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RE: =MtAK= A wild Sainsbro has appeared!

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11/4/2012 8:16:03   
Shadows Morgenstern

You guys made me! D:<
Haaaaiii! :D :D
Congrats and stuff! :D
*Irony activate*
*Deactivates Irony*
Have you ever watched The Human Centipede? *shifty eyes*
I see what you did there. *glares*
If so, did you enjoy it? *more shifty eyes*
Anyway, *brohugs* and grats again man! You deserve it!
*Brohugs back* Thanks a bunch, I'll try not to let people down!
And what do you say when someone whispers..."Yolo"? *runs like hell*
Chase them. *Glares*
Cya around!

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/4/2012 9:18:43 >


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DF  Post #: 26
11/4/2012 12:45:47   

*Walks into room, Sees sains covered in cat hair* I see you enjoyed my present.
Nu I didn't! D:<
BTW, I need those back.
Yeah....about that....They're..busy?
Anyways, Now for some more questions. *Evil lightning flashes*
Oooh *stares at the lightning*
First off, Do you think that with your new AK ship, you may have less time on your hands?
Yes, but I'll still find time for you guys!
Think that you are up to the challenge that is AK ship?
I do!
Next, you failed one question. 2 + 2 = Fish.
Awww, I was so close :(
Now, For a good challenge.
If the wood falls of a canoe, then why a duck?
Because bacon.
Cause the Higher you fly, the better.
Its WWII code.
Yeah, I knew that *whistles*
Now for the Final question I have for the moment.
If you were a cat, What kind would you be? Yes you must answer this.
A lion.
*Turns sains into a cat*
Schwwet! I'mma lion! :3 *Chases after DK*
*Trolololols away without changing him back*
*Continues to chase DK*

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/4/2012 12:52:31 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 27
11/4/2012 13:11:09   
Hopeful Guy
Hope Upbringer!

Yay! I get to completely troll Sains!
Woo! :D Wait....
1. Why... are you called Sainsbo? Is it something to do with Sainsbury's?
It's just an edited and shortened version of my last name. ^^
2. Why do you love orange? (don't worry, it's my favourite colour too)
Not sure why, I just think it's a great colour.
3. Did you know that BoH+APR+TCG=Corp Bath (G)?
I didn't until now. XD
4. What does the G stand for?
5. Was the answer Gents?
Nope. :P
6. Why was that an utter waste of your time?
Y..No, of course not!
7. Did you like the Olympics?
Yes, very much!
8. Did you even see any events? (not me, I was 15 miles away, but still didn't go)
Nope, I watched it all on the TV!
9. If so, which?
None in person, but I was quite interested in watching the Tennis and Cycling.
10. Your favourite fruit is?
11. Can I pelt you with them?
I'd rather eat them. D:

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/4/2012 13:24:01 >
DF  Post #: 28
11/4/2012 13:13:32   

Haithere saubs Sainsbob the troll Sainsbo!
Hey there Muh!
First of all, congrats! You really deserved AKship!
Thanks! ^^
Secondly, why is purple your favourite color?
It isn't. :P
Yeah, keep telling that to yourself, you know that you love purple.
Nuu! D:
Anyway, out of all Xat smileys, which one is your favourite?
The glare.
Oh, I like that one too!
Which is your favourite soft drink?
Out of every person in history, who would you like to meet in person?
Hmm, that's a tough one. Einstein I think.
What was the last book you read?
The Twits. XD
Did you like it?
It was..interesting. :P
Why are you covered in cat hair?
*Glares at DK*
What do you want for your next birthday from me?
Snow. Or bacon.
If I turned you into 8 year old potato, what would you do?
Well, if I was a potato there wouldn't be much I could do.
How do you think, what is the best thing you can make from potatoes?
Why aren't penguins purple?
Because purple is evil.
Hmmm, it looks like I'm starting to run out of questions...
Well, it seems that this is all, seeya in chat!
Good luck on being AK! Bai!
Thanks! ^^

