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RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST

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3/4/2013 9:29:41   

Here is the link.

Here is what Nulgath stated in the interview:

Currently, card customization is in the works. Once this feature is complete, you'll be able to find cards on monsters you've defeated or purchase them through NPCs. There'll also be many hidden dungeons with boss monsters and secret NPCs for you to find that will hold special cards for you to collect. As of now, characters are collected for the card decks they already hold. Soon, you'll be able to add new cards to the character's deck.
Post #: 26
3/4/2013 9:34:01   

I'm so sure he said it was going to be free...
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 27
3/4/2013 9:35:15   
Baron Dante

Card Customization... I'm curious how will it made in a way it won't be blatantly broken? If one can just stash any cards he wants into a deck. it's going to get very out of hand.

I think there'll be three different things: A minimum of cards, a maximum of cards, and a limit how many of each individual card can be out into the deck. (Which will be card-by-card basis, obviously)

Minimum is needed so that one can't just stick in certain cards and be guaranteed to constantly HAVE them. The other two should be more obvious as to why the limits need to be in.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 28
3/4/2013 9:35:26   

I was hoping we'd be able to take out SOME cards...

Like FC and those useless heals... >.>
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 29
3/4/2013 9:35:35   

...maybe I'm just insane, but I see no word there saying that CC will be entirely F2P. In fact it says that you can purchase cards from NPC's. The wording could be taken either way, because it both implies you canf ind them on monster OR buy them from shops, in which case you can just find them, but it ALSO implies that some you will have to purchase like special cards, which I'm tell you now will most certanly be SG.

But hopefully I'm wrong. Dear Elemental Lords let be wrong on this one.
DF  Post #: 30
3/4/2013 9:37:42   

We can't guaranteed that all the cards are going to be free. Possibly some will cost SG as they hold some awesome ability. But it will be great if all the cards are free.
Post #: 31
3/4/2013 9:40:39   


The heals are from useless, they can be life saving, especially with how random Chaos is going to be.
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 32
3/4/2013 9:42:36   


What's the point of having heal when you have Greater Heal? If you take them out, you'd have a better chance of surviving (I think, might be wrong here).

And Nulgath said that all characters would have the same cards for balance. If CC is SG, then he'd be wrong. I personally think it'll be F2P, but for SG, you can increase the number of cards you can have or some other thing.

< Message edited by Redingard -- 3/4/2013 9:44:22 >


AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 33
3/4/2013 9:44:44   

You are not really wrong. Its just your point of view. If possible, adding an extra greater heal card in founder champion's deck while removing 1 Healing card will give FC a high chance of drawing 1-3 Greater Healing every draw.

Edit: Nulgath likes to keep PvP balance so i am sure the CC will be balance even if it cost SG. Nulgath will sure find a way to keep everything in OS balance which can be one reason why CC was still working in progress.

< Message edited by Megadragonknight -- 3/4/2013 9:46:42 >
Post #: 34
3/4/2013 9:46:10   

You know, maybe we should ask him via Twitter or something. I mean, I'd hate to find out after 3 months of waiting for the blasted thing that I can only get some Life Drains for 5 SG or something. And I KNOW it would cause a outroar on the fourms if this was the case, so it may be best to get the disappointment out the way now.
DF  Post #: 35
3/4/2013 9:49:11   

Get some LD for 5 SG is plain illogical. 80 I am sure the great fiend won't dissappoint us since he does care about his player and listen to our suggestion.
Post #: 36
3/4/2013 9:49:13   
Baron Dante

I do recall Nulgy stating that all characters will have the same cards (As in, every type of card will also be available for free at some point), and that CC will allow those to be used on any characters.

Now, that means there will be no P2W at all, which I greatly approve.

However, I was thinking... maybe all of the cards itself wouldn't be Free? Now, it doesn't mean those cards make the game P2W, no. If those cards are equally powerful, but offer different effects, it would give paying players more freedom and more strategies. As long as those strategies don't become overpowered at all, it should be fine, no?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 37
3/4/2013 9:51:15   


Greater Heal is delayed by 1 round, by that time the enemy can draw cards too eliminate you.
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 38
3/4/2013 9:51:30   


I see what you're saying. More strategies could work...but then we'd need ways to protect ourselves from those speical new cards. Idon't know; we hardly have anything confirmed when it comes to CC. But your idea is intriguing.


