The Astral Fury
You guys will be against this, but let's have a trading system this way you can trade 1 items (or more, it's up to you), with another item (or more, again up to you) and trade for them. Rare items may be traded, since it is purely your choice to do so. Credits may be traded also with a max of 5000. Also no one can hack or scam you. The trade can not be complete unless you agree to trade (By pressing the trade button), after doing this, you will recieve an "Are you Sure" option after that too. Also the trading must be equal to what your trading you can not trade a rare item for a non-rare item (This helps with scamming so people just don`t put in a good item and right when you agree to trade they just switch their rare with like a lvl 1 starter weapond or something), however a rare may be traded for a ultra or limited rare...etc. as long as it`s rare or above it is tradeable, with another rare and above. Also taking one of your items out of the trade will cancel it and you will have to start again. Any questions to improve this, this is a good idea a trading system will help improve the features of this game, every online game needs one really. Credits may be just given to the player for free without needed items. Any questions. I think this is part of the FAQ, but I think I`ve improved some of the features.
< Message edited by The Astral Fury -- 12/11/2012 18:14:11 >