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RE: Gold Yeti Competition!

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12/25/2012 9:29:50   
The Astral Fury

The majority of players are children, children cannot participate or atleast fully participate during school and on the week days. If the majority of players cannot participate in the event then this defeats the whole purpose of the event. My idea dosen't it simply trades something for something else. What's the point of my idea either you can get a free yeti, but trade that for time or buy the yeti for alot of money. So having a shop dosen't defeat the prpose of a tournament, each factor simply trades one variable for something else as represented in the equation. Time - Money = Yeti and Money - Time = Yeti as you can see the shop and my idea dosen't defeat the purpose of the event. I think it is in the best intrest of the staff to acommandate the majority over the minority. Why would they start a tournament, right when children get back from school this is quite unwise as the majority of the player data base cannot play in this event. Tournament need to be held during vacations and breaks so the majority of players can play. Since you decided to do this you must accomadate for players who don't have the time, or simply host the tounament later on. Remeber ultra items can be bought, so opening the shop would not defeat the purpose of ultra rare or the tournament and since my idea is 10 times as more costly as some or the rare items like Delta knight it is more than fair. You can see the point of the tournament is not defeated, and it just allows another option to retrieve the yeti.

I know the staff will do the right thing, they care about pleasing the majoirty right?

My idea dosen't defeat the purpose of ultra rare or the tournament, as ultra rare items have been bought for much less and the tounament is simply for people who do not want to pay that much money.

And if you wish so much of value and such make the yeti VERY limited quanity and to not restock I'd say 100.

< Message edited by The Astral Fury -- 12/25/2012 9:33:40 >
DF AQW  Post #: 26
12/25/2012 19:44:30   

Well i don't have school ,but i do work so...no golden for me lol. I will try but i don't think is have a chance.We must admit it ,there are things in this game that you can't reach if you are not in front of pc daily and 24 hours if possible. Is just a Yeti(golden) but a Yeti.
Think at the bright side Astral,....You will have 2 yetis at price of one.

Be happy ,life is short
Epic  Post #: 27
12/25/2012 20:01:45   

@ astral

It also defeats the purpose of the event as well as the prize being ultra rare if they make the prize buyable in game. What part of that can't you get? Seriously why would anyone go into an event for a prize when they can get the prize for credits or varium? Even with the way it is now with children not being able to particiapate fully they can still give it a shot can't they? Even partcel myself and many other adults who posted in this thread stated we have things we have to do as well.

However your idea as I stated will destroy the tournament. Only 100 are being given out so it is exclusive and ultra rare for a reason. I know you want the yeti badly since you are a collector as do I however we can't have the staff put things on hold on purpose because it inconviences people. Real life doesn't work that way without negatives and even partcel who is staff said the same thing.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 12/25/2012 20:05:53 >
Epic  Post #: 28
12/26/2012 11:15:35   
The Astral Fury

They would participate, so they don't have to pay the large sum of varuim and creidts and to just get it free, what part of that don't you get? This way if people don't want to spend that much money they can join the tournamnet and get it for free so they don't have to pay, or if they can't do the tournament they can just get it for a lot of currency the point of the tournament is to get the yeti for free and not pay that large sum of currency I'm talking double or triple the normal price of a bot so it's VERY expenisve, the point of the shop is for people who can't do it so there forced to pay a large sum of varuim and credits so it is fair and the point of the tounament is not defated.

The point is the staff need to accomandate for the moajority of players since it's in their best intrest to do so. They decided to release a event in which the majority of players could not participate, they should of released it during the hoildays however complication occured so they couldn't and because of this they need to accomandate, if this were during the hoildays or in the summer, abnd i couldn't do it for whateevr reason I wouldn't complain, but because this is during school and many of us need to play the staff need to accomadate for that with a shop, or either just releasing the tournmaent later on like in March break or summer.
DF AQW  Post #: 29
12/26/2012 12:05:16   

i just had a chat with charfade, and she said:

you will never be able to buy the gold yeti, only the top 100 in the leaderboard will get it, yeah, its a game, your not allowed to buy it sry
so it is as simple as that, the devs knew that it would ruin the purpose of the contest in the first place if they make the golden yeti buy-able in-game. as you can see astral, the devs are on the same step as mother1 and other players thats against this. hope this helped you to understand better.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 30
12/26/2012 12:24:30   


