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Demonic & Grim Heartbreaker

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2/16/2013 7:41:27   

As the new update commences and people have begun buying the new designs and weapons.. We are brought to thought about the 'new cores'...

My idea is this:

Demonic Heartbreaker:

- Passive Core: Demonic Dominion

Steal your opponents hp

The core depends on how much damage (PHYSICAL) you deal.. For example:

It will have a 10% recovery rate. Therefore.. Lets say I dealt 10 damage, I would get 1 health back.. And therefore if I dealt 100 damage, I would get 10 health back and so on.

Grim Heartbreaker:

-Passive core: Grim Exhale

Steal your opponents energy

The core depends on how much (ENERGY) damage you cause.. For Example:

It will have a 10% recovery rate. Therefore you will regain the amount as said above.

Things that can be changed:

- Name of Core
- % Recovery rate
- % As level increases


- Every update/ new season or event should include there own cores.
- Every specific weapon should be allocated with something useful, other than its looks.


Bunny Zooka: People only wear it for its looks, it has no real use in-game and should have its own core.
Beta/ Alpha Weapons: Both these weapons should have something extra due to the fact these players were the start of EpicDuel
Rixty Ripper's: Both of these cleavers/ swords should have cores because they were old weapons back in Beta and were one of the main highlights for the upgrade packages.

Many more weapons deserve their own cores. Not just these few.

What do you guys think about this idea? Is it good? Is it bad?

Please discuss!


< Message edited by J.U.S.T.I.C.E. -- 2/16/2013 7:43:38 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
2/16/2013 9:16:11   
xGreen Warriorx

^ Those are good core ideas. But I don't think it's a good idea to put cores on to the weapons after they've been released, because people may have bought the Demonic Heartbreaker, but they want the Grim Heartbreakers core. Also, the swords aren't expensive enough to come with cores already on them. Maybe have the cores as an option to be bought only on those two weapons?

As for your Considerations, promo items come with cores. I don't know if all weapons coming with cores is a good idea.
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
2/16/2013 14:52:22   

not supported, then tech-mages would have life-steal as well as energy-gain(reroute) or classes with blood-lust would also get energy-steal ability, it is OP and it would be worse if the effect can be stacked eg. bloodlust+life-steal=23%+10%=33% life-steal.

as green warrior stated, only promos should have special cores.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
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