"Where do you plan on going now, Queen Nightdawn?"

"To Bladehaven."

"It's now SwordHaven your Majesty. What else lies at SwordHaven for you?"

"My dragon and my army." Sepulchure had heard rumors of Gilgamesh the Wicked and the Lost Army of Nightdawn. If she was going to revive them, whet would become of he? Surely she would keep him around, but Sepulchure had doubts. On the horizon SwordHaven appeared, and a devilish smile appeared on Scarlet's face.

"Time to claim what's mine."

"We must head to SwordHaven," Jet said as he staggered to his feet. He was pleading with Ra'aret to send his army to assist Alteon.

"And risk losing my entire army to that psychopathic woman? This a battle you must fight for your own."

"I'll go with them," Na'haret said quietly. "They're going to need all the help they need Master. At the least, send ten thousand of us." Ra'aret stared at his apprentice for a while before crawling away.

"You better return with at least five thousand." With that Ra'aret crawled off taking a large portion of his army. The ten thousand commissioned to stay back crawled to Na'haret.

"We must go now," Aisha said calmly. "If she's as powerful as you guys claim she is she might as well be there." Vaal shrugged as he looked to the south. He noticed SwordHaven's tallest towers being overshadowed by Sepulchure's Flying Castle.

"Hurry. She's already there." Na'haret raised his hand and pointed south. The soldiers all rushed with incredible speed into a battle of uncertainty.

"Alaric, what can you do?" Alaric shrugged as he looked outside.

"I'm a Dynamancer."

"That's it? Looks like we're going to need more assistance." Vladimir slowly raised his hand and shoved it down his throat. Blood came rushing forth as he pulled out a small orb. He reached in again and pulled out a still-beating organ and fused the two. The end-result was a gauntlet for some reason.

"Dear Loritha what the heck is that?"

"Try it on. It's an experimental battle suit."

"What was it doing inside you?"

"Stop questioning my methods and try it on." Reluctantly Alaric did. It wasn't that bad, and it looked cool. Then fleshy tentacled creeper on his body from it and entombed him. For a minute he was still, until he broke free. He emerged in black cargo pants with black boots laced with buckles. He also wore an open hoodie that came down to his knees. The arms were a bit longer than Alaric's arms. However, the gauntlet formed over both his hands. They appeared as DoomKnight gauntlets but more devilish. They looked like actual monster claws.

"I like it," Alaric said. Vladimir nodded.

"You haven't exploded yet. It's a success."

"What do you mean?"

"You're the first person to use it. Usually someone other than me would have went BOOM."

"I'm finding more and more reasons not to trust you Vladimir."

"Tell you what. I'll let you keep the gauntlet. We'll discuss ways of repaying me after we take down Scarlet." The aircraft leaned to the left and stopped.

"We're here," Radomir said. He grabbed a large sword and opened the drop door. In one second he was there but the next he was already on the ground. Alaric looked out to see Sepulchure's Flying Castle attack SwordHaven. It was odd, however, to NOT see undead soldiers. But, a small figure was floating over the castle. Red and black mana encircled it as the skies glowed red.

"Crap. She's raising the army," Alaric said. As he looked out he concentrated a condensed platform of energy to appear. He jumped on, suspending himself midair. Vladimir raced out on a platform of darkness and sped to the castle.

"C'mon! Lets stop her before Swordhaven is destroyed!"

Gwyn tried to combat Scarlet but was blocked by a torrent of evil mana. Soon, undead soldiers similar to DoomKnights but more sinister in appearance rose from the castle grounds. They raced around destroying Knights all over. Gwyn jumped down and fought the soldiers, being backed up by other Paladin Highlords. However, more of these undead soldiers rose from the ground.

"Any ideas?!" Gwyn shouted.

"As a matter of fact, yes! " Everyone turned to see Vaal standing on a spire overlooking them. Gwyn cursed under her breath as her brother landed calmly.

"What are you doing here Vaal?"

"I came to help obviously. I've brought reinforcement." With that the ChaosWeaver army crawled over the castle walls and quickly combated the undead soldiers.

"Where's Alaric?"

"With a friend. Now, let's defeat Scarlet before she revives Gilgamesh." He started to eminate a green and black aura as he clenched his fists. ChaosClaws appeared over his hands as he looked up to Scarlet. He jumped up, with Gwyn in suit. When they reached the top Scarlet laughed.

