You do realise they cost that much because you get the Varium bonus? They are equal to Varium items but you pay NO Varium. There's 2 type of items, apparently VNV (called so in GD) which are these expensive Credit ones or F2P. Difference? VNV has Varium advantage for Credits and F2P is normal non-Varium item with less stats & slots than a Varium item. And no, balance is NOT defined by how much an item costs; not literally but definitely not Credit cost per stat. Stats are allocated by the level of the weapon and same with damage, as well as weapons having damage and stat leans thus proving your example not relevant to the pricing of the weapon. Exactly what I said in your thread, Metallico. If you wish not to pay with Credits for Varium bonus (Varium = real life money, 1K Varium = ~$9 (using 2K Points package)) so you can work in-game and get it for free (Credits) or buy them with Credits AND Varium for much lower Credit price. You get a choice. If you wish not to pay Varium then pay more Credits. If you don't want to pay more Credits then you don't want to get the item, simple as. You have choices and don't pick either one of them. Work or pay.