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=MtAK= How Hopeful can a Guy be?

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12/1/2012 11:09:49   
Hopeful Guy

Hope Upbringer! (DragonFable)

Hello everyone! I'm Hopeful Guy and I'm the newest ArchKnight for DF Guides. I only really play DF out of the AE games, although I've played AQ, MQ, AQW, and HS a bit here and there. I'm also probably going to play AQ3D when it comes out. So if you want to ask me anything, go ahead.


All =AE= Comprehensive Rules apply.

I won't answer anything personal. If I do, it will be something completely random and not an answer to the question.

15 questions per post. This includes statements and greetings.

One post per page.

There isn't much point in editing after I've seen it. I'll probably miss it.

I'll be editing in this color. If you like being awesome, here's some code to put in where you want me to answer!
DF  Post #: 1
12/1/2012 11:11:11   

..Congratulations ^_^
now questions
1. chickencow or moose?
2. how are you doing today?
3. ever heard of meow mix?
Yes, I have heard of it. However, it's not really something I'd know a lot about. Don''t have a cat. :P
4. obey chickencows?
No. They aren't optimistic enough! D:
...that is al congratz..and bye
Thanks, and bye!

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/1/2012 11:18:18 >
DF  Post #: 2
12/1/2012 11:28:41   

Hello there!
It was only a matter of time. <.< Congratulations on the AKship.
Now time for the questions with the somewhat regular routine.
How are you at the time of this post?
Good, you?
When did you first went on the forums?
Registered or unregistered? Registered was last year November, lurking was... I don''t know.
How well do you think you will AK the board?
Good. As long as someone loosens the shackles..
Have you ever face a great evil in your time?
What will happen if you go off and encounter it again?
*thinks* We'd beat it again?
Does the ghost of the past haunt you?
That is all from me for now.
Beware though, we are watching. *Fades away*

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/1/2012 11:33:57 >
DF  Post #: 3
12/1/2012 11:36:09   
Wolf Rider

Gee, thanks for remembering me, Hopeful. You're not the only new Guides AK here. *mock glares*
I have a feeling you were given the new board 1 second before me...

Anyhow, jokes aside, first things first, congrats!
Thanks, same to you!

I typically only ask one question, and then give a gift. No need to break tradition so here goes.
*dramatic music*

If you could have one thing from any book, movie, cartoon, or TV show (for the terms of this question, manga count as books, anime count as cartoons), what would it be?
No idea.

Now the gift.

*holds out a box* In this box is an infinite amount one thing, and one thing only. What's in it?
I would say optimism, but I already have that. So I say bananas.

That's all I've got. Congrats, welcome, and good luck!
Thanks, again, and good luck to you too!

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/1/2012 11:43:36 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 4
12/1/2012 11:39:21   

Grats Hopeful! You deserve it.

I'm sorry I have no questions currently.

See you around!
Same to you!

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/1/2012 11:42:51 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 5
12/1/2012 12:00:52   

Hi Hope! Congrats! *hugs tightly*
*is hugged*
Question time!
Have you ever played Metroid Prime 3: Corruption?
What is your favorite non AE video game?
Quite a lot to choose from.
Do you have any pets?
What's your favorite subject?
Good question. In terms of what I'm good at, maths, and computers (I'm actually pretty good at everything else too, though). In terms of fun stuff, SCIENCE!
Can you make an army in just one musical number? And I mean just one.
Do you know what movie/song I sorta am talking about in that last question?
What's your favorite wild animal?
Elephants. So huge and yet so calm.
And last question. Can you believe it is already the first of December? ._.
About time! :D
Congrats again! *huggles once more and gives a cookie*
*noms cookie* Thanks!

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/1/2012 12:06:14 >


DF MQ  Post #: 6
12/1/2012 12:09:34   
Orange Squire

Hey Hopeful! Congrats on your new position!
What's your favourite colour?
See my edit colour, your title, etc.
For awesomeness.
What's your favourite film?
Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows Pt2. Only one in the series IMO that was better than the book.
Favourite band?
I really have no clue. Too many.
What are you looking forward to Most about AQ3D?
How successfully AE pull it off. I really think they can do it.

