Blaze The Aion Ender
Why are we wanting to bring Tac Mercs' back to Cyber Hunter level? Passive Armor + Energy Regain + Strong Defence Removing skill + Passive Dodging Skill + Solid Energy Take = Way too many advantages Switch out either the passive armor (which will not happen) or Shadow arts. 3 skills that most CH's use that don't cost any energy make them too passive, combine that with fairly high, devastating damage, that's a little crazy. I believe we should nerf Cyber hunters. Not to the point of uselessness, but to the point of them being balanced with Bounty hunter, their counterpart. As for Tac Merc's, I wouldn't quite say they should stay the way they are, but do NOT add any de-buffing skill. Any single skill de-buff would make this class OP again. Malfunction or Smoke would make their strength far too high. If you were to add Intimidate, it would make their poison-tank builds or even just tank builds far too strong to bear. I believe that it should go on par with Cyber Hunter if they were to nerf Cyber Hunter a little. For Tac Merc, all they need is Technician and Maul, that alone would put them up to par. It would give them the option of a tank build, a tank/technology build, a poison build or even a borderline strength build. Now for the one that needs balance the most, Blood Mage. It was on the bottom of the food chain, then it was buffed up to the top. First things first, remove Deadly Aim all together. It made the strength build just that much easier to use. Second, make Fireball increase with support, at very least, if they start using a support build, they can't hit so hard every single turn. Second, move fireball to where Deadly Aim is, and put Overload in it's place. Change the position of Bludgeon and Reflex Boost, so it takes one more skill point to get to Bludgeon, and might help make some dexterity builds. Or possibly, also give Blood Mage a a new "final skill" to replace Super Charge. That way, if support builds catch on with it, they will need to use higher points in energy so they can't put an extreme amount of points into support. Also, make the requirement for Fireball strength, that way, the need "X" strength so they can use their Fireball which increases with support. How about it, do you think these changes would work? Anything I should change? Edit: Also, the final skill for Blood Mage would increase with Support.
< Message edited by Blaze The Aion Ender -- 8/2/2012 1:46:44 >