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(DF) The tale of a dragonfuser.

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4/29/2012 16:36:54   
  San Robin

Discussion thread

Chapter 1: Nasbor.

Nasbor was a boy like all others, he grew up in a small village in the mountain together with his parents, 2 brothers and baby sister.
The only thing that was odd about Nasbor were his pupils, his pupils, his pupils were shaped like diamonds and didn’t have any iris,
not even the wisest man in the village could explain this phenomena it didn’t seem to have any harming effects on Nasbor so after a while nobody paid attention to it anymore.

Nasbor’s life was just like any other, he helped his father tend the farm, got groceries for his mother and hung out around town with friends.
Nothing had changed in the 17 - almost 18- years that Nasbor was born, Nasbor didn’t really care about that, he kind of liked the routine he was in, nothing could go wrong as long as the routine stayed the same.
But still... Today way different... Nasbor felt a change in the air, something was approaching, Nasbor started to feel nervous, this was not like him, what could he have felt that made him like this?
After a while Nasbor shrugged and laughed at his own stupidity, that’s it! Tomorrow would be his 18th birthday! That must have been it, What else could happen in a small town like this?

Still laughing Nasbor continued his daily routine, unaware of a pair of eyes with diamond shaped pupils looking in his direction....
Foolish boy, you don’t even realise what power you have! and you’ll never get the chance to realise it!
With a last glimpse at Nasbor the eyes disappeared...

< Message edited by San Robin -- 4/29/2012 18:29:28 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 1
4/29/2012 17:57:43   
  San Robin

Chapter 2: The birthday "gift".

Still unaware of what happened Nasbor walked through the streets to go home, when he saw the old lady from the church,
his mother told him that that lady once was a famous fortune teller known far and wide and even was hired by kings!
When his mother told him about that it made Nasbor wonder what a once famous fortune teller was doing in a quiet town like his own.
Soon after he was told by other townspeople that the old lady was a scam and had to hide for dissatisfied customers, for this reason the townspeople left her be, they didn’t want any trouble.

Even with that knowledge Nasbor liked the old lady, sure she was a bit strange but she was always nice to him.
“Greetings” he said, the old lady stopped and looked at him, her eyes looked as if her mind was somewhere else entirely, “Ah, it’s you Nasbor, how are you doing? Being a bit nervous for your birthday yet?”
Nasbor smiled and told her about the feeling he had earlier that day, he didn’t know why but he felt like telling her, was that how much he trusted her?
“So.. yeah I guess I’m a little nervous about tomorrow” Nasbor said with a smile.
But the old lady didn’t smile... She looked at him and nodded, “I have a gift for you”, She handed Nasbor a stone the size of his fist, Nasbor weighed it in his hand, the stone felt really smooth but still it was a stone... He thanked the old lady with a smile he learned to put up to not hurt anyone's feelings.
And just when he wanted to walk away, the old lady grabbed his hand, “It may look like I’m senile, but please promise me you’ll keep the stone with you, you’ll need it very soon!”, Nasbor nodded and promised he will keep it with him to do as she asked.

Nasbor walked further with the stone in his hand, the old lady may have said she was not senile but Nasbor had a hard time believing it...
Trying to think of what need he could have for a stone he walked through the streets, it certainly is a weird birthday gift, but somehow the promise he made felt binding, as if that if he broke it something terrible would happen.
Nasbor shrugged and put the stone in his pocket, it was almost strange how light the stone was.
Almost as if it wasn’t there, while he could still feel it pressing against his leg...

After Nasbor came home he ate some dinner with his family and went to bed straight away.
Tomorrow he would be 18, the age to take the courage test and become a man!
With the promise he made to the old lady in mind, he took the stone out of his pocket and put it on the table next to him, in the darkness it looked like the smooth stone was shining with a faint light, Nasbor smiled, to think his first birthday gift was a stone and with that smile on his face he fell asleep, dreaming about himself passing the courage test with flying colours and all the town girls begging him to be their boyfriend.
Not knowing what was about to happen...