Well, that's all from me.
Thanks for posting!
Congrats again, and cya around! ^^

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/1/2012 12:13:45 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
12/1/2012 12:31:22   

Grats on yo position.
Now then. Time for questions! *evil laugh*
That sounds foreboding...
1. Do you like the color green? *absentmindedly strumms fingers on green axe*
O_O an axe! It's not bad...
2. Amulets or other methods of magical enhancement?
Do I need them?
3. Who suggested you become an AK?
It's not suggested, more like asked. It was Ash (DF Guides head mod), BTW.
4. What does an AKship look like to you?
A cruiseliner from the outside, which is actually a dungeon inside.
5. Why did you choose Hopeful Guy for a name?
I hope I can avoid that question... (but really, it reflects me as a person)
6. What did you do when you saw the PM Title "Your Forum Behavior"? (I'm sidekick)
I never did get a PM with that title. I had "Your posting behavior" (in July, when I got "Helpful!".
7. What is your weakness?
8. Are you counting these questions?
I am!
9. If so, then what is this question's number divided by ten, multiplied by Pie, fed to a cat and then used to fertilize a tree?
Good for the environment.
10. If you are such a big optimist, than surely you know the Optimist's Creed?
Upon googling it, it comes up with the code of stuff for Optimist International. That has to be a waste of time.
Anyway, that's it for me.
Gratz on the AKShip.

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/1/2012 13:15:06 >


DF MQ Epic  Post #: 8
12/1/2012 12:52:44   

*clap* *clap* *clap* Hello hopeful you probably know the reason im here right?
Do I?
first i would like to congrats you for you're new position
my 5 cents said that you tried to read those in a very sinister voice (am i right?)
Nope, I didn''t read it aloud.
okay on to the questioning
if you could have anything in this world what would it be?
I don''t know.
of all the forumites in the DF forum who did you respect the most
Because the community is so awesome.
okay that's all i have.
im sorry if those question were too personal for you
They weren't, they were fine.

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/1/2012 13:34:00 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 9
12/1/2012 13:01:15   
Friendly! Creative!

Hey Hopeful, I totally didn't forget to post here
Good memory!
Anyways, Pineapples or Papaya's ?
Light or Darkness?
How tight are the shackles?
Pretty tight. The pain...oh, the pain.
Will you ever turn to purple?
What is your favourite fruit?
Favourite colour?
Thats all for now, *rides off on a Phoenix*
Was that phoenix from APR?
Nope, the first one was though. SSSHHH it's a secret.

< Message edited by .Joerte -- 12/2/2012 3:56:42 >
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 10
12/1/2012 13:24:07   

1. Hey Hope, I got you custom-made shackles that say "Hopeful Guy, he's one of the best."
Thanks! *wears*

2. If you could have any three powers, what would they be?
Time control, mind-reading, and teleporting.

3. Out of all the AE games, which class/power set (regarding HS) would you want most in real-life?
Entropy. I would love to see the looks on people's faces when I go out in public.

4. An ArchKnight isn't complete until they have... THIS! A Big Red Button.
Can I press it?

5. If you could have any mythological creature as a pet, which one and why?
A Hydra? Certainly would be good for fire-fighting...

6. If your username was a character, what would he do?
Spend his whole time lazing around in the forum.

7. Which Element do you prefer?
Hope. See below

8. Is there such a thing as Elemental Hope?
Of course! I am its Avatar.

9. Do you read any manga?

10. Why is that, dear fellow?
I honestly have no idea...

11. What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?
43, because of inflation rates.

12. Have you ever played Pokemon?
A little bit.

13. Quick, you must save this cat from a twelve story building that is burning, hanging over an abyss, being guarded by Void Dragons, and around its neck is an entire universe!
So I need to save the cat from 12 stories? Easy, write this twelve times: "Then the cat escaped"

14. If you could be any animal, which one and why?
I already am an animal. All humans (and Hope Avatars) are.

15. Well, that's all for now. *Fades into darkness*
O_O Where'd he go?

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/1/2012 13:46:34 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
12/1/2012 14:12:55   
Sir Arceon

*slowclaps as he dramatically enters the room*
*provides dramatic music*

Well, well, well. Yet another Archknight, and this time it's a member of my clan. Props.
Thanks a lot!

Fortunately for you, I have no questions. Only my congratulations.

Oh, and a gift.

*hands over a mysterious glowing stone*

Careful with that. It's the only one I have.
*drops it* Ooooops.


< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/1/2012 14:18:49 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
12/1/2012 14:26:10   

Firstly, congrats on AKship, again!
Secondly, *hands a box with trains in it*
So, how are you doing with AKing?
Good. I haven't blown up much yet.
Have you ever tied boots to you shoulders, so you can pretend to be a penguin?
Favourite superhero?
Batman. Least unrealistic one.
What's your favourite kind of ice cream?
Do you like robbing banks?
Only in board games.
I've done that many times, I've got a huge collection now!
Are you collecting anything?
That would be it, then.
Thanks for posting!
Good luck, seeya on chat!

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/1/2012 15:07:19 >


AQ DF  Post #: 13
12/1/2012 14:29:09   
The Void Calls

*Tips hat* Congratz to you Hopeful
I have but 2 questions
Phew, only light torture
Why is the letter 7 purple?
It is?
How are those shackles?
Painfully tight.
*sets cookies on the floor* those should last you a while
Not if I nom them all!

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/1/2012 15:19:00 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 14
12/1/2012 14:29:19   
Rune Knight

Heyllo there, Hopeful Guy!
Hey Fae!
Congratulations on becoming an ArchKnight. We're glad to have you on the team. ^_^
Well, I'm posting in this thread. So you know what that means...
It has a meaning?
MUFFINS! *Throws muffins everywhere*
... And also questions. ;D
Not so YAY!
1) What are your feelings on the color BLOO?
2nd best to orange. I vote for an alliance!
2) If you answered that last question correctly, just why is it so awesome?
Because orange burns, and bloo extinguishes.
3) If you didn't answer #1 correctly, prepare to be burned alive. D:<
... What would you do if I did burn you alive?
Enjoy it! Fire is orange!
4) How are the shackles?
5) Why does working in this Forum appeal to you?
Because... guiding is what I do? Even IRL?
6) Are you excited to begin your work here?
7) What is the best solution to any problem?
42, with figures adjusted for inflation.
Well, that's all from me. Seven is the most magically powerful number, so I'm sticking with it!
Once again, welcome to the team, Hopeful!
Thanks! It'll be good working with you!
*Disappears in a flash of lightning*

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/1/2012 15:24:19 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
12/1/2012 17:17:40   
Hopeful Guy

Hope Upbringer! (DragonFable)

I've thought about it, and I'll be closing this and moving it on the 15th.
DF  Post #: 16
12/1/2012 17:39:36   

Hello Hopeful
Hey Cain!
First of all, Congrats on being made an AK, you really deserve it
Now, on to...Question Time!!!!
First of all, have you ever watched "Who wants to be a millionaire?"
Of course I have!
Second...Purple, or Blue??? (say Purple and you get a cookie)
Blue *steals cookie*
Do you like chocolate cake?
If it's eggless.
If yes, here you go *gives chocolate cake*
Did you ever consider being an AK prior to being poked?
What is your favorite film of all time?
Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows Pt 2.
Anyway, I gots to go now, Bye! *throws lemon-merengue pie at Hopeful and teleports away*


< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/1/2012 17:50:14 >


DF  Post #: 17
12/1/2012 17:46:52   
Alder Peacemaker

Hi Hopeful Guy (I just realized that that rhymes :P)
It does!
Congratulations on your AKship.
Now, what questions to ask...
What answers to say...
If 42 (with values adjusted for inflation of course :P) is the answer to all questions, what is the question to all answers?
Blue or Orange? (Hint: Bacon or Necktie, respectively).
Orange! Look at the edit colour.
Serious questions now.
Bah. Does this mean it'll be about people in beige suits or something?
Do you know how to play any instruments?
Not really, started learning keyboard a bit though.
What is your favourite book?
Several. I can't think of how to separate them.
And that's really all I can think of, so congrats once again.
*cough* I realised that without you saying *cough*

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/1/2012 17:55:55 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 18
12/1/2012 19:03:01   

Hey! I knew you only quite recently but it was great working on a guide with you. Thanks a lot and hope you have success in your future as an AK!

Thanks! The punz... dey kill.

