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RE: Compensation [OMEGA]

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12/11/2012 11:59:25   

Could just let the players compensate themselves by allowing an 100% sell back on old enhancement system (refunded as the original purchase method eg. varium if u used var or credits if you used credits), or Simply let the player leave the enhancements on and allow it to be converted to the new style of enhancements.

< Message edited by Remorse -- 12/11/2012 12:00:08 >
Epic  Post #: 76
12/11/2012 13:41:34   

@ above people

The problem with updating weapons into the new system is what about the weapons you never plan on using again that are enhanced? I mean yeah great it's upgraded but it's STILL going to just collect pixelated dust in your inventory because you have other weapons you would rather use. I won't complain if it's not varium compensation but seriously if it's not I'm going to be pretty disappointed.

@ drekon

Just because you yourself would get that much varium doesn't mean that nobody should get compensated that amount. Maybe they would add a cut off ( I dunno 10k worth of varium = to one varium 10k package? ) it's not "to" much and if the game does become more popular there will be more people that are more likely to spend money

It's called lose a little to gain a lot :P

and yes I know "they don't need to compensate" but these are just my thoughts.
Epic  Post #: 77
12/11/2012 14:00:40   
Retired ED Guest Artist

^ It's fun to dream. Like I said, I'd gladly spend it if I get it, but the very idea is not realistic.
Epic  Post #: 78
12/11/2012 19:57:07   

If it's another bike then I'd rather get nothing.

I should wait until omega is actually out to say this, but I think their attempt to close the gap between varium and free players is compensation enough. We'll see on the 20th weather they pull this off or not.
Post #: 79
12/11/2012 23:55:40   
midnight santa

if i get a compensating bike... :(
Epic  Post #: 80
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