"You're too late Mycrofts. All I need is one sacrifice to revive my dragon." With that she pulled Gwyn to her. Vaal raced after but the evil aura closed in around him. Vaal smirked as he twirled his hands, effectively destroying the aura. However, he looked on to see Gwyn impaled by Scarlet's arm. The aura returned and enveloped Gwyn's lifeless body. As he looked down the undead army retreated. He shouted to Na'haret who was driving them off.

"NA'HARET GET YOUR ARMY OUT OF THE CASTLE VICINITY!" With that the ChaosWeaver army rushed out, still combating the undead army. Vaal looked around again.

"Good, she had the place evacuated." Scarlet raced at him but he flipped out the way. The castle began to cave in, leaving Vaal with the option to jump out castle walls. As he landed he noticed a violent aura erupting. A black column of darkness shot out into the sky, followed by a small earthquake. A large beast flew out and opened it's wings, dispersing the energy. Vaal looked up and smirked to himself.

"Gilgamesh the Wicked is back." The dragon had four enormous spiked wings, seven horns on it's head, a shadowy body and eyes that burned with Doom.

I'M FREE! FREE FROM THAT ACURSED PRISON! NOW I SHALL DEVOUR THIS WORLD IN MY WAKE! The dragon looked st Sepulchure's castle and merely crushed it by slamming a hand down. Alaric appeared next to Vaal as he walked.

"We're too late."

"Gwyn is dead Alaric."


"Scarlet sacrificed Gwyn to free Gilgamesh." Raw energy began to crackle over Alaric. Scarlet bounded Gilgamesh in magic chains and mind-controlled him with them. He stayed perfectly still as Scarlet sat at the base of his neck holding a Dragon Amulet. Sepulchure's Dragon Amulet.

"In ten days this world shall be mine!" Gwyn then raised her scythe as her entire army of one billion undead rose, and soon after, disappeared. Vladimir soon appeared withe Lala and Radomir as the skies turned blue and sunny.

"What do we do now?" Vladimir asked.

"It's time the Council had a meeting," Vaal said.

"Universal or Lorian?"

"We're enlisting the help of the Elder Gods." Alaric nodded.

"Let's just get this area sorted and send the message that Gilgamesh returned. Everyone's going to have to evacuate big cities and towns."

"And what? Create a new city to shelter everyone?"

"That's exactly the plan."

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 6/21/2012 11:20:58 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 18
6/22/2012 0:02:23   

Chapter Six

"So, an army of one billion super-charged undead led by a super-powered darkness deity riding the greatest Darkness dragon that ever existed before SMUDD are going to take over the world in ten days?"

"Yes Warlic," Alaric said. The Archmage sighed as he looked outside. Everything looked serene, but in a matter of days that would change. Vladimir looked at the sheen of his blade as he eyed Warlic.

"So we need you to call all the top magical beings on Lore for tonight."

"Half can get here tonight, but tomorrow morning everyone can arrive."

"That's not all."

"What do you mean?"

"We need to summon the Elder Gods."

"Then we're going to hold the meeting in the Polar Realm."

"Where we'll meet our opposites? I rather not talk with Gastraphetes."

"How long will it take?" Alaric asked.

"In the Polar realm a week. In our time an hour. However, we must make the best of it." With that Na'haret raised a hand.

"I'll be taking the soldiers back to Ravenloss. I'll see to it myself that Scarlet's plans are delayed."

"Thanks Na'haret," Alaric said calmly. The ChaosWeaver showed his human face with his glowing purple eyes. He smiled devilishly as he walked with the army. Aisha ran up to Na'haret as he walked away and held his hand.

"Hey, love finds its way around." Alaric then sighed as he looked to the sky. "Warlic, start calling out to them. I'll see if there's one more person I can call upon."

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 6/22/2012 11:29:19 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 19
6/22/2012 20:54:29   



Alaric took the dagger and plunged it into his stomach. He slid it out and lacerated his chest. Slowly he peeled at the flesh until his ribcage became visible.

"I hate blood sacrifices," he said through bloodied teeth. He had gathered his blood in one bowl and his flesh in another. He lit both bowls on fire and watched as smoke rose into the air. The smoke accumulated into a black swirling vortex. A scream shot from it, causing the ground in the area to shake.

"Who disturbeth my eternal slumber? Reveal thineself!"

"It is me, Alaric Mycroft. I call you from your slumber Serotonin."

"You believe you have enough respect to call me forth? Speak to me your trivial reason before I rip your mind into pieces!"

"Scarlet Nightdawn and Gilgamesh the Wicked have risen again. They plan on destroying Lore within ten days."

"You humans are complete fools! Why should I assist thee in destroying the deities?"

