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Infernal android nerf suggestion

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11/24/2012 12:34:27   

I was speaking with Rui in another thread about the infernal android and he came up with an idea for a nerf to the bot. It works like this. It is similar to depressed void's idea of making the bot reset, however, instead of having the bot reset with the special the bot will reset no matter what. Meaning you use the normal move it resets. You use the special the bot resets. So tell me what are your thoughts on this idea for a nerf?
Epic  Post #: 1
11/24/2012 15:57:25   

actually it doesnt deserve any nerfs, it is useful to deal with health abuser, tanks(non 5 focus) and other stat abusers. sometimes you rage faster in battle because of blocks involved and you never know when the next rage comes up and if it resets it would put me at a huge disadvantage since i have no other reliable bots like your azrael's borg or bio borg.
i don't know why people complain about it, seriously if you think its powerful then use it, its not like there's a barrier stopping you.

< Message edited by TRizZzCENTRINO -- 11/24/2012 15:58:06 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
11/24/2012 17:03:55   
Blaze The Aion Ender

People complain if I use a strength build
Are we going to start complaining at one of the only other good builds?
I guess I will use a tank build with 0 damage output and wait to die
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
11/24/2012 19:56:04   

Even with the first two nerf's, the bot is still powerful, I agree it does need another nerf. No other bot is as power as the "Infernal Android".
Post #: 4
11/24/2012 20:29:11   

Yes Let's nerf the Bot, It deserves another Nerf :3
AQW Epic  Post #: 5
11/24/2012 20:52:05   

so you guys want gammabot to be the only powerful bot? i guess i will never understand you people.
@rayman when i used my old pyrofly build the infernal android are not as OP, you just dont know the right build to counter it, if you find it OP then use it yourself. simple
if i am to say, gammabot needs a nerf more than infernal android, cuz of its high base damage and less cooldown on special :P
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
11/24/2012 20:57:09   

Gamma don't needs a nerf, it does balanced Dmg and Costed 1900 Varium, While android just cost 500 varium.
And SomeTimes I Use android but I love my Gamma bot so I use it more cuz I Actually don't like to use Oped stuff like infernal android that can get to do 60+Dmg easily.
And this isn't a big nerf, It will just reset so people can't get to abuse that insane Power.
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
11/24/2012 21:49:36   

@rayman with bots you have 2 choices: either use the one that will benefit for you the most in battle or the one you love. i have missed my chance for gammabot so infernal android is my new fav. well if its the problem with the price, they can make me pay extra 2k varium i wouldnt mind, problem solved.
if it keeps resetting then caster mages will be harder to deal with and strength and HP spammers will be hard to fight against, especially smoke and massacre bounty hunters.
so evolve and adapt or die in battle.

< Message edited by TRizZzCENTRINO -- 11/24/2012 21:51:01 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
11/24/2012 21:57:47   

Well, if there is a balance problem with Strength, some mage skills, and health, they should be handled in the same balance update.
AQ Epic  Post #: 9
11/24/2012 22:09:39   

@ At everyone

I myself personally didn't agree with the bot resetting it self every time you used it regradless of weather you used it's special or normal attack. I could live with it being reset if you use the special attack, since you are using the special like what Depressed void had suggested since it make it so you have to pick and choose when to use the special.

Howver Rui's suggestion of making the bot reset no matter what attack you use with it I couldn't agree with for the following reasons.

1 if you use the normal attack it reset itself and the special wasn't even used.
2 The normal move can be blocked which means that you use it to attack and it gets blocked which means the special building up go down to 80% for nothing
3 you have to wait 3 turns if you use the normal attack for it to start charging again
4 no matter what the reset backlash comes

While it is one thing to bring it down a peg or two (which would be so if the special would reset itself when it is used) It is another thing to nerf the bot into the ground (which would be the special resetting itself no matter what as long as you used the bot)

Also when talking to him he listed the following reasons why he thought the bot should be nerfed

1 with this powerful bot no one would buy and use the other bots since this one tops all others
2 it is more powerful then all the other bots and it is only 14000 credits or 500 varium
3 it is more powerful then the gamma bot which before this bot was the most powerful and it is spitting in the faces of anyone who brought the gamma bot gamma bike package or even the bot itself.

@ rayman

The bot resetting itself no matter what attack you use is a big nerf. it would be making you pick and choose when to use the bot period and the normal attack is not only blockable but not OP. However if it resets when you used the special (which is the only thing that everyone is complaining about) It would be pick and choose when you use the special just like with the pyro fly, and baby yeti.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 11/24/2012 22:23:45 >
Epic  Post #: 10
11/24/2012 22:17:59   


they can make me pay extra 2k varium

Still You can buy with credits.
With the bot ressetting you still will be able to kill these casters mages easily (And much more easy with ch), what you only need to kill them is the physical attack of the bot.
If you want to kill the smoke mass bh, just use another bot then (Like assault, You can debuff they smoke and use a good E attack since they have mostly low res) and adapt vs them or die
AQW Epic  Post #: 11
11/24/2012 22:27:25   

@rayman same to you evole or die :P anyways back on topic. infernal android is only useful for 5 focus. azrael's borg is mainly useful for BH. assault bot is good for nothing. bioborg is useful for health/strength apammers. gammabot is useful for 5 focus. baby yeti is good for any build, mainly BH. pyrofly is good for non 5 focus tanks since its special is the most useful. basically every bot has its own purpose and beneficial for each unique class and build, if you want this bot nerfed its easy, increase deflection improve rate but gammabot gets affected, thats a bonus to me :P
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
11/24/2012 22:33:29   

