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=MTAK= The Wolf Rider Expands her Territory

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12/1/2012 11:43:44   
Wolf Rider

Hi, all! I'm Gingkage and I'm one of the two newest AKs here in DF Guides. I'm really looking forward to working alongside Faerdin and Hopeful Guy under Ash.

So, I guess rules are important things to have, so here we go.

All =AE= Comprehensive Rules apply.

I reserve the right not to answer any question if I deem it too personal.

If you edit your post in any way after I have already gotten to it, you will be ignored. So don't, do that. :)

Maximum ten questions per post, and only one post per page.

Don't touch the wolf. He bites (Faerdin is exempt from this rule because for some strange reason my wolf likes him).

And last but not least, I'll be editing in this color.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
12/1/2012 12:24:34   

Hey Gingkage. Congratz on your new board.
Hi, SMGS. Thanks.

So you have a blue edit color. Good choice. :)
I thought it was.

Speaking of colors, what are your thoughts on purple? This isn't a trick question.
My head mod for two of my forums is purple. I think I'll abstain from answering that. Safety first and all.

Do you like cookies? Or cake? Or ice cream? *showers cookies over the thread*
Yes to all of the above.

Also, do you like wabbits and moose? (totally not made to ask this)
"Sh! Be vewy qwiet. I'm hunting wabbits!" But, yea. I like rabbits. Good eating.

That should be all from me... I barely have any questions... so this is just a warm up for what's to come. :P See you around!
Hey, it makes my job easier. :P

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 12/1/2012 12:41:42 >
Post #: 2
12/1/2012 12:40:49   

'Ello Ging.
Hi, Legendium.

*stares at wolf, trying to think of a way to touch it without getting his hand ripped off in the process*
*puts a restraining hand on Blaze* Don't. He hasn't tried yet.

Grats on yo position.

Now then. Time for questions! *evil laugh*
Did you hear something?

1. Do you like the color green? *absentmindedly strums fingers on green ax*
I have friends that do.

2. Amulets or other methods of magical enhancement?
I don't understand the question. Sorry.

3. Who suggested you become an AK?
No idea who suggested it. I only know who first asked me.

4. What does an AKship look like to you?
I have no idea. I've only seen the inside of my cell.

5. Why did you choose Gingkage for a name?
On a different site years ago, I was going through a 'Japanese' phase and wanted a name made from two different Japanese words. 'Gin' means silver, and 'Kage' means shadow, and I thought it sounded cool. Unfortunately, I typo'd it and added an extra 'g' to the name. I just kinda... got used to it and the name's grown on me. So I use it for other things now.

6. What did you do when you saw the PM Title "Your Forum Behavior" ages ago? (I'm sidekick)
"If you're trying to scare me, it's not working."

7. What is your weakness?
I can't go around announcing that. It's dangerous to tell your weaknesses.

8. Are you counting these questions?

9. If so, then what is this question's number divided by ten, multiplied by Pie, fed to a cat and then used to fertilize a tree?
The answer is always 42.

10. Why do you like wolves so much? (I liked them ever since I read "Wolf Brother")
No idea. They've been my favorite animal for as long as I can remember.

Anyway, that's it for me.
So it is.

Gratz on the AKShip.
Thanks. I hope to do this forum justice.

Shark fin soup? Oh, wait. That's bad for the sharks. Never mind.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 12/2/2012 13:38:28 >


DF MQ Epic  Post #: 3
12/1/2012 13:50:46   
Hopeful Guy

Hope Upbringer! (DragonFable)

Ohai Ging!
Hi, Hopeful! Thanks for the codes.

2 MtAKs means 2 times the madness! :D
Yep! :D


Why do you like wolves?
As I said above, I don't know. I've loved them for my entire life.

*looks at the rules, before stroking wolf*
Good call.

*grows back body parts*

Why is Guides dead?
No idea.

OK, that's all.
Bye, then!

Grats on the new board!
Thanks. Congrats to you, too!

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 12/1/2012 13:59:24 >
DF  Post #: 4
12/1/2012 14:10:44   
Rune Knight

Wolf-buddy! *Tosses you a brownie-muffin*
Wolf-buddy! *noms muffin* Thanks. And thanks for the color codes.

Congratulations on the new board! This is the second one that we're sharing. xD
Thanks. And you seemed lonely here all by yourself.

Well, without any further ado... *Puts on his evil mustache*
Hm... Nope. Doesn't suit you.

IT'S TIME FOR QUESTIONS! *Twirls mustache* ;D
The mustache still doesn't suit you.

1) How is Blaze? *Patpats him*
*Blaze happily wags his tail* Happy to see you.

2) Are you at all surprised that I ninja'd your editing tags for you?
I wouldn't have expected anything less from my awesome wolf-buddy.

3) How are those shackles holding up?
Still haven't been able to break out of them.--I mean, they're wonderful.

4) Tell me again: Why is BLOO so much better than other colors (You don't really need to answer this one; it's self-explanatory)?
I abstain from answering. Melissa4Bella is my head mod in two forums. It's not SAFE to answer that question.

5) We were just discussing words that begin with the letter "p." What are your thoughts?
Words are nice.

6) Why is it that working with Guides appeals to you?
Because Guides and Pedia entries are wonderful things. They help EVERYONE, and as a Q&A lover, being able to help people with those links is amazing and fulfilling for me.

7) Are you excited to begin your work here?

Well, that's it from me. Seven being the most magically powerful number and all that. ;)
Of course.

Anyways, looking forward to working with you here, Ging. See you soon!
Same here, Fae!

