The Astral Fury
Your a fool an utter fool. When the yeti rains his desruction down, it is you who will die first, while the other bow down in his might. He might even be god or the next Jesus. he's not a yeti, He's a solid gold yeti, sure you can say all it takes is a replacment of color of the yeti, but it's more than that, it's a fabracation of the human mind, a pheonomeon that takes place this year, an acopolytic nogt mare that can only be surcumb by the bare sight of the yeti. He is gold and because of that many things will change in this world. I just hope were ready for it, for when he rains down his...... ASTRAL FURY from the heavens below and you sir will not be there to see it, this yeti wil lchange history and this world.
< Message edited by The Astral Fury -- 12/26/2012 21:01:12 >