@ReinXI: Actually, you might be surprised at what people are willing to buy. In vindictus, people pay around $3 a pop for a chance at a color they want for one of three color sections on a single piece of equipment out of helm, chest, legs, weapon, gloves, boots. Needless to say, nexon makes a killing off of these. HOWEVER these items are tradeble for moderate (to a rich player, which is almost everybody) amounts of gold in game, so it does give an extra incentive, because it has a failsafe, where if you get a bad color you can sell it off and use the money to fund buying the one you want. (assuming the color you got is of a similar value, generally Red, White and Black are the highest in demand) And then of course, there's LoL skins, which are the biggest money maker in the F2P market.