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The Horrifying Truth.

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4/22/2012 11:15:05   
King FrostLich

Those who are experiencing sudden connection lost, kicked by admin or whatever disconnection by random, if you are in a faction it loses 20 influence for every random disconnect. No joke but I seemed to notice it when I suddenly got the connection lost. I also noticed my faction mates' wins didn't rack up so this bug needs to be fixed now. I'm sure those factions with flags could care less anyway.


Epic  Post #: 1
4/22/2012 11:22:09   

I've been also experiencing this DC phenomenon a few days ago until now . Wonder what's causing this...
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
4/22/2012 11:37:55   


im having the Connection lost Issues , i really can't do anything , When i Write my Informaltions to login and pick the server i want to be in it, whenever i login i get Connection lost and sometimes b4 i get in-game, and sometimes even if i logged in in ED when i went in battle i get connection lost , i've tried few internet access and still the same,and some of my friends having this problem too, i re-installed FP and Cleared Cache and still,i even rebooted my laptop and Router incare it was from them and still and tried on few browsers and still :/


< Message edited by V.I.X -- 4/22/2012 11:38:56 >
Epic  Post #: 3
4/22/2012 12:16:32   

I haven't been disconnected in a while...
Post #: 4
4/22/2012 12:18:12   

this new flash update messing me up for video streaming too. kept crashing my browsers yesterday :(

also the problems ingame [disconnects etc] seem to effect specific characters of mine, rather than all. that suggests it is server side.
Post #: 5
4/22/2012 12:19:11   

^Same (exept for things that are my own foult (like accidentelly pressing the red x, or back button)

P.S.: ignore the typos for now please


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
4/22/2012 13:40:12   


Losing Influence
- A faction loses no Influence points if a player leaves the faction.
- A faction loses 20 + (10 * Contributed Battle Tokens) Influence points if a player is booted out of the faction. If you boot an inactive member, there is a 50% discount in penalty.
- A faction loses 20 Influence points if a player runs from a battle (F5).
- A faction loses 100 Influence points if they are aligned with the losing alignment of the Daily Faction War

Epic  Post #: 7
4/22/2012 13:57:39   

It should hopefully be fixed tomorrow as apparently release is tomorrow (Monday) due to the delay and NW said "early next week" which is most likely Monday or Tuesday at latest.
But it's kinda horrifying, yeah, especially for VIX who keeps getting a lot of them - I can see just after tweets and posts on Forum - and worst thing is that he cannot fix it.. I got 3 of them since last release which was last Friday but it's definitely a bug if more people experience it + Admin kicks which are happening more often.

Probably CS5 is to blame, whole game had to be recoded to fit CS5 and it should be fixed, along with "new" 2v2 match-ups which are really messed up but hilarious at the same time.
AQ Epic  Post #: 8
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