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RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012

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11/30/2012 15:50:22   

How this sistem can be good for a F2P player with best weps full enchanced, wich worked ages to be mighty without var stuff?
Only special abilities will make the difference, well i prefer to have 12-15 points less then varium users then see them using builds tht only they can make(better to have weacker stats then to have a weacker builid).
If now F2P had a chice to close the gup with tons of time, in Omega we will be limited.
Special abilities will pass from unique/fun features to the main reason to buy a wepand to make a build.Will there be enought choice to be fun playng as a free player?I guess not...
Epic  Post #: 126
11/30/2012 15:52:09   

Kosmo, what are you even talking about? None of that made sense...
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 127
11/30/2012 15:53:36   

change the name with credits??and tournament :P
Epic  Post #: 128
11/30/2012 15:58:51   


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< Message edited by TankMage -- 12/4/2012 3:31:01 >


da fama ae galera.
Post #: 129
11/30/2012 15:59:01   

If stats are all the same what will make the difference in battle apart build and specials?If now free playesr had lower stats in omega they will have a weacker build, and that sucks....
Epic  Post #: 130
11/30/2012 16:10:11   

So could we see a lvl 35 basic club?

Are you sure the people will keep buying varium?
Epic  Post #: 131
11/30/2012 16:23:37   

I just hope the large amounts of varium spent on enhance is not wasted.... I still want a edge over people with enhance to someone without. (Sounds selfish D:)

@Above: I don't think a level 35 basic club would have any stats

@Under: Yeah i already read that, but im still abit worried.

< Message edited by robo90925 -- 11/30/2012 16:28:25 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 132
11/30/2012 16:27:23   
One Winged Angel1357

@Robo no clue what will happen but you will get something out of it


NOTE: We're going to take good care of those players that have upgraded their current weapons as we migrate into Omega.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 133
11/30/2012 18:05:35   

The difference is the way in which the player distributes the stats, the way in which they build their skill trees, how many stats and level +'s the player can currently afford and also the type of attack (Phy's, Res,Unblockeable) and finally the items unuiqe special ability, it is closing the massvie gap between F2P and P2P but is widening the rage of builds immensly, All that varium will do is get you special Bots and Vehicles, or rare items, only the bots are unediteable making them pretty usefull if its a decent promo bot, aswell as allowing you to max your gear before the rest of the players manage to :P
AQW Epic  Post #: 134
11/30/2012 18:46:15   

deathshadowslayer understands what's going on. This update is extremely positive and will increase the freedom that players have with builds. Especially since we're getting new skills as well.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 135
11/30/2012 19:00:13   

So,if I'm not mistaking..
Varium can ONLY buy one of 2 things :
-Farming time.
-Special abilities.

**Will the amount of total item stats remain the same for a certain type of items? Let's say 2 different Lv35 swords,one is varium and the other is credits,will they have the same total stats to distribute?

**Is that system is applying on Armors defense/resistance?I understand that you guys said "ANY ITEM",but you focused on weapons.

**The upgrade system : Will the damage become a constant per level or an additive to the current damage of an item..Let's say an item like Caterpillar Bugzooka..It has 39 damage while it is a level34 item,If upgraded will it get to 40 damage?while the damage cap of Lv35 Auxillaries is 39.
Epic  Post #: 136
11/30/2012 19:04:30   

Ok. As a player who has spent hundreds of dollars over the years on ED, I can say that I approve of the direction the team is going in. I think that this is going to bring in a huge amount of diversity to builds, and here's why. I will try to explain to those who disagree with this update why It's such a positive thing.

As we all know, Epicduel is constantly being dominated by one or two specific builds, and usually one or two specific classes. This is a problem, because it makes the game terribly boring and repetitive. Every battle is the same. The reason for this, is that when a new weapon is released, it has certain stats, that only very specific builds can use.

Ex: If the staff releases a weapon that has 12 strength, 8 dex, 12 tech, and then 10 enhancements, Epicduel will be simply SWARMED with strength builds. People want the weapon with the most stats, and if a weapon's stats offers them only one build set, people don't really have a choice but to use the build that is the obvious choice for their weapons.

With the elimination of weapons with preset stats however, the fear of "OP builds" and boring repetitive battles will be a thing of the past. No build will have an advantage over another simply because the latest and greatest weapons fit it perfectly.

Like I said, I hope that anyone who disagrees with the upcoming changes to ED might have a change of opinion if they think about what the actual consequences will be; epic strategy.
Epic  Post #: 137
11/30/2012 19:44:09   

O.O wow did not expect to see this when i came on today after quite awhile. And Xendran is back O.o
Epic  Post #: 138
11/30/2012 19:44:25   

Everyone would approve if they fully understood the effects of this update, its more freedom for every player to do what they wish, they may find that there armour has +5 +5 def and res and may need more def due to higher tech so they can now edit this with the release of this update, there is more freedom for builds meaning no class will be overpowered anymore only those who are skillfull about their build can dominate.

