@Above and for anyone who is concerened after re reading goldslayers suggestion which this new enhancement system is bassed on all weapons once 35 will have 35 enhancement slots available, 37 for swords these can be set however the player likes to an extent, not sure if this is how they are running it they may have differented it from the original suggestion but seems fair to me? you may still be able to get the +15 or +24 tech on the weapons once they are level 35 aswell as higher damage and more points to allocate. I think the point allication on primaries will be unuiqe for each type, meaning clubs are suited more for support, str and tech Staffs for supporty tech and str (more suited) claws str, dex, tech, support (balanced) Sword str, support although this is only the general idea i have in my head, making each classes item more suitable for them with their skill trees