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RE: =ED= Omega Design Notes - November 29, 2012

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12/1/2012 23:07:51   
King FrostLich


The max damage a weapon can have is now tied to YOUR level, since gear will no longer have a specific "level" to it any more. Hard to wrap your mind around at first, but this just means that every Auxiliary will have the same maximum damage for a level X player. Doesn't matter what level it is right now on live.

So you're saying that from eggzooka to the strongest aux will have a base damage of +35. That's a bit sad to hear. Auxiliaries are meant to be slightly stronger.
Epic  Post #: 176
12/1/2012 23:12:06   

trizz i didnt mean all f2p players are strategic most follow the curve(go with op builds) but the ones that do the best use strategy not power thats the only way they can have a good win% right now but when omega comes out i think everyone will go with a stat abusive build and strategy will fly out the window
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 177
12/1/2012 23:15:22   


So you're saying that from eggzooka to the strongest aux will have a base damage of +35. That's a bit sad to hear. Auxiliaries are meant to be slightly stronger.

Ooh, no sorry, I worded that poorly.

Primaries, Guns, and Auxiliaries will have different maximum damage at each level. Auxes are still planned to have higher damage than other gear types.
Hopefully I'm understanding what you mean. :P

< Message edited by RabbleFroth -- 12/1/2012 23:16:01 >
Post #: 178
12/1/2012 23:24:46   
King FrostLich

Oh thank goodness I thought it would nerf every bazooka to level. Btw, about the enhancement system is it separate from the "upgrade weapon" system? If it is that means more stats.
Epic  Post #: 179
12/1/2012 23:32:38   

Are the OneX6 weps leaving with this update too?
Epic  Post #: 180
12/1/2012 23:34:16   
SouL Prisoner

^ yes :)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 181
12/1/2012 23:36:07   

I just got 1 question.... with this update, it says you can change the stats of a a peice of gear. If i can customize a peice of gear's stats, what is the point in buying new gear? Wouldn't all it all basically be the same???

If you didnt get what i said, here is a exmaple.

Say i had a a aux which had some stats like this:


And a another aux with these stats:


Couldn't i just customize them to have the same stats? There wouldn't be a point to buy the other aux or in fact any other gear.
AQW Epic  Post #: 182
12/2/2012 1:27:44   
midnight santa

where is omega!? it is already december 2, 2012. You're 3 days late titan! Hurry up please.
Epic  Post #: 183
12/2/2012 1:29:34   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

There was never a specific date but they're hoping(meaning they want to and have some chance of doing it) to get it out before December 25th.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 184
12/2/2012 1:38:43   

Waw! Omega sure gets people worked up! I guess that's what all these new features can do some people.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 185
12/2/2012 1:42:20   

Omega looking good! Hopefully this would reduce that gap difference between the var and non-var.

Now about the enhancements which we bought,will they remain when the new feature is implanted??


Power from Varium
One goal of Omega *is* to diminish the power gap between F2P and Varium players. We want to shift the gains given by Varium from granting overt power to giving new options and convenience. It can also grant things like cosmetic options, etc that we haven't explored as much in the past. We also don't want Varium players to feel a constant obligation to upgrade just to keep up. Instead, we want you to be excited about the loads of new options that you can play around with.

What this means is that Varium should get you what you want faster, and should grant additional awesome options, strategies, and builds that otherwise might not be available, while still providing awesome stuff to F2P players that you might have to work a little for. In the end, everyone should be better off with these changes.

After I read this I'm sooooo Synced!! Finally something that i really wanted to hear from the devs for a long time now. I guess I'll make a come back after all. Damn all this excitement got me pumped up!

< Message edited by skeletondude -- 12/2/2012 1:46:56 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 186
12/2/2012 3:37:52   


Assuming there aren't any technical limitations I'm overlooking they should be worth the same as what you would expect them to be right now.

Great :)
Epic  Post #: 187
12/2/2012 3:51:16   


The plan is that Varium and credit weapons will have the same total stats in the new system

Total stats= base weapon stats + enhancements? or only the base stats?
Post #: 188
12/2/2012 3:54:51   


So basically we will see swarms of copycat players, once a new winning build arises?

