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RE: Removing losses?

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12/6/2012 18:54:01   

Seeing how most of us nonvariums have had a bad experience from 2v2.... It really is demoralizing when your partner leaves or goes and gets something for a turn, I've gotten many losses because of that, so I turned toward 1v1 and npcs for credits and exp so I could maybe later on have a better experience. So that's why I support this.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 26
12/6/2012 18:57:58   

I have Non-varium account's and I do pretty good with them, varium isn't everything.
Post #: 27
12/6/2012 19:02:35   

Heh, ok, mind pming me a few builds I can use that's good in 1v1 and 2v2 when things get rough? But I gotta question, do you support this idea considering both sides of the argument?
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 28
12/6/2012 21:12:03   
legion of souls

More replies that i thought, anyways this game is supposed to be fun. Sure people would switch to strength builds, bu ti believe after a while they will feel as if there is no point to the game and leave. Therefore, players like myself, would be left to play a fun game with players that care about having fun and not impressing their faction with influence.....

@Latin lover
You use losses to determine skill? Completely wrong! There is no skill in this game so far. It's all just copying builds. Hopefully, Omega will change this
AQW Epic  Post #: 29
12/6/2012 21:31:47   

No skill in this game so far? Your wrong there. There is plenty of skill needed to play, if you know where to look. Knowing the chances of a block by the way you distributed your dex, is just as important as timing your buffs/debuffs for a chance at a critical hit, if your support is higher. Knowing when to heal if need be. I've played some pretty bad players and some pretty good players, skill is definately a factor between the two. A bad player will strike and I will keep blocking and he'll say that I'm just lucky, when I know that since my dex is much higher than his that it's the reason of my blocks.

And copying builds? Although I have seen many BH's with very similar builds but I have been using my own build since day one, and never copied anyone. I also have not seen anyone with the exact same build as mine.

Having skill is winning most of your games no matter how you build your character.
Post #: 30
12/6/2012 21:41:26   

ur really stretching far here rock.

the players who blocked me several times despite the fact that i had 30-40+ more dex than them must have some serious skills....
AQW Epic  Post #: 31
12/6/2012 22:33:32   

well, thats just the basics of the game... if you don't know about how the stats work, well, now I know why this thread was made: "I got too many losses, plz remove them". I can't see that happening.

Play the game a bit more, maybe even start a new character and in time you'll get more skills and wont have to ask for losses to be removed.
Post #: 32
12/7/2012 0:34:17   

Supported, but how about adding this:
Making it subtracting a number of loses every once while, and of course, requires a price.

Note: the numbers are just examples.
For example, every once a week you can pay perhaps 10,000 credits to subtract 1,000 loses.
AQW Epic  Post #: 33
12/7/2012 0:38:18   

u dont get it do u?
people and their ratios is what is making them use OP builds.

now that NPCs are gona, i guarantee u many players will quit.
why? because they wont be able to maintain a high ratio, and cant use their creative builds.

game isn't fun if ur forced to use a specific set build to win.
AQW Epic  Post #: 34
12/7/2012 0:42:03   

how did you guys think of this? first it is resetting the leaderboard and now removing losses? you cant determine someone's skill when you can't see their win loss ratio, and you know someone is not skilled by their build so there isn't much problem is there? learn to play the game and learn to save up credits for worth buying gears, these are the requirements to become a good player and have more wins than losses.

@above if you are going to use creavite builds you shouldnt even care about losing in the first place, i use crazy/creative builds twice a week and sure i get a few losses(more like 50+) but hey if you are skilled and know how to play without using a common and OP build you can catch up vary quickly.
many people use op builds but that proves that you are really something if you can defeat them, just wait till omega, im sure the devs are working out a way to reduce op build players.

also i don't think they are removing the the wins gained from all npcs, you can still gain wins from challenging npcs.

< Message edited by TRizZzCENTRINO -- 12/7/2012 0:50:24 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 35
12/7/2012 0:49:32   

No troll/spam/flame plse( I know this idea is crazy...):
Recently an idea poped out:
Along with the coming of Omega, how about clearing everyone's loses? Since how Omega works influences people's records a lot.
Can be
-completely clearing ( NOT removing the wins/loss board )
-subtracting a number of loses
-subtracting a % of loses

And yes, I know it sounds crazy...

