Wolf Rider
SAINS! GING! CONGRATS! THANKYOU! Hm... questions now. I'm bad at coming up with them, so you've made life difficult for me. *glares* I'm sorry! D: Well, I always ask this. If you could have one thing from any book, movie, TV show, or cartoon (anime counts as a cartoon in this case), what would you pick? Hmm, that's a tough one. Does Chuck Norris' ninja abilities count? Were you shocked when you became an AK? Very. That's all I can think of, so I leave you with a gift. Oooh, thankyou! *holds out a box* In this box, is an infinite amount of one thing, and one thing only. What's in it? Easy. Bacon! :D That's all I've got. Congrats, welcome, and good luck! You deserve it. Thankyou muchly! Also, thankyou for helping with the coding, made my job a lot easier after having to dead with all of that coding and font that Mel had *glares* *grins* Hey, what are you doing back here?! D:
< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/4/2012 18:14:32 >