Gone with the wind
MQ Encyclopedia Rules 1. Universal Rules - First and foremost, all Universal Rules apply. 2. Acceptable Content - Only additions or updates to Encyclopedia are allowed. Posts that do not add anything useful can and will be deleted on sight. This means no questions, spam, or any other sort of discussion. a) If someone else helps you out with your entry, you must give them credit. A note at the bottom is enough. Taking someone else's information or images and claiming it as your own is plagiarism and will be dealt with accordingly. b)If you believe that credit has not been given for an update you provided, please PM an MQ Encyclopedia ArchKnight or Head Moderator. 3. Templates - For new entries, please follow the relevant template indicated the threads. 4. Staff Items - Staff only items are not to be posted in the Encyclopedia. They are not available to the public, and usually are not of practical use. This includes any unreleased items/areas. 5. No Signatures - Signatures are not allowed anywhere in the MQ Encyclopedia. 6. New Indices - If you feel the MQ Encyclopedia has need for a new index, you must first contact an MQ Encyclopedia Archknight or Head Moderator for approval. 7. Taking Over an Index – The only time you may take over an Index is if it is marked “Temp” in the title of the index. If you see an Index that is marked Temp, PM an ArchKnight or Moderator of the MQ Pedia, and they will deem whether or not you may have it. Activity levels are issues with Indices, as you are responsible for keeping it up to date. The maximum number of indices any one person may have is decided by the Head Moderator. 8. Staff have the final say - Moderators and MQ Encyclopedia AKs have the final say on what information will go into MQ Encyclopedia. If you have any questions or concerns, then feel free to contact us via PM.