They would participate, so they don't have to pay the large sum of varuim and creidts and to just get it free, what part of that don't you get? This way if people don't want to spend that much money they can join the tournamnet and get it for free so they don't have to pay, or if they can't do the tournament they can just get it for a lot of currency the point of the tournament is to get the yeti for free and not pay that large sum of currency I'm talking double or triple the normal price of a bot so it's VERY expenisve, the point of the shop is for people who can't do it so there forced to pay a large sum of varuim and credits so it is fair and the point of the tounament is not defated.

What part of it will defeat the purpose of the prize being ultra rare if it is buyable don't you get? The prize is suppose to be won in a contest not buyable in game. No ultra rare was ever buyable in game from the start. After they became unavailable in game then they became ultra rare. Only 100 people are suppose to win this contest yet because they decide to post it in januaray instead of the Christmas season you want them to make it prize buyable or postpone it until another holiday season.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 12/26/2012 12:25:29 >
Epic  Post #: 31
12/26/2012 12:30:45   

Not sure if this is off the topic of the discussion but if we have a tournament feature developed or developing (with the promise of release upon Omega), why not use that tournament set of rules instead of just grinding? I could grind if I have to but my "soul" dies a little bit at a time if I grind 1V1 PVP in EpicDuel.
AQ Epic  Post #: 32
12/26/2012 12:32:57   

I don't see the big deal.
How is buying more attractive than winning?
How would it detract from the competition if they release it as a limited rare after the competition?
The only argument I can understand is that the Devs will make rare items more rare, as opposed to what happened with all the limited or ultra rare items so far.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 33
12/26/2012 12:33:34   

@depressed void they did not release the rules and instructions for the tornaments yet, but im sure that it will not be plain old 1v1, it would be something way better, because they spent lots of time working on it.

@zion whats the fun in winning something exclusive when it is gonna be available in-game later? it would defeat the purpose of it being exclusive as described.
making a rare more rare, is the dev's choice, the power of the items do not differ but its just the description thats changed.

< Message edited by TRizZzCENTRINO -- 12/26/2012 12:36:34 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 34
12/26/2012 12:45:56   

@ depressed

The OP is saying they should make the prize buyable because the delay of omega causing the tournament to come a bad time for children who have school. Myself, Parcel, and many others have stated no because it would defeat the purpose of the tournament if you could buy the prize as well as real life no working like this. However OP is saying since the masses are children they should turn the cheek.

That is basically it in a nutshell.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 12/26/2012 12:46:27 >
Epic  Post #: 35
12/26/2012 14:11:31   

NS, going back to the point for the 1st people who purchased it.. I bought it 11seconds after the release.. So this would be incredibly unfair to others.
AQW Epic  Post #: 36
12/26/2012 14:33:15   
The Astral Fury

Mother1 pretty much, but they do need to acommandate for people who can't partcipate in the event. It was their choice to put out a tournament where the majority of players can't participate or have much time to do so. A shop is the best idea or just hold the tounament for another time. It does defeat the idea, but an accomadation needs to be issued because the majority of players can't participate and I'm sure it's in the best intrest of the staff to please the majority of players. I get what your saying and I respect it, if it was in the summer or another vacation then my agument wouldn't hold water, but because this is an event that many people can't particpate then accomadation needs to be issued. Either open a shop or hold the tournament for anotehr time that is more approprite. I get that it defeats the purpose, but it's the only either liable option other than holding the tounament. If the staff think it's crazy to provide accomadation for a majority of their players then that's pretty crazy. You decided to hold an event where most players couldn't particpate, and you need to accomadate for that wether it defeats the purpose or not. Again it does defeat the purpose, but since they released it now it's the only liable option other than posponing it.

DF AQW  Post #: 37
12/26/2012 14:42:50   

If majority of players can't participate then where's the problem? Numbers will be much smaller, in terms of people in the tournament but also wins (if that's what will be counted). That means those who are casual players also may have chance, not just hardcore players. Why shouldn't we let casual players participate? This is ideal chance to make both equal really, casual and hardcore, and give everyone equal chances.

