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=ED= EpicDuel LiveStream - April 22nd

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4/20/2012 20:03:16   
Spectating from the Sidelines

Hey There, EpicDuelists!

The April 22nd Livestream is now complete, a list of questions asked and answers the devs gave can be found below.

Thanks for joining us and we hope to see you again in future streams!

Q: Can anyone tell me what they are drawing?
A: This is an upcoming enemy in the next story arc. It is a giant war bug creature. You'll probably see this character before summer.

Q: @Charfade, Nightwraith: When you guy create monsters, how long does it usually take?
A: It depends on the monster and how detailed it is. Sometimes we both do a collaboration and come together with our individual designs. It can take anywhere between a day and a week for each NPC. It can take a bit longer depending on what animations it has.

Q: How do you decide which items become limited quantity and which become seasonal rares.
A: I feel it depends on how cool it looks. We like seasonal rares because we can being them back. If we do something especially cool, we'd like to make it more special by making it limited quantity and bringing it back periodically during the war to make it more exciting.

Q: Is anything new plan for Juggernauts to bring it to the same level as 1vs1/2vs2?
A: Rabble is going to look into it when he has the time.

Q: What is the next war event after the Bionic Battalion?
A: The next war event is going to be called Infernal Infiltration. We don't want to reveal much more than that at the moment. You can expect it soon.

Q: How long does it take you guys to draw a bot?
A: It is one of the most labor-intensive items we create. Bots usually have multiple attacks and look different. It usually takes a week of work, but it is getting faster to make.

Q: How different is CS5 to CS3 and is it easier or harder to use?
A: For me, CS5 is super, super better - it's more gooder. It used to take approximately 2 minutes to change every time we made a random tweak and published it to test, now it takes roughly 40 seconds.

Q: Has anyone ever given you an idea and you started drawing it immediately?
A: Probably the quickest turnaround was the Vendzooka which Xendran suggested on the forums. It was one of those obvious things we didn't think of. We just modified the Vendbots and turned them into bazookas.

Q: What is your favorite NPC, not including Dev NPCs?
A: Charfade: Frysteland Yetis, Lycus: Frysteland Biohazards, Cinderella: The Lawman, storywise, because my ingame NPC is The Lawman's daughter. I'm also starting to love Valestra and I'm writing more and more about her and her backstory.

Q: Has there been any weapons that you have drawn but haven't released, specifically to EpicDuel?
A: We have some, they will probably be released sometime in the future. We have some weapons we draw but we haven't found the right occasion to release them.

Q: Is there an issue in code that that is related to the connection loss issue?
A: We've been looking into it and found 2-3 separate issues on the kicks. Please share information with us if you experience a kick.

Q: Anything new planned for Juggernauts?
A: Lycus, Hudelf and Ashari have been working on this. It will take time to figure out.

Q: On Promo Packs
A: We are changing how our upgrades work ingame, you will be getting more from the pack. We are introducing choice - first: you pick how much varium you want, second: you pick the add-ons you want and third: complete your transaction. We are going to add more promo packs. You can expect the feature by this week.

Q: How do things break when there isn't a release?
A: Every system in the game was modified in some way with the upgrade from CS3 to CS5 and the testers may have missed some things because every single feature had to be tested.

Q: Are we starting a main story or are we doing only event stories like the Heartbreaker Saga or Bionic Battalion?
A: There is a main overarching story in EpicDuel. For example, the letter about Admin 12 was talking about another storyline which involves Nightwraith. Each story has some kind of development in the main story of the game. We will also be highlighting the aspect of Legion and Exile so the players will drive the storyline.

Q: Who are the good guys?
A: None of the alignments are really the 'good guys', some people just do what is in their best interest.

Q: On Bunny Weapons
A: They're not overpowered but not necessarily weak.

Q: Any plans on expanding the server numbers?
A: If we have a need for it, we will. At the moment, there isn't a reason to do so if servers aren't filled.

Q: Any good armor ideas you have come up with from player suggestions?
A: Yes! We want to release the Delta Knight armor as soon as possible. We're planning a mutating armor. It looks really cool and captured the design of the Delta phase.

Q: Who inspires you to draw these amazing drawings?
A: Nightwraith: Matt Roads, he's the artist of a lot of video games. He has a cool way of designing robots. Adam Hughes, Bruce Timm and Mark Brooks are some others.
Charfade: I've been going back and studying the masters like Da Vinci. I also like to look at games like the Assassins Creed art and the art direction it took. I don't really play games but rather look at the art and analyze it.

Q: How did we come up with our [game] names?
A: Charfade: I had a horse named Charfade... and I stole the name. The horse isn't around anymore, it got eaten by a dragon.
Nightwraith: During the Alpha Test, I chose Nightwraith because it sounded cool. I wanted to change it to my normal screenname but people got to know me as this name.
Titan:I made a bunch of characters for testing, but I kept logging on as Titan so I stuck with it.
Cinderella: It came from the first day of public Alpha because of what Nightwraith said, to sign up exactly at midnight. It's just like the price, except instead of going to a ball I had to log into the game.