< Message edited by San Robin -- 4/29/2012 18:18:47 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 2
4/30/2012 7:37:32   
  San Robin

Chapter 3: Midnight

Nasbor woke up and looked around him, he had just been dreaming that the most beautiful girl in town had an interest in him of all people, she was about to tell him when he woke up because of a strange noise.
Was it morning already? Nasbor looked outside, it was still dark outside, then he heard the noise again, this time clearer, it seemed like it came from the kitchen.
Nasbor, who was a curious as ever got out of bed, put his clothes on, automatically grabbed the stone from the table and quietly opened the door to the hall.

The house where Nasbor lived was a typical farmhouse, his younger brothers had to share a room because there wasn’t enough room, his baby sister slept in a cradle in the same room as Nasbor’s parents.

Slowly and avoiding the creaky planks to not make a noise, Nasbor walked to the kitchen, half expecting that everyone would yell “Surprise!” as soon as he opened the door.
He was almost at the door, when he reached to open it he noticed something strange, the door was already a bit open, strange, his father always closed the door to prevent the cats to get in the kitchen and hoard all the food... His dad must’ve forgot this time.
He slowly opened the door a little further and stiffened when it started creaking , Nasbor stopped again to listen, nothing, he walked into the kitchen, there was no one there, then he saw the window was open, wow his dad really became older, to forget to even close the window!
Nasbor closed the window, unaware of the strange footprints in the sand below the window.

A loud bang suddenly filled the house, what was that?
shortly after that, he heard a man shouting, a woman screaming and a baby crying, he recognized the voices immediately it were his mother, father and baby sister!
The must be something wrong! Nasbor rushed to his parents room, to find the door laying on the floor with strange claw marks engraved into it, he tried to yell but no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t make a sound, he tried to move but he couldn’t, and then he saw it...

A monster stood there in his parents room, his mother lying in bed without any sign of life and his father standing in front of the cradle with his arms spread to protect the baby.
Nasbor’s father looked at him at shouted “Get out of here! Run as fast as you can!”, Nasbor wanted to talk back but he still couldn’t speak.
everywhere around Nasbor a strange light emerged, the hallway and a part of the bedroom was lit, he saw that the monster was looking at him, the monster’s arms were muscular and ended in a hand with long claws, Nasbor looked a bit better and saw the monster had a tail with big spikes in it, looking at the monster’s face he saw that the monster had a reptile like face, no nose, long fangs and scales all over but what shocked Nasbor most were the monsters eyes, they were just like his.

The monster came rushing at Nasbor, he wanted to scream but still couldn’t, Nasbor closed his eyes and waited for the pain, nothing, he felt light for a moment and everything was dark again...

< Message edited by San Robin -- 4/30/2012 7:41:32 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 3
5/1/2012 13:50:23   
  San Robin

Chapter 4: The old Lady’s story.

The first thing Nasbor noticed when he woke up was that he was lying in a bed, was everything that happened to him just a dream?
Nasbor tried to sit up but couldn’t, as soon as he tried his head started spinning and he fell down.
He looked up to the ceiling and noticed that it wasn’t the ceiling of his room, although it was still dark outside he could see the difference this one was made from a lighter kind of wood, so... if this wasn’t his room, where was he then?
He tried to get up one more time but regretted it immediately, the room started spinning and his stomach turned, before he knew it everything he ate the day before was laying on the ground.
Exhausted, Nasbor fell in a deep sleep again.

Nasbor slept for hours and when he woke up it was light again.
“I see you finally came to again” That voice... He knew that voice, it was the old lady from the church, Nasbor looked next to him and saw her sitting there.
What happened? Then Nasbor remembered the night, the strange noise, the scream, his mother lying in bed without any sign of life, the mysterious light, the reptile like monster rushing at him...
His parents! What happened to them? Why was he here? how did he survive? The more he thought about it the more his head started to spin again.
He looked at the old lady and tried to ask her if she knew anything, but all he could produce was a dry whisper, his tongue was dry as a desert and his throat felt like sandpaper.
The old lady gave him a glass of water, “Take small sips, you were pretty sick last night, you lost almost all of your fluids.”, Grateful Nasbor took small sips of the water.
After being hydrated he started asking his questions.

The old Lady shook her head and sighed, “I should start with introducing myself”, which was weird because Nasbor already knew her, “My name is Esmeralda, I am, or actually was, a fortune teller, you probably knew that but what you didn’t know is the reason for me to quit that”
Nasbor felt a bit ashamed, he actually always referred to her as “the old lady” but of course she had a name! Trying to hide his blush of shame and curious as always, he asked her to continue her story.

