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RE: =MTAK= The Wolf Rider Extends Her Hunting Grounds

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2/25/2013 23:28:47   

*A Blue VurrMan downing an orange and black dragon warrior armor pops out of the ground* Oi new page. Dat means I can ask more questions!

So it does.

But first, Yes yes, I meant treat on my last question. I seem to 'ave a problem wid dose two words. Never meant to threaten you wolf, hehe. I still gave you de treat so I 'ope he liked it.
You're fortunate that I'm so understanding with typos.

Err.... what to ask, what to ask...


Do you like Manga?

Do you like Manhwa?
Never heard of it.

Do you like Manhua?
See above.

Do you know what de difference between dese three is? ^_^ besides deir spelling.

What's de amount of questions I 'ave left?"

Can I sell you Alchemy potions? or maybe just steak.
Sure. I can't guarantee I'd use them, though.

*Remains silent for a second as if thinking, then speaks* I am probably much less dan worthy, Sir Gingkage, but is it possible we could 'ave a Swordplay battle spar??
Not quite sure what you're asking. Sorry.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 2/26/2013 9:07:47 >
DF  Post #: 51
2/26/2013 16:54:26   
god of insatily

runs in laughing as one of my eyes goes from purple to multicolored

so I heard from the voices that you like star wars so what do you think of reven
Not sure. Can't remember a 'Reven' from them.

is it just me or are the statues moving
I'm not supposed to talk about that. *shifty eyes*

so what do you think of halo
Never played.

or mass effect
See above.

look a distraction
Do people really fall for that?

disappers with only a steak in frount of blaze and a note with the words
I can't belive that actually worked - well see ya for some more torture questions

Well now I know why Blaze loves my MTAKs so much. People keep feeding him.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 2/26/2013 17:27:26 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 52
2/26/2013 18:06:04   

Hiyas Gin! :D
Hi, Golden! Thanks for the color tags.

Welcome to the GD team! I know you'll do just fine. ;D
Thanks. I hope I can live up to yours and Mel's confidence.

I have no questions for you...so congrats, and glad to be working with you!
Thanks. Same here. :)


< Message edited by Gingkage -- 2/26/2013 18:19:23 >


DF MQ AQW  Post #: 53
2/26/2013 20:45:48   
Warmonger DragonJax

*Appears out of nowhere*
*in a deep voice* "Hey Gingage"

I am new to the forums so let me introduce myself,I am The Warmonger (or DragonJax,or DragonSnax,whatever you want)

Questions,where is that book of questions *finds and heaves heavy book on an invisible table*

Now Question No.1:Do you like Pokemon ?
Well enough, I suppose.

No.2:Did the wolf choose you or you chose the wolf?
He chose me.

No.3:What is your wolf's favorite snack ? *Runs to Serenity and Gretel to get food for the Wolf*
Venison is high on the list.

No.4:Do you practice Martial Arts?

No.5:Oops,My book has run out of questions and I have to run too !
Bye, then.

Bye* Disappears into Thin Air*

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 2/26/2013 20:52:17 >
Post #: 54
2/27/2013 22:18:56   

*huge explosion, then a little penguin appears. the penguin transforms into armvis with a noise like a penguin squawking but ten times louder*
*checks on Blaze* Good, the noise didn't hurt you.

oh, sorry about the previous two-posts-same-page thing. I deleted it, but I will ask the same questions here, ahahaha! wait... what were my questions? oops.

so. favorite type of music?

Depends on what I'm in the mood for.

what is your ideal vehicle in any game and why?
The one that best suits the game. It wouldn't do to have a car in a pre-industry game (non-magic).

beat this. *turns into cryptic and mentally flicks blaze and the wolf.*
Blaze is the wolf. My logic of you cannot flick Blaze and the wolf when they are one and the same defeats your attempt. That and I'm in a telepathic-proof cell. Wonder why...

hehehe, bye.

*turns back into penguins with a blast of smoke and a noise like a penguin squawking, but ten times louder*
*checks Blaze* Still okay. That's great.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 2/27/2013 22:25:45 >
DF AQW  Post #: 55
2/27/2013 22:39:24   

Two of these in the same forum, right next to each other? And a third over in OOC? I'm far too lazy to come up with original questions, so I'm going to cheat and re-use them all! Muahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Hi, Seahawk. *waves*

Hmmm... how long has it been since I participated in a MtAK? (rhetorical question; does not count!) Probably long enough that I can re-use questions...
Tempted to make this count anyway, but since I can't come up with a funny answer for it, I'll let it slide.

