Stat name: Haste/Speed Alright, nice. quote:
How it works: Haste is based in your dexterity and support(Support is here because if bounty hunters got a high speed they were very Overpowered). OK, this is where there is a problem, the stat depends on other stats. As with Focus, this provides a bonus to using the independent stat (Dexterity plus Support). This imbalances the stats because Dexterity and/or Support becomes more valuable per point. With Focus, each point of Strength, Dexterity... etc., is more valuable but not Health or Energy. Not including Health, Energy, Strength, and Technology is a sign that a stat imbalance exists between the stats, and band-aids will not fix this over a long period of time. quote:
How it works: You can miss a attack if the attack is dealt by range like sidearms,auxiliaries,some bot specials,plasma bolt,stun grenade,etc. The "Miss" chance is based in your haste/speed because if YOU ARE FAST YOU CAN RUN FROM A RANGED ATTACK ("MISS"). This is fine, I can support 0 damage like blocking.