^sounds like we are giving the dev's too many reason to delay the releases. It happens lots of time already. Everytime the release was delay, some of us simply say, "oh dont be too harsh on them", "be patient", "they do not want to disspoint you", "they're doing everything they can to make this game fun to play". As all this alibis were true enough, it should not be happening TOO OFTEN. i mean 4 weeks of no release, i mean nothing at all. and what have we got?? STILL NOTHING. although these PRE-ORDERED and the tournament sounds promising, it is only intented to few players. If they really want to ease the dissapointments that most of us feels, they should release some interesting features in this game, (for example, new missions, frysteland war, etc.). by that, we have something to somehow ease the tension. Many of us will say, oh this is just a game, we still have our life in the real world. Yes dat is true, so do I. But we are talking about this game, not about our lives. So in the end, Omega phase release fails again for the 2nd time.