(The Dealer appears again. ) Greeting once more. Well met... Again! You see now why people said avoid the clowns? And you say I'M bad. Indeed, clowns are to be avoided... Actualy, thast raises a point I wanted to ask you about you wanting to watch what I do. And that would be this: Proceed. SInce villains are always going to be in our fair city, and many will resort to horrific means to get mind control crystals or experiment with science and explode parts of SUper City, do you not think it better for them to have a legitimate, and thus safe source to obtain these things without resorting to too much violence? This would be ethics dear sir, and a common issue known as the Human Condition. Whether or not it is right, can be debated. I myself, do not feel it is! D:< I mean, think about it. Ommicorp statistics state that due to last years free giveaway of emergency cutoff switches, seventeen horrific abominations rampaging around the city have been avoided. five landmarks have been saved, and 1 wourld ending disaster avoided where without Ommicorp there would be much more damage. Then you must ask yourself, how can you prove that these occurrences are a result of your actions. Another issue: The Butterfly Effect. And yet, you blatently state Ommicorp to be evil. Yes we sell and experiment with dangerious items but if we did not, people would do it in less safe conditions. I label no man, merely their actions. ...And of course I make a lot of cash out of it as a bonus. Personal profit will always be the ethical evidence both for and against altruism. Which do you believe? As a token of goodwill between yourself and me and Ommicorp, here. (hands over a box) Inside is that information you have been looking for. Use it well. Oh, and a bullitproof postman hat that can cover your whole head if it's shot at. o.0 Just what I've always wanted! Did you talk to Santa...-er wait I can't be bribed...-but these are soo cool.. Bye. See ya and thanks for the gifts!
< Message edited by Postmaster General -- 5/30/2012 0:56:53 >