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RE: Jug mode now unplayable

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2/7/2013 17:10:30   

Maybe increase maximum level for varium players. Like 5k varium to unlock lvl 36, 37, 38. but WAIT. we are STILL to weak. I hate this. I'm seriously about done supporting ED. Back to AQ, MQ, and DF where I have thousands of dollars spent.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 26
2/7/2013 17:17:13   

They are working on some fixes bassed on our replies, some will be released tomorrow and they will keep developing untill it is fairly balanced, hence the feedback topic.

Rage threads will just annoy staff and well give the rest of us a good laugh, Seriosly? people have spent much more and dont care because tbh they know at one point there will be balance, for instance myself i have made three master accounts, two of which became epicduel founders and i dont even use them anymore, thousands? im 17 and over the past 3-4 Years in total yes since i was 13, i think i am somewhere in the 2-3k spent on AE games and this was my own money from paperounds and other jobs, not from my parents ;)
AQW Epic  Post #: 27
2/7/2013 19:49:00   
  Exploding Penguin

Just off of my opinion, jugg should have never existed because it was totally unfair and there could never be a straight line where it would be fair to credit juggs, varium juggs, and the 2-person team all at the same time. I haven't tested jugg out, but I imagine it is unplayable.
Epic  Post #: 28
2/7/2013 20:45:41   
xGreen Warriorx

^ Even though Jugg is the hardest battle mode to balance, I like(d) it, so I wouldnt give up on it yet.

Haven't tried jugg out yet, not sure I want to after reading this thread. :S

What is killing jugg right now is the HP nerf, and the reduced stat mods that we are no longer getting from enh. My jugg builds always depended on high HP, and high defenses.
Maybe change HP (and possibly EP?) back to the way they were, and give 5 stat points per level.
AQW Epic  Post #: 29
2/7/2013 20:55:49   

Well now that they made everything in-game Credits, I think that's pretty fair for Juggs.

Now Varium can't just plow over 2 newbies like that.

Still, Jugg needs a change. Just looking and the Leaderboards can show it. Last place on the leaderboard is at %50? Wow...

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 30
2/8/2013 6:07:11   

Yeah................................. We have just generator and heal and that it is. When we have no energy and the opponent have high attack skills, knowleadge we are losing easily. Everyone in game is saying that he lose like 9/10 fights. i normally win 6 and lose 4 but some times i lose 6 and win 4. We will get low credits and it will be really Pointless to play juggernaught . So if the boosters are added back as delta, juggs can be fine.
AQW Epic  Post #: 31
2/8/2013 6:11:44   
the final hour

honestly i havent touched jugger cause i knew before going near it what it would be like now .

i think its kinda funny in the sence its poetic justice that the challengers had to endure abolutely eons of the juggernaut fights being virtually unwinnable and wrecking their records. now the shoe is on the other foot.

however it is wrong it shouldnt be like this . but yeah it is sort of justice.
Post #: 32
2/8/2013 7:22:27   

Right on. Juggernauts demolished by 2v2 record, but I didn't really mind. Doesn't make me happy that they are now so underpowered.
Post #: 33
2/8/2013 13:29:05   

Unplayable? Really guys? REALLY? I'm winning 5/10 jugg battles. I hardly call that "Unplayable". Come on people, it's called a juggernaut battle for a reason.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 34
2/8/2013 13:42:00   

It went from being slightly overpowered to underpowered, something really needs to be done. A whole game mode was DESTROYED.


So I heard you like Epic Duel?

Epic  Post #: 35
2/8/2013 13:53:30   

@ 110stalker

just because you can get 5 out of 10 doesn't mean everyone is. I played over 50 jug fights in omega with several different builds I would normally used for jug fights, and I haven't got a single win. The only one I got close to winning was my first battle and I lost due to my second opponent getting lucky with a deflection. Every other battle has been a slaughter. Especially since defenses are even weaker then they were before as well as health.

Epic  Post #: 36
2/8/2013 14:00:45   

@Mother 1

I've been watching the leader board, and it has also been floating around that point. If your defenses are low, then raise them. By the way, what class are you using, and which class is the most troublesome?
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 37
2/8/2013 14:18:51   

It isn't the matter of my defenses being low, it is the matter that I get stat abusers every single time I face jug. You know the 2 turn strength Merc's Two turn technology TM. I get those in pairs plus. You might have gotten different opponents but I am always getting those stat spammers everyone complains about.

As for what class I jugged as I used the hunter classes. I would have class changed again but with how expensive everything is now I am out of credits.

So for now I am saving up credits.