Eh, fine. I see your point and accept it. There are some situations where it could save your life. But I would still take it out if I had the chance. I'm speaking so myself, so meh.

< Message edited by Redingard -- 3/4/2013 9:52:57 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 39
3/4/2013 9:52:01   

Agreeable. I like how balance PvP is right now despite CC not being release yet. As long as the game is balance as how it is now when CC is release, i will be greatly please with the OS game system. Same applies to Artifacts coming soon.

Edit: Oh, only one thing which cause the PvP to be slightly unbalance is Fire element. I hate how Incinerate cost 0 energy.

< Message edited by Megadragonknight -- 3/4/2013 9:54:19 >
Post #: 40
3/4/2013 9:55:37   

I'm just gonna say that there was a time we all thought evos released thus far that were coming out at the time like Blade Skeleton and Rex Warrior were gonna be free. Then they were not and cost 4-10 SG. I'm being wary about this because IT'S HAPPENED BEFORE.
DF  Post #: 41
3/4/2013 9:57:12   
Baron Dante

Red: It would definitely be difficult to allow cards for only certain people while still keeping it balanced. If it can be done, I'm all for it. If not, I rather have it entirely for Free players instead of having to P2W.

Also... Level 18 FK ;)

Kyle: Well, ultimately, if CC comes in the form we expect, those characters would ultimately be just for dress-up, sorta.

But that reminds me... what about the whole evolution shenanigans? Will certain cards be restricted only for the higher tier characters to keep evolution even worth it?

< Message edited by Baron Dante -- 3/4/2013 9:59:12 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 42
3/4/2013 9:58:25   

Fire isn't the only thing causing unbalance. Certain legendaries (FC, BD and believe it or not FT are somewhat OP compared to other characters...).

BD - High dmg
FC- High dmg + high healing
FT - Same as FC.

I personally hope for a fair match up in the future (max lv diff should be 3-5, not more or less) and Leaderboards for different Ranks. An 1v1 App, Vet, Master, Legendary LB + Tag Team App, Vet, Mas, Leg LB.
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 43
3/4/2013 9:59:02   

Please keep in mind that we are still in beta testing and OS still need more money to develop it furthur to become a real game. When Nulgath is ready to launch OS normally like other games, i am sure Nulgath will create more free characters. For cards, most will probably cost gold since its to keep the game balance.

< Message edited by Megadragonknight -- 3/4/2013 10:03:54 >
Post #: 44
3/4/2013 10:01:11   

+ There is no major difference on most characters exept Quantity.
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 45
3/4/2013 10:02:02   

See, that's what we all want for PvP. Some kind of Tournament and Ranking system. Where everything would be somewhat balanced. You wouldn't fight anyone who's a much higher or lower level, and you wouldn't fight a Legendary if you're a Veteran. There's a lot that Warlic and Rolith could do with PvP. Because, for a PvP game, there's not a lot of PvP...

And I think that lower tiers of evolutions shouldn't get certain special cards. I can't imagine a Young Paladin having a Retribution in its deck...and certain characters should have their own cards. Like Father Time and Time Compression. That would make for an awesome card. :3
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 46
3/4/2013 10:02:12   

Megaknight: I'm not complaing about the lack of free chars. (Although I do think we need more) I'm SAYING that we all thought that evos were going to be free, and then they were not, and then people got mad. I fear the same will occur for CC.

Dante: I think there will be limitations, but I don't know what they are.
DF  Post #: 47
3/4/2013 10:06:42   

Making games to be perfectly balance can be a tricky task. As proof, ED is a P2W game and so is AQW. I hope OS won't end up like ED and AQW soon.

I know that you are not complaining but giving some feedback about some evolution costing SG. I don't like it either but helping OS to earn more money by buying more SG will develop the game furthur and i am sure Nulgath noticed that. Knowing his character, i am sure he is not greedy.
Post #: 48
3/4/2013 10:09:16   


AQW is far from a P2W game. It's a game where you pay your hard-earned money to play a dress up game. The only thing that needs to be balanced are the prices. ._.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 49
3/4/2013 10:09:20   

ED is no longer P2W and AQW never was P2W

There will probably be ALOT more free Char's in the future (including bosses and Staff chars)
AQ DF MQ Epic  Post #: 50
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