*Disappears in a flash of lightning*
*sighs* Those thunderclaps take so LONG to get here. *starts counting*

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 12/1/2012 14:52:33 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
12/1/2012 14:31:44   

hello wolf >.> get that mutt away from my chickencalfs..i am watching
My name is not wolf. And I'd be careful if I were you. One of the most dangerous things you can do is insult the wolf of a Wolf Rider.

Congratulations ^_^
Thank you.

and questions

1. Your wolf is...odd...why is that?
Blaze is not odd. He is the most perfect, and amazing wolf I know!

2. my chickencows do not like the wolf..
Shame. I'm sure he'd love them.

is he trained?
You don't train the companion of a Wolf Rider. *laughs at the very idea* What kind of insanity is that question? Train Blaze. The very idea is blasphemous.

3. chickencow or mose?

that is all..for now
Bye, then.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 12/1/2012 14:46:13 >
DF  Post #: 6
12/1/2012 14:37:47   
The Void Calls

*Tips hat once again* Congratz Ging
Thanks. I'd tip my hat, but I don't have one.

Does your wolf enjoy being ridden?
I would never dream of doing so if he was opposed to the idea.

Describe what the color BLOO tastes like

That shall be all *enters a portal*
Bye, thanks for coming!


< Message edited by Gingkage -- 12/1/2012 14:48:43 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 7
12/1/2012 16:17:08   
Alder Peacemaker

Hi Gingkage.
Hi, Alder.

Your wolf is giving me a weird look. *Vaguely wonders if I should have removed that bacon sandwich from my backpack :P*
That could be it. But he's not hungry right now.

Anyways, congratulations on your (expanded?) AKship.

Now, what questions to ask...

If 42 is the answer to all questions, what is the question to all answers?
"How many roads must a man walk?"

Blue or Orange? (Hint: Bacon or Necktie).

Serious questions now.

Do you know how to play any instruments?
I sometimes play at guitar. And I used to play violin.

What is your favourite book?
"The Blood Sun Comes" by Patrick Webb.

And that's really all I can think of, so congrats once again.


< Message edited by Gingkage -- 12/1/2012 18:25:39 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 8
12/1/2012 19:01:11   

Hey, congrats! :)

Q: What did one wolf say to another?
I'm actually not very good with jokes. *reads the answer* Ah.

Correct answer is found at this website

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 12/1/2012 19:08:01 >
DF  Post #: 9
12/7/2012 7:01:48   

Hekko ( Wolfs language ? )"Translation : Hello "
Huh ? Mad >.>
Not really?

Scary Eyes O_o *running far from you by 10Km*
*looks at Blaze* Is there something on my face?

Congratulations In becoming Arch-knight :D!
Thanks. :D

Actually No question here >.>
I noticed. :P

Good Luck In the Arch-ship
Thank you!

See You later !



< Message edited by Gingkage -- 12/7/2012 21:29:44 >
AQW  Post #: 10
12/8/2012 11:36:12   

'Ello Gingkage

*looks at Blaze* Are you sure he isn't going to bite me? I do not have a good track record with wolves...
Only if you don't pet him.

Eh, whatever. *pats Blaze*
*Blaze bites you* Well I did warn you...

In any case, do you like cake?
Only if it's not a lie.

If so, *gives chocolate cake*
:D *happily noms*

Blue, or Purple? (If you pick Purple, you win another cake)

Now, onto the serious questions *picks up guitar*
*puts on a serious face*

What is your favorite music genre?
I grew up with Christian and Disney music.

What is your favorite band?
Switchfoot, though two other favorites are Celtic Thunder, and Celtic Women.

Do you like cats?
Not as much as wolves, but yes.

Anyway, I have to go feed MY cat. *throws lemon-merengue pie and disappears*
*catches pie and starts eating* Bye!

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 12/8/2012 12:47:00 >


DF  Post #: 11
12/10/2012 20:37:33   

Congradulations Gingkage!

Have fun being a all-powerful guide ArchKnight!
Thanks, I will.

That's it :)

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 12/10/2012 21:44:52 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 12
12/12/2012 18:09:32   

(Came so I don't forget. :P)Congratulations on the new board!


Now I need to random questions on you this time...

Favorite soundtrack?

Whatever I'm in the mood for.

What is the opposite of Void magic?


What happens if it mixes with its opposite?
The purple people aren't happy with this idea.

If you picked a monster in any AE game to battle WITH. What would it be?

Dragon Drakath. Because that much power is AWESOME to have on your side.

What was your weirdest moment in BoH?

Surprising moment?

Not sure what you mean.

Heh.... I am out for now... good luck on the new board! *Fades away*

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 12/12/2012 18:39:59 >
DF  Post #: 13
12/12/2012 22:03:28   
Troy Darksword

Hello Gingkage, Congratulation for becoming an AK . I've just got a vision of it and a vision that something will bite me if I post in this thread
Your visions need to work on accuracy.

I just have two question ?

First May I ask your wolf ?
I guess? He doesn't speak any English you'd understand, though.

Second, (*To your wolf*) Why didn't you bite faerdin when he got near? (*Ouch !!! He bite me, he bite me* . Seems my vision is correct *sob*)
Well, you were warned...

Time to run away, the wolf is anggry, best of luck in the future Ginkage

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 12/13/2012 6:42:35 >
Post #: 14
12/18/2012 11:12:13   
Wolf Rider

I think this had been up more than long enough, so I'm going to lock it. Thanks, everyone for your posts! :D
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 15
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