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/4/2012 13:32:49 >


AQ DF  Post #: 29
11/4/2012 13:32:28   

Round two!!!
So, haidere again.
Hey again!
It's question time!
Do you like the color green? *absentmindedly strumms fingers on green axe*
I like some shades of green, just not dark green.
Amulets or other methods of magical enhancement?
What does an AKship look like?
Do you RP?
Not very much no. :(
Do you think my name is cool?
Can I be AK? Do you think I have it in me to become an AK someday?
Sure! ^^
Are you keeping track of these questions?
Nope! :P
If so, what is the outcome of this question's number times three, divided by pie, digested by a cat and then used to fertilize a tree?
Do you know how to speak C++?
No, but I hope to learn one day! ^^

If you could, would you take a job opening in AE?
I would lvoe to, since I want to be a game designer anyway.
Are you a good artist?
No, not very. :(
What do you think of your fellow AK in AQ3D, the ND Mallet Moose?
He's insane...How could I not like him? :D
Oh, and I forgot.......
Kitten fight! Hope you're not allergic to adorableness!
D: It burns!
*runs away before sains the lion can eat him*
*Chases after him*

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/4/2012 14:07:58 >
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 30
11/4/2012 13:43:17   

Hi Sainsbo! It's been a while
Hey Dragonman! ^^ It has!

Grats on your AK Ship!
Thankyou kindly!
No questions from me, because I can't think of any right now, maybe on the next page
Thanks for stopping by!

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/4/2012 14:09:48 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 31
11/4/2012 14:35:22   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

Heya Sainsbo!, Gratz and welcome.
Hey Digital, and thanks! ^^
Where did the name Sainsbo originate from?
The name Sainsbo came from a slightly edited and shortened version of my surname.
I'm guessing DF is your favourite game?
Indeed it is!
Do you have a favourite boardgame?
Yes, I enjoy playing chess.
Favourite hot beverage?
Ever taken up archery?
Nope, but I may do one day. It looks interesting!
That's all for now, cya around!
Thanks for stopping by! ^^

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/4/2012 14:41:24 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 32
11/4/2012 16:38:28   

Hi there, Sainsbro!
Hey there Mel!
Did you see what I just did there?
I did. *Glares*
Ahh, glad we got that established
*Still glaring*
So uh... what's this about calling Purple "evil" ??
Ummm, I didn't do anything! D: *Points at Fae* It was him! All him!
*tightens Sains's shackles*
D: That's mean T-T
Let's see how that feels :)
Tight. D:
Anyway, not going to drag this out.
*Tries loosening shackles*
Just wanted to give you a nice welcome to the forum.
See ya!
Bye! ^^

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/4/2012 16:53:53 >
AQ DF  Post #: 33
11/4/2012 16:46:40   
Wolf Rider



Hm... questions now. I'm bad at coming up with them, so you've made life difficult for me. *glares*
I'm sorry! D:

Well, I always ask this. If you could have one thing from any book, movie, TV show, or cartoon (anime counts as a cartoon in this case), what would you pick?
Hmm, that's a tough one. Does Chuck Norris' ninja abilities count?

Were you shocked when you became an AK?

That's all I can think of, so I leave you with a gift.
Oooh, thankyou!

*holds out a box* In this box, is an infinite amount of one thing, and one thing only. What's in it?
Easy. Bacon! :D

That's all I've got. Congrats, welcome, and good luck! You deserve it.
Thankyou muchly! Also, thankyou for helping with the coding, made my job a lot easier after having to dead with all of that coding and font that Mel had *glares*


Hey, what are you doing back here?! D:

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/4/2012 18:14:32 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 34
11/4/2012 16:58:34   

Congratulations :)
Thankyou! :)
What’s your favorite movie of all time and why?
21 Jump Street. That film was hilarious.
Has reading a book ever changed your life? Which one and why, if yes?
Unfortunately not, I'm not a big reader.
What would you do if you had a million dollars?
Buy a lifetime supply of bacon! :D
Would you rather be rich or healthy?
Healthy. What's the point of being rich if you're too ill to use it? ^^
Are you a spender or a saver?
What’s your favorite kind of music?
I listen to a lot of types of music, but Rock is my favourite in generl.
Are you good at Chess?
I wouldn't say I'm very good at it, but I can play it. :P
Would you rather have the power to be invisible or the power to read minds?
Read minds.
Would you rather spend life in prison or be executed?
Well that depends. Do I get bacon in prison?