The old Lady started telling.
A long time ago about 18 years now, I received a vision or a prophecy as you may call it,
the vision told me that within a year from then, a boy with special powers would be born somewhere in a mountain village, the boy’s powers would be unique to mankind, he would have the power to fuse with dragons!

The vision also told me that this boy was destined to be one of the great heroes of his time, he would go through many hardships and trials to acquire his powers, but to do that he needed guidance and I was chosen to guide him through it all.
Sadly enough the vision didn’t tell what village the boy would be born in so I had to visit every mountain village and cast a spell over them to warn me as soon as an unusual power would appear.

I decided to move out of swordhaven to be closer to the mountains, the people in the capitol started noticing I was gone and in no time the wildest rumors started, about me being a fraud and that I stole money from the king.
The best one I heard was that I put a curse on the king , transforming him into a seed spitter!

10 months after the vision I received a warning from the spell, a baby with special powers was born, just as the vision told me, I rushed to the village as fast as I could, which was quite fast because of the griffin, to find a new mother and father with a newborn baby in their arms, they were in tears not because of joy but because of fear, the baby was born with strange eyes...
The pupils had the shape of diamonds and had no iris whatsoever, I saw it immediately, those were the eyes of a dragon! I had found the boy of the prophecy, he who could fuse with dragons, a boy that was going to be a hero of his own time.
As you probably figured out by now... That boy is you!

< Message edited by San Robin -- 8/18/2012 18:15:37 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 4
8/18/2012 18:23:57   
  San Robin

Chapter 5: Destiny.

Nasbor sat quietly, “You haven’t told me what happened to my parents yet”
Esmeralda looked down and shook her head in silence.
A sudden feeling of emptiness came over Nasbor, his parents, his siblings they were all dead?
He just couldn’t believe it...
He lost everything dear to him! Tears started to well up and roll across his cheeks, he didn’t care he just sat there, silently... A boy that lost everything...
He didn’t notice Esmeralda sending a prayer to the Elemental Lords “Please forgive me this lie, for it was the only way for the boy to leave home and become the hero of prophecy”

After a few hours of waiting Esmeralda thought Nasbor has had enough self pity and said in a calm voice “Nasbor we have to move on. You have to learn to use your powers.”
"What’s the use? My family’s dead! I don’t have anything to fight for!"
Nasbor shook his head, "I wish I could just die!"
Esmeralda looked at him, she really didn’t like to do this but it had to be done..
“Don’t you want to avenge your family’s dead? Don’t you want to kill that horrible monster?”
Nasbor looked up, "I can’t do any of that! I’m weak!"
Esmeralda looked at him with a stern look on her face “You are not weak! You are the dragonfuser of the prophecy!”
"AND WHAT IS A DRAGONFUSER ANYWAY?!?" Nasbor started to get angry, angry with the mysterious woman, angry with the prophecy and most of all angry with himself for not being able to defend his family.
Esmeralda didn’t care for yelling much so she only held up her hand to stop Nasbor's yelling.
“Like the name says, a Dragonfuser is a human who can fuse with dragons and use their powers that way.”
"Easier said than done!" Said Nasbor, "How does one even get a dragon?"
Esmeralda laughed, “You already have one in your pocket!”
"My pocket? All I have there is that stone you gave me!"
“Exactly!” Esmeralda nodded, “Take it out of your pocket if you will?”
Not knowing what to expect Nasbor took the stone out of his pocket.
"This is a dragon? Isn’t it a bit... tiny?"
“Foolish boy! Did you never learn that it’s the inner part that counts?”
"What? Who said that?"
“Esmeralda, are you sure this is the boy of destiny?”
“Oh yes I’m quite sure Sola, he has the eyes of the dragon after all”
Nasbor was shocked to learn that the strange voice that apparently was called “Sola” came from the stone he held, so shocked even that he dropped the stone on the ground.
“HEY! That hurts! Is that what I get for saving your butt?”
"You saved me?" Nasbor stared at the stone with unbelieve.
“No, the grenwog hare did...” Sola said sarcastic, “Of course I saved you! I teleported you here, didn’t I?”
"That was you? Amazing!"
“Finally the boy gets it!” Sola said with a glimpse of humor in his voice.
“Now it’s time for you to learn how to use your powers!”
“Not yet” said Esmeralda “We have to wait till the sun goes down so we can sneak out of town quietly, the less people who see you the better and you never know if that monster is still lurking about...”
Rest for now, the times ahead won’t be easy...
Nasbor laid down once more grateful for the extra rest he got offered.

