@Xendran I understand this but since Beta Testing this game has not been about a profit in Titans eye's it was a hobby that he turned into a profession, he cares about all the players F2P and P2P and at first most the profit was put towards getting a stable host for the Game, Hiring new members ect to help maintain the game and now although it does generate a nice profit i would i imagine the way Titan feels about his players has not changed, he is not in it just to make a profit but to satisfy his playerbase. In turn yes this does generate a higher profit so i would say congradulations on the perfect Marketing campaign. Titan may not have wanted this game to be a money hole, but it has been since the beginning of Gamma, or really since AE took over. I'm not saying Titan is a bad guy, but whether you like it or not, this game has been out for our money since the merger. Just saying... I am in agreement with Goldslayer1. We have both played this game a very long time, and been through the brief ups, and seemlessly neverending downs. If enhancements are going to go, a full refund would go a long way to restore the devs tarnished reputation, and ultimately show that they do care about the players and not just the profit. If enhancments arn't going to go, but are going to be drastically changed, some kind of compensation would have the same effect. Here's to hope, progress, and change in Omega...Obama Titan 2016 >_> Prophet