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Dage: Origins.

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7/16/2012 18:38:29   

Chapter One
Dage the mediocre smiled. That morning, his (unofficial) guild, the Miltonious Fiends, had thrown him a suprise Birthday Party. He had recieved a custom-made armor called the Paragon of Virtue plate, a "Save Chuckles" T-shirt, and his freinds had even helped him steal Escherion's Helm for the first time! Instead of blowing out the candles on his Devil's food cake as he usually did, he Spun Swindle Bilk's Wheel of Chance with his fingers crossed. Unfortunately, all he got were an unidentified 10 and 13. Luckily one of his friends had told him what it was, and he sold it for a few gold. But he kept the unidentified 13. No one in his guild had seen anything like it, and they were fiercly jeleous. After all, why else would they ask him to destroy his newfound treasure? They thought they were being clever, trying to convince him that it " smelled evil" and " looked funny", but he saw beneath there lies. They just wanted to steal his birthday gift! When he told them so, they gave him odd looks. Finally one of them (known to most as Randy) spoke up.
"Dude, that isn't your birthday gift." Randy spluttered indignantly," Your gifts were the t-shirt, the cake, and the armor. Your uidentified 13 is just some junk that you won from swindle's cruddy wheel!"
Before Randy could continue his rousing, inspirational speech about friendship and trust, Dage acted. Quicker than thought he ran up to his former friend, pulled a blunt mace out of his pocket, and hit them in the head with it. Randy was out cold. Shaking with adrenaline, Dage turned back to his guild.
"from now on, no one questions my birthday gift," Dage muttered in a cold, hard voice ," Or me. If any of you weeklings need me to help you tie your boots, i'll be in my house studying the secrets of my Birthday Gift. That night, the rest of the guild slept with their weapons under their pillows, if they could sleep at all.

Dage studied his precious gift for many months and soon he found out it's true name. "The Contract of Miltonious". Finally, he had found what he had been looking for! A way to make a bargain with Miltonious, and make thousands of gold in the bargain! So Dage did the only logical thing in his situation. He went to Miltonious. It was a long and ardorous treck for his guild, especially as they had come to hate Dage and anything having to do with him. Over the many months of him studieng in his house and bossing them around, his nickname had began to reflect this. He quickly progressed from "Dage the mediocre" to "Dage the jerk", followed in quick succesion by "Dage the unwelcome", "Dage the nasty", "Dage the hated", and penultimately,"Dage the terrible". Still, his guild still tolerated him just enough to go on the journey with him. It was a mistake that none of them would live to regret.

By the end of his trip, nearly all of his friends had become lost or had been swarmed by dark Makai. Those that remained met "unfortunate accidents" at the end of the trail leading to miltonious' throne room, almost always falling and impaling themselves on Dage's sword. Only Randy realized what was happening and tried to stop Dage. Randy was a good swordsman, and he landed a single blow on Dage's helm before being dispatched of. Despite his duel with Randy, Dage was pleased with himself. He had finally gotten what he wanted. He was alone. Now that iv'e proved myself to him, Dage Thought, it should only be a matter of time before... he saw Miltonious. Tall and dangerous, Miltonious made Dage regret not packing his healing potions. But he had to press onward.
"Hello, Dage The EVIL," sneered Miltonious, "I hope you enjoyed the trip here. Nice view, isn't it? A real scenic route."
Dage was shaking now. He could feel Miltonious gathering his energy for an attack. If he didn't do something now, Miltonious would blast him to smithereens before he could say "Derp"!
"Miltonious, you know why i'm here," he said in what he hoped was a brave tone, " I want to bargain with you using this contract."Dage handed Miltonious the contract and knelt.
"what do you wish to gain?" Miltonious asked quietly," Ddogs Sea Serpentsword, a Godly Golden Dragon Axe, or My Corpsemaker?" Miltonious started to grin now. "Keep in mind that whatever you chose, I will kill you and take your items as you respawn."
Dage grimaced. Here came the toughest part of his plan. It required a truckload of audacity, foolishness, and nearly impossible timing on his part. But if he succeded, he could become the most powerful being that ever lived on the face of Lore. Dage crossed his fingers, and he made his choice.
"Miltonious, I chose the fourth option. I chose to be your apprentice for a year and a day." This was were things got tricky. If milt didn't accept, he was finished.
"alright." said miltonious angrily," you will be my apprentice."
" As your loyal subject, I am proud to be in your presence." Dage whispered reverantly.
Miltonious laughed. " A loyal follower? You have a few of my toys, a dimond or two, nothing to be proud of. You just barely achieved level 30, and the contract was pure luck! This is true loyalty!" and Miltonious snapped his talons. Before him appeared a Dark Makai. Dage readied his sword, but the monster was obviously contained by Miltonious.
"This Makai," Miltonious indicated, "is the simbol of loyalty. It will fight to the death for me. It will fight Death itself for me. Can you do the same?" Miltonious asked with another sneer ," Because if you can't, you have come to the wrong place." and with that, Miltonious drew his sword and pointed it at him. Dage was shocked. He thought that miltonious had accepted his offer! But then he remembered the last words of Randy, outside the very room he was standing in now.
"Don't trust miltonious' word" he had whispered quietly," or you won't live to regret it. He breaks his word just as easily as he breaks people's bones, and he does that all to often..."