Because with identical weapons and armors - not in looks but in stats and damage - that's what I expect to see.
AQW Epic  Post #: 189
12/2/2012 5:02:06   

^The aim is for the class revamps to ensure more creativity, and probably balance. A balanced class system, in my opinion is one in which each class has its own benefits. For example, BMs could be better for fast kills, whereas Tac Mercs could be best for high win%. Just citing an example there, but I am sure that has been, and still is their aim.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 190
12/2/2012 8:19:11   

Let's suppose Omega's next winning build will be support tech mage.

- All energy auxiliaires will be exactly the same, damage and stat-wise, once upgraded to lv35.
- All energy guns will be exactly the same, damage and stat-wise, once upgraded to lv35.
- All physical swords will be exactly the same stat-wise, once upgraded to lv35.
- All armors will be exactly the same, def/res and stat-wise, once upgraded to lv35.

This means all lv35 players possessing a physical sword, an energy gun, an energy aux, and an armor will be able to use EXACTLY the same support-abusing build by copying each other, since all weapons and armors will be identical in effectiveness at a certain level.

Where's the variety now?
AQW Epic  Post #: 191
12/2/2012 9:10:53   

Screw strength, support BH is where it's at.

All upgrades/enhancements in support.

Reflex Boost:
Lv1-40 dex
Lv2-70 dex

Same with energy shield.

All hail the immortal BH.
Epic  Post #: 192
12/2/2012 9:22:53   
One Winged Angel1357

Now the real question no one has been asking is diminishing stats. With the new Set up your stats system the ability to stat abuse might be even greater than it was with Enhancements so how will diminishing stats be addressed; during testing or as the need arises?
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 193
12/2/2012 9:44:43   

I was thinking of Exp Boosts that u can buy for varium to level you up with a certain amount of exp lets say 1k exp . also , i was thinking about an exchange npcs that can buy back weapons i bought but no longer use cuz if i sell normally i loses over 90% of the varium and even more if i had enhancements on them , so i was hoping to make the sell back process a little more fair for the player . thanks for ur time
Epic  Post #: 194
12/2/2012 9:50:26   


This means all lv35 players possessing a physical sword, an energy gun, an energy aux, and an armor will be able to use EXACTLY the same support-abusing build by copying each other, since all weapons and armors will be identical in effectiveness at a certain level.

  • Enhancements will make a difference.
  • You will NOT be able to abuse one stat and neither you will be able to go around it by putting +1 in any stat and rest in Support (there'll be stat cap for weapons at __ level).
  • Weapons will be different; some will have stat lean and lower damage and vice versa.
  • Way in which stats AND skills work are also getting changed to be likely less luck based and more depending on stats; Rabble posted a bit of formula on Twitter so I can go only by that.
  • There is a LOT hidden from us most likely, so more details will be released as Omega comes closer.

    Got it?
  • AQ Epic  Post #: 195
    12/2/2012 9:52:24   


    Couldn't i just customize them to have the same stats? There wouldn't be a point to buy the other aux or in fact any other gear.


    This means all lv35 players possessing a physical sword, an energy gun, an energy aux, and an armor will be able to use EXACTLY the same support-abusing build by copying each other, since all weapons and armors will be identical in effectiveness at a certain level.

    There will be other ways to customize your gear aside from just stats. :)
    Post #: 196
    12/2/2012 11:57:50   
    Hun Kingq

    A lot of things I suggested is being implemented.

    When you pay for making adjustment to the weapons will you have to pay again or will it be like enhancements, once you pay for enhancements you don't have to pay again?

    So enough about weapons the real meat of the classes are the skills:

    What skills will be deleted?

    What skills will be changed out?

    Will we see new skills so the staff could tackle each class independently without affect one or more classes?
    Epic  Post #: 197
    12/2/2012 12:05:38   

    Can't wait for Omega:P
    Epic  Post #: 198
    12/2/2012 12:27:14   

    After omega, can i be able to use Delta armor with the special ability of Platinum's Pride?

    or do i need to wait more for a skin option?


    Epic  Post #: 199
    12/2/2012 12:51:34   


    I was wondering if you guys are adding a ranking achievement for rarity scores any time soon?
    Epic  Post #: 200
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