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/4/2012 17:05:23 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 35
11/4/2012 23:21:11   
Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

Greetings Sainsbo, loser hero!
Oh, hey talking penguin!
If you know me I ask the same questions on every mtak thread...
Who gave you the deadly task on becoming an AK?
Melissa4Bella. :D
How are the shackles.....what color are yours?
I think you can guess that from the previous questions answer, no? :P
Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
I'm good, of course.
Ready to play?
Whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
A giant shield. A giant shield made of bacon.
Does this shirt make me look fat?
Ye-No, of course not!
Does it make you look fat?
Yes. T-T
What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
First thing I did was try and figure out of my brain was lying to me.
What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
Sainslocked? Lockedbo? I'll have to work on it...
I hope that your having a fun time controlling the AQ3D community...cya says Stephen Nix! May the undead penguins eat you alive! Prepare for a downfall APR co-leader.......YOU WILL LOSE!
Thanks for stopping by! And there will be NO downfall! *Glares at the talking Penguin*

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/5/2012 4:53:43 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 36
11/5/2012 7:11:05   
 formerly In Media Res


Hi! So, I have a bunch of questions, but I ran them through the Bad Translator. I need you to answer your questions, and then run your answers through the Bad Translator, so that we're speaking the same language. (For best results, run all your answers through at the same time!)
The man who uses fake blue. Sea, sand?
There they are banned forever, like a rocket before him?
I would like to make.
It was a couple of years at sea before washing-Las Colinas?
On the Internet and navigation!
A few years ago was there?
For many years, over has been.
Only a few times, I remember that you don't see?"
Twice more.
How many people?
Very closely and brochures about hearing?
If any of the indexes.
Because I do not know how many people have died and how many people have died?
So many of those who cannot be found in the manual.

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/5/2012 7:38:02 >
AQ  Post #: 37
11/5/2012 8:20:00   

Guess who is back with questions!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Nooooo! Yay!
ANyway, lets get started.
Who has a lovely bunch of coconuts?
The coconut tree!
What do you put a lime in?
A blender.
If you said anything but besides a coconut and shake it all up, you are incorrect D:<
Okay...now no more coconut questions.
Are you good with tongue twisters?
Not very.
Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?
Or asked the grinning bobcat why it grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain?
Why are you confusing me?! D:
Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?
Are you trying to confuse me? ._.
...yes, I did just do the lyrics to a Disney song.
I knew that *Shifts eyes*
What's your favorite song right now?
Gangnam Style! The Pretender by Foo Fighters.
OH! How goes the drum playing?
It goes good!
Have I reached 20 questions yet? ._.
No idea. xD
What's your favorite video game?
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
What's your LEAST favorite video game you have played? Or really, what's a game you have played that wasn't very good?
Fable II.
Why wasn't it good? It only exists to cure your boredom, what did it ever do to you? D:
It confused me! D:
Well...this may be it for now...maybe...possibly...I bet you are sitting there going "YES! FINALLY!"
OF COURSE I AM! No, I'd never say that. ^^
Last question.
Here we go, ready? (And no, not my question.)
That counts as a question!
What is your least favorite subject to study in school and why?
Probaly Math. I love the subject but can already do everything that we get taught every lesson. xD
That's it from me until the next page *sneaks away*

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/5/2012 8:29:40 >


DF MQ  Post #: 38
11/5/2012 8:31:26   
steel blade

I comply to the CONCLAVE. Oh wait, wrong place.
This if for questions! D:
'ello der, leader. Technically, you aren't my cappy, but meh.
Hello Steel!
So, is that what Melissa meant by "taking your soul?"
Yes. <.<
I wasted my time trying to get out of that place? D:
Yep! :P
What was your favorite war in DF?
Hmmm.. I'd say the Final 13th. The community really came together for it.
Have you heard of the game Trine? :3
Nope, sorry.
I'm out of questions. Good luck maintaining this board in a different dimension. *coughitriedmakingreferencetoaq3dbutitseemsihavefailedultimatelycough*
Thanks, and bye!

