@Doom Wielder: I had a level 11 Pumkinlord, and got lucky with enough Iron Hides at the right moment. You also need to discard all Cat's Reflex, as they're useless against the bosses. I pretty much alternated with the damage cards this way: Discarding all Cat's Reflex, and all attack cards except for two . Leave Iron Hide, Reflectors, and shields untouched. Charge to 14 -Use one Iron Hide -Charge -Attack with the two attack cards -Draw if there are no Iron Hides, if there is, quickly use it. -Draw if Iron Hide was used last turn. If you allready draw, use any available Iron Hides. If there is no Iron Hide available, and you have not used one yet, use any shields you have, as well as up to two attack cards or reflectors(You MUST alternate between either a Reflector, or between two attack cards, you cannot choose both or a alteration from this) -Draw -Use any available Iron Hides if you have run out of Iron Hides, or there was an unavailabillity of Iron Hides beforehand. Use any attack cards with it. Otherwise, use shielding + Reflector and refrain from using attack cards. Pretty much this for the entire fight. @Labyth: Actually, you can provide proof VIA screenshot, seeing as this is a turn based game. Providing an altered screenshot is somewhat harder to do in Oversoul than most other games, ESPECIALLY with the bosses, as very few screenshots of the bosses defeat are provided.
< Message edited by aliesterus -- 2/19/2013 21:26:02 >