Legendium~ Completed by White Out727
Chosen 0ne~ Completed by Misty_Kitty
Hey guys! After a while thinking about this, I'm going to open an art shop! Please note, I'm not an expert!! I can make signatures and banners. Currently hiring! It would help greatly if you provide renders for banners and sigs! Don't complain if you don't get your sig in 10 minutes; were not robots.
Rules: -No inappropriate language
-Please use a photobucket or some sort of photo saving program as I WILL delete some if I get too many requests!
-Have fun!
Hiring form: [b]Forum name:[/b]
[b]Why you wish to join:[/b]
Request form: [b]Signature,banner or avatar?:[/b]
[b]Artist to be completed by[/b]
[b]Font: (Please provide at least 2 fonts)[/b]
[b]Font color:[/b]
[b]PM when completed?[/b]
Shop Artists
Misty_Kitty Available times: Mon-Thurs, 6 pm server time-12 midnight, Fri-Sun: All day
Program(s): Paint, Photoshop express on iPod. Illustrator w/ pencil and paper
Experience: Couple months.
Be patient! I'm working as fast as I can. Coming soon! White out727
See second post.
Experience: 1 year
Chesset Examples:
Experience: 2 years
Makes: animated sigs (which take longer), normal sigs, plushies etc.
PS: sometimes my signatures below are requested from other shops; do not ask me to make mine below. vv
< Message edited by Misty_kitty -- 12/20/2012 11:02:39 >