Shop will NOT happen, it was already said by Practel, one of the Staff members. Changing the date because some people cannot "make it" is also irrelevant. There was NO mention of tournament before 1st delay NOR any mention of one happening when Omega was to be released (mid-December). That means the plan was to make it in January.


I get that it defeats the purpose, but it's the only either liable option other than holding the tounament.

You answered your own question. Holding the tournament can still happen. Only because some players won't be able to play as much is irrelevant here. What if some may have holiday still? There will be some people who have time off in January so why put them at disadvantage now?

Again it does defeat the purpose, but since they released it now it's the only liable option other than posponing it.

Only liable option = shop? You forgot the meaning of "rare", "tournament" and "limited". Giving it out in shops DEFEATS the purpose of tournament. Why should I be put at disadvantage because you want it post-poned or be put in the shop? It's limited to 100 people for a reason. <_<
AQ Epic  Post #: 38
12/26/2012 15:26:51   

@ trans

I believe that is the OP fear. That the hardcore players will win all the yeti's because they will have all the free time while the children will miss out in school because of this.

@ OP

Even if this is true as trans stated less people on means less battles for the hardcore players and casual player will stand a chance as well meaning the children who will have a few hours to play on weekdays won't be too far behind. Plus only 100 players are suppose to be able to win this which means it will be truly ultra rare. Also remember you will also need a golden ticket to be able to play in this tournament as well. Last i checked while the majority of players are children, the majority of varium players who will be able to buy the ticket through the promo are teens to adults or did you forget that one?
Epic  Post #: 39
12/26/2012 15:35:55   

Actually my point with less people on (school/work) was to affect hardcore players as well. They will have as much time as those casual players which puts them at the fair ground so it's their choice from there on. No disadvantage to either sides, just your own determination.
AQ Epic  Post #: 40
12/26/2012 16:32:55   
The Astral Fury

I guess you guys are right, I just wish they released this during chrismass, but I get it stuff happends, but I'm a collector's so I really want this, but whatever happends happends that's just life.

< Message edited by The Astral Fury -- 12/26/2012 16:33:27 >
DF AQW  Post #: 41
12/26/2012 16:59:57   

I also collect rares so I know what it's like. I have 3 important exams in January, I gotta revise now really, so I will miss out too slightly. It's 30 days long though which makes it a bit more fair.
AQ Epic  Post #: 42
12/26/2012 17:19:16   
The Astral Fury

@Trans Ya I know I have 4 lol, but I guess things happend and maybe JUST maybe less than 100 people could have bough the ticket, it's a long shot, but maybe less than 100 people will buy it, probably not but watch 97 people buy it.
DF AQW  Post #: 43
12/26/2012 17:20:17   

In fact, that'd be hilarious if less than 100 bought the pre-order. Everyone would get it straight away. XD
AQ Epic  Post #: 44
12/26/2012 17:30:31   
King Helios

101 people buy it...and you are 101st.
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 45
12/26/2012 17:31:26   
The Astral Fury

Trans@ I hope, but they are alot of varuim players right and since it was chrismass time most would have bought it, I mean c'mon a two for one deal around chrimass time who wouldn't buy that?

What do you guys think, I can pretty much guarentee that over 300 players would have bought that package, or am I worng is there a small chance less than 100 people would buy it?

< Message edited by The Astral Fury -- 12/26/2012 17:33:17 >
DF AQW  Post #: 46
12/26/2012 17:32:56   

@ astral

Those who buy promos for power that is who. If you have been reading the forums many varium players are upset because the staff is taking away the power of varium for people who don't pay a cent to be their equal. Many of them aren't going to buy varium again.
Epic  Post #: 47
12/26/2012 17:34:14   
The Astral Fury

Mother1 but c'mon are you saying there's a chance less than 100 people bought the ticket, or what? I mean for sure more than 300 people or am I wrong?
DF AQW  Post #: 48
12/26/2012 17:34:25   
King Helios

On topic - There are almost definitely 150+ players with the ticket. Wish Staff could give us the exact amount.
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 49
12/26/2012 17:35:22   
The Astral Fury

How do you know?
DF AQW  Post #: 50
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