@Shift3r This is one of the things i am currently confused about will the damage for aux's goto 40 for level 35? but as far as the update any equipteable item apart from boosters, robots and vehicles can be edited stat and level wise.

There are alot of players thinking that it will be another dress up era due to everyone having the same stats like in AQW but there is no restrictions set as far as customising the stats are, all points are assigned as YOU the player choose so, Yes some items have special's and this makes them worth while but everybody will adapt to their own unuiqe builds making for more interesting and chalanging gameplay which is better for us players.

For those that do not have special abilities onced maxed they are litterally the same in power but 100% customiseable bar changing the attack types, but i like having Rare - Seasonal rare ect items with a cool look to them, i mean its one thing to be good at the game but its another to be good and look epic.

This update is basically Making the game balanced in all aspects for every class which has always been a problem due to there always being a OP class, now that they have done something about it you's have doubts and complaints... give it a chance, i have spent the past few nights going over this in my head and taking into account the sysetm on which it will run on, (not sure about current enhancement system being merged with the new or players being rehimbursed) but its going to be more of a chalange, something the game currently lacks due to either loop build Tech mages and Tact mercs and also BH's, CH's with this update i can see most players changing from BH and CH to find a nice suitable class for there playing style.


The Frost Guardians
AQW Epic  Post #: 139
11/30/2012 20:41:03   
  Digital X

Beep Beep! ArchKnight AQ / ED

One of the biggest things I think this Phase/Update will allow more for, is customization and variety. I have turned down countless weapons because the stats are bad but the look is good, and vice versa, but now that stats can be placed roughly wherever you like a lot of the older weapons will shine once again and not just buying the highest level gear and trying hard to make them work for you, and whatever build you like.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 140
11/30/2012 20:49:58   
One Winged Angel1357


There are alot of players thinking that it will be another dress up era due to everyone having the same stats like in AQW but there is no restrictions set as far as customising the stats are

This is incorrect the following is stated in the DN's

To maintain balance, you will not be able to put all of the item's points into one stat,

So there is one restriction and it is an important one
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 141
11/30/2012 20:53:52   

@ Above:

Yes there are restrictions as far as titan has said, you cannot put all stats on one skill, But them Rabllefroth kind of contradicted this statement by saying that there are no limitations at the moment and more information will be released next week.
AQW Epic  Post #: 142
11/30/2012 20:56:38   
King Helios


I can then put all my stats into STR on each wep, but 1 on dex for each wep?

AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 143
11/30/2012 20:58:48   

@ King Helios, No as far as Titan said it is still going to be balanced depending on the weapon with a maximum ammount allowed allocated on each stat, but still if you have no use for one stat say support max out the other three as much as possible?
AQW Epic  Post #: 144
11/30/2012 21:09:48   
One Winged Angel1357

The restriction is still unknown to us and since they are throwing base weapon set up to the wind, this is a rather stupid idea to me unless it is going to say "## free spaces for stat modifiers" when you go to buy weapons in Omega, a guide to follow when making your weapons will be non existent from what Rabble has told us
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 145
12/1/2012 0:23:48   


(Speaking of which, we should have a booster that increases the chances of winning a prize in the arcade.)

Just pointing this out, we don't have arcades anymore.

Let me clear the confusion.

What will happen is, we will see stuff with prices like 15,000 credits OR 750 varium.

Varium will not be used for an advantage, but for convenience(and cosmetics).

So you can either grind hours to gather enough credits for ________ weapon/armor or you could take the easy way out with varium.

But now everybody will be able to get ANY weapon(if I am not wrong) with ANY stats.

Now if you say, "F2P will beat us! No pls I gotta win I paid!"

Then you should go and cry under a rock since that's not gonna happen, it's actually a strategic game now.

Peace out.
Epic  Post #: 146
12/1/2012 1:42:40   

Wait, source?
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 147
12/1/2012 1:55:28   

@OWA that is correct:


To maintain balance, you will not be able to put all of the item's points into one stat

The reason that Rabblefroth hasn't released an exact figure is this will require a lot testing. At the moment all I can say is that they are considering distribution in at least 3 statistics on a maximum % of overall statistics available per each statistic basis. Rational discussion about this % and the reasons behind what you think that figure should be will be appreciated.

The whole team is working very hard on this update and the changes that have already been made are blowing my mind. Kudos to them and we shall see a new era arrive in EpicDuel gameplay and strategy

< Message edited by Goony -- 12/1/2012 9:45:52 >


In Epic Duel,
success is not final,
failure is not fatal
and it is the courage to continue that counts!
Epic  Post #: 148
12/1/2012 2:00:14   
Blaze The Aion Ender

So for my charfades club, would I no longer be allowed to place stats on tech and dex?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 149
12/1/2012 2:03:03   

@Blaze, still up for debate and that's probably a good example to use ;)
Epic  Post #: 150
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