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RE: Compensation [OMEGA]

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12/8/2012 20:20:58   

It doesn't matter what it says in the T+Cs, the devs stated that they willingly wanted to provide compensation.

I was thinking: allow all enhanced weapons to be fully upgraded under the current system, and also give every player the opportunity to choose one special ability to add to one of their items.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 26
12/8/2012 20:44:32   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

It does matter because it states they don't have too and that we shouldn't be demanding they do and threatening to quit if they don't. The fact they offer anything as compensations for the changes should be enough. Any other game company would've ignored the players concerns, especially the larger ones.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 27
12/8/2012 22:35:30   

@The ND Mallet Guy: I agree with you, I honestly don't see what everybody is whining about.
Post #: 28
12/8/2012 22:51:50   

Imagine if EpicDuel was hosted by Activision. We would be against a wall getting spanked.
AQ Epic  Post #: 29
12/9/2012 4:23:43   
Winters Key

Totally supported. Great idea. Except I think you should get a passive of your choice out of mark of Azarel and massive strike :3 probably a bit too demanding, though.

Lol, I can imagine Activision taking away one of our rares for a punishment for complaining xD
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 30
12/9/2012 10:13:45   

Penguin, this is y refaund makes no sence:
-we are taking advange from enhancements since 2 years.
-enhancements will go away and converted in the new stat sistem (this is a big present)
-mods cannot give a huge ammount of var 2 all players, that will last them 4 years whit the new changes in omega phase.

< Message edited by kosmo -- 12/9/2012 10:17:26 >
Epic  Post #: 31
12/9/2012 11:38:46   

I think enhancements might become lvl scaled too...
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 32
12/9/2012 11:43:52   
  Exploding Penguin

@kosmo: Since when did varium = real life money? It's like buying a toothbrush from the store; the toothbrush you bought does not become the equivalent of money. Also, apparently you're either extremely economic, but getting 10k var (equivalent of enhancing approx 6-7 weapons fully) actually lasts very little time. How else would you explain that many of the founder/alpha players who buy varium have spent over 100k var? I'm glad they're compensating us, but didn't they say something about enhancements in the DN still being applied in some way during Omega? I guess we'll just have to wait for the next announcement to see what they plan to do with compensation and enhancement implementation in Omega.
Epic  Post #: 33
12/9/2012 11:52:09   

Varium = RL money since it was made? :V If you cannot get it in game - normal amounts, not occasional missions or such - then you gotta use RL money to buy it. Your example is also terrible in this case, although toothbrush = RL money since you paid for it. You cannot get refund for it once you use it so done. You can return it within ___ days if it's new still.
What's wrong in being economic? Is logic prohibited here already? <.< And 10K is very little you say.. Perhaps use Credits every now and then to enhance so it lasts for much longer? I'm not the first one who got the idea of using Credits and Varium to enhance and it can last MUCH longer, especially if you know that you don't have to buy every single weapon that comes out.. >.>

Kosmo is still right, why should you get compensation for something you used, took advantage of and the fact it'll be transfered onto new system? You knew what you were getting, you did use it so that's all that counts. Only because a product is being changed (can be used as RL example), it does NOT mean you're eglible for any compensation because you have the old version. We're still getting some form of compensation but it's a gift, otherwise we shouldn't get it for obvious reasons. Be glad ED Team actually cares instead of other bigger companies that would just change things and not care about how it affects you, not mentioning 'compensations'.
AQ Epic  Post #: 34
12/9/2012 11:57:52   

But why should we not get compensation for real money that we paid for a feature that is now vaporized? Its a big change to the enhancement system, and many of us have spent thousands of varium enhancing our weapons. So all that varium is going to waste? Think about it. Its the only logical reason, as many players will be mad that they spent money for something that doesnt exist, hence giving the devs free money.
AQW Epic  Post #: 35
12/9/2012 12:15:44   

Read Terms & Conditions before you register to the game, I believe you missed it out. Tell me where it's stated that enhancements are getting deleted completely? As far as I know, they are being REVAMPED onto the new system, that is all. What's bad in that? Revamp?


Think about it. Its the only logical reason, as many players will be mad that they spent money for something that doesnt exist, hence giving the devs free money.