What Nasbor didn’t know was that the real reason people couldn’t see him was because he was deleted from the people’s memories by a spell cast by Esmeralda.
Even his own parents won’t recognize him anymore.
“One day I’ll tell him the truth” Esmeralda thought to herself, “One day when the prophecy is fulfilled and the world is at peace once again”
With this thought she also laid down for some rest.
Tonight will be the start of a new life...

< Message edited by San Robin -- 8/27/2012 17:10:02 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 5
8/19/2012 21:36:46   
  San Robin

Chapter 6: Motivation.

That night they sneaked out of the town into the dark forest.
Nasbor who was still full of sadness, regret and self pity followed Esmeralda without asking too many questions.
Not knowing or caring what would happen next he followed her through the forest, walking towards the destiny that he had yet to acknowledge.
After walking through the dark and cold forest for what felt like days, Esmeralda decided they were away far enough from the town.
“We rest here for the night, or what’s left of it” she said and put down her stuff “Tomorrow at sunbreak we start the training!”.
Nasbor who was tired of the long journey didn’t even question the fact that Esmeralda could carry so many things on her own.
He just put down his stuff and got out the sleeping bag that Esmeralda got him.
He laid down and within a few minutes he was in a deep sleep.

Nasbor had a nice dream, not a dream where he had all the girls or muscles like a warrior.
No just a simple dream where he sat at the dinner table just talking with his family.
The conversation was about nothing serious at first but then all of a sudden it made a strange turn.
His mother looked right at him and said in a strange voice:
“Nasbor, it is you who is destined to become the hero of prophecy!”
Nasbor was shocked to hear that from his mother and started to protest,
“I’m no hero, I couldn’t even save you!”
His father looked at him and said in the same strange voice, “Train and you shall be the hero, but you must train hard!”
Nasbor was confused now, this was a dream but still it somehow felt strangely real.
Now his entire family turned their faces towards him.
“Avenge us, ” They said,”Train your powers and kill the monster that did this to us.”
His mother reached out to his hand and held it, her hand felt weird.
Nasbor looked down and screamed, what once was his mother’s hand was replaced by a skeletal hand.
“Is something wrong, Nasbor?” She asked.
Nasbor got up and ran as fast as he could.
“Nasbor? What’s wrong? NASBOR?!?”

"NASBOR!" Nasbor’s eyes opened up wide, he felt he was sweating and somehow kicked of his sleeping bag, he looked in the face of Esmeralda, who had a worried look on her face.
“Are you okay, boy? You sounded like you had a bad dream.”
A dream? It was all just a dream! But why did it feel so real?
Nasbor scratched his head, his family had told him to train and avenge them.
Even though it was a dream Nasbor felt that he had to do what they told him.
He had to train and avenge his family.
With a newfound energy Nasbor straightened up, looked Esmeralda in the face and said “I’m okay.”
Esmeralda seemed relieved and asked Nasbor if he was ready for training.
Nasbor looked up and saw that the sun was already rising.
He nodded at Esmeralda. “Please teach me the things I need to know!”
Esmeralda smiled, she didn’t know what happened to the boy in his dreams but she did notice a change for the better.
“Great!” She said “Then we shall begin!”

