they made a MASSIVE profit from the armour. absolutely massive. wouldn't be surprised if the sales pass $10,000 by the time the promo ends. and that is not including the 1800 [max] to enhance it. let's not sugarcoat it, could of been much cheaper and still been a profitable release. Oh, God. That is actually nothing. In an AQW LQS a couple months ago, there was an Armor called the Titan Slayer. It was priced at 700 AC (Varium in ED) and it was $2.50 USD=500 AC which means each Armor sold for $3.50. There was 6,000 In stock and in about a day or so (Even less more like 15 Hours) it sold out. That's $21,000 USD! AQW earned $21,000 USD in 1 day! Not to mention the other items in that shop! Set your expectations higher :3
< Message edited by liy010 -- 5/2/2012 19:12:06 >