"They could harm you and the other gods." A quick silence fell soon after.

"How would we even appear in your realm? We aren't composed of any of your planet's elements. The planet would set in on itself."

"We're holding a meeting in the Polar Realm. Surely the Elder Gods can reside there."

"As a matter of fact, we are currently stationed there. When you arrive be sure to walk within the shadows. The light isn't too kind to human skin."

"No need Serotonin. Magic beings are arriving."

"Remember Alaric Mycroft, plead your case strongly to the other Gods. You are lucky to communicate to the most lenient of them." With that the blood and flesh seeped from the bowls onto Alaric's body. As the smoke faded a small red energy bolt shot into his heart. "This is a map to where you shall find us Alaric Mycroft. Be careful not to run in with your polar opposite. Not everyone, I mean you especially." Alaric nodded as he got up.

"This is it. Everything depends on this meeting."

AQ DF AQW  Post #: 20
6/22/2012 21:46:47   

Chapter One

Alaric blocked Vladimir's kick with his electrical magic, and was propelled back into a tree. Aa he recovered he was greeted by Vladimir's incoming fist. He jumped over and ran backwards as Vladimir rushed at him. He sent out a wave of Doom energy which took the form of a dragon effigy. Alaric hastily grabbed it with his electrically reinforced hands. It burned like the most intense fires and stung without mercy. With no other choice he redirected it into the sky.

"Use the gauntlet Alaric!" Vladimir shouted as he leaped with his wakizashi in grip. He came down on Alaric's electrically reinforced shoulder. He grabbed Vladimir and tossed him airborne. Alaric charged an electrical sphere in his hand and threw it. As it raced forward it became a giant spear. Vladimir smiled as he cut the spear in half as if it were air.

"Dude that was a Dynamic attack. That's one of my most powerful spells." Vladimir floated on air with Doom energy under his boots.

"Trust me, I'm one-tenth of Scarlet. One-one hundredth of Gilgamesh at the most. If I can destroy your most powerful attacks you'll get mutilated. Use the gauntlet. There's a reason why I gave it to you." Alaric summoned the gauntlet and slipped it on. He transformed into his new form in a wave of Doom energy. He drew back one claw and concentrated a sphere of Doom-Energy. He shot it forth, and it transformed into a giant javelin. Vladimir grabbed it, but was pushed back a great deal. Vladimir dispersed it within his grip.

"How were you able to disperse Doom energy?"

"You casted a half-packed spell."

"When you cast a spell with two equal halves of two elements. Yea I know."

"Yea you know. So don't cast it! You want to take down Doom? You either use Bacon or fight back using stronger Doom, and I can't get Bacon. I don't need another quarrel with Doctor When. So you're going to use Doom. REAL DOOM." Lala walked out from the small house.

"Are you guys finished yet? Warlic and Vaal are going to meet with the wizards, ArchMages and other powerful magical beings by Veneer."

"Yea we're finished Lala," Vladimir said as he landed. He sheathed his wakizashi and walked into the house. Alaric looked at what he looked like. He appeared like a demonic goth. He sighed as he looked into the sky. Lala hugged him from the back, resting her head on his shoulder.

"How are you?

"My head hurts, I'm hungry and quite cold." Lala released her grip and balanced the blade of a dagger on her finger.

"Alaric I love you for some reason."

"You too? Meh, I never could believe a girl would love me without backstabbing me." She held his hand and looker into his eyes.

"Well I do, and I'm not a girl. I'm a woman." With that she kissed him and walked back to the house. "If you don't feel that way about me it's okay. I just wanted to say my feelings." Alaric wanted to reply but he couldn't form the words. He did like Lala, even though he knew her for less than a day. Were these feelings just in the moment or were they real? Lala was a sweet gir- er, woman who seemed to adore him out of the blue. Alaric sighed as he walked towards the house to start what would be the most costly battle of his life.

Kalanyr, Gnuvain, Sage Uldor, Warlic, Xarymandias, Jackel Sano, Xan, Eldron, Tomix, Zorbak, Noxus, Vaal, Ra'aret, Vladimir, Radomir, Kazimir, Alaric, Lala and Drakonnan gathered inside the ruins of a fallen temple on the outskirts of Veneer.

"If this Scarlet woman is as strong as you say why don't we all fight her?" Xan asked. "Surely it wouldn't be much effort for all of us with combined efforts." Vaal shook his head.

"It's not that simple as it seems Xan. She's a deity riding Gilgamesh the Wicked while leading an army of one billion Doom Soldiers." Xan sank back, thinking about the situation.

"Then why are we heading into the Polar Realm?" Xarymandias asked.

"We're enlisting the aid of the Elder Gods."

"You cannot be serious," Jackel Sano said sternly. "There's a reason why they were banished from Lore after all."

"Still, they know more about Scarlet Nightdawn than any of us. Now, everyone hold hands while I call forth the portal." As they held hands Vaal's eyes glowed white.

"We're here. Now what?" Uldor said. Everyone looked around to see the Polar Realm. Everything looked like Lore but houses and trees floated on rocky platforms. The sky was stuck at sunset but it was still bright as day. Alaric looked around, everything somehow being familiar. Then he recollected what Serotonin did to him. He placed his hand over his heart, and he knew where to go. He looked to the left and noticed what looked like a large floating castle in the distance.

"There's where we're going. C'mon, and stay in the shadows."

Sepulchure emerged from the rubble of his Flying Castle with his daughter in one hand and Fluffy in another. He had the NBoD strapped to his back.

"Daddy, where are we going?" Gravelynn asked.

"We're going to a special place my little rose." Fluffy flew in the sky as Sepulchure summoned his Dragon Amulet and transformed his baby dracolich. He jumped on and flew straight to DoomWood to meet up with a very important associate who could be the key to defeating Scarlet.

As most of the magical beings settled down in the castle to rest before the meeting Alaric sat alone inside the chamber room where they would have the meeting in a few hours. He channeled doom-like energy in his claws to form a small sphere of energy.

"So much to do, with so little time." As he sighed someone walked in and sat next to him.

"Hey there. You alright?"

"Yea Lala. Just lost in my thoughts." She eased up on him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"We're going to make it through this Alaric. I know it."

"Yep. I'm sure of it. It's just that if I'm going to fight Scarlet I'm going to have to grow more powerful."

"Being more powerful won't always help your case. You're fighting a deity, so try to outsmart her. Take it from me. I'm a Master Assassin. My job is to take on people a couple hundred times stronger than me." Alaric hugged her in as he looked on to the seven large platforms ahead of him.

"After all this I really need to take a break. Maybe hide from the world for a few years." She giggled at that thought.

"I'll be there with you. Promise." She kissed him on the cheek as he looked into her eyes.

"Ill remember that promise." As they hugged two people walked in on the other side. One of them spoke, which sounded familiar. "Serotonin?" The figure turned to see him. The man's body was completely shadowy except for his devilish red eyes. He wore a conical hat with a silver cloak.

"My my, it is Alaric Mycroft. I hope you convince my brothers and sisters on the matter of destroying Scarlet Nightdawn." Then he turned towards the other man following him. He wore exactly what Alaric wore but the color scheme was the opposite. He turned to Alaric to see both their faces were the same, but his hair was dark blue and his eyes green.

"You're…me." Serotonin sighed as he jumped to his platform.

"Alaric Mycroft, meet Alaric Alvarez." Alaric Alvarez near instantly appeared next to his counterpart and looked at him.

"You're a Dynamancer." Mycroft nodded.

"So you must be an Aquamancer." Alvarez laid a hand on Mycroft's shoulder and tossed him through the floor into a gigantic opening. He jumped down after him with Lala in pursuit. Mycroft landed but jumped back up before Alvarez landed. Alvarez summoned four gigantic water dragons behind him as he walked towards Mycroft.

"Do not be alarmed Alaric. I'm only assessing your power."

"You're my opposite. We have the same power level." Alvarez shook his head and smirked as he drew back his arms, which became enveloped in a blinding light.

"You and me are far from each other in power. Get that right." He sent forth a giant stream of blinding water at Mycroft, who flipped out of the way. He charged a sphere of doom energy and shot it at Alvarez, who only dodged it. "So you're infused with Doom? Not bad."

"And what of you?"

"Something brighter."

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 6/24/2012 1:44:19 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 21
6/25/2012 13:24:01   

Chapter Two

Alvarez jumped out of the way of an energy dragon effigy and sent forth a water dragon effigy to Mycroft. Mycroft grabbed it and fizzled the effigy into mist.

"So you can defeat the water dragon effigies?" Alvarez said as he formed an aquatic dragon head. Mycroft held onto his wounded hand as he tried to get a footing. For the past ten minutes Alvarez had been getting in all his hits effectively. He had his elbow torn by an effigy's powerful bite. "It's a pity that between us I'm supposed to be the defensive one. Guess that's wrong."

"Believe me, you're right. I am the stronger one." Alvarez chuckled as he held a sphere of blinding water.

"Block this." Alvarez crushed the sphere, in which the remnants faded into the aquatic dragon head. The head roared as it breathed a torrent of blinding white water. From the looks of it Mycroft was engulfed within the blast, until he jumped up. He sprouted shadowy dracolich-like wings and remained airborne.

"Wings? What the?"

"You seriously don't know how to use those gauntlets," Alvarez said as he summoned a water dragon simulacrum. He jumped on it and the beast flew to Mycroft. He punched the simulacrum, which exploded. Mycroft crashed into the ground with Alvarez landing on him. He grabbed Mycroft by the neck and hoisted him in the air. "Listen up Mycroft. If you believe you're going to defeat Scarlet Nightdawn, you're surely mistaken if you cannot defeat me." With that Alvarez summoned a golden katana. As he raised it Mycroft kicked Alvarez in the chest and jumped back.

"You can do this!" Vladimir shouted. "Watch out though, he's using the opposite of Doom: Destiny. Whatever you do, don't let him hit you with that katana." Alvarez formed a couple hundred more water dragon effigies as he rushed at Mycroft. Mycroft clasped his claws as he mumbled an ancient spell. As he brought them apart black lightning had formed in the middle.

"I only have two shots with this spell. Mane them count." As Alvarez and the effigies neared him Mycroft jumped in the air and directed his palms to his assailants. "Dark Lightning." The black lightning shot out in a widespread beam of energy, completely incinerating the water dragon effigies and blasting Alvarez into the ground. As he crashed he got back up and dusted his sleeves.

"Thou who wields the corrupt bolt shall obliterate their enemies within the blink of an eye. Dark Lightning techniques, I know of them. Now you're not holding back."

"Why are you really fighting me Alvarez?"

"Defeat me and I promise to tell you the answer." Alvarez then formed electricity in his palms. "However, I doubt you'll live." As Mycroft formed more Dark Lightning Alvarez carved a large slab out of the ground in front of him. From the hole water surged forth, calling for Alvarez's aura. He gathered enough water and constructed a water dragon. The beast roared and stomped around before directing it's attention to Mycroft. It raced at him with unimaginable speed. Mycroft formed a small sphere of black lightning and consumed it. His eyes burned with doom enerhy as he inhaled loose static.

"Dark Energy's Bellow!" He exhaled a giant stream of black lightning which shot straight through the dragon and flew to Alvarez.

"Not bad. Why not use your doom energy you weakling." Alvarez grinned as his eyes burned with blinding energy. He jumped off the ground with such force that the ground caved in. He even soared into the dark lightning and came out unscathed. He punched Mycroft, who only kicked him into a wall. Alvarez retaliated by summoning a torrent of water under his feet.

"Don't try and attack me Alvarez!" Alvarez the summoned more water to envelop his body. The water took the shape of a serpentine-like water dragon with white eyes.

"Don't EVER tell me what to do." As Alvarez reared back to attack Vladimir and Lala jumped in and subdued the two.

"You two don't think you've had enough? C'mon! You two passed the test anyways." Alvarez powered down into his human form as he heard what Vladimir said.

"What test?!"

"You see, Serotonin and I arranged for you and Alaric Mycroft to meet here. We planned to see how you two fought and it went great. We're sending you two to fight Scarlet in a few days. Myself, Serotonin and the others will head back to Lore to plan an attack on Scarlet's army. We're giving you guys eight days to perfect your teamwork and abilities."

"What about Lala?" Mycroft asked. She smiled as she heard him mention her name.

"I'm staying with you of course. I'm the only way for you guys to return to Lore anyways." Alvarez sheathed his katana as he walked off.

"You honestly can't tell me what I must do! I'm Alaric the Righteous! What can you do to me?!" Vladimir smirked as he turned.

"Ok. Tell you what: you got ten seconds to lay a scratch on me. If you do, you stay here. If I can hit you before you hit me you follow my plan." Alvarez concentrated water around his body.

"Bring it." Lala sighed as she counted down.

"3…2…1…GO!" At that moment Vladimir broke through Alvarez's water mold and pinned him to the floor.

"Not even a second. Now, you and Mycroft start getting along."

"How...were you able to..."

"You don't know who I am. Be lucky I wasn't using my magic."

"You mean...what you just did was complete physical prowess?"

"Believe me, you want to see physical prowess fight my brother Radomir."

< Message edited by VanHellsin24 -- 6/27/2012 22:31:23 >
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