< Message edited by San Robin -- 8/27/2012 17:07:28 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 6
6/30/2013 18:18:12   
  San Robin

Chapter 7: Training

Nasbor could hardly wait, “I’m going to fuse with a Dragon and avenge my family’s deaths!”
Esmeralda noticed the glint in Nasbor’s eyes and worried a bit, even though revenge was a great motivation it was also the most dangerous one, the young boy’s eagerness to avenge his family could easily turn into darkness.... would that happen... She rather wouldn’t think about it...
But for now, he must be trained.
She straightened her back and said “First thing’s first! Don’t be expecting any fusing in this lesson!”
Nasbor looked at her with confusion “But I thought you were going to teach me?”
Esmeralda smiled “Oh I am going to, but you didn’t expect it to be easy? Did you now?”
Nasbor gulped “Uhm... no... of course not!”
“Good” Esmeralda said with a spark in her eye “Sit down make, sure you’re comfortable and close your eyes”
Nasbor did as she said and sat down, even though a pointy rock was sticking in his rear he was comfortable enough to sit down for a while.
“Now take slow breaths and focus on your surroundings... I want you to do this for one hour” Esmeralda said quietly.
Nasbor opened his eyes “ONE HOUR?!?” he proclaimed in shock “How do you expect me to sit still for one hour? And how do I even focus on my surroundings when I have my eyes closed?”
Esmeralda frowned, “So many questions, I expect you to sit still because if you don’t you will never learn to truly focus! And even when you close your eyes, your other senses will take over.”
Nasbor was even more confused now, “My other senses? You mean my hearing and smell? What do you expect me to do? Put my ear against a tree? Sniff some gorillaphant dung?”
Esmeralda shook her head, “Just sit down and do as I tell you to, try to hear the animals move and try to smell where they are. I will tell you when the hour is over and then we’ll look if you were right”
Nasbor groaned and sat down, the rock immediately started to stick in his rear end again, this was going to be a looooooong hour....

For weeks this routine of “training” continued as they traveled through the vast forest. Since last week Esmeralda prolonged the meditation from one to three hours, Nasbor could now exactly tell where an animal had been and where it went after an hour of meditating.
Nasbor was getting impatient however, he had been traveling with the old lady for weeks now and nothing had changed for him except for that he could locate an animal with his eyes closed!
After his daily meditation he stood up, wiped the dirt from his pants and walked to Esmeralda who was chatting with Sola.
“I don’t see how this whole “focus” thing will help me to fuse with dragons! I mean it’s pretty handy for hunting but nothing more!”
Esmeralda sighed “We’ve been over this before! When you can focus enough I will show you the next step.”
“But I’m ready for this!” Nasbor said.
“Oh really now?” Esmeralda grinned ,“Then tell me where the closest deer is?”
“Is that all?” Nasbor asked with a smile, “There is a deer about 100 meters* to the north, it’s drinking by the waterfall!”
“Very good” Esmeralda said, “What a pleasant surprise, you are a quick learner!”
Esmeralda stood up “now as I promised I will explain the next step.” She looked at a tree, closed her eyes and put her hand in front of her.
Nasbor looked up the tree and saw a small bird sitting on a branch.
The bird flew down and landed right on Esmeralda’s hand, it sat there for a view seconds and flew away again, it circled around in the air a few times and landed on the exact same branch it sat before.
Esmeralda opened up her eyes “We have to go!”
“What? Why? What about the next step? What happened?” Nasbor asked in confusion.
“Dravir!” Esmeralda said, “About 100 of them!”
“Dravir?” Nasbor asked, “How do you know that? I didn’t hear them coming in my meditation.”
Esmeralda turned around and looked at Nasbor “Because you can hear about 200 meters around you while this army is about a kilometer away from us”
“Then how do you know?” Nasbor asked again “Your hearing is worse than mine, you told me yourself!”
Esmeralda smiled “I saw it through the bird’s eyes! and that my boy... Is the next step!”
Nasbor’s jaw dropped, “How?”
“I’ll tell you once we’re safe! There’s a hidden cave not far from here!” She said as she grabbed Nasbor’s hand and started to run towards the cave.

*San's note: 1 meter is about 3.28 feet, Yay metrics!

< Message edited by San Robin -- 7/1/2013 7:15:06 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 7
7/2/2013 13:22:25   
  San Robin

Chapter 8: The next step.

They arrived in the cave and heard the footsteps of the marching Dravir echoing through the forest.
Esmeralda and Nasbor sat there panting for a while, “Now.. please... tell me how you did that!” panted Nasbor.
Esmeralda made a gesture to show Nasbor to wait a moment, “Please... boy... I’m not as young as you are!” Nasbor waited until Esmeralda caught her breath again.
“Now then” She said with a smile, “That, my boy, was fusing!”
“Fusing?!?” Nasbor exclaimed, “But didn’t you say only I could do that?”
Esmeralda laughed, “No, what I said was that you are the only Dragonfuser! You see as long as you have magic and focus everybody can fuse with animals, monsters and some whom are very skilled can even fuse with other people! But dragons... They are special with ancient magic that stops all fusion from taking place. Your eyes however, they can somehow pierce through the magic, allowing you to fuse with a dragon!”
Nasbor listened and slowly nodded when he understood, “But... I had imagined fusion to be different... like two creatures becoming one.”
Esmeralda smiled again, “Yes but in a way that’s what happened now, I fused part of my mind with the bird thus the bird and I became one. But that was just one kind of fusion!”
“There are multiple types?” Nasbor asked, “Please tell me what kinds there are!”
Esmeralda nodded, “The fusion I used was one of the easier fusions, called “mindshare” although commoners and those who don’t know about fusion call it “possession” this is because you basically force your way into something’s mind and take over their bodies and even powers! The more complicated one’s mind is the harder it is to mindshare with it unless they do it out of own volition it will still be hard but not as hard as forcing your way through. The weak point about this fusion is that the caster’s body is vulnerable while he or she is sharing mind with another creature. That is why it’s essential to learn the other type of fusion called “Bodyshare” this is the fusion that fuses two bodies into one thus not leaving your body without protection.
It’s an advanced version of the mindshare and will only work when both parties agree to fuse the main body will be stronger than the original two ever were!”
Nasbor sat there listening to the explanation, he started to understand how fusion worked and why the focus training was so important, but he had one question, “But won’t fusing with Sola have a bad effect then? I mean what good would it do to fuse with a rock?”
Esmeralda smiled, “I’m glad you asked! I was about to explain, the fusion techniques don’t end with “share” for no reason you know! With mindshare as well as bodyshare you can reverse the technique, so to say you can “borrow” some of Sola’s powers with mindshare and you can turn your body parts into that of Sola with bodyshare.”
Nasbor sat up, “Wait.. I get the borrowing power with mindshare since Sola somehow still has magic but the bodyshare part still scares me a little, wouldn’t I just turn into a rock? What do I have to do then? wear glasses and a fake nose and moustache?”
Esmeralda laughed, “Only time will tell what will happen when you bodyfuse with Sola, but first I want you to practice mindfusion! We better practice while we’re here”
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 8
7/23/2013 19:24:39   
  San Robin

Chapter 9: Mindshare

After a few hours of practising Nasbor opened his eyes, “It’s not working! Can you please explain it one more time?” he asked.
Esmeralda looked at him, “Alright one more time!” she said, “Try to do the same thing you do as when you’re meditating, you need to sense the soul of Sola and when you do try to grasp and enter it.”
“But Sola is in a rock! He doesn’t move nor does he have a smell. How am I going to hear a rock move?” Nasbor asked.
“By pondering about those kind of things you’re getting distracted.” Esmeralda said, “Didn’t you notice that when you were meditating before you knew what kind of animal and the exact location the animal was at?”
“Well yes.” Said Nasbor, “But the animals moved and had a smell...”
“But didn’t you notice something else? Did you not picture the animal in your head?” Asked Esmeralda.
“Yes I did, but I think that’s just natural because my brain matches the smell and moving pattern to the right animal.” Nasbor doubted, “But there was this one time I noticed something strange, small like a garden gnome, Green as a frog and with strange spiky hair... I had forgotten all about that! What was that thing? and how did I know what it looked like?”
Esmeralda smiled, “What you described was a Sneevil and that picture you had in your head was its soul! You see, once someone is in deep meditation that person will be able to notice other creature’s soul!”
Nasbor nodded but thought of something, “Esmeralda? If I noticed every soul around me... Then why didn’t I ever notice yours?”
Esmeralda looked at him, “Because I shield my soul so that it’s not that easy to find and take over! You I do not fear, but I have enough enemies who would like a piece of me! But for now back to training!”