Do you have to be insane to become an Archknight, or does becoming an Archknight make you insane? Because, ya know, I read some of these questions your fellow AKs ask and... yeah...
Well I was insane first, but I'm sure some of them were sane before the shackles.

How many roads must a man walk down, and will Bob Dylan ever figure out the answer? He's been singing that song long enough. (PS: The answer is NOT 42, sorry Douglas Adams fans)
The answer is always 42, and Bob Dylan will find the answer when all the moons of Anne McCaffery's worlds align with ours and the moons of Jupiter in a neat row behind the sun.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, provided said woodchuck also had access to a chainsaw and a chipper-shredder?
None. This woodchuck is unfortunate enough to be in a city with no trees.

Why do birds suddenly appear?
Because that's where all ninjas come from.

Does 1 + 1 = 3 for sufficiently large values of 1?
Of course. But only when chocolate says so.

Given the first series of questions, am I hypocritical to imply that it's only AKs who may or may not be slightly insane?
Not at all. Everyone knows that Mods and up are even crazier than their AKs. The insanity only grows as the forum power increases.

Cake or Pie?
Pie is usually not a lie, so Cake.

Pepperoni or Extra Cheese?
Pepperoni. With extra every other meat on a meat-lovers.

Celestia or Luna?
DF's Lady Celesita.

And perhaps the most important question...

Who is your favorite Pony?
Don't watch MLP.

(I thought about asking 11 questions just to blatantly abuse my authority and see if you would answer anyway... but then I said to myself "11? That's ridiculous! It's not even funny." And if you get that reference, you earn bonus points...)
Thanks for stopping by!

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 2/28/2013 9:46:35 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 56
2/27/2013 22:44:48   

Hiya Gingkage-Senpai! ;D
Senpai!? O.O *looks at Blaze* When did this happen?

*feeds Blaze a piece of Venison*
*sighs as Blaze snarls at you to back away* Blaze allows treats, but he prefers it if they're either handed to me or dropped near him.

I think I should take wolf riding lessons from you. Wolves are one of my favorite animals, along with Frogs and Lizards
You can't become a wolf rider. You weren't born with the ability to bond with a wolf.

Were you more happy working with the DF guides, or are you more happy working with DF GD?
I'm happy in all of my forums. DF forums are the best, and I don't favor one over another.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 2/27/2013 22:50:44 >
Post #: 57
2/28/2013 8:05:48   

*comes flying on a Mutant Pony Back* Wut Page 3 and you're still alive?????? I'll have to change that....

It's question time!

1. Favorit Brony of AE?
No idea. Don't know who all the 'bronies' are.

2. What's the purpose of the life?
Currently? Answering MTAK questions in hopefully amusing ways.

3. May I eat your wolfy cousine?
That's a good way to get yourself hurt. By me.


5. Well uhm I accidentally ate one yesterday...It was a tasty wolf....
*glares* I doubt he'd be worth the trouble, Blaze.

6. I can haz Fruit?
The fruit baskets are over there. *points in a non-descript direction*

7. *shows picture of a Wolf* May I adopt this little fella?
No. Not with you being a killer of wolves.

8. *shows picture of Secret Alienship* WHERE IS THIS SHIP?
I have no idea what you're talking about.

9. I saw you landed with it >_>
Ooh. You're one of those. *pulls out a book titled How to Deal with Conspiracy Theorists 101* Let's see... No, not that one. No. No. Definitely not that one... Ah. Here we are. The alien race of a different spaceship deemed your over-active interest in them to be a threat. As such you were beamed up and images of people landing in that spaceship that you insist we own were planted in your mind. Sorry to tell you, but the spaceship in that picture doesn't exist.

10. You deny? Well then, I'll get it out of you one way or the other....
Looks like I've got some studying to do, then.

That's all for now, bye and gratz on AK-ship!
Thanks. Bye!

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 2/28/2013 12:10:53 >
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 58
2/28/2013 14:15:11   

Hi again!

On with the torturequestions!
I wonder if that hidden word means anything... Nah.

Cheese or bagels?
Bagels with cheese.

Do you like Star Wars?
Star Wars! :D

How can you ride a wolf?

What is the quote"How's Wolfy? ' from?
No idea.

What is your favorite True Mortal quest?
All of them.

What realm is this?
I'm not allowed to tell you that.

Why is the dead fish floating in front of me?
Oh, that's just Chisagen. Don't mind it.

Now for YouTube:GoRemy or X (davidr64yt)?
Don't know either of them.

