@Deathguard I get what you're saying, and I agree the staff have to be careful about keeping the newer character balanced with the old. It's just that I expected this kind of talk about Thrak or Sword Matron, not little Ice Beetle! :D While I love the little guy, I'll be the first person to admit that he's no where nearly as tough as Barbarian Master. Ice Beetle is very weak attack-wise, