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(ED) A Hazardous Lifestyle

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10/23/2012 23:25:05   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!


Discussion Thread

I leaned out the shuttle door and had to shield my eyes. The sight before me was horrendous and shocking. Before me stretched the wide, barren wastelands of Delta V. I had heard the plants were scarce, but it is still a huge shock to find a planet that is the pure opposite of the one you spend your entire life on. I knew I could take some comfort in the knowledge that out there somewhere stands the Biological Preserve. With that in mind, I slowly removed my hand and braced for the leftover shock. It still hit hard but I shook it off, recalling I had a duty to fulfill here.

I stepped down from the platform and felt a cringe of pain shoot through me as my foot connected with the ground. The lifeforce of the planet was crying out in agony with no one to listen to it. I had to focus everything I had in order to keep going. Each step I took helped me adjust to the feel of the planet. After walking the approximately 100 feet from the landing pad to the Teleporter Pads, I started to realize there was a deep resonance of strength within the planet.

"It must be these Varium crystals I've heard of. It strangely feels like home," I said aloud to myself.

I looked around, searching for Teleport Pad 36B. I walked around for a few minutes, and during that time the agony and strength mixed intolerably and made me queasy.

"Have to suppress this is if I want to complete my mission," I stated aloud while I focused my mind on shutting down the connection with the planet.

It worked, and I located Teleport Pad 36B with no further difficulties. I hesitated before stepping on, recalling how I had come to be here in the first place. How I had been one of the many who are forced to vacate our home world in order to keep the population in check, how I had to travel across space with less than 1k credits to my name(this is quite a big sum of money back home I admit) and how I decided to come to this desolate wasteland of a planet that seemed on the verge of disaster. I closed my eyes and let these events wash over me multiple times, hardening me for the sights I knew would be much worse when I faced city life.

I stepped on and was no more. And then I became more once again, but in an entirely different region. I heard heavy footsteps behind me.

"State your name and business and I might just not crack your skull...too much that is," stated the City Guard who approached from behind.

"I am Neum Dunbar Maleta and I recently was forced to vacate my home world. I came here in the hopes to help out any and everyone who needs my medical assistance. You know, if workers get hurt and can't be productive?" I replied to him.

"...You may enter Fortune City," he answered after a moment's thought. "Welcome to Delta V by the way. You would've been better off finding a rock in space to stay at instead of this dump of a planet," he grumbled as he walked away grudgingly, obviously having hoped he could have exercised his club on my head.

Little did I know that truer words would never be spoken by any sentient being.

< Message edited by The ND Mallet Guy -- 10/26/2012 0:36:17 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
11/2/2012 1:23:06   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

Chapter 1

I walked the vast streets of Fortune City. I knew what I must do, but I dreaded it. I did some research ahead of time, and I decided that my first order of business upon landing would be dealing with Alydriah. I probably could get away with just building a hut and taking in injured workers and others in need, but it would be hazardous. The chances of some City Guard coming by and dismantling it all was high. The chances of them then beating me was higher. The best course of action would be to face the devil herself and get some official approval.

It felt like hours, and I questioned whether I should stop for directions when the Spire rose before me. It sent shivers throughout my body and sent pulses of distress that burst through my attempts of masking my planet bond. Clearly my devil statement had been a compliment.

I hesitated on going in and was about to walk away when I heard her call me in.

"You better hope you have some good business being here. New torture ideas, morale improvements, exciting news about mine collapses perhaps?" She smiled a serpentine grin that seemed to wrap itself around my throat.

"Err..." was I all managed to choke out.

"Cat's got your tongue? A shame, I'd much rather have that opportunity myself."

"I...I've come...to help out in the mines...and with anyone else needing it..." I sputtered out.

"You don't look much use for menial labor, you might make a good punching bag though" she laughed.

"Not that, I meant...well I was hoping I could do...some medical stuff?" I stuttered out, watching her disturbed smile dissolve back into a blank face. I felt the crosshairs line up on my head and I feared that her reply would end my life faster than any gun.

"A medic? You mean you want to help out those low lives who are hardly fit to live?" she stated matter of fact.

I felt a little spike of confidence jolt into as the idea popped into my head. "Why yes! I mean, it's no use to you if they drop dead. Lowers morale and all that. Plus it takes time to remove the bodies. And...and...I'll work entirely free of cost to you! No equipment necessary!" I spat out, hoping my arguments would persuade her.

"Hmmm..." she smiled that slight disturbing grin. "Yes, you are quite right. Plus, this will allow more productivity. I don't believe your claims of free medical attention, but nonetheless you have my approval. I will kill you if come back asking for money. Still want the deal?" she said as she extended her gloved hand towards me.

I took the hand and felt nothing. The flood of death and cruelty from this women had made me entirely numb.

"Yes, I believe we do. And the only thing I do require is a place to work out of. I apologize for not bringing this up earlier."

"An office? Easily arranged" she stated as she handed me an official looking document.

A quick scan showed me that she basically gave me a free pass to do just about anything. Almost anything I could think of was protected and even supported by the women and her paper. It was good only for a week though I noticed.

She handed me another, this one being more of a certificate of approval for myself. With this, I need not worry about any vagabond City Guards wishing to wreck things, unless they want to face her judgement.

"Thank you" I spat out quickly.

"Get out" was the reply.

I walked through the door and back out onto the streets.

"I like him" Alydriah muttered to herself as the door closed behind me. "Kinda," she further added with a shrug.

I walked for hours through the town and I found many suitable offices, the majority occupied. I decided to keep looking, rather wishing not to force anyone out for my own selfish good. I came to one office near the mines, mainly vacant. The offices were nice and the rates were cheap. A quick prodding of the owner revealed few wanted to deal with the mining industry so nearby. I flashed him my documents and he offered me an office, free of charge for the next year. He pleaded with me to not get Alydriah involved in this. I worried he was about to give me his clothes and actually pay me to rent his office out when I told him I'd be fine with just free rent. I did ask him for help setting up my space and getting all the necessary elements together; a sign, some advertising, office furniture and even a secretary. I kept her mainly because she was in need of some money, having lost her husband in a mine accident. I figured I could handle a majority of it myself anyways.

After all was set up, I looked at the dual sunset of the planet out my window. A tear rolled down my face as my mind drifted between the state of the world around me and homesickness. I closed the curtains and settled down in my chair, hoping only for a peaceful nights rest.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
11/20/2012 1:06:14   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

Chapter 2

The sunshine slithered in through the closed blinds and tickled me awake. I stood up, to keep from falling asleep. I composed my list of things I needed to do today.

I realized I didn't have a list of things to do today.

I chided myself for being disorganized and set about fixing my situation.

What do I need to do? I thought to myself. I guess I could tidy up shop and get things presentable...or I could go visit the mines and get acquainted with everyone. Yes, that would be best.

I stepped out of my office and headed towards the door. My secretary was not yet here but I left her a note asking her to redirect any visitors to the Mines if they needed me. I doubted I would get any since I was still new around town.

Despite the proximity to the mines, I still had to walk for about half an hour. If I ever get the money I'm buying a bike.

I reached the opening and had to spend 20 minutes stuffed in a cramped elevator, suffering extreme heats all the while. Upon reaching the bottom I was met by the lack of workers. I walked for a few feet when a pair rushed by me shouting about some mental breakdown a fellow worker was having. I decided to follow and see for myself.

I saw the crowd of people and quickly heard loud shouts accompanying them.

"I am the Duke of Pumpernickel! I demand better mayonnaise for the common folk ham and turkey slice citizens!," cried out the maniac they all were gathered around.

"Who is he?" I asked the nearest worker.

"Dunno, think his name was Invicticus or something" he shrugged. "Sure is a good show for a hard's day work.

I stood there for a second. Then I pushed my way through the crowd towards the man. I reached out my hand for his head.

"A challenger appears for my title! Have at thee! I am quite skilled with a baguette!" he threatened as he brandished an imaginary weapon.

I continued forwards, making contact with his skin. He went stiff and didn't resist. I felt his entire being flood through me. I burrowed into his mind. There it was, a combination of stress and overexposure to all the junk in the air. I reached through his being and slightly altered his structure. Just a touch right here and...

He collapsed to the floor. He stood up in a minute and expressed confusion over the situation.

"You had temporary insanity. You're better now" I told him.

He gaped at me as I walked away. The entire crowd was in disbelief. I decided to move on and find a supervisor when I was stopped by the man I was looking for.

"What did you...How did you..." he stuttered out.

"It's nothing. If you have any other illnesses or injuries then send them to my office. I'm 30 minutes from here, look for an office owned by a Neum Maleta." I told him as I walked into the elevator for the surface.

I probably shouldn't have done that in public. That will definitely garner unwanted attention. But nonetheless, I'll have more patients. I'll cross the other bridge when I get to it. Deep down inside I could hear a voice further chiding me. There was nothing I could do to prepare ahead of time for this.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
1/6/2013 11:31:10   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

Chapter 3

I staggered out of the elevator. The whole ordeal drained me more than I expected. I was near collapse but I focused my power inwards, hoping to shut off some secondary bodily function to preserve my energy. It worked, but would be a danger to keep up for very long so I headed towards my office.

It's almost sundown, I noted to myself. That elevator must have been longer than I thought because I could not have spent long down there. Could I have?

I decided that right now was not the time to be worrying about my own personal ability. That was something for later. I hastened to my office, hoping to make it there before nightfall. The streets are very dangerous at nights I've been told.

I had just reached the door, as the last glimmers of day were fading when a hand firmly grabbed me by the shoulder. Without turning I calmly asked out, "Yes?"

"City Guard, I'm going to have to ask you to come with me...for a night out on the town" the familiar voice said.

I turned and it was the very same Guard I met on my first day here. "Oh?"

"Yeah, I was jerk the first time we met and word spread around pretty quickly of how you're offering free medical aid to the people down in the Mines. Several of us Guards have worked down there so we often feel admiration for someone like you. So tonight I'm taking you out for some drinks, my treat."

"I really ought to get to bed, busy day you know" I attempted to argue but it was clear that no wouldn't be an answer. I shrugged, sighed and walked with him. I turned back on the secondary bodily function I had shut off. I had a feeling tonight would be a long night.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
2/17/2013 22:56:07   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

Chapter 4

"The name's Hank, by the way. Been a guard since shortly after I got here, so about a few years," he said as we walked on.

"Oh? You like the occupation any?" I asked, hoping to start a conversation.

"Actually...no. I hate it. Being a savage, uncaring brute who is allowed, and even encouraged, to beat anyone looking at you cross is terrible. It often puts me in a sour mood, which I guess helps me with the job requirements somewhat. Most days though I'm rather caring. Sorry about the other day. I can tell you have a lot on your plate right now. And not just from dealing with living here," he said.

I shifted a little uncomfortably, wondering how much he knew of me. The few stories and lore of my people are extremely obscure at best.

"Oh?" I inquired, hoping to get a little more from him. "I'm willing to talk."

"Well, I've heard of your race before. A long time back but I think the knowledge is still fresh. You are a Grichtheon, right?" he asked. I nodded slowly in reply, noticeably shocked at his question. "I told you I've heard of you. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

"I fear for you though. Stories have been spreading around. Dark rumors that speak of dangers ahead for everyone. I know better than to believe all the rumors I hear but...Be careful, my friend. Your ability will draw attention to you, I have no doubt that it will put you into a position you will come to regret," he stated seriously.

"I will take my chances, these people need me though. I wish I could sit back and lay low, but I cannot watch as people are hurt and need healed to full health. I will risk everything to ensure that they get what they need," I stated grimly.

"I wonder if the stories I have heard of your people are true or not with that resolve. No offense, of course," he added quickly.

"None taken. Besides, my people...can be a little rough around the edges with outsiders. It's part of our history I'm sure you're aware. Inside the culture though, we are much better," I said, hoping he would buy the lie.

