*Smoke appears, a giant panda is sitting there, more smoke appears, and enjoi is standing there* /me walks by from the cloud of farts 'ello sir :) Hola I do believe we've met before :) Yup A big congradulations on this, big accomplishment :) Thanks ^_^ Maybe later in the week, you can come on and help me out farming diamonds :) I'd really appreciate it :) I got everything I want so far, so I might not farm diamonds no more (maybe to get enough for couple of juggernauts) You want a cookie ;) Yes here's another one, but an oreo this time :) Awesome Anyway congratz! Anyway thanks! /Smoke, pandas, more pandas, even more pandas, and then bamboo is in the place of enjoi* /me farts and all the pandas dies
< Message edited by Lord Coxy -- 8/18/2012 8:41:21 >