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RE: =AQW= Ultimate Best/Worst/Least/Favorite Thread

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4/1/2013 17:22:53   
Beshin Adin

The most ideal backstory for a CL, in my opinion, is Kitsune's

< Message edited by Therril Oreb -- 4/1/2013 17:22:53 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 51
4/1/2013 17:32:55   

Favorite Set to use: (Also happens to be my Signature Set)

Vampire Armor
Pink Chinchilla
Grim Feathers
Shadow Spear of Nulgath
Starsteel Helm
AQW  Post #: 52
4/1/2013 18:06:14   
Chaosweaver Amon

Favourite NPC(s): Galanoth, because he's a cripple ;D
Favourite Class(es): Chunin
Most Hated Class(es): Thief of Hours, Rogue.
Most Hated Boss(es): Chaos Lord Lionfang
Most favourited event(s)/holiday(s): Mogloween
Most favourited item(s) in-game Black Wire whip.

< Message edited by Chaosweaver Amon -- 4/9/2013 20:08:05 >
DF  Post #: 53
4/2/2013 22:39:20   

Favorite Boss: Ultra Exos
Favorite Class(s): VoT, Chronomancer
Favorite NPC: Miltonius
Favorite Event(s): 12/12/12 and 12/21/12 event and Battleoff event.
Most Hated Boss: Chaos Lord Iadoa
Favorite Pet: Shadow Orb
Favorite Map: Mogloween Maps
Favorite Armor(s): Ascended DarkCaster and Peasant Rags.
Most Hated Item: BLoD

< Message edited by Epicbrawlerchaotic -- 4/13/2013 11:19:00 >


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 54
4/9/2013 7:34:19   
Melvin the redeemer

Favorite Boss: Doppleganger Gangers of They, the Collector, Sleezter and the maker

Favorite Class: Darkblood stormking, healer, chunin, evolved leperchaun, Darkside, and necromancer

Favorite NPC: They might be giants [rare], Voltaire, Gravelyn, Beleen, Nulgath, Dage the evil, and Drakth

Favorite Monster: Ledgermayne, lowe-viathan [before it became members only] mostly all

Favorite Event: 2012 b-day event: ebil corp gamocide and 2011 b-day event starring TMBG plus every Friday the 13th event

Favorite Cutscene: all

Silliest Event: April fools day 2013
AQW  Post #: 55
4/9/2013 8:14:32   

Favorite Boss: Wolfwing
Favorite Class : DBSK , E.Dracomancer
Favorite NPC: Voltaire , J6 , Artix , Zorbak
Favorite Monster: -
Favorite Event: 4th Birthday , Friday The 13 from 2011 , Mogloween
Favorite Cutscene: every cutscene from vordredboss
Favorite Item: Naval Commanders , Dragon Rider
Silliest Event: DVG
AQW  Post #: 56
4/9/2013 18:44:58   

Favorite Boss: Ultra Iadoa
Favorite Class: StormKing, AlphaOmega, Elemental Dracomancer
Favorite NPC: Dage
Favorite Monster: Ephemerites on /join timeportal epic for CP farming
Favorite Event: Commited 1EYEDDOLL
Favorite Cutscene: Khasaanda absorbing Krellenos power
Silliest Event: The first Thankstaking
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 57
4/9/2013 20:00:20   

Favorite Chaos Lord: Vath. Dem items.
Favorite Saga(s): The Span, Sandsea, Doomwood, and probably Mythsong.
Favorite Class: Healer, Necromancer, and Pyromancer.
Favorite NPC(s): Golem Drakonnan and Drakath.
Favorite Event: The They Might Be Giants event. Lil' Drakath is so cute.
Favorite Map: Arcangrove. The music.
Favorite Cutscene: Heal The Chaos Lord in /thespan and ALOT more.
Favorite Weapon: Unholy Shadow Pride
Favorite Armor: Deathshead Destroyer

Least Favorite Class: Dragonslayer
Least Favorite Boss: Iadoa. I didn't want to fight him and he was HARD.
Least Favorite Saga(s): Darktovia Saga (I didn't want Wolfwing to be turned into ashes :c)

< Message edited by goodlucklight -- 4/11/2013 9:45:16 >
DF AQW  Post #: 58
4/9/2013 22:04:15   

Favorite Boss: Escherion. The 1st Chaos Lord will hold a special place in my Memory.
Favorite Class: Paladin. Im Good, and like to Solo in PvE effectively. This class helps both along.
Favorite NPC(s): J6, (Has humour and Guns). Artix (Has very bad Puns). Warlic (Best Mage in my eyes). Vordred (Never really dies).
Favorite Event: Voltaire 1st Live event. So many Glitches, but yet so exciting.
Favorite Cutscene: /join Intro. Cant get enough of posing for that Lightning Strike.
DF AQW  Post #: 59
4/10/2013 10:02:19   
Darkened Awakening

Favorite class fir pve death knight and dark caster
Favorite boss desoloth the final
Favirite npc dage and gravelyn cause shes hot as hell
Favorite armor DCX cause uts uber cute and legion fenrir armor and titan
Leaat favirite npc alteon and artix
Very very least. favorite npc nulgwyrm LOL
Post #: 60
4/11/2013 4:26:53   

Favorite Boss(s): Xan
Favorite Class(s): Rogue, the best starter class IMO. Evolved Leprechaun, pretty good if you know how to use it.
Favorite NPC(s): Dage the Evil, Miltonius, and well, Alina.
Favorite Monster(s): Anything Undead, gotta love slaying these guys.
Favorite Event(s): The Xan Saga for sure. They built the story very well and it was nicely done. Next would be TMBG. Third would be a tie between Frostval and Mogloween.
Favorite Cutscene: The one in /stormtemple where Drakath fakes that he was actually hurt by the tears.
Favorite Map: /yulgar, where I get to see most of the people on my friend list.

< Message edited by ThatWizardGuy -- 4/11/2013 4:28:01 >
Post #: 61
4/11/2013 4:34:54   

Favortie Chaos Lord:Ledgermayne
Favorite Map:My House
Favorite Armor: Prismatic Magi Robes, CCed to pink.
Favorite NPC: The guy in the bank.
Favorite Class: Necromancer
Most Hated Class: Evo. Leppy
Most Hated Boss: Shurpu Ring Guardian
Most favorite item in-game: Electric Guitar
Most Hated Chaos Saga: Bloodtusk Saga
Most Hated Faction: Arcangrove

< Message edited by Swordblitzer -- 4/11/2013 5:15:05 >
DF AQW  Post #: 62
4/11/2013 5:01:46   
Melvin the redeemer

my new list:
Favorite Boss: Doppleganger Gangers of They, the Collector, Sleezter, the maker, desterrat moya, Ledgermayne, chaos lord lionfang and iadoa
Favorite Class: Darkblood stormking, healer, chunin, evolved leperchaun, Darkside, and necromancer, Mage, Enforcer, Ninja
Favorite NPC: They might be giants [rare], Voltaire, Gravelyn, Beleen, Nulgath, Dage the evil, and Drakath, yulgar, Warlic, Cysero, Alina, rolith
Favorite Monster lowe-viathan [before it became members only], silver and golden emphermite, mostly all
Favorite Event: 2012 b-day event: ebil corp gamocide and 2011 b-day event starring TMBG plus every Friday the 13th event
Favorite Cutscene: when Lionfang threw the tear at drakath, drakath's face looked funny
Silliest Event: April fools day 2013
the class i never got because....i don't want to say: Vinidicatoe of They
worse area ever: lorestockalapalooza, or /join palooza because everytime you move the game freezes
worse PVP battle ever: me vs. VoT who did 5K crit
worse item i ever tried to get but never did Supreme arcane staff

< Message edited by Melvin the redeemer -- 4/11/2013 5:13:29 >
AQW  Post #: 63
4/13/2013 9:29:00   

Favorite NPC/Villain/Monster/Boss : Ledgermayne the magical bulb head
Favorite Class : Necromancer
Favorite Map : Arcangrove and ruins of the great Gilead.
Favorite Event : Battleoff....oh my precious blue head Ledgy with blue-green body
Favorite Cutscene : .....umm....dunno....probably the Battleoff cutscene where my precious blue head Ledgy appeared.
Favorite Equipment(s) : Legacy of Nulgath set, Sek-Duat helm, Katana of Revontheus, and Blinding Scythe of Destiny.

