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Return of Period specific items

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2/18/2013 21:05:08   
Sir Xander

Alright, so, I was thinking that there could be a specific time period, feb 24th maybe, when the Founder/beta/gamma/delta promo's could return for those characters who were around for those testing periods. I wanted to suggest this for awhile, but was afraid to because of the flaming that would ensue, but there doesn't need to be ANY flaming, many people did not have the opportunity to purchase these. This may have been for many reasons, one of which is that you didnt live in a supported country. and there are many more, probably some that I havnt even thought of. I would however suggest that they return for one week every five years in the promo package.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
2/18/2013 21:49:26   

Not supported as this would defeat the purpose of rares. Rares are just that items that are around for a bit and then go away never to return. doing this even if it is one week out of 5 years would be defeating the purpose of items being rare (no longer available rare) So not supported and never supported.
Epic  Post #: 2
2/18/2013 23:58:47   

nope not supported, you should think this through even before you suggest it, they are rares and they should not return even if you have the cheevo of that phase, bad luck to you if you didn't get them at that time. it would be unfair for those who supported the game at the early phases.

and what if it returns? does it mean it is gonna return in both varium and credit option? if it is then i think that you want ED to be officially dead.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
2/19/2013 1:01:17   
Dual Thrusters

I would be so mad if I found out a f2p could get his hands on my precious, ultra-rare delta knight, thats the first thing I ever bought with varium!(well 2nd thing)
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
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