He knows a lot, I give him that. I am ashamed to admit, even to myself, I come from a long history of violence and pain. I am glad that we prefer to keep to our own planet, for I fear an army of us could and would level the known universe.

"We're here now," he stated. "I hope you like Boosters, they're not the best drink around but it keeps you going. You look exhausted, by the way," he said as he opened the door.

I walked into the building. Hank followed right behind and directed me towards a nearby table. I casually walked over to it and sat down. A waitress had soon come around and taken our orders. Well, more or less Hank's order for the two of us.

The drinks arrived quickly and Hank continued on with a different topic from earlier.

"So...how IS life treating you here? I figure that since you're not dead yet that you must be doing well. Somewhat," he stated.

And at that I went over my experiences up to now, leaving out no details. I even went over my journal that I am writing all my experiences down in as well.

"Well...I must say I'm impressed Alydriah didn't have you killed. It sounds like you barely avoided it at best," he told me with a quick glance at the time. Oh jeez, it's getting late and you need to get some rest," he said as he stood up with a jump.

He had ended up knocking over the drink of another patron into his lap, who stood up in a rather upset manner.

"You're gonna pay for that," he shouted at Hank. And before I knew it, Hank had the fellow pinned against the table, one arm wrenched behind the would-be attacker. Another quite large patron had stood up and was approaching from behind with a weapon drawn.

Without thinking and acting only on instinct, I felt myself manipulate my own body, adding more power and speed to my attack, to disable the attacker quickly. I threw a punch and the man didn't have even time to widen his eyes in shock before the punch hit him. He sailed over a few tables and hit the ground with a thud. He lay still on the ground. His form shifted slightly to show he was still breathing. Within seconds, the other man slumped to the ground, having watched from the corner of his eyes what had unfolded.

Everyone in the room had fallen silent, including Hank. Soon enough, the City Guard had shown up and Hank had to clear the story up with them to allow me to walk freely.

"What was that all about?" I questioned Hank when we had gotten outside.

"I could ask you the same. That guy you laid out was one of the biggest and toughest thugs in that bar. The City Guard has had a few run-ins with him, most of the time it takes several of us to...get a point across with him. He still goes and does the same within a week each time. What you did though was the opposite of what I wanted you to do. You'll be the talk of the whole town for months at best," he stated with a grave look on his face. "You did save my life and I thank you for that, but you were reckless with your power. Pray that none here know half as much as either you or me."

And with that he walked off. Sparing only a second, he turned his head towards me and said, "Take care, my friend. Perhaps we shall do this again and without a fight."

And there I stood, alone in the dark outside my office; the words of Hank's warning pressing firmly on my thoughts. No, I'll be fine, I told myself, hoping I'd believe the lie myself.

< Message edited by The ND Mallet Guy -- 2/18/2013 10:54:14 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
2/27/2013 15:01:23   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

Chapter 5

Weeks passed by. I have avoided updating my journal mainly because I wish it to be one of my thoughts, and not of my cases. Who knows how many people I've treated in the past few weeks. I've treated minor injuries as small as cuts up to life threatening punctures. Nothing major has happened for me to take note until recently.

It was just another day in the office, a slow one. I was considering closing up about an hour early and just taking an early rest when a knock came at my door. Odd, my secretary must be out. I waited for a moment and the knock persisted.

I stood up and went to the door and was greeted by a mine worker. He was muscular, even for one of his own trade and had a haggard look to his eyes. He had shaved off all his hair, most likely to reduce chances of entanglement in the equipment. He stepped into my office without saying anything and quickly closed the blinds to my windows. He motioned me to close the door and come join him over by the window.

I was curious. There was an air of guilt and fear to the man, yet I could sense a good amount of passion and caring. He parted the shades of the blind and peered out into the streets below. I looked out and saw that he was watching a nearby guard. He stood there idly in the street, occasionally glancing to his sides. After a few minutes, he walked on down the streets and didn't bother actually patrolling. Strange to be wary of a guard who isn't even aware of his own surroundings.