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/5/2012 8:41:01 >


DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 39
11/5/2012 12:48:26   
Friendly! Creative!

Was that shackle dissolver any help?
Nope. The boss has magic. T-T
Anyways take some " purple pelter" or" purple repellent" for future encounters with them
Thanks! *Takes*
Okay now lets get serious, what BBCode do you like best?
Hmm, I'm not too sure..
On a scale of one to ten , ten being the highest, how much do you like Marmite?
8 or 9.
How many times a day do you listen to Gangnam Style?
Depends how much time I get on the computer. :P
What is your favourite anime?
I don't watch anime. :S
What is your favourite manga?
I don't watch/read Manga. :S
Favourite Film?
21 Jump Street.
Favourite Perennial herb?
None. I don't like any of them.
Foosball or Football(soccer if you're american)?
Count up how many questions I have asked you, add 2, multiply by five, separate all the digits, round to zero or 10 then convert it to binary.What does that translate to (don't do it if you aren't up for it)?
Is the above question the most annoying question you have ever been asked?
Nope, but it comes close. :P
I am going to leave now but when I come back I will have another potion for you (maybe a po-tay-toh as well).

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/5/2012 13:38:38 >


DF MQ Epic  Post #: 40
11/6/2012 22:25:24   
Mecha Mario
Mechanized Plumber

Another AK, eh?
Yep! ^^
Inb4 u edit!
Before* you* :P
Not funny, or funny above? Choose wisely. :O
So, you want a bag of your favorite cookies from my endless supplies?
Bye, and congrats on joining the team! You'll be fine.
Thanks! Hapy to be able to help.
Ok, bye!

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/8/2012 11:32:24 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 41
11/8/2012 8:03:38   

Hai there, first of all gratz!
Question time!
Answer time!
1.Do you like Red Shiny buttons like the one Chairman P pressed on during the Ebilcorp invasion?
2.Why does Chickencows have a god when Trobbles doesn't???
Because Trobbles are secretly related to chickencows. Just don't ask me how.
3.Do you love Pink Cookies?
I love cookies, just not pink ones.
4.What is your favorite food?
Bacon! :D
5.Do you like horror movies like "Teletubbies"?
I love horror movies, but the teletubbes is just too scary.
6.Do you like Pokemon, looking at the headline?
Nope, not a pokemon fan. :(
That's all for now!
Thanks for stopping by!

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/8/2012 11:34:54 >
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 42
11/8/2012 13:11:59   

Hello..i see from the last posts you enjoy bacon..
I will let you live for now >.>
Thanks! <.<
First of all Congratz...now for questions!
I'm ready!
1.Do you like chickencows?
2.do you obey chickencows?
3. chickencows or moose?
I better say Moose. I share a cell with one after all..
4. Zeuster vs Meuster vs Reuster?
Zeuster FTW!
5. finally the last question...
Chickencows..or Moose..
Moose! :D
(i need to prove to Nd Mallet Chickencows are superior!)
Nuuu! D:

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/8/2012 13:14:05 >
DF  Post #: 43
11/8/2012 13:27:58   

