Two of these in the same forum, right next to each other? And a third over in OOC? I'm far too lazy to come up with original questions, so I'm going to cheat and re-use them all! Muahahahahahahahaha!!!! Hi, Seahawk. *waves* Hmmm... how long has it been since I participated in a MtAK? (rhetorical question; does not count!) Probably long enough that I can re-use questions... Tempted to make this count anyway, but since I can't come up with a funny answer for it, I'll let it slide. Do you have to be insane to become an Archknight, or does becoming an Archknight make you insane? Because, ya know, I read some of these questions your fellow AKs ask and... yeah... Well I was insane first, but I'm sure some of them were sane before the shackles. How many roads must a man walk down, and will Bob Dylan ever figure out the answer? He's been singing that song long enough. (PS: The answer is NOT 42, sorry Douglas Adams fans) The answer is always 42, and Bob Dylan will find the answer when all the moons of Anne McCaffery's worlds align with ours and the moons of Jupiter in a neat row behind the sun. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, provided said woodchuck also had access to a chainsaw and a chipper-shredder? None. This woodchuck is unfortunate enough to be in a city with no trees. Why do birds suddenly appear? Because that's where all ninjas come from. Does 1 + 1 = 3 for sufficiently large values of 1? Of course. But only when chocolate says so. Given the first series of questions, am I hypocritical to imply that it's only AKs who may or may not be slightly insane? Not at all. Everyone knows that Mods and up are even crazier than their AKs. The insanity only grows as the forum power increases. Cake or Pie? Pie is usually not a lie, so Cake. Pepperoni or Extra Cheese? Pepperoni. With extra every other meat on a meat-lovers. Celestia or Luna? DF's Lady Celesita. And perhaps the most important question... Who is your favorite Pony? Don't watch MLP. (I thought about asking 11 questions just to blatantly abuse my authority and see if you would answer anyway... but then I said to myself "11? That's ridiculous! It's not even funny." And if you get that reference, you earn bonus points...) Thanks for stopping by!
< Message edited by Gingkage -- 2/28/2013 9:46:35 >