I Evolved Long time ago to the max, And deflection needs to go to support so deflect can be balanced since it happends way to often, Or they give deflect to support or they just make the bot attack blockable again, making it blockable seems much more better.
AQW Epic  Post #: 13
11/24/2012 22:46:16   

hmm, so gammabot's special blockable eh? that would be great :P
and no deflection only makes sense when it is improved by technology, since the more high tech you are your armor plating or whatever else gets more advanced to deflect bullets.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
11/24/2012 22:47:04   

@ rayman

Are you talking about the attack bots or all bot specials? because the only blockable attack special was the gamma bot's laser and that was only blockable because they didn't know how to make it deflectable back then and here is the quote from the bot balance thread rabble made about the android


As far as making it deflectable, it wasn't an option since we didn't have the ability to make skills deflectable. I'm using past tense because that changed about 5 minutes ago. I agree that making it blockable makes less sense since it is an energy laser, and is a little too harsh to make you wait 10+ turns to do 0 damage with the special.

Said by rabble himself when they did the bot balance. They aren't going to make the infernal android's special blockable because they didn't like the idea of you having to wait turns to power up the bot only for it to do nothing.
Epic  Post #: 15
11/25/2012 0:09:12   

Trizz: Then deflect should go back to support again so everything is fine.
Mother: Yes Ik all the things that rabble said, So if we gonna keep the special of bots (The lazers ones) deflectable, Then deflect should go back to support.
AQW Epic  Post #: 16
11/25/2012 0:14:31   

I am not totally agree with, people will change robot builds for strenght builds but is fair...

So supported
Epic  Post #: 17
11/25/2012 0:39:55   

@ rayman

As much as I would like to agree with that last one I can't. Deflections would still be powerful but with those who use high support instead of high tech. This would only serve to OP those support builds since they have high debuffs, high buffs, high power aux and highest crit chance (multi if you are a merc or tech merc). Plus they will soon get better healing since support will affect this again as well. Deflections I feel might be a little too much with all this.

Also about the non laser bots making those blockable would be doing them what the baby yeti had before it was buffed. I know you remember the reason why they made this bot special unblockable and why they aren't going to make the others blockable right?

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 11/25/2012 0:41:06 >
Epic  Post #: 18
11/25/2012 1:20:41   
King FrostLich

Want one nerf for this bot? Permanently remove it.
Epic  Post #: 19
11/25/2012 1:28:44   

@ king

Do you mean remove it from the game, or make it perma rare? Because if you mean remove it from the game then everyone will need a refund of their credits or varium because of this.
Epic  Post #: 20
11/25/2012 1:54:03   

ok stop this nerfing u guy are going to push this to far and i dont want this bot to be rare
Post #: 21
11/25/2012 1:56:46   
King FrostLich


Do you mean remove it from the game, or make it perma rare? Because if you mean remove it from the game then everyone will need a refund of their credits or varium because of this.

Perma rare obviously. If people keep complaining about this bot, better remove it and when I mean remove, I really mean make it permanently rare. This bot is a power type bot that ends long rounds with ease.

< Message edited by King FrostLich -- 11/25/2012 1:59:28 >
Epic  Post #: 22
11/25/2012 2:02:07   

@ King

I honestly like the way the bot is. However it seems everyone who wants to use their favorites or builds that are losing to this bot will complain about it being too powerful. Then there are those people who don't like the fact this bot outclasses the Gamma bot since they had to pay real money for it and the infernal android is free (real money wise)

I just posted rui idea for a nerf because I felt it would get better feedback here.

Also you seem very adamant about this bot being perma rare ever since it's release and I actually respect your resolve for this.
Epic  Post #: 23
11/25/2012 2:27:25   

@mother1 IKR most people who wants this bot nerfed is because they use a build that this bot is effective against, or they want gammabot to stay on the top. everything is got to be outpowered someday.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
11/25/2012 5:44:13   

I really dont understand that you think IA is better then the Gamma bot.
Gamma bot has 12-16 dmg.
IA has 10-14.

1st = it needs 21 turns to get more dmg then the Gamma, and were only talking about its special.
2nd = He can still do his psysical when he just used its special. That means he can do this

1st turn: Special 100%
2nd turn: .......
3rd turn: .........
4rd turn: ........
5th turn: Special 100%
6th turn: ......
7nd turn: ......
8th turn: ........
9th turn: Special 100%
Thats already 300% dmg on the 9th turn

1st turn: Normal 100%
2nd turn: .......
3rd turn: .........
4rd turn: ........
5th turn: ........
6th turn: Special 105%
7nd turn: .......
8th turn: ........
9th turn:.....

Thats only 205% dmg. And a normal match lasts around 9 turns. And the gamma bot has already 95% more dmg.
It needs more then 21 turns to get past its special dmg.
And the 100% dmg of the Gamma is still better then the 100% of the IA sinds it has a 12-16 and not a 10-14.

How can you call IA better then the Gamma?

I do use the IA, but if i had a chance too get the Gamma, i would pay even double price for it. Because its just the Best.

< Message edited by Mysterion. -- 11/25/2012 5:53:08 >
Epic  Post #: 25
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