Hidere! Congrats on Akship!
Hey, and thanks!
So, what's it like knowing they've got you?
GET ME OUT OF HERE!! I'm in safe hands. :)
I'm curious. Are different mods like LANDIS or Eukara fighting each other for world supremacy, or are you all in it together?
We are all in it together!
Because, you know, if you are not in it together we still have a chance.
You ever play the Assassin's Creed Series? If so, Assassin or Templar? And why?
Nope, I don't play the AC series, though a friend of mine played AC3, and was very happy with it.
AC3 is an awesome game. I really don't like this Ubisoft Pass Rubbish that stops you from playing all the Multiplayer if it's preowned though. I think it was EA who came up with that. EA, ruining gaming for everyone since the 1980's!
Totally agree!
I think EA is an alternate reality AE. Evil game protocols, only in it for the cash, and the lettters are switched. I bet it's logo has a beard.
Anyway, have fun. And know this: Both Assassin and Templar will be against you little Mod Plans...
Thanks for stopping by!

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/8/2012 13:40:23 >
DF  Post #: 44
11/8/2012 14:56:44   

You feeling good?
Oh that's nice. (Awkward if you said no)
Lucky for you I said yes.
Here come the questions.
Here come the answers.
Blue or red?
What's your favorite sport?
You sure it isn't hockey?
Vampires or werewolves?
Werepires. ;D
Finland or Sweden? (If you answer Sweden don't even bother reading the rest)
Umm....I don't know too much about either. XD. I do have friends in sweden though, so I would have to say that. Felaktigt svar!
What's your favorite of the AE elements? (Fire,water,bacon etc)
What's your favorite AQ staff character from the AE games? Is it Captain Rhubarb?
All of the staff are awesome. ^^
What was the first enemy you fought in an AE game?
A Gorilliphant in DragonFable.
Did you take part in the EbilCorp invasion?
Yes! ^^
Crosby or Ovechkin?
If you don't watch hockey, Messi or Ronaldo?
Messi FTW!
That's about it. I'll see you around here, I guess.
Thanks for stopping by! ^^

< Message edited by DeVulus -- 11/8/2012 15:36:38 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 45
11/9/2012 11:43:31   
Constructively Helpful!

Yo, Sainsbroski. I'm only here because you asked me to come.
And I only asked you to come because you asked me to ask you more interesting questions next time we are chatting. *Glares*
Because you asked me to come, I assume you're an attention-seeker, btw.
Does that make you an attention seeker too because you asked me to ask you better questions? :P
But besides that, I guess I'll ask you a few questions.
Where did the name Sainsbo come from?
A shortened and slightly edited version of my surname.
If from nowhere, what does it mean?
*points to above answer*
If it means nothing, why did you name yourself this?
*Points at the answer above the last answer*
How does it feel to be an AK?
Awesome and scary at the same time. I love working with crazy awesome people, but at the same time I'm scared I'll mess up. :P
How does it feel to be you?
Good. I enjoy life. ^^
I don't really have anything else to ask.
So, bye-bye.
Thanks for stopping by!

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/9/2012 11:49:48 >


DF MQ  Post #: 46
11/9/2012 11:47:30   
King Helios

Hello Sainsbro! Congratulations!
Thanks! ^^

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/9/2012 12:00:31 >
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 47
11/17/2012 10:05:24   
Friendly!, Constructive!

Sains! Long time no see!
Hey Varen! Nice to see you!
How are you doing?
I'm doing great thanks! ^^
I see you've become an AK! Congrats!
Thanks! :)
Now that I've said that generic stuff, I can get on with the real questions!
If you're the orange AK, why are you answering in pinky-purple?
Orange was taken <.< Plus, this is the colour I have always used on the forums :P
Are you secretly a supporter of...purple?
I knew it. See what I'm doing? No matter your answer, I can just say I knew it already.
So how's everything going with APR? Since last time I checked in, I haven't really heard much from either of TCG's allies.
All has been good, thanks. ^^
Well, I hope you have a nice time as an AK. And a nice Christmas!
Thankyou, and hope you have a great Christmas too!

< Message edited by Sainsbo -- 11/17/2012 15:11:28 >
DF  Post #: 48
11/18/2012 7:40:14   
Orange Squire

I think this has been open for long enough for people to see. Thankyou to everyone who posted! :)

Locked and moved, ~Sainsbo
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 49
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