How did you get your wolf?
We bonded when he was a puppy.

He like treats right?
Yes. These MTAKs are spoiling him.

Well thats about it!Heres a treat for the wolf!I think its beef jerky or bacon.
Bye! *watches as Blaze eats the treat*

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 2/28/2013 14:29:01 >
Post #: 59
3/2/2013 18:45:34   

Not gonna write alot... At least I hope so.

So, first of all: Congratulations! :D
Thanks! :D

Actually, never saw your first 3 MTAK threads.
That's fine. I doubt most people did.

Anyway, here are some questions, and a huge stake for you and your wolf after reading everything in pink! MUAHAHAHAHAHA! No, I HATE pink. So:

Do you like pink color?

If you would find a big cake in a forest, would you think it's a trap?
Probably. Everyone knows the cake is a lie.

How fast could you get out of a traphole if it would be 10 meters deep?
Depends on how steep and/or smooth the sides are.

Have fun with your AK title! See ya!


< Message edited by Gingkage -- 3/2/2013 18:59:43 >
Post #: 60
3/2/2013 19:30:47   

Hi Gingake!

This is my first MTAK on you.
Pleased to meet you.

Anyways, Do you have a wolf-like pet in-game?
I have the War Wolf from the Final 13th.

Have you ever made a suggestion?
Once a long time ago when the Suggestion Thread was still in existence. And once or twice in the staff suggestion threads.

Finally, what are your feelings on the war between Purple and BLOO?
I'm technically a blue, but I'm a neutral party in this war as I'm honored to have friends on both sides of the war.

Anyways, happy AKing!

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 3/2/2013 19:33:09 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 61
3/2/2013 20:13:35   

Hey Gingkage!
Hi, DragonlordKhan.

Time for questions.

Captain Nemo, Sherlock Holmes, and Long John Silver battle against each other... who wins?
Sherlock Holmes, because before the battle started he'd already deduced everything there was to know about them and as such already had a plan formulated in order to defeat them.

Who do you think is Cinquefoil?
I have no theories.

How and when did you and Blaze meet? (Is that two questions?)
Only one, but asking if it was two is the second. ;) As for how and when... it was when he was a puppy. The rest is a secret.

That's all from me. Oh, and Congrats on the promotion!

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 3/2/2013 20:18:46 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 62
3/3/2013 10:01:09   
Therril Oreb
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Well hey Ging, long time on see
Therril! *Blaze happily wags his tail in greeting* Blaze did smell you around. I couldn't believe it, it's been so long.

Decided to pop in again and couldn't help but see this
And I thought I'd hidden it, too.

You know what we do with MtAK's right?

Don't worry, it has been a while so I will go easy on you and see if I still remember you :p
You'll be given a grade based on how well you do.

A raven and a wolf meet in a forest and spot a hunter, what happens?
The wolf calls for his Wolf Rider and the Raven changes into a human.

Purple is on the prowl (shifty)
*looks around warily*

Black will return and will never dissappear at the same time
Darn right! D:<

good luck Ging :)
Thanks, and it was awesome seeing you again! And congrats yourself. Welcome back to the fold of the shackled!

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 3/3/2013 12:31:00 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 63
3/3/2013 16:25:39   
Rune Knight

Wolf-buddy! *Glompsnugs and buries in a pile of BLOOberry muffins*
Wolf-buddy! *glomps back while Blaze happily greets him*

It's been far too long. It's awesome to see you as an ArchKnight of the DF GD. We could always use more wolves! ^_^
Well, let's be fair. Every place could use more wolves. ;)

Anyways, on with the questions! *Twirls his mustache* :D

1) What is the greatest color in all of the world?
I love the colors red, black, and blue equally.

2) Isn't BLOO just amazing?
Bloo's all right. I prefer blue. :P

3) If you had to choose between wolves and BLOO...?
Wolves (though to be fair, I'd choose wolves over blue, also).

4) If your answer was anything along the lines of "I'd sooner die than choose between the two," don't you dare! D:<
Then I guess it's a good thing my answer wasn't along those lines.

5) How are those shackles feeling?
THEY BURN! Nice and comfy.

6) May I have the privilege of fighting beside you, come next war?
It would be my honor.

7) What governs the universe?

Well, those are all of my questions. For now.
Because 7 is a magical number (at least according to my last MTAK).

Hope to see you soon, wolf-buddy!
Bye, wolf-buddy!

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 3/3/2013 16:30:32 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 64
3/4/2013 7:55:10   

Hey Gingkage!
Anyway, congratulations to became AK ;)
Hi, Tigirosa. And thanks.

