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RE: Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill

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2/7/2013 23:26:12   

i can't even defeat LICH!! , WITCHBLADE, FIEND of.. etc.
thats impossible to be defeated
i have 41 hp and the boss has 41 hp1?!?! -_-
the worst part is that they are strong IMPOSSIBLE
thats impossible, could be better if the boss has 70-100 hp

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< Message edited by Balu -- 2/8/2013 5:53:46 >
Post #: 51
2/8/2013 1:33:49   

A drop from 90% to 10% sell back rate is ridiculous. You would do better to make an auction market with soul gem-gold buy options.

Also @zentrix I beat the Fiend with Black Dragon lv16. I have pictures.

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< Message edited by Balu -- 2/8/2013 5:54:20 >
Post #: 52
2/8/2013 1:44:51   

Glen: No it would not. You see, anything where the people can set the price is open to abuse, especialy when real cash is involved. fact of the matter is, AE NEED to make a profit at the end of the day, and sellbacks dropping after one day is how they do it in all their games. I'd augue even having 90% for one day is too generous, but at least then you get most of your SG back if you dislike it or purchesed by mistake.
DF  Post #: 53
2/8/2013 3:21:58   
dragon warth

@zentrix nothing is impossible in oversoul
i beat lich with just a level 12 fk all you need is luck
AQW  Post #: 54
2/9/2013 19:00:34   

@thejop i honest dont like winning very often it makes things very very boreing for me so please dont lump me in with the 60% of the kids in the world that have this lust for winning to the point they wanna bend the rules

@dethhollow i actuly like that idea a lot, you could even make the minons or non boss based monsters have a starting mana of 7 and starting increase of 2 or 3 per turn...overall it would make the game more diffacult as well make the in game exp more enjoyable for those who like some resitence in thier fights (unlike now)

lvl 12 fk = level 12 founder knight :-) ~Balu

EDIT: not fond of the abrivtion that is used for founder knight i am going to always inturpet it as a way to bipass chat filters :L also not thrilled players need to shorten thier text that often becuase it confusses the pewp out of me DX

< Message edited by linklink0091 -- 2/10/2013 17:08:21 >
AQW  Post #: 55
2/11/2013 10:09:18   

I think the new versons of Fiend of vergil and Witchblade is a bit to nerfed.
Post #: 56
2/11/2013 21:20:03   

@Glenn: I beat you, I defeated it with a level NINE Black Dragon XD >:D

However I think it's Witchblade that need's the big nerf.
AQW  Post #: 57
2/15/2013 18:14:06   

Okay Corruption should be change too Neutral energy cost. 10 Shadow Energy is ALOT, especially for a character which got a neutral based offensiv deck. So you not only need too charge 10 Shadow but also Neutral which will get reset once you charge the shadow. All-in-all, WB and Vergil are terribly with Corruption as it is right now.
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 58
2/15/2013 18:30:10   
Fallen Crest

It is neutral, silly goose. It seems shadow because of the dark card, however it costs neutral.
AQW  Post #: 59
2/15/2013 19:48:15   
How We Roll Winner

I beat the three "impossible" bosses like this:

Lich: Defend. He usually does a three hit combo then charges up two times.
Fiend of Vergil: Pound him.
Witchblade: Pound her, but have some defense, since she likes to use Death Flow.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 60
2/16/2013 18:48:18   


It's neutral? Eh....Silly me, forget that post then. Lol.

@Chaos ehm what char was that?
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 61
2/28/2013 17:08:24   

So, with the sellbacks; can you sell ANY character for SG/Gold or can you ONLY sellback SG characters?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 62
3/4/2013 6:21:05   

Wait a minute, WitchBlade and Vergil are difficult? They're soooooooo many master class non SG characters that can beat them.
AQW Epic  Post #: 63
3/4/2013 8:13:58   


The bosses just got nerfed. They were difficult to beat before.
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 64
3/4/2013 8:55:14   
The Jop

You can only sell back the boss characters bought for SGs currently.

They still have the same cards, but their energy costs were raised.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 65
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