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Legendary Shadow Crystal V1

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11/23/2012 17:01:35   
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Legendary AK!!!

Legendary Shadow Crystal V1

«Mastercraft Misc. All Effects change daily.»

Location: Legend of Lore: Challenge Gauntlet
Element: Neutral
Type				|	Z	|	G
Level	104	119	134	|	142	|	149
PowLvl	104 MC	119 MC	134 MC	|	152 MC	|	152 MC
MPLvl	104	119	134	|	149	|	151

Price	49781	238149	1139417	|	5863	|	5451615
Sell	24890	119074	569708	|<48h	5276	|	2725807
				|>48h	1465	|
Activation: 0 turns

It cycles daily through the four forms in this order: Hydra, Naga, Minotaur, and Roc. This misc will stay in one form for an entire day ( Entire day means 12:00:00 AM Server Time to 12:00:00 AM Server Time of next day) and cycle to next form at 12:00:00 AM Server Time.

Hydra Day*
    Cost: «» SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • Increases Melee defence, CHA, DEX and lowers Water resistance by the listed amount.
    Melee	+9	+9	+10	|	+10	|	+10
    Water	-9	-9	-9	|	-10	|	-10
    DEX	+35	+35	+35	|	+35	|	+35
    CHA	+40	+45	+45	|	+45	|	+45
  • At the end of your turn, there's a (# of hits connected) / (# of hits made) chance of making the monster Bleed** (Power: [Bleed]). The monster makes a save at a +0 bonus:

      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: 200 vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    If it fails, then it starts bleeding, with the listed power. The Bleed can stack and increase its power***. If the monster fails a second save, then you just add the new bleed power to the old power. Monster categories Undead, Golem, Robot, Mecha, and Incorporeal are immune to this effect.
    Bleed	0.17	0.18	0.19	|	0.2	|	0.2
    1 Fail	9-60	11-73	14-89	|	18-109	|	18-109
    2 Fails	18-120	23-148	28-178	|	36-217	|	36-217
    3 Fails	27-180	34-221	42-267	|	53-217	|	53-217
    4 Fails	35-239	45-294	56-356	|	71-433	|	71-433
    5 Fails	44-300	57-369	70-444	|	89-542	|	89-542
    6 Fails	53-360	68-442	84-533	|	107-650	|	107-650
    SPCost	45	46	47	|	48	|	49
    ****Today the Hydra essence is strongest! Bonus Water resistance, and a chance to make the monster Bleed!
    ****Empowered by the hydra essence, your attacks rends your opponent's flesh! It starts bleeding!
    ****Empowered by the hydra essence, your attacks rends your opponent further!
    ****The crystal is infused with hydra essence! But you don't have the «» SP to use it....

Naga Day*
    Cost: «» SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • Increases Magic defence, INT, LUK and lowers Darkness resistance by the listed amount.
    Magic	+9	+9	+9	|	+10	|	+10
    Dark	-9	-9	-10	|	-10	|	-10
    INT	+45	+45	+50	|	+50	|	+50
    LUK	+45	+45	+45	|	+50	|	+50
  • During misc's turn, you heal MP** equal to [Damage dealt]*[MPAdj]. [Damage Dealt] counts all damage dealt by player's attacks, weapons, specials, and spells. This does NOT decrease your attacks' damage. Magic weapons heal [Damage Dealt] * 4/3 * [MPAdj], spells heal [Damage Dealt] / 2 * [MPAdj].
    MPAdj	0.16763	0.19243	0.19515	|	0.20388	|	0.20073
    SPCost	46	46	49	|	49	|	50
    *** Today the Naga essence is strongest! Bonus Darkness resistance, and «»% mana regenerations!
    *** The naga essence heals you «» MP!
    *** The crystal is infused with naga essence! But you don't have the «» SP to use it....

Minotaur Day*
    Cost: «» SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • Lowers Melee/Ranged/Magic defences and Earth resistance by the listed amount.
  • Increases STR and END by the listed amount.
    Melee	-2	-1	-1	|	0	|	0
    Ranged	-10	-10	-10	|	-10	|	-10
    Ranged	-10	-10	-10	|	-10	|	-10
    Earth	-9	-9	-10	|	-10	|	-10
    STR	+45	+45	+50	|	+50	|	+50
    END	+30	+30	+30	|	+30	|	+30
  • All Normal Player Attacks, Weapon Specials, and Spells get damage boost:
    • Normal Player Attacks:
      • If the attack's current attack type is Melee or Ranged, you deal *[Dmg]*95/85% damage.
      • If the attack's current attack type is Magic, then you deal *4/3 of the melee/Ranged boost.
      • The Boost takes into consideration type conversion things. For example, if you wield a Melee weapon, but use an armor that converts to Magic type attacks (like Wizard Robes), you will receive the Magic boost.

    • Weapon Specials:
      • If your wielded weapon's attack type is Melee or Ranged, it deals *[Dmg]*95/85% damage.
      • If your wielded weapon's attack type is Magic, then you deal *4/3 of the Melee/Ranged boost.
      • The Boost follows your weapon attack type regardless of what the individual hit's weapon type is and applies to all hits of the Special regardless of the hits' individual types. For example, if you wield a Melee weapon with a special that has Magic and Ranged hits (like High Communicant Grandeur), you receive the Melee boost on both hits.

    • Spells deal /2 of the Melee/Ranged boost.
    Dmg	1.18	1.18	1.18	|	1.2	|	1.2
    SPCost	45	45	49	|	49	|	49
    **Today the Minotaur essence is strongest! Bonus Earth resistance and «»% damage!
    **The crystal is infused with minotaur essence! But you don't have the «» SP to use it....

Roc Day*
    Cost: «» SP for activation and for every turn with the item equipped.

  • Increases Melee/Ranged/Magic defences and DEX by the listed amount.
  • Lowers Wind resistance by the listed amount.
  • Monster takes -[BTH] BTH and deals *85/[85-[BTH]] damage.
    Melee	+9	+9	+9	|	+10	|	+10
    Ranged	+9	+9	+10	|	+10	|	+10
    Magic	+9	+9	+9	|	+10	|	+10
    Wind	-9	-9	-10	|	-10	|	-10
    DEX	+25	+30	+30	|	+30	|	+30
    BTH	21	22	24	|	25	|	25
    SPCost	42	43	46	|	45	|	46
    **Today the Roc essence is strongest! Bonus Wind resistance and +«» blocking!
    **The crystal is infused with roc essence! But you don't have the «» SP to use it....
This shadowy crystal contains the essence of four shadow beasts: Hydra, Naga, Minotaur, and Roc. The power it provides changes depending on which beast is strongest that day!

Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Corrections thanks to Kaelin, Ghostclaw, Khimera, and Golden Emperor.


November 16, 2012: The misc was released.
March 3, 2014: The misc was updated.
June 15, 2017: Lvl 142 Z price and sellback were swept. Old values were:
Price	13750
S <48h	12375
  >48h	6875

< Message edited by Carandor -- 6/17/2017 12:15:52 >
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