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RE: Blood mage rage speed

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8/31/2012 8:18:10   

It is because of their high attack power and low defense. The more damage you take the faster you gain rage. the more damage you give the faster you gain rage and since the BM str build has both they will gain rage quickly.
Epic  Post #: 676
8/31/2012 8:20:33   

No, this is because your defenses are rather high.
The higher your defenses are, the quicker your opponent will gain rage.

When you debuff someone, his defenses are diminished, so your attacks will provide less rage for you. That's why classes with no debuffs, such as BM, Merc, TLM, usually gain rage faster than their opponents.

< Message edited by Drianx -- 8/31/2012 8:26:16 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 677
8/31/2012 8:40:01   

Judging by what I've read here, CH's EMP's problem is not the fact that it is not blockable or deflectable: the problem is that it is too easily accessible and too easy to abuse. So I came up with this: How about we switch it's location with that of the Plasma Grenade's? SC should get a small buff in my opinion, though only a minor one, 5%. And Blood Mage's Bludgeon could get replaced with some sort of buffed version of Assimilate. At least, that's my opinion.
Epic  Post #: 678
8/31/2012 8:45:14   

^ Pretty much sums up everything. ^^


Seven Stars - Seven Heaven
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Epic  Post #: 679
8/31/2012 8:57:38   

Hmmm , i dunno what's got into the person who suggested PA for CH's mind but for me the reason CH seemed UPed is due to the facts that it took them ALOT of Skill Points just to make a seemingly "balanced" build ( spending points on both a luck passive and a non - passive skill seems a bit mad but the really mad part about it is SA being spent on points and it gives a nearly useless 1 - 10% Block & Plasma 'Nade Chance )and having a bad skill tree . Haven't played the class , but i heard that it was very fun ( before at least ) , and in fact , with skills like DM and EMP , no doubt that CH can beat almost everybody .
AQW Epic  Post #: 680
8/31/2012 10:28:58   

I'm using TECH abuse MAX EMP CH, so I take away 48 energy. It really doesn't matter; they don't rely on their energy, since they have like 31-38 +5 resist and 24-29 +5 +10 Defense. Top that with 20-24 +35 primary, yeah...........

Before the nerf, I was 50-50 with 5 focus TLM's, but now, I'm 0-100 with level 34 STRENGTH TANK TLM's. Varium of course, but I'm only 65-35 with non-var's using the same type of build (although it's A LOT less powerful).

As for Multi-Shot, it was nerfed with all the other Multi skills during the reign of the Original STR TANK CH (immediately after the fall of the TLM's). People started using OP'ed DEX abuse builds for 2v2, so they made all Multi's only do 85% damage if it hits two targets. Prior to the Static nerf, it was still playable, but now, it's hard to use since you'll need MAX multi to get the most damage (although it can also be run with a level 4 multi, but IMO, I don't really like that build) and you'll have to abuse DEX, which is one of the hardest stats to abuse.

EDIT: Here goes nothing... DEX abuse, here I come!

EDIT2: So far, I stand corrected Dex abuse is working pretty good, actually.

EDIT3: Until you meet a tech mage, that is.

EDIT4: Or a 5 focus build.

EDIT5: Works extremely well against STR BH's xD

< Message edited by shadesofblue -- 8/31/2012 11:44:59 >
AQW  Post #: 681
8/31/2012 11:10:33   
Smackie El Frog

Drianx that is the thought process for rage. But I have been a Merc for the past week with max adrenaline and STILL everyone rages before me. Even though I should be gaining rage 25% more and I have more support they still rage before me. That skill is so broken they really need to do something about it because raising it from 20% max to 25% max doesn't help when the skill is broken.


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 682
8/31/2012 12:01:48   

Rage is funny.

With max Adrenaline when calculating damage taken, the largest fraction of rage that could be gained is ((damage * 0.29) * 1.25)... WITH a Support advantage. So, for example, a Focus player of these conditions is hit by 20 damage for example by a Strength player. ((20 * 0.29) * 1.25) is 8 points of rage rounded up. If the player were to be level 35 for example, his/her rage capacity would be (40 + (2.5 * 34)) which is 125 points. The player can receive 6% of their total rage from the attack.

Now with the same player example above (Mercenary with max Adrenaline at a Support advantage), attacks and has his/her damage reduced by 20 points from either Defense or Resistance. (20 * 1.25) is 25 points of rage. (125 / 25) is 0.2, the player can receive 20% of their total rage from the attack.