Worst NPC : A random NPC who popped up during Voltaire's unicorn riding mogloween cutscene.
Worst Villain : Nope.
Worst Monster : Nope.
Worst Boss : Nope.
Worst Class : Used to hate OP classes, but now since so many classes are OP that they form a balance.... so nope.
Worst Map : Not really worst map, more like hated music. Those BGM since Airstorm when a new composer came in (but now he's pretty good now.).
Worst Event : TMBG. My AQW birthday....*sob**sob*
Worst Cutscene : Nope.
Worst Equipment(s) : Nope.
AQW  Post #: 64
4/20/2013 3:08:29   
How We Roll Winner

New Favorite sword: Hanzamune Koi blade (dat wep from kitsune)
AQW  Post #: 65
5/20/2013 8:36:21   
Lord Noonien Soong

Favorite NPCs:John L and F, because they would say some funny stuff
Favorite Class:Healer, because it simply heals people
Favorite items:Deaths Apprentice DvN war items, EbilCorp war items
Favorite Event: April Fools Day 2013!
Favorite boss: The Collecter, because he had the best art out of all the bosses, and the best powers of Them

< Message edited by Dollarmoth#1 -- 5/20/2013 8:44:23 >


AQ DF  Post #: 66
6/9/2013 10:48:07   

Favorite Boss: Doom Overlord
Favorite Class: Pyromancer
Favorite NPC: Gravelyn
Favorite Monster: Blade Master
Favorite Event: Friday the 13th
DF AQW  Post #: 67
6/9/2013 15:35:59   
Chaosweaver Amon

Favorite Class: Chunin, Chunin, and Chunin.
Favorite Armor: Vanguard
Favorite Weapon: Dragonlord's Loss.
Favorite NPC: Renn, because his armor is so freakin' awesome.
Favorite Storyline: The Amberheart Watchtower.
Favorite Monster: The Black Knight.

< Message edited by Chaosweaver Amon -- 6/9/2013 17:23:21 >
DF  Post #: 68
6/9/2013 16:15:24   

Favorite Boss: Gladius, his armor is spectacular.
Favorite Class: Starlord.
Favorite NPC: Dumoose.
Favorite Monster: Mutated Server Hamster
Favorite Event: 2nd Birthday.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 69
6/10/2013 4:00:40   

Favorite Boss: Thrax. Original grand daddy of all bosses. (Back in the 08's)
Favorite Armor set: Fear. Brought, equipped and never used another till 2 years later.
Favorite back item: icy undead parrot. Same with fear tho Im rarely seen with another back item till now.
Favorite place: zhoom's yulgar-7345 (until the recent regional restrictions implementation) This was where I spent a total of 2++ 1yr memberships, afking with drudgen or any other quest pets.

Favorite classes: no class: first class to reach rank 10. Bberserker: class I most used since 2008 to 2010. 2010 was when this class reached rank 10.

Favorite pet: drudgen. Spent 18 hrs/day the least, 6 days a week, from early 2010 to late 2012 afking with this in yulgar-7345 till regional restriction was implemented.