He crouched down beside the windows, and I, feeling that he would want me to follow, complied without questions.

"This needs to be kept as secret and as low down as you can keep it. You see, a couple of the guys from below wanted to thank you. We don't have much credits but we managed to sneak out a souvenir for you," he said as he fished around in his pocket.

"You've done us all a great job, and we're relieved we have someone like you to help guard our health. None of understand how you manage it, and we're all baffled as to why you're willing to work for nothing on this dump of a planet, in this dump of a town and with people that few consider any worth. We're not going to ask any questions of you, whatever it is you do to heal us, but we greatly appreciate it," he continued on as he rummaged through his other pocket. He pulled out a small bag, with a rope holding the end shut tight. He slowly opened it and started to pull out something with a sparkle to it.

With a quick jump, he peered back out the windows. I looked as well but didn't see anything of note. He pushed the pouch onto me and headed out my door with a final thank you. I looked out after him but he was already down the hallway and tramping down the stairs. I walked back in, closed my door and locked it. I went back to the corner and held the pouch in my hand. I felt something reaching out to me, so very close to myself. Fearing what may come, I opened up the connection to the planet and felt a power thrumming nearby, drowning out the agony of the planet.

It was in my hand. Without even looking, I knew. What they had snuck out for me was a precious Varium crystal that many people put themselves in danger for. I took it out of the pouch, mindful of touching it for I knew not how I would react to the sensation of the power within it. I laid it out on a nearby stand, and just looked at it. I felt it draw me towards it and every of my instincts wished to hold it and drink in the power radiating from it.

I watched with curious eyes as my body betrayed me and my hand slowly reached out and grabbed it.

I felt a power surge throughout me. I felt my form fading away, by my own doing. I was no longer a solid and existed as a vapor of sorts. My body responded to the power by testing out just how much there was. I was dabbling in highly advanced Grichtheon techniques without even an ounce of effort. Whatever this crystal could do, it had a natural ability to alter DNA. It certainly explained the phenomena of people turning into "Mages" from exposure to it. But there is no set pattern to it. Some change, some do not. Some are more powerful than others. Perhaps...Yes, perhaps this crystal is much like a trained animal. It has potential, but no direction. Left alone for long enough, it will act but randomly. With a careful and guiding hand, a perfect race could be made. Disease could be destroyed. Yes! I could protect everyone, and maybe not only from diseases. I could remove crime and create a utopia. And I would be the ruler, commanding everyone and ruling over them all!

I dropped the crystal, realizing I was on the verge of dominance by sheer power. I thought for a moment, and realized that there will never be perfection and that playing god will only end terribly. I tucked the crystal back in the pouch. The power faded from me as I lost touch but I felt a noticeable increase to my powers. I heard a chirping at my window so I looked out of the blinds. I saw a small robin and unconsciously crafted a replica from scratch. It flapped around in a panic through my office and I managed to open a window for it to leave.

I watched it fly into the distance, and dreaded what I had done. There is an old Grictheon saying that many agree with.

"What you have once done, you will repeat. Once you've set off down a path of action, that path is not so easy to change."
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
3/10/2013 1:12:11   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

Chapter 6

Things have turned for the worse it seems. I am deep in the innards of the beast I am supposed to be avoiding. It was only a few days after I had gotten the varium crystal. It was a normal day, nothing out of the ordinary. But after my last patient had left, I was confronted by a couple Shadow Guards.

"Come with us, you have business to attend to," they said while brandishing their weapons in a threatening manner. I had half a mind to dash for the window, already sensing the direness of the situation but I knew nothing would come of it so I complied. I was walking past them when I felt a sharp jolt of pain throughout my body. I fell to the floor and "played dead." They kicked me in the ribs, and, satisfied I was out, hoisted me over their shoulders.

We seemed to walk for almost an hour before I heard the sound of a door opening. Their footsteps sounded through my mind and another door opened.

"Where do you want this...thing?" I heard one of them say.