The one troubling element of rage is the difference in rage points being stacked through offence or defence with the higher end resulting from offence. 20% is more than 3 times the 6% gained from incoming damage as opposed to outgoing damage. Strike may easily be spammed on every turn and utilizing health to substitute defences (also, Agility lowers both Defense and Resistance, increasing the overall rage accumulation), allows Strength-type players to exploit maximum offence while still being allowed a sustainable defence from health. This further stacks with damage from rage for players with Bloodlust. Exploitative? Easily.

I still suggest that rage should be managed from Defense and Resistance alone with a perk bonus from Support. This would be calculated by the enemy's Defense and Resistance. One way to calculate would be ((enemy's Defense + enemy's Resistance) / 2). An example would be a Cyber Hunter with Plasma Armor with these stats for D + R: 32-39 + 5 + 1 and 24-29 + 5 + 1 + 10... The rage gained each turn by his/her opponent would be (((32 + 5 + 1) + (24 + 5 + 1 + 10)) / 2) which would be 29 (out of 125) rage points each turn. No damage taken involved, no damage dealt involved. Just straight up "tank" countering calculations.
AQ Epic  Post #: 683
8/31/2012 12:15:34   

I can't really say about Adrenaline, but I can tell that if you make moves that do not involve attacking - like shielding, healing, activating Bio borg thorns, debuffing with assault bot, raising field/blood commander - Rage does not increase. Also when you get hit Rage only gets a small increase. It only increases significantly when attacking, and the higher the defenses you strike against, the more Rage you get.

I would suggest - although you're a very experienced player - to test Adrenaline with a friend. Try the same build - with no Adrenaline and then with max Adrenaline - and use exactly the same moves against your opponent. I am not saying ithe skill is broken, just make sure if it is worth it or not.
AQW Epic  Post #: 684
8/31/2012 12:38:57   
Smackie El Frog

@Drianx I have done that :/ And as a merc I would love to have a shield skill but there ain't one I can use! The build I was testing with is a 5 Focus build. SS of the build is at the bottom of this post. But seriously this skill needs to be tweaked or ****canned because it does not do what it's supposed to from my experience.

Off Topic: since when has a max level character with max level hybrid no have 6 DEF/6 RES?


< Message edited by Smackie El Frog -- 8/31/2012 13:04:54 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 685
8/31/2012 12:48:59   

It s all related to blood lust,incoming dmg affects rage and blood lust alows you to battle with lower defences but as if u had 30-40 more hp = it s working like adrenaline.U dont see this in bh cuz they go tanker then bloods and when they gain rage so fast they usually are on massacre turn.The solution culd be that the hp gained from blood lust no longer affects rage(of both players ofcourse).
Epic  Post #: 686
8/31/2012 12:49:36   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

@Smackie, were you in battle then? it only shows those in battle.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 687
8/31/2012 12:54:23   
Smackie El Frog

@ Digi that was out of battle. Took a quick SS but when in battle or looking at the skill its 6/5 def res respectively.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 688
8/31/2012 12:58:41   

^ Shadeofblue, I see what you are telling me. But also the fact that you are having trouble with some classes while doing better against other classes just means that it is a bit more balanced then it was before. Here be out before you complain. Remember when the first three classes were created it was suppose to be a class that you were good against while one you would have true with kind of like (Bear hunter ranger) Or (Rock paper scissors) However when one class or one type of build is overpowering and dominating the other classes that balance is gone, and that is when player will start to complain. The Admins will look into it, and then if they see that certain classes are dominating they will nerf those classes while if it is the other way around they will buff.

Take Merc for example. Before the recent buffs, the Merc class was the only class without any moves for energy/health passives. Not to mention they have been and are still at the mercy of people who can still energy from them. As a result Field commander was turned to blood commander and now the Merc class has a skill that can give them back health (even if it is the weakest of the bunch) As well as gaining the new skill adrenaline which helps with rage.

Now lets Blood mage for another example. At first they weren't really a threat since TLM and CH were owning them until the that nerf that removed smoke from TLM happened. Then someone I don't know who decided to make that cursed strength BM and started winning by overpowering the masses. People saw this, and began coping it because they wanted to compete/win and boom sometime later we have BM 2 rounding people with the fireball and the berzerker. The staff see this going on, and removes this move and replaces it with bludgeon. However, the mistake in this was that while they got rid of the move powerful why in the world did they give them another weaker move that works with strength? Because of this nothing really changed since they could still overpower the masses with that power, and no matter what you did if they went first and you couldn't get a block or deflection you were screwed. As a result they nerfed the fireball and as an added bonus the plasma cannon since it worked with bloodlust and is one of the moves with the highest chance to crit.