< Message edited by Eimhra -- 6/10/2013 4:01:45 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 70
6/10/2013 5:34:16   

Favourite NPC(s): Twig! :D
Favourite Class: Chunin(farming made easier!)
Fave Boss: Ultra/Kezeroth(for not moving lol)
Most favourited event(s)/holiday(s): Fwostvale!
Fave Cutscene: Derpy Graveclaw :D
DF AQW  Post #: 71
7/6/2013 8:26:02   
Entropic Riftwalker

Favorite NPC: J6
Favorite map: Doomvault
Favorite Undead NPC: Grimskull or Mort
Favorite Boss: Imbunche
Favorite class: Necro
Favorite weapon that I have: Blade Of Awe or Binky's Uni-horn
Favorite Weapon that I don't have: Grimhero Blade

Most Hated map: Clubhouse ( so boring )
Most Hated Boss: Ultra Iadoa
Most Hated class: Rustbucket
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 72
7/6/2013 9:33:31   

Favourite NPC(s): I'm not really sure, I like a lot of NPCs. Having to pick, I guess I could go with either Voltaire, Dage, Artix or Cysero.

Favourite Class(es): MindBreaker and Elemental Dracomancer. Fun and effective classes. Both have unique animations, which I love. I almost forgot Chunin! I love that class. It hits high and hits multiple enemies. It's my main class for farming and I just love using it.

Most Hated Class(es): Thief of Hours. It's an okay class, but fairs rather poorly in PvE. With its only use being to battle high hitting bosses, I haven't grown found of it at all.

Most Hated Boss(es): If I had to pick, I'd go for either Desoloth or Undead Raxgore. Desoloth just takes forever to kill, unless you have a well thought out party of people helping you out, which is hardly ever the case. It gets irritating when he doesn't drop his bane after the 30th kill. Undead Raxgore, at least when I first fought him, was a huge pain. With 1,400,000 HP, the abilities to lock skills and counter attacks, and constant D/Cs upon death, he was fun to fight, but I'd never want to fight him again. I'm not complaining though, it's nice to have such a challenge fight every once in a while.

Most favourited event(s)/holiday(s): Frostvale. Fun and cheerful event. Lovely items.

Most favourited item(s) in-game: Hm. The Naval Commanders (of which I only own the pink one, shame. I love the design of the armors, and simply everything about them. Especially the facial expression), the Fierce Pie-rate captain, Valor High Halo (still do not posses it), Dark Caster, Legion Jolly Rodger and Legion Vampire. (yup, don't own any of these either)

Favorite map: My house. Only reason: Lag free.

Most hated map: Yulgar. Filled with people who only come online to go AFK in this map and show off their items.

Favorite Chaos Lord: Kitsune. Reason: He reminds me of Naruto and the Kyuubi.

< Message edited by Musicaholic -- 7/6/2013 9:36:24 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 73
7/6/2013 9:48:14   

Favourite NPC(s):
Favourite Class(es): CardClasher (This class can deal the MOST single target DPS and definitely has the best general soloing capabilities due to it's killing speed and self healing. You won't outheal the BloodTitan or anything, but you can solo basic bosses better than other classes, as well as do more damage than other clases)
Most Hated Class(es): Necromancer (Overrated class, fairly weak)
Most Hated Boss(es): DOOM KITTEN (I hate her because I main a CardClasher class. Doom Kitten annihilates any class that is based on crit. CardClasher is the MOST crit-based class.)
Most favourited event(s)/holiday(s) Christmas is probably my favorite. I also liked that one Valentines event with a guest singer and that took place in the underworld.
Most favourited item(s) in-game CELTIC WARRIOR (I like simple looking armours, and this has to be the coolest) and many weapons. I like the Warrior Claymore Blade, Blade of Awe, Golden Starsword, Tyrant Blade, and Unarmed.
I usually hide my helm and cape unless I am using my combination of the Shadow of Death set and the Undead Infantry Battlecloak.
AQW  Post #: 74
10/4/2013 4:58:43   
Alpha Seagull

Favorite Class(es): ChronoCorruptor, Mage and Warrior
Favorite Armor: Hex... Hex and more Hex.
Favorite Helm: Maybeeeeeee something like Mysitcal Warrior Coif or Voltaire's Violet Tophat
Favorite Cloack: Atramentous Wings.


AQW  Post #: 75
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