Knowing that he had no hope of defeting Miltonious in battle, Dage had to swear an oath of allegiance to the demon Forever. That meant giving up his contract for slavery to a demon, and giving up all he had ever known for impossible tasks. That meant giving up his classes for a blood fiend of Miltonious, never before seen class. He was now a true minion of Miltonious. He could walk throught tercessuoinotlim without a scratch. He could access Oblivion's shop. Because of Miltonious' training, he had become a level 51 in a day. But there were downsides. Way too many downsides. Everyday, he felt more and more of his soul slip away, heading into the void. Players and NPCs alike despised him. Miltonious took all the gold he earned, and the training was unbearable. Worse than torture, Miltonious stretched his mind, body, and Soul(or lack thereof) past it's limit each and every day. So Dage decided to escape forever. First, he grafted a bit of his soul into his custom-made armor and class, Dark caster and Paragon armor. Next, He took dark caster and trained it to Rank 10 in secret. After the final test, he would defeat Miltonious and lay claim to all his might.Finally, after years of training, Miltonious decided he was ready for the "Final Tests ".
"After this," Miltonious said, " you might be ready to become an abyss admiral, like Oblivion. Or you might die a painfull death while I laugh maniacly. I'm good either way."
And so Dage began the final test. He had to do the following tasks:
    To do:
  • Kill Vordred using light-based magic: Done.
  • Defeat Miltonious' shadow alone with level one enchancements: Easy!
  • Outshoot J6 using a sword: next time, milt, at least try and give me a challenge.
  • Find the secret of Zazul's house, and that of purgatorio: please! Zazul and I go way back, it was a breeze.
  • eat oishi's cooking for a month: now THAT was tough. I can still taste the rancid Rhison steak Casserole Delight Suprise....
  • Find out how much wood a woodchuck would chuck if it could chuck wood: It would chuck 'till it upchucked.

He completed them, but that is a story for another chapter. Lastly, Dage went back to Miltonious and knelt at the abyss general's feet.
"Master, have I finished your trials?" he asked. And when can I finally get my revenge on you for enslaving me? He thought. The answer for both quieries came sooner than he thought.
Miltonious pulled off yet another trademark sneer. , "Now, you die. Or not, if you're lucky!" and without another word, Miltonious teleported Dage to the frozen Northlands for his final test.

"Bye the way," Miltonious shouted above the frozen wind, " I've taken all your magical attacks, meelee attacks, and items! See you in nine months!" Dage grimaced. Nine months of this dump? Luckily he still had Dark caster class in his back pocket, so he could fend off the odd monster. But after eight months in the harsh climate al alone, the unthinkable happened! Dage's soul was wiped from existance. It didn't hurt, not like we understand. It was just cold. And empty. Dage fell to his knees. How could this happen? How, when he was so close to beating Miltonious...
Miltonious stood over the husk that had once been a player called Dage The Evil, holding an Overfiend Blade of Miltonious in his claws. The blade was dirtied now, but that could be remedied.
"Shamefull." said Miltonious as he walked away from the corpse, "Planning to betray me!" Here he smiled. Just like I was going to exploit and betray him, Miltonious thought. Except that Miltonious wasn't his name anymore. Now, everyone called him Nulgath.

Dage woke up three weeks later in Shadowfall. A fraction of his soul lived on in his armor, and someone had found it and brought it there. After a few moments of sitting on his cot in the shadowfall infirmary, he was approached by Empress Graveyn.
"Hello, Dage." she said ," I would like you to serve me as admiral."
Underneath his helm, Dage smiled. He could train minons, fight Nulgath, create items of unstoppable awesomness, and get paid? He nodded. Dage began hatching a plan. He was going to beat Nulgath. And when he did, no player, NPC, or even fellow moderator would be safe! But first, he was going to need an army. He journeyed to Swordhaven graveyard and ressurected a veritable Legion of undead. But Dage needed a more powerfull minion, so he let the undead keep their souls. They could make descisions and battle choices, but they were remorseless and completely loyal to Dage. The perfect weapon. Add a few thousand players as minions, and Dage the Evil was ready to win a war. Nulgath wouldn't know what hit him.