The point I am trying to make is that if CH can win against some of the classes a good percentage of the time, but not all of the time then there is more balance then there is if you are overly winning all the time. When that happens then nerfs come.

But on another note People my think I am crazy, but the plasma bolt for TM needs a nerf. I was using one of lower level alts and some TM were using the max malf and plasmabolt combo which was literally 2 rounding my merc. While it is easy for me to tank or add shields with my level 35 mage, I can't add any shields to my character that protects me from this, and since the assault bot /rusted assault bots' nerf this max malf max plasma bolt combo is really hurting mid level classes especially non varium ones let alone varium ones.
Epic  Post #: 689
8/31/2012 13:07:53   

Why do crits exist?
Epic  Post #: 690
8/31/2012 13:13:00   

The same reason blocks and deflects do it is the luck factor of the game. Plus it make the game more fun (unless you are on the receiving end of a crit) but still if there were no blocks, deflections, and cits the game would be boring since it would be all tired to whoever goes first since nothing would miss.
Epic  Post #: 691
8/31/2012 14:03:45   

The game would be less interesting without blocks, deflections, and critical strikes, that is true. The game would also be less interesting without skill trees. I do not wish to cliche this next line, but the most interesting feature of EpicDuel is when your mind is tested with strategy. This can be achieved by increasing the skill trees, or advancing the decision-making aspect of gameplay.
AQ Epic  Post #: 692
8/31/2012 15:57:33   

After months of Hun claiming his points, I finally got hang of his build: http://i50.tinypic.com/50mujd.png

Claiming Multi deals pitiful damage at 200 Dex is kinda.. funny, since he hasn't got Multi trained nor even 80 Dex.. Although not here to discuss points, I provided some data instead of him about his build which he uses currently for testing so enjoy! :D :)
AQ Epic  Post #: 693
8/31/2012 16:10:43   

How did his plasma cannon perform? He's always complaining about it. So I'm curious.
Post #: 694
8/31/2012 16:12:59   

I forgot now how much it was exactly, but it wasn't a low hit since 1st hit of his partner brought me in low 90-s and his Plasma got me to 50s. So that's almost 40 damage + I have 34-40 Res.

Also his Strike, I remember that one, Critted me for 44 damage (it was Primary's special though which raises damage) which is pretty good considering my Resistance & his damage on Primary!

< Message edited by Trans -- 8/31/2012 16:15:22 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 695
8/31/2012 16:14:07   

I hate to sound "counterish" to your post Trans, but 2 days ago I fought Hun Kingq when he had a max Reflex + Multi build, so he must have since changed it.

Also, in our 2v2 battle, I critically shot him with a Sidearm (27 damage) and that convinced him to quit the match.

< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 8/31/2012 16:16:53 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 696
8/31/2012 16:20:13   

According to his Tech, his Plasma Cannon's Raw Damage should be Between 60 and 66.

most people have about 28 - 34 resistance, most lower, so that would still be about
32 - 38 damage, even more people have Delta/Dragon armor so 5 damage less so
27 - 33 damage.

25% chance to crit so the damage of a crit would be between 46 - 49 damage

So Hun, how much damage did you get ;)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 697
8/31/2012 16:20:52   

Last part would be a pathetic rage quit then. I see Hun often enough. He changes builds a lot so yea.
Post #: 698
8/31/2012 16:29:23   

Mercs are officialy underpowered there adrenaline needs to be replaced with:

Striking gale:
Passively increases chance to crit

Lvl 1: 6%
Lvl 2: 8%
Lvl 3: 10%
Lvl 4: 12%
Lvl 5: 13%
Lvl 6: 14%
Lvl 7: 15%
Lvl 8: 16%
Lvl 9: 17%
Lvl 10: 18%
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 699
8/31/2012 16:32:02   
Steel Slayer

@Blaze The Aion Ender, Ive seen 2 good Merc builds at high levels recently- Focus Tank/Bunker Buster build (I use this on my level 31, non-varium Merc, 74% win, used to kill juggs with it just fine if I had decent partner), and BC/str build(needs varium to work right) which is pretty strong, 70 damage strikes, lifesteal, 32+5+5 def + resist, with maul and berzerker, its like a STR BM on steroids. Mercs=good.

@Mother1, I agree with pretty much everything you said about balance right there. Agree with PB nerf as well, especially since with enough tech, it actually does MORE damage than Super Charge(and it can rage)! The scaling on PB should really be looked at, even at over 100 tech, it still only takes 4 more tech to bring the damage up.
Epic  Post #: 700
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