Epic  Post #: 38
2/8/2013 14:23:41   

@mother 1
"You know the 2 turn strength Merc's Two turn technology TM."
I have no idea what you're talking about actually.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 39
2/8/2013 14:59:15   
the final hour

^ xtreme strengh maul beserk jugger

im guessing the mage is high malf bolt xtreme tech or just xtreme tech caster

with the way defences are now and what you have to sacrifice to get decent hp

2 strengh abuse mercs bhes bms or ches in jugger

an extreme tech caster a jugger would more then likely get obliterated or be in serious trouble pretty quickly
Post #: 40
2/8/2013 15:02:06   

The exteme strength build I get from mercs in one vs one strong maul and followed by a max berzerker. (Which I see a lot of mercs with with in all battle modes now since it is now vastly OP and harder to defend against.

And the now deadly Max malf max plasma bolt build I get from TM.

Before these builds weren't so annoying to jugs since they weren't nearly as powerful in delta, but now due to imbalance they are deadly. You may not get them a lot, but other do. Within my 50 fights in jug mode I got one or both of these builds and they are slaying me like jugs used to slay level 26 players without gear.

While I am glad that the win rates have gone down due to a lack of stats, I am not happy about getting creamed in a few turns because of stat abuse either. having some player get 30% wins or even lower due to this isn't balanced in the least. even though some players claim jug is balanced and some of them are just using extreme strength builds.

@ the final hour

yeah that is what I was talking about since I get nothing but those or some combination of the two with the exception of my first jug fight in omega.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 2/8/2013 15:03:46 >
Epic  Post #: 41
2/8/2013 15:11:01   

I haven't noticed the mages, but with mercs I now see what you mean. Personally, I think they're very easy to beat. Seems to me, that this is more of a strategy problem, rather than a balance problem.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 42
2/8/2013 15:19:35   
the final hour

theirs nothing wrong with her stratergie ive seen her in 2v2 . its not s stratergie problem at all its a balance problem the issue with theese builds is across the modes its just worse in jugger cause its 2v1
Post #: 43
2/8/2013 15:29:34   

Need I remind you, that a 2v2 strategy should vary from a 2v1? In delta, you could kill each player in 2-4 hits. At least now they have a chance. Juggernauts should only be the absolute best. Otherwise it doesn't mean much to be one (plus the definition "A huge, powerful, and overwhelming force or institution").
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 44
2/8/2013 15:35:32   


I played three more matches with my BH build and out of 3 I got 1 and that was only because my opponent didn't use his gun while I was smoked but kept striking me with his energy staff. However the other two I dealt with the strength abusers again.

Since I saved up a few credits I will change my build again and see since you are claiming it is my planning other then my balance.

But onto the strength abuse merc. It is kind of hard to plan with that one when they go first, stun you with maul and you lose a turn. Can you plan around that one when you not only lose a turn but take a good chuck of damage, and are wide open for any attack no matter if it had a 1 percent chance to connect. I had those quite a few times and trust me no amount of planning can help you when you get stunned by a strength abusing merc who uses maul.
Epic  Post #: 45
2/8/2013 15:36:47   
the final hour

i was the one making this argument that a 2v1 stratergie should vary from a 2v2 stratergie when i was defending the opposes saying it was far to difficult for them to kill the juggers and they shodnt be forced to do something on a game thats supposed to be fun . when they had very lil chance of winning in delta and i got shot down instantly on it . so nope im not accepting that now , works both ways the juggs believed you didnt need a different stratergie when it worked in their favour ,

but regardless it doesnt change the fact regardless of ur stratergie with no enhancements and lower hp/ep per stat . and balance the way it is jugger is unbelievably unbalanced and certain fights are impossible 2 strengh mercs if you emp one hes still likely going to be able to attempt to stun u plus their getting a free shot where you've done no damage , if you shield they build rage faster and just wait and rage on beserk you get the point anyway its the same with the bhes ches and bms and casters . its ectremely difficult to win in jugger if you get two of the OP builds paired up against you. considering being at the level cap makes very little difference in power now . and varium makes nada difference,
Post #: 46
2/8/2013 18:36:22   

Sounds more like people wanting free wins, like the way jugg battles used to be.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 47
2/8/2013 18:40:15   
the final hour

nah people want fair fights

its ridicolous

first the juggers were far too powerful

now the challengers are far to powerful

they've gone from one extreme to the other *facepalm*
Post #: 48
2/8/2013 18:53:45   

Exactly now it's a challenge!
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 49
2/8/2013 19:22:26   

@ 110stalker

So you are against one side being overpowered but you are for the other side being overpowered?
Epic  Post #: 50
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