Q: Have you ever thought of Titan or Rabble draw for the Livestream?
A: Yes! I'll draw an owl right now.

Q: Will Charfade's shop ever have more items in it?
A: I need more parts, but with all the wars I don't have any.

Q: I know Artix likes to work out ninja style, do Titan or Nightwraith ever join him?
A: We used to, we're getting lazy now - we need some motivation. We used to exercise when the bells rang, but they broke.

Q: Will some of the now restricted areas be eventually unlocked?
A: Yes.

Q: Is there any plans for minigames?
A: Not in the immediate future, it is not a priority at this time. We are focusing on the core gameplay rather than building side projects.

Q: Has there been any drawing hard to draw, if so what?
A: It's just coming up with ideas and functions of how they work.

Q: Is the balance thread ever looked at?
A: Yes, even if we don't post in there, we do look at it. RabbleFroth and Ashari always look in there - a lot.

Q: On Beta Player Rewards
A: We have talked about this, but we have not decided what it is yet.

Q: Have you thought of a 'master' system' where a higher leveled player helps a newer player.
A: We haven't really thought about that but we plan on updating the tutorial. We have also thought of making the interface mode to make it easier to use.

Q: When does Charfade's stuff restock?
A: We try to do it at least once a month.

Q: On 3D Stuff
A: We don't have plans to do so at this time.

Q: On playing the game on mobile devices
A: You can play the game on some devices, like Android, can run the game decently but it's not designed for it.

Q: Will there be more birthday events for the game?
A: The Heartbreaker Saga was kind of our birthday event this year. I usually try to look at the dev NPCs and integrate them into the storyline. For example, Negawraith was based on how Nightwraith looked like in Alpha.

Q: Will there be any mod contest like AQWorlds?
A: Chances are slim, because this is a competitive game and someone could wish for something that could break balance.

Q: What's the next game changing system?
A: Probably the points system. the revamp system is also coming up, as well as the faction overall.

Q: On Mother's Day, is there gonna be a Junker Mama Boss?
A: We're thinking of doing something for Brunson's Mama.

Q: What happened to BigTuna?
A: Cinderella replaced him. He doesn't work here anymore, he's chilling by the dock with his tunas.

Q: On the Mod Process
A: Emails should be going to the successful applicants.

< Message edited by SMGS -- 6/25/2012 18:23:48 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
4/20/2012 20:24:32   

I won't be at the stream. Practel, ca you ask them for me?

1) Will Charfade's shop ever have more items?

2) Will there be a level cap raise between this and the next stream?

3) Will stats receive a revamp within the next 6 months, as in whether they will be finalized as in which stat does what?

4) Will some of the now "restricted" areas be eventually unlocked?

5) Will we ever get minigames?


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 2
4/20/2012 20:26:02   
One Winged Angel1357

Seeing as I will be on a military base at 9AM I will slowly edit my questions into this post.

The most important question I can think of is this. How different is CS5 from CS3? Is it easier or harder to use(For Charfade, Nightwraith, Titan, and Rabble because it affects both the art/animations and the AS3.0 code)?
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 3
4/20/2012 20:29:42   

I MIGHT be at the Stream, but just in case...

1) Why are the specials of the BioMutates both damage boosting and unblockable, along with 11 base STR, isn't this basically wanting more STR Builds around?

2) How's the Faction Streamlining?

3) What are the plans for 2v2/Juggernaut, if any?

4) Will there ever be wabbit pie?

5) What are you going to do about the Fame Feature?

6) Can you add minigames?

7) Why is the Bazaar rumored to be full of exotic weapons when nothing is sold there, and it's just an almost empty room?

8) Will the V-NV Gap be addressed in the next 3 months? It seems a serious issue, to be frank.

Bolds are important.


3) Will stats receive a revamp within the next 6 months, as in whether they will be finalized as in which stat does what?

I second Wraith's question.

< Message edited by drinde -- 4/21/2012 0:02:53 >


DF MQ Epic  Post #: 4
4/20/2012 20:48:37   

When is Nightwraith going to be placed in the storyline? So far he doesn't play much of a role....
AQW Epic  Post #: 5
4/20/2012 20:55:57   

Probably not going to be able to be at the stream, and sadly I have no questions in mind at the moment :/.
AQ Epic  Post #: 6
4/20/2012 21:41:01   
  Battle Elf
has ten 1v1 wins

Ah, looks like I won't be able to make it, seeing as I have a soccer match :P. Hope it goes well ^^
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
4/21/2012 2:12:53   

I hope I make it, but if I don't here's my questions...

1.) Are we gonna have more mega events like Bionic Battalion Saga and Frysteland War?
2.) Does you have any plans for Juggernaut balancing? >:3

Me NO like staying away from favorite battle mode >:/

Last but not least....