What's your point? <_< You paid for something and you had it, everything grows old at some point and is useless/thrown out. But enhancements are NOT even getting deleted. Who said they are? Are people that blind to see they are getting changed not taken away completely? >.> Use some common sense people.
AQ Epic  Post #: 36
12/9/2012 12:22:17   

I understand that they are being revamped. But what you may have missed out on is that we have to PAY for enhancements in the new system after it comes out. So we are losing money when we have to rebuy everything.

I think you need to reread what the devs said. Enhancements are getting revamped. But all of our current enhancements are getting deleted. So the 1700 varium you spent enhancing your Delta Knight? Gone. Go rebuy your enhancements when the new system comes out.
AQW Epic  Post #: 37
12/9/2012 12:41:52   

Still, Terms & Conditions. Read them, or part regarding refunds. You're not eglible for one even if your experience of the game has changed (so you don't like it because of ____). You get compensation as it is despite T&C saying otherwise so treat it as a gift. I'll quote it again for you:

Nothing in this Agreement places a duty on Company to ever reimburse any player by providing experience credit for any experience lost for any reason. Company will never reimburse or be obligated to reimburse players for any experience loss in a monetary manner, such as but not limited to monetary reimbursement or monetary credit.
AQ Epic  Post #: 38
12/9/2012 13:37:55   

I Understand the terms of Agreement. Ive read it many times. But my experience of this game has not changed, and I'm not demanding a refund of my money. Im saying it would be unfair to NOT receive compensation for the varium we lost during this transition. Many people have spent thousands of varium supporting this game. Giving us compensation not only makes the players happy, but is also a good business strategy.

AQW Epic  Post #: 39
12/9/2012 13:51:22   

I have 2 accounts: krepax and kosmo, they are acutally non varium charters, but still have an ammount of 70k winz btw. the point is that i enhanced more or less 30-40 weps and i didnt spend more than 5-10k var, all the rest i did whit credits. but 4 sure im not gonna ask back 1000k credits!!!!!! Cant u undestend it makes NO SENCE

< Message edited by kosmo -- 12/9/2012 13:56:32 >
Epic  Post #: 40
12/9/2012 13:55:08   

I understand asking back credits makes no sense. But this is a different subject. Credits take time to earn. Varium takes real cash. Asking for compensation for varium is different than asking for compensation for credits.
AQW Epic  Post #: 41
12/9/2012 13:56:18   

Terms and Conditions include both though. Rabble already said that Credit AND Varium enhancements are tracked, not just Varium.
AQ Epic  Post #: 42
12/9/2012 13:58:16   

Y should i get treated in a different way, just cause i enhanced whit credits?
We both dont deserv anithing, the devs will decide.
sorry 4 my english guys :(

< Message edited by kosmo -- 12/9/2012 14:16:07 >
Epic  Post #: 43
12/9/2012 14:02:21   

Trans. Youre a varium player. I know that somewhere inside you, you want compensation for the varium. Its human Nature.

I understand that the Terms include this. and like I said, giving out compensations not only makes the players happy, but also is a good business strategy.

And Kosmo, you are not getting treated in a different way. Varium is bought with real money, while credits are not.
AQW Epic  Post #: 44
12/9/2012 14:06:40   

What about if we have enhanced our item, we get to change stats for the item for free.

< Message edited by rene196 -- 12/9/2012 14:07:20 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 45
12/9/2012 14:11:26   

I know im not treated in a different way, i was just answering u.
And second of all, u should be happy u goonna get "something", that 4 common sence its probably not gonna be a refound.
Epic  Post #: 46
12/9/2012 14:15:49   

Whilst, yes, I'm a Varium player, I also spent quite a lot of Credits on enhancing to lower the Varium cost so it lasts for longer. There's a difference, I don't mind if there's no refund - there is anyway, at least some kind of - since change is for the better so it doesn't bother me at all.

Varium is bought, Credits ain't. Under new system, Credits = work & Varium = shortcut. It puts them on equal level but one costs real money. In terms of that compensation, both will be taken under consideration not just Varium.
AQ Epic  Post #: 47
12/9/2012 14:17:57   

And that is just great, i alwaise loved 2 be no-var :)
Epic  Post #: 48
12/9/2012 14:34:09   

Will the original prices of weapons be the same?

< Message edited by rene196 -- 12/9/2012 14:35:06 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 49
12/9/2012 15:09:44   

^That's probably being changed too...
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 50
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