Chapter 2
Dage the Evil, ruler of the legion, wanted more. He had every evil player's dream job (admiral of the Shadowscythe), an epic custom made armor, and specially trained legions of the undead to to his bidding. But he knew he needed more living followers. Having been a player once, he knew better than to underestimate them. He knew that if he could lure them in somehow, they would fight longer and harder than even the undead could. So to achieve his second legion army, he set about creating items of EVIL. After all, he had learned from Nulgath himself that the players could not resist anything that required more than a few days of farming. By using this to his advantage, he could bring Lore to it's knees.

Using some undead essences and a modified undead skeleton, Dage crafted the undead warrior (an armor of his own design) and, soon after that, the undead champion. Dage looked around at his treasure room and chuckled evilly. Next he would release an overlord, then a legend, and then who knew what else? Dage's chuckle turned into a maniacle laugh. He could go on like this for centuries! PvP tokens, the Black Knight's contract, and Champion's souls... with these items, he would increase his own power tenfold! He need simply tell the players to do it, and they would run to do his bidding! To keep them in his power, he crafted dark items, using greed and jealousy to make them keep questing. Why summon up an undead minion when you can more easily manipulate a living one? But with so many devout questers all completing quests quickly, how could he pay them all?

So Dage created the Legion Token. Its creation was easy. Just take a regular gold coin, like you can get off of any monster, and possess it with an evil spirit of immortal evil, hatred, and vengeance.(I hear you can get those from Walmart pretty cheap)Dage simply “borrowed” some money from Baron Bayconn, and some fresh souls from Doomwood's chopping maul. With this possessed coinage he built a shop selling armors and items the likes of which Lore had never seen before, that quickly entered the backpacks of heroes and villains everywhere. When the time came, Dage knew he would have not only an army of evil fiends, but a Legion of undead as well…

Chapter 3
As we all know, Dage lost the Battle for the Underworld but threw Nulgath back into the dimension that he had came from. He did this, it is rumored, by turning The Abbys General's own forces against him and into undead minions of Dage. Nulgath's army mutinied and returned him to the dimension of Oversoul. With Nulgath out of the way, Dage had undisputed control of the underworld. All he had do do now was to clean up the Mess that Nulgath had left behind. Desposal of the remaining army would be a breeze. He would simply tantalize the adventurers with his paragon armor. And when it was almost within their grasp... he chuckled. He wasn't calledthe evil for nothing, you know.Perhaps, if there was enough left of those fools klunk, Dilligas, and Revontheous, he could even let them join Laken as his generals! Underneath his sealed helmet, Dage let loose a chilling laugh. Despite his setback in the loss of the war, all was going according to plan. And when the real war came, when Dage fought a real enemy, he would not underestimate his opponent, and he would win. He bet his unlife on it.

Chapter 4
Blah Blah Blah, Dage lost and Nulgath left for Oversoul, Blah Blah Blah. everyone knows that part. What most people don't know: what happened to the rest of Dage's soul. According to most stories, it was "Banished", but to where? His soul could have fought it's way out of the void, been respawned in death's realm, or just travelled along lay lines back to his body from any other location. Where, then, did Nulgath send his soul? Where is that hating, burning shard of evil now, and what could it possibly be doing? Well, I'll tell you. It was first sent to the mirror realm, where it was trapped in a lay sphere for a while, but Nulgath the ArchAngel helped him out and sent him onward. Dage's soul found itself trapped on the AQW fan fiction forums, so it invaded one of my post, and then my avatar.. Now it is controlling my avatar, forcing me to write this: HAHAHAHAHA! Take THAT, Nulgath!(assuming mods even read these things). I've come back! as soon as I figure out how to get off the forums and get onto Oversoul, I will come for you! Then, I'll... actually, I can't really touch much of anything right now. I guess first I'll go back to Dage and join with the soul fragment in his armor, THEN hunt you down. MUAHAHAHAHA! Sorry about that, but I'm too tired out by online possession to write more.

< Message edited by GrimsBane1017 -- 8/7/2013 17:15:03 >
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