AQW Epic  Post #: 36
12/7/2012 1:25:52   


how did you guys think of this? first it is resetting the leaderboard and now removing losses? you cant determine someone's skill when you can't see their win loss ratio, and you know someone is not skilled by their build so there isn't much problem is there? learn to play the game and learn to save up credits for worth buying gears, these are the requirements to become a good player and have more wins than losses.

so ratio is the best way to determine player skill lvl?
buffy has like 9k wins with 17 losses. she must be the best player in ED huh.

its not about creative builds, its about players being forced to use OP builds to maintain their ratios.
they want to have fun and make their own builds, but because of losing with weaker builds, they cant use them and wont use them.
AQW Epic  Post #: 37
12/7/2012 1:48:38   

@above didnt you read the whole thing that i typed? i typed this: and you know someone is not skilled by their build so there isn't much problem is there? so you need to see 2 things to determine if they are a good player or not first is seeing their win/loss ratio and second is seeing the type of build they are using.

buffy has like 9k wins with 17 losses.

then you know that they must have farmed npcs
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 38
12/7/2012 1:58:26   

but i thought ratio determined skills :O

and yeah i did read, but the build someone uses can only define a person's skill so much...

AQW Epic  Post #: 39
12/7/2012 2:00:29   
legion of souls

I just love the way Gold defends his opinion, and my own actually.

Let me just clear this up, up to this point, records do not reflect how "skilled" you are. Why? NPC's counted to your record. This is why players like Buffy have 9k wins and 17 losses...

AQW Epic  Post #: 40
12/7/2012 2:08:53   

i guess u can call it that.
i more or less try to explain it the best way possible, and counter someone else's argument.

i try to base my opinions behind logic, and the ability to see the overall picture. like how this change would affect the game.
not everyone has the best logic or the same way of looking at things, so different personalities will clash when it comes to opinions.

but anyway, people's ratios are whats holding them back from having fun and being creative.

this is sort of why ED has an "OPed" build problem, the ED player base went into an overall Ratio mentality. this played a role in making players use only strong builds and instead of creative ones even if they did lose.

while at the same time ED played a role in it by limiting creativity (via requirements, and balance changes, etc)

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 12/7/2012 2:09:33 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 41
12/9/2012 22:37:23   
legion of souls

People just need to understand the bigger picture...
AQW Epic  Post #: 42
12/9/2012 22:41:26   

thats hard for some people.

but yeah, some are good with logic, others good with art, others are well pretty strong. but thats not the point, point is everyone thinks different. so different opinions are good to hear (unless they are really, really dumb)
AQW Epic  Post #: 43
12/9/2012 22:42:39   
Blaze The Aion Ender

I like the idea of not worrying about how well I'm doing, so what about this:

There is an option to make your fights not count if you lose OR if you win
Like a practice fight, so your win/loss stays the same
You would get exp, creds and influence at a slower pace, but still some pace
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 44
12/9/2012 22:50:26   
legion of souls

Well, that would just allow people to only count fights that they won.. :P
AQW Epic  Post #: 45
12/10/2012 10:05:20   
SouL Prisoner


from as far as i remember, angels holocaust suggested it a long time ago.

Yup, and we all disagreed on the suggestion :P

SO, Not Supported ...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 46
12/10/2012 10:45:46   

actually, many players agreed for the Pros listed above.
AQW Epic  Post #: 47
12/10/2012 14:45:33   
legion of souls

It's a great suggestion, players would be able to play freely without being called noobs and records will only affect your ranking
(Hero, Warlord, Commander etc.)
AQW Epic  Post #: 48
12/10/2012 14:57:24   

NS, why, just why? You'll get bullied anyway - "HEY LOL LOOK AT THAT KID, HE ONLY HAS 800WINS LOL, WHAT A NOOB" ... This idea is the most pointless I have EVER read.
AQW Epic  Post #: 49
12/10/2012 15:48:22   

I can support this on one condition:

Daily % to replace ALL losses.

What is the daily %? Your daily % is your win:loss ratio from the last day you had played. For example, it is Monday and you had 900 wins and 100 losses. Your ratio % was 0.90.

It is now Wednesday, the last day you had played was Monday, 2 days ago. Your wins from Monday and your daily % show on your record. Your current daily % shows as well, but unlike your last %, it updates after every battle. 1 battle is needed to form a converging % (the % on a given day that shows on the next session). Since... well... dividing by zero is apparently impossible (I did it).
AQ Epic  Post #: 50
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