I guess now is the the part where I ask you questions?
Seems to be.

What is your role here?
The role of all forum staff is to enforce the rules when necessary and make sure that the Artix Entertainment forums remains an amazing, fun, and fun-loving community.

What is your favorite number/plant?
I don't really have a favorite number or plant.

Do you like tigers?
Well enough.

Name one of the most powerful skill that you would like to learn to your DF hero.
Hm... The skill of intelligence. :P

Class that you would like to see in the DF future.
Well... honestly I think the staff are best equipped to come up with awesome classes, but a Wolf Rider class would be pretty awesome.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 3/4/2013 10:12:31 >
DF  Post #: 65
3/6/2013 13:53:32   
Wolf Rider

I've decided that I will be locking this on Friday. Because of this, for today and tomorrow only, you can break my rule of 'one post per page.' I would prefer if you still kept it at ten questions, but if anyone thought of questions after I'd already gotten to their post and are worried that now they'll never be able to ask them, ask away.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 66
3/6/2013 14:10:55   
god of insatily

just appears next to blaze with a steak in front of blaze
*Blaze whirls around, hackles raised before taking the steak* Sorry about that. People who sneak up on him via teleportation make him attack. Too many times of being sneaked upon for him not to.

now on to the torture questions
What an odd struck through word. Wonder if it means anything. I will figure it out eventually.

1.favorite shark

2.favorite extict animal
Hm... That's a tough one. I guess the dire wolf because it's a wolf.

3.favotite element(only fire,air,earth,water count) and element combination(both only two elements and three)
Fire; fire and air, fire, air, earth. Air in this case being wind.

5.best for battle(all) elements and combinations that you can think of
Light to blind an enemy and stun him/her/it, and fire to turn any foe to ash.

6. last two questions again this time to blaze
Well, he doesn't really speak the human tongue. We understand each other through impressions of senses, so translating might not be exact. But I'll certainly do my best. The way he fights (assuming it's without me as support or another wolf) is to bring down a foe and then go for the throat. He doesn't use elements.

9.sorry it was revan not reven (from the old republic era )
Don't know that, either. I'm not familiar with the Old Republic era.

10. favorite sith and jedi
My favorite sith is Darth Maul, and my favorite jedi is Obi-Wan Kenobi.

13.Is blaze insane like all of us
Of course not.

well thats me for now so have fun


< Message edited by Gingkage -- 3/6/2013 14:44:14 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 67
3/6/2013 16:54:37   

*Enters from a hole torn in the planet*G'day.

C'gratz on (New) Archknightship. c:
Thanks. :)

1.Getting tired about those brony questions?
Haven't seen many.

2.Favorite melee weapon type?

3.Favorite ranged weapon type?
Bow and arrow.

4.How was it when you got the AKship offer?
I was honored at Melissa4Bella's trust in me.

5.Is it hard being an AK right now?

That's all,bye!

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 3/6/2013 17:36:26 >
MQ  Post #: 68
3/6/2013 22:53:26   
Warmonger DragonJax

Look who is here !

Now Question time

1.Is BLOO a typo or you spelled it wrong on purpose ?
'Bloo' is how my wolf-buddy along with a few other forumites spell the color 'blue.' It's intentional.

2.Which Colour is your Arch-enemy?
I don't have one.

3.Does the Wolf have battle scars?If yes, that's a brave wolf.
Well you can't get into fights without a few injuries.

4.straight forward question,are you insane ?
You mean you're not?

5.Now that your wolf had had so many snack,is it fat ?
*narrows eyes* Don't you dare suggest that.

6.If Moriarty and Sherlock fought Hand to Hand who would win ?
Already happened. Sherlock Holmes won.

That's it for now and the stupid book of Questions was supposed to give a lot of em.
Bye, then.

*forgot that he din't appear out of nowhere this time so has to be contended on riding on Dekanor (My dragon)*
Bye !

P.S:Why are you gonna lock this thread already?(This doesn't count as a question)
It does count as you are asking me something. And I'm locking it because it's been up for almost four weeks, which is a little ridiculous.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 3/7/2013 7:52:04 >
Post #: 69
3/7/2013 10:11:20   
Almighty Agathor

I just stopped by to say Congratulations!

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 3/7/2013 10:12:11 >
DF AQW  Post #: 70
3/8/2013 0:00:19   
Wolf Rider

Well, I believe in being prompt. So, as promised, locked on Friday. Thanks for all your questions. It's been a blast!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 71
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