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Moglord Sceptre

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1/8/2013 6:28:46   
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Legendary AK!!!

Moglord Sceptre

Note: See Appendix for information in the brackets. The BRS and SLS have been split in the appendix.

Also see: Moglord Sceptre Z

Level: [Level]
Power Level: [Plvl], Mastercraft
Price: [Buy]
Sellback: [Sell]
Location: Giftbox [GBVer] - Magic 2012 (Giftbox version that matches Level)

Type: Magic
Element: Water
Damage: [Base]-[Max]
BTH: [BtH]

Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: Water
Rate: [Proc]%
  • If your HP is above 40%, the Special does the following:
      Damage: [ABR]% each
      Stats: No normal Stats; [ALS]% Lucky Strike damage each
      BTH: [ABtH]
  • If your HP is below 40%, the Special does the following:
      Damage: [SBR]% each
      Stats: No normal Stats; [SLS]% Lucky Strike damage each
      BTH: [SBtH]

      In addition, you receive the following hit that heals your HP:
      Hits: 1
      Type: Magic
      Element: HPHeal
      Damage: [HBR]%
      Stats: No normal Stats; [HLS]% Lucky Strike damage
      BTH: «Hits Automatically»

    All normal player attacks (No Special) receive +3 BtH with *85/88 damage. (Not factored into the numbers below)

    An inherently magical sceptre used by the more mystically inclined Moglin warlords. It can call forth powerful waves of water that either hurt your foe more than normal or heal you if you're moderately wounded!

    Numbers thanks to BlackAces.

    < Message edited by Dragoon23 -- 1/9/2013 17:59:55 >
  • Post #: 1
    1/8/2013 6:29:02   
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    Legendary AK!!!

    Level	5	10	15	20	25	30	35	40	45	50
    Type	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G
    PLvl	15	19	23	27	32	36	41	45	50	54
    Base	4	4	4	5	5	5	6	6	6	7
    Max	11	13	14	14	16	17	17	18	20	20
    BtH	2	2	3	3	4	5	5	6	6	7
    Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
    Above 40% HP										
    ABR	176.32	199.39	222.47	246.73	276.9	302.34	333.7	359.14	391.68	417.72
    ALS	117.74	133.13	149.1	164.48	184.01	199.98	219.51	234.89	254.42	269.8
    ABtH	7	8	10	11	14	15	17	19	21	23
    Below 40% HP										
    SBR	149	168.5	188	208.5	234	255.5	282	303.5	331	353
    SLS	99.5	112.5	126	139	155.5	169	185.5	198.5	215	228
    SBtH	7	8	10	11	14	15	17	19	21	23
    Heal Hit										
    HBR	46.44	52.52	58.59	64.98	72.93	79.63	87.89	94.59	103.16	110.02
    HLS	31.01	35.06	39.27	43.32	48.46	52.67	57.81	61.87	67.01	71.06
    Buy	32	36	43	55	74	107	162	254	410	672
    Sell	32	36	43	55	74	107	162	254	410	672

    Level	55	60	65	70	75	80	85	90	95	100
    Type	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G
    PLvl	59	64	68	73	78	83	88	93	98	103
    Base	7	7	8	8	8	8	9	9	9	9
    Max	21	22	22	23	24	25	26	27	28	29
    BtH	7	8	9	9	10	10	11	12	12	13
    Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
    Above 40% HP										
    ABR	449.67	481.62	507.06	538.42	569.18	599.36	628.35	656.16	682.78	707.63
    ALS	289.33	308.85	324.83	344.35	363.88	383.4	402.93	422.45	441.98	461.5
    ABtH	25	27	29	31	33	35	38	39	41	43
    Below 40% HP										
    SBR	380	407	428.5	455	481	506.5	531	554.5	577	598
    SLS	244.5	261	274.5	291	307.5	324	340.5	357	373.5	390
    SBtH	25	27	29	31	33	35	38	39	41	43
    Heal Hit										
    HBR	118.43	126.85	133.55	141.81	149.91	157.86	165.5	172.82	179.83	186.38
    HLS	76.2	81.35	85.55	90.7	95.84	100.98	106.12	111.27	116.41	121.55
    Buy	1115	1861	3117	5235	8802	14814	24945	42016	70781	119251
    Sell	1115	1861	3117	5235	8802	14814	24945	42016	70781	119251

    Level	105	110	115	120	125	130	135	140	145	150
    Type	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G	G
    PLvl	108	113	118	123	128	133	138	143	148	153
    Base	10	10	10	10	11	11	11	12	12	12
    Max	29	30	31	32	32	33	34	34	35	36
    BtH	14	14	15	15	16	17	17	18	19	19
    Proc	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20	20
    Above 40% HP										
    ABR	731.3	753.19	773.31	791.65	807.63	821.23	831.88	840.76	846.08	849.04
    ALS	481.03	500.55	520.08	539.6	559.13	578.65	598.18	617.7	637.23	656.75
    ABtH	45	47	49	50	51	51	52	52	53	54
    Below 40% HP										
    SBR	618	636.5	653.5	669	682.5	694	703	710.5	715	717.5
    SLS	406.5	423	439.5	456	472.5	489	505.5	522	538.5	555
    SBtH	45	47	49	50	51	51	52	52	53	54
    Heal Hit										
    HBR	192.61	198.38	203.67	208.51	212.71	216.3	219.1	221.44	222.84	223.62
    HLS	126.69	131.84	136.98	142.12	147.26	152.41	157.55	162.69	167.83	172.98
    Buy	200927	338555	570467	961252	1619748	2729352	4599098	7749730	13058727 22004697	
    Sell	200927	338555	570467	961252	1619748	2729352	4599098	7749730	13058727 22004697	

    < Message edited by Dragoon23 -- 1/9/2013 17:02:11 >
    Post #: 2
    1/8/2013 6:31:50   
    No New Messages
    Legendary AK!!!


  • Special starts out with below numbers.

  • Mastercraft Effect
    • If player is under 40% health, the Special will do a third hit (healing sparkles) that does 0.275/1.5*.85 damage, or 18.333%*.85 of a special. The *0.85 is a penalty for auto-hit but there are no other penalties.

    • If player is above 40% health, the Special just does 18.333% more damage.
  • With two equally powerful hits, each hit does 50% damage.

    All this has ALREADY been factored into the Appendix

    Level	5	10	15	20	25	30	35	40	45	50
    SBR	298	337	376	417	468	511	564	607	662	706
    SLS	199	225	252	278	311	338	371	397	430	456
    SBtH	7	8	10	11	14	15	17	19	21	23

    Level	55	60	65	70	75	80	85	90	95	100
    SBR	760	814	857	910	962	1013	1062	1109	1154	1196
    SLS	489	522	549	582	615	648	681	714	747	780
    SBtH	25	27	29	31	33	35	38	39	41	43

    Level	105	110	115	120	125	130	135	140	145	150
    SBR	1236	1273	1307	1338	1365	1388	1406	1421	1430	1435
    SLS	813	846	879	912	945	978	1011	1044	1077	1110
    SBtH	45	47	49	50	51	51	52	52	53	54

    < Message edited by Dragoon23 -- 1/9/2013 16:51:53 >
  • Post #: 3
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