One Winged Angel1357
Two things should have been done: quote:
Give no choice for players to go to the vault or not. Do like the Federal Government does with the bombs either use it during the war or lose it getting no credit for them. Another option for the bombs is make them sell-able a year from the end of the war and one get one credit each. Some people are just unlucky and will be asleep when the door falls and they will have some bombs left over just make the credit amount small so we can get rid of them quickly and not waste inventory space quote:
I have seen too many exiles with 3 or 4 pages worth of bombs just stockpiling them to sell after the war for credit and they want to win the war. If you want to win the war then use the bombs. Some people, myself included, find bombing with the shield up to be a wasted effort as every attack is weaker but the ones stock piling for credits could be slightly greedy quote:
I have seen too many exiles just do the battles but not go to the vault either trying to get the daily achievement or get enough points to prevent other players from getting the daily achievements both are shameful and unethical. I hope they know that nets them less Influence then if they were to fight the vault quote:
In war you are given a target and if you don't take out that target it can mean your defeat, your teams defeat, your units defeat or the defeat of a whole battalion so since the vault was the target the option of not going to the vault should have been taken out. So true quote:
Another thing I have noticed is for some strange reason Legion blocks and deflects more often as well as getting Critical damage when they have lower dex, tech, and support. Is someone trying to cheat for Legion side or is there a flaw in the programming who knows or maybe the staff just wants Exiles to work harder for the ultimate reward. RNG hate man switch servers or take a 15 minute break quote:
Level 8 -10 deadly Aim all get you +10 but I have noticed I only get Critical damage at Level 10 so after the war Deadly Aim needs to be reworked where Level 8 be +10, level 9 be +11, and level 10 would be +12. it used to be lv 10 got you +7 it is all based on your gun base damage. wrong topic for this point though quote:
If Health is more important than energy than Blood Lust needs to be reworked where you get a better percentage but if your health is above 94 then you will get a lower percentage. wrong topic for this point as well quote:
Exiles that are hording all those bombs and if you truly want to win then got to the vault and use those bombs for once be part of the team and look out for the team and not yourself because greed will get you no where. +1