Nasbor sat quietly focussing on his surroundings, he had sat there for a few hours trying to find Sola’s soul to connect with but with very little result.
What could a dragon’s soul look like... He didn’t know so he tried to think what a dragon looks like, the stories always spoke of huge lizard like creatures who breathed fire, creatures with large fangs and claws and malicious behaviour, but he didn’t think Sola once looked like that, Sola’s behavior was gentle and friendly nothing like the dragons the stories described.
He started to fantasize about a golden dragon with a long snakelike body with relatively short arms and legs, manes of a lion and whiskers of a Carp, he saw it so well in his mind and the image wouldn’t go away.
Suddenly he realised, could this be Sola’s soul?
Slowly he tried to put his mind to it, tried to enter it, a shiver went through him as he felt his soul reach to the image, as soon as his soul touched the image he heard Sola’s voice, “Congratulations, Boy, you successfully reached my soul! Now I shall lend you some of my power for you to prove Esmeralda that you achieved mindsharing with me!”
Nasbor felt an alien power rush through his body and to his head, his eyes burned for a moment as he heard Sola say, “Open your eyes, Boy, you now have the sight of the dragon as long as I’m connected to you!”
Nasbor opened his eyes and noticed that the cave somehow seemed lighter, before it was dark as the deepest nights and he could hardly see the walls but now he could see everything, this must be the Dragon Sight Sola was talking about.
Esmeralda looked up, “Did you quit again? There’s just no helping you is there now?”
Nasbor grinned, “No, I actually did it!”
Esmeralda’s jaw dropped, this was faster progress than she imagined! “You did? What did Sola say?”
“He said I now have the sight of a dragon!” Nasbor said still smiling, “I can see the entire cave now!”
“Is that so?” Asked Esmeralda, “Then please close your eyes as I hide something in the cave.”
Nasbor did as he was told and after a minute or so he felt a tap on his shoulder, “You can open your eyes now!” he opened his eyes and saw Esmeralda standing next to him.
“I hid your backpack somewhere in the cave, if you truly have the sight of a dragon finding it back should be a piece of cake” She said to him.
Nasbor looked around the cave and saw his backpack lying on the other side of the cave, without a doubt he walked towards it and brought it back to Esmeralda.
“Amazing!” She said, “To think that you could learn this so fast! It’s stunning!”
Nasbor smiled shy, he didn’t get a lot of compliments from Esmeralda so he harbored every single one of them.
“Now to celebrate, please open your backpack and get what’s inside of it!” Esmeralda said with a smile.
Nasbor opened up his backpack and saw 2 beautifully crafted daggers lying in there, he took them out of the backpack and looked at Esmeralda, “These are... For me?”
Esmeralda nodded, “You deserve them! And they are important for the next part of training”
Nasbor sighed, “I should’ve known it wasn’t this easy...”
Esmeralda smiled “You need to practise with those! They were specially crafted for you so that you could defend yourself if needed”
Nasbor nodded, “Thank you, Esmeralda. I -” Nasbor suddenly looked outside, “We have uninvited guests!”
Esmeralda looked at the cave entrance, “I don’t see anyone.”
Nasbor shook his head, “no because they’re still quite far away, the Dravir are coming! They somehow found us!”
Esmeralda looked at Nasbor “This must be the effect of your dragon sight. Tell me, do you see another exit?”
Nasbor looked around, at the end of the cave he saw a small gap, big enough for him and Esmeralda to crawl through but creatures as big as the Dravir could never crawl through it!
“This way!” he said as he grabbed Esmeralda’s hand leading her to the gap.

They ran and ran until they thought they were far enough.
“I’m glad you turned out to be a quick student” Esmeralda panted, “Or else we would be Dravir prisoners by now! You -” She looked at Nasbor, “Are you ok?”
Nasbor was panting and sweating, he tried to keep standing but he fainted.
Esmeralda could catch him just in time.
“Nasbor?” Esmeralda asked, “What’s wrong?”
“The power I gave him exhausted him.” Sola said from his stone, “He just started this and isn’t completely used to it yet, let him rest for a while and continue as soon as he wakes up!”
“Is there something you know that I don’t, Sola?” Esmeralda asked Sola.
“I know these caves... They’re the home of an old “friend” of mine... But for now, rest, both of you!”
Esmeralda nodded and put Nasbor on the ground and put a blanket on him, shortly after that she also lied down and fell vast asleep.

< Message edited by San Robin -- 7/24/2013 13:17:30 >
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