"Put him with the other prisoners. I'll have to talk to him later when he wakes up. He shall be most useful for our purposes. We need an added edge against the commoners that are whispering of rebelling against Baelius. Not that they stand a chance, but I don't wish to exhaust good men killing those below us," the spine chilling voice said.

They walked out the door and I felt my body being jostled as it bounced against them walking down the stairs. Another door opened. They walked for almost a minute before I heard the sound of bars being drawn open. I felt the ground knock the wind out of me, followed by another kick. I stifled most of it and I do not think they noticed. I lied there completely motionless until I heard the door to the room open and shut. I opened my eyes and slowly sat up. My eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness, having already been exposed to it the whole trip down.

The smell was horrid. There was mold, mildew and suffering in the air. The cells were small and poorly furnished. The bed looked ready to collapse and wouldn't stop glass from breaking even from a 2 inch drop above it. I instead decided to go sit in a corner. I laid my throbbing head back gently against the cold, stone wall. I closed my eyes and let the pain wash over me. It would be a relief compared to whatever Alydriah would do to me. I had hoped for the best, that she would execute me for my powers, but I knew what she planned for me. I began to question how long she knew, and whether she knew from the beginning or if I had been sold out to her.

The hours passed along and no one came. I was hoping that perhaps she had forgotten about me when she had strolled through the door. She flipped on the lights and nearly blinded me. I could hear groans from other prisoners as their eyes were assaulted by the light. She walked slowly over to my cell. She stopped and looked in at me with a cold, icy stare. She took a key out and opened up the cell. With a look at me, I rose unwillingly. Alydriah drew closer and put her hand on my chin, the claws of her wrist blade lying gently on my skin. A devious smile crept across her face and I must have blacked out for I recall no more after that.

I regained consciousness, or perhaps awareness, and found myself back in the cell with her standing over my huddled form. Her smile was still on her face and I felt the blood rush out of my face. Somehow I knew, I had agreed to something truly terrible. I had agreed to help with a Bio-Weapon project. She walked out of the cell and motioned in two guards to take me out. They slapped a shock collar on me and escorted me along just shortly behind Alydriah.

We walked across town to a discreet research center. Alydriah pulled out a card at the gate and it opened instantaneously. We walked through and it closed behind us. Once inside, Alydriah ducked through a side door into a small lab. A young man in a pure white lab coat with chestnut hair and slight freckles was sitting on the counter inside. He hopped down quickly when we walked in. Alydriah stopped and stepped aside slightly so I could be brought forward.

"Maleta, this young lad is Sigmund. He just started here but he has great potential. You are to help him with the Hazard Initiative Project. Together, you two shall create unstoppable beasts of war. He's willing though, and if you refuse to work then..." she cut off, letting the silence emphasize her point. "But your project can wait, you two must get acquainted first." And with that, she left with the guards.

"I'm so glad I have someone to help me. I was worried I'd fail and Alydriah would have my head but I have a great feeling you're going to save us. Ah, I'm so excited. I can't believe I'm here doing what I am. I've always wanted to be able to make a weapon of some sort, even a Bio Weapon. Those seem like a lot of fun, if a little dangerous. Heh, I'm rambling a lot. Why don't you talk some? Alydriah told me about you and I'm quite jealous of you and your people's abilities. What I'd do to be able to make myself just a little bit taller," he blabbered on.

"Yeah, my people are interesting though I truly wish I weren't here..." I said with much melancholy.

"How come? Isn't it great to be able to do something with your powers that will affect lives possibly forever?" he questioned.

"Well...I believe strongly in following my heart. And it says I shouldn't be here and playing creator," I said.

"It can't be that bad, just make one and then Alydriah can clone that and you'll be done here," he said cheerfully. "Oh, and great advice about following your heart. I actually got this job to try and impress a girl. Her name is Ella. I think her father is City Guard or some kind of law enforcer, don't remember exactly. She was gorgeous and I doubt she knows I exist," he said with a sigh.

I walked over and patted the kid on the shoulder. It was obvious he had much to learn but his intentions seemed good. I hope I can at least turn him from this path before he's too far down it and loyal to Alydriah and her twisted, corrupted ways.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
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