My reaction : quote:
[Defence Changes] Defence will be changed to a percentage of damage reduction. This applies to all defence types (Resistance, possibly more in the future) Oooh , i like it! There should be skills that give you 100% for 1 turn and the cap is 30% . quote:
[Stat Changes] HP will be controlled by a stat called Vitality along with your Level. Boosters now restore HP based on a % of your max. Vitality will grant protection against all status ailments and effects except for critical hits, as hp is a natural protection against crits already. EP will be controlled by it's own stat + player level as well, and boosters now restore EP based on a % of your max. This stat will offer a small amount of energy regeneration per turn. Focus will be removed. Bots are now more dependant on various stats, including some that are based on your lowest stat. Agility will be removed. Kinda like it's making me to go AQW here but still interesting . quote:
[Armor Changes] Armor will no longer offer flat defences. Dexterity and Technology stats on armor will take care of this. Defensive armors will offer a small amount of HP regen based on the armor level. Offensive armors will offer a small amount of EP regen based on the armor level. Reminds me of Stick War . But still it's good . quote:
[Damage Ranges] Weapons will no longer trade off stats for damage, but will have varying damage ranges with the same average damage on weapons of the same level. This allows for more variety in equipment choice. Hmmm , not sure about this one , though . quote:
[Eqiupment Changes] Most equipment will no longer cost varium. Most current varium equipment artwork will be available in the Equipment Reskin Shop. [Varium Only] New, rare, and exclusive skins will be available in the Reskikn shop. [Varium Only] Varium-Only weapon abilities will all be sidegrades. Varium-Only equipment will all be sidegrades. An example is reduced damage and stat points in exchange for passive HP regeneration, or a chance to inflict an ailment. Encumberance reomved, as the ability to reskin weapons replaces this. There should be no advantage to using a higher level weapon at a lower level the way that the current encumberance system is implemented. All requirements removed from purchasing items. Stat distribution in the back end will now be determined in a percentage value. The display to the player will remain the same as currently. This allows for universal scaling of all weapons. About removing Encumberance ..... nah , since there still might be a lot of players that aren't able to reach each weapon's max requirement level , this could result in rage-quitting since their hard work will be turned into crap . But the effects part ? Hmmmm.... quote:
[Cosmetic Changes] All cosmetic changes listed in the equipment section also apply here. Revamped class artwork will be available for sale in the Reskin Shop. [Varium Only] Alternate Skill Animations will be available for sale in the Reskin Shop. [Varium Only] Armor/Hair Color Customization will now cost a small amount of varium. [Varium Only] Armor/Hair Color Randomization will be available for 1 Battle Token. Armor/Hair Color Reset will be available for 5 Battle Tokens. Bot skins will be available in the Reskin Shop [Varium Only] Great idea , but can there be some for non-Vars ? quote:
[Enhancement Changes] Enhancements are removed, and instead place with weapon scaling. Weapon scaling is Varium Only. Credit users have access to gear of equal power, therefore scaling a weapon is a matter of convenience/cosmetics/preference. Stats can no longer be placed manually on weapons. Armors, however, retain this ability when enhanced above their base level. Weapons statistics are now assigned as a percentage value, and then scaled based on level. (For example, 30% Strength 20% Dexterity 50% Technology. These percentages automatically distribute the weapons stats based on how many total stats it has.) Stats round up from order of highest % allocation to lowest % allocation. When enough rounding has occured that the item now has the correct number of stat points, the rest of the stats will round down. Weapons can be scaled to any level from any other level at a cost. This cost is based on the level difference between you and the weapon. This eliminates the issue of players not needing credits by using varium to scale weapons unless they are willing to pay very large amounts of varium for constantly scaling a weapon that is massively out of their level range. So it's like tricking the level-scaling to give you something eh? Well , this won't really hurt me much . quote:
[PvE Changes] Additional sidequests available for purchase. These must NOT be related to the main storyline. Var-Players get missions . Well , okay , this is actually fine . This is quite long TBH but then again the suggestions are somewhat great !
< Message edited by Lord Aegis -- 11/30/2012 4:28:50 >