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/2/2012 4:41:35 >
DF  Post #: 19
12/2/2012 1:26:43   

Salutations, Hopeful Guy. :D *Kicks the monster that chased me through a rift back into another dimension*
Salutations to you too!
Now, *Stabs sword into the ground* Time for some questions. *Cysero smile*
I thought only my avatar could do that...
How was your day?
Which atealan class is best in your opinion?
I liked Cryptic, it is OP defensively and powerful offensively too.
Is there an Elemental Orb and a Great Dragon of Hope?
I don't need them.
McDonald's or Burger King?
If you could prevent anyone's death in Dragonfable, Who's would it be?
If you could have any class made in the game, what would it be?
Hopeful Class?
What's your 3 favorite branches of science? (mine would be Physics, Cosmology and Meteorology)
Oddly, they are the main 3- Physics, Chemistry, Biology.
What was the last thing you ate?
Breakfast! I had toast.
Uhhhh, I think that's it. :)
Congrats again!
That 12 stories high thing killed me xD such logic.
Have a great rest of your day! (or night. I dk what time zone you're in :P)
Day, as of when I'm answering. Same to you!

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/2/2012 5:06:56 >
DF  Post #: 20
12/2/2012 3:43:42   
Advocator of Wills

Congratulations on your AKhip, Hopeful. T'was only a matter of time until you got the chains coming.
It was?

YOU SAW NOTHING. *stabs you in the back*
Conspiracy, I call it. D:

Again, nothing.
The stabbing was because Mel asked me to do it before you got chained, she's the responsible one for that matter. Heh.

CRUSH PURPLE! (oops. if Mel or Mritha reads that...)

Now, with the jokes aside and on to some questioning.
I feel like I'm in court. Too many questions!

What got you into AK'ing for Guides?
Probably the fact that other people trusted me enough. If they trusted me, I should uphold their trust.

The real meaning of life?
To live.

That would be all I have to ask. Best of luck to you with the guides.
And same to you on your boards!

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/2/2012 5:10:50 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 21
12/2/2012 21:07:40   

Congrats, Man! :D
Thanks, Rob!
AK-dom going well, I suppose?
Sort of.
Don't watch many.
Again, not into it.
Tough choice. I say pizza.
Hope your activity doesn't go down on the TCG forums... >.>
Shouldn't do.
Anyways, good luck! And even if the situation is bad, remember to stay... *Puts on glasses* hopeful.
Statement of the year!

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/3/2012 2:14:35 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 22
12/3/2012 11:33:48   
Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

*A cloaked figure rises from the shadows.*
Where'd he come from?
Greetings Hopeful Guy.
Dwelling Dragonlord!
What is thy favourite monster in DragonFable?
Gorillaphant! For the nostalgia.
What is thy favourite monster in AE, which is not featured in DragonFable?
The Dwakel things in AQW.
What is thy favourite villain in DragonFable?
Xan, for his non-villainous story.
What is thy favourite saga in DragonFable?
Art thou familiar with my legacy?
If so, then who wears blue and who wears black?
Don't know. :/
Congratulations on your ArchKnighthood, may thy chin keep up along with thy newfound duties.
*Bows while succumbing into the shadows.*

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/3/2012 12:22:29 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 23
12/3/2012 15:07:58   
Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

Greetings and congratulations on your new status Hopeful Guy!
If you know me I ask the same questions on every mtak thread...
You do?
Who gave you the deadly task on becoming an AK?
How are the shackles.....what color are yours?
Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
All of them!
Ready to play?
Think so...
Whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
Does this shirt make me look fat?
... Penguins wear shirts?
Does it make you look fat?
Not really...
What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
I blinked about 20 times in one second, before checking that I wasn't hallucinating.
What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
I don't think I'll be locking stuff in Guides...
I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix!
Cya Nix!
May the undead penguins eat you alive, especially you Celestial Guardian!
Pah, undead penguins?

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/3/2012 15:47:34 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
12/5/2012 21:39:32   
Chaosweaver Amon

Hiya Hopeful! Congratz!
How do you feel about blue; being the opposite of orange?
Awesome, just not as much so as orange.
Blue cheese. Do you find it amusing?
A bit.
How many times have you sneezed in one minute?
*sneeze* Sorry, what was the question? *sneeze*
What would you rather do, meet Miltonius or visit Suinotlim?
Meet Miltonius at Suitnolim?
Sword, axe, dagger, scythe, or staff, which do you prefer?
Do you want to look like dumbledore or Gandalf when you enter the "elderly" stage of your life?
That's all from me! Good luck! Don't turn around if you don't want to see me!
Thanks! *turns around*

< Message edited by Hopeful Guy -- 12/6/2012 3:08:53 >
DF  Post #: 25
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