...I heard you like Mudkipz?
Epic  Post #: 8
4/21/2012 5:34:52   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Just to add, we cannot guarantee that if you post your question here, that we will answer it. We are restricted to a two hour slot, since we're human, and we're giving up part of our weekend off for this and we also need to answer as many questions from the actual Livestream as possible. So if we don't get to answer yours, don't be upset, you'll get other chances to ask them! :) We'll do as many as possible, but if that doesn't cover your question, then I apologies!
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
4/21/2012 5:52:48   

1) What balance changes are you planning to make in the upcoming weeks?
2) What are your plans for the NPC Negawraith?
Epic  Post #: 10
4/21/2012 6:11:13   
Fay Beeee

I will do my best to be there. :) Always informative, fun, interesting and we get to hear Cindys singing. (And if we get lucky, Practel sings - hopefully not cracked.) lol

Just in case I forget or you are too busy to answer.

Will there be a 2012 Olympic Achievement. :)

< Message edited by Fay Beeee -- 4/21/2012 8:33:17 >


Epic  Post #: 11
4/21/2012 8:33:39   
Spectating from the Sidelines

To add to what Lycus said,

If your question is missed, we will save it for the next stream in which case it will be answered if time permits! :)

Also, we've noted down almost all of your questions, and look forward to answering them.

DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
4/21/2012 8:43:10   

i'll probally make it.

-Is anything new planned for juggernauts? (lift to the same grade as solo/team(factions, daily winner notification at end of day/...), balance (by example adjusting the lvl range),...) ?


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
4/21/2012 8:56:29   

Alright, look like I only have 2 question that I always want to be answered

Will the dev ever release more skills base features?
I meant if they ever release more classes?
Add more skills/skill trees to classes (not replace!)?
More type of stats?
More equipment (that give stat, passive or even give extra Skill like Trinket is DF)

Also will they ever re-design bot? Bot are very annoying now and very abusive for some builds only (mainly high damage builds) while the Focus is not that good at all
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 14
4/21/2012 10:34:09   
Fay Beeee

New question.

10 K received an achievement. 25k has not. When is the next one available for fame.

When is the next rank AFTER legend, what is required?

< Message edited by Fay Beeee -- 4/21/2012 11:05:59 >
Epic  Post #: 15
4/21/2012 10:49:02   
Yix P

What time will it be on server time?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
4/21/2012 10:54:21   

@Yix P: EST (Eastern Standard Time) is Server Time :)
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 17
4/21/2012 19:49:46   
Megas Light

Here is my question: "Why Charfade doesn't have her personal armor like her npc?" and maybe someone can sing the drep song which it is funny.
AQW Epic  Post #: 18
4/21/2012 20:20:33   

How hard would it be 2 make/dev Hybrid weapons that can change their damage type each turn? this is meant for livestream that would really neat to see of course it is only just a idea

that would be awsome if they did something like that

Posts merged. Please do not Double-Post; use the Edit Button instead. Thanks! ~Lectrix

< Message edited by Lectrix -- 4/21/2012 20:55:39 >


Eat, Work, Play AE Games ! :)
Will fame anyone who answers my questions
If you play Epic Duel That Is
Head of The Gemini Corp
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 19
4/21/2012 20:36:43   

6 AM too early for me, I can't make it, by time I'll be up it'll be over most likely.

My questions:

1) Any thoughts about ENH fixing? Doubling/Quadrupling Stats?
2) What's your opinion on each class? (OP, needs nerf, relatively balanced, etc...)
2a) What will you do about CH? Any plans?
3) Just wondering, have you ever implemented skills/ideas suggested by the forums in terms of classes? (Let's say that the Conduction idea was implemented-would this be the first time ever this kind of thing has happened?)
4) Now that there is no arcade, besides flag donations, any ideas for tokens?
5) Next level cap raise-general time? (When?)

That's all for now!
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
4/21/2012 21:24:54   

Just one question.
I won't be on.
Are there any plans to reduce the amount of available enhancement slots?
Someone ask this for me plz
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 21
4/21/2012 21:42:04   

Will you guys ever have an armor for the 50 dollar varium package like the founder armor ? and will you ever give player the option to buy j6 Light sabre PLEASE i want it so bad DDD: and i dont think im the only one :)
Epic  Post #: 22
4/21/2012 21:43:19   

^ I WILL be at the live stream :)
Epic  Post #: 23
4/22/2012 3:43:26   
  Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

I make that 2PM (GMT) for me, i shall be there. But i need to think of questions first, i hardly seem to have any
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
4/22/2012 4:04:48   

1)i would like to know if rule for playing more than one account can be removed since one can not dummy anymore.
2) when will it be next epicduel phase and also lvl cap raise(probly asked)?
3)will the next 10k pack contain auxilarries and guns?
4) will you be adding new classes in the new phaseif you do go into a new phase

< Message edited by felixossom -- 4/22/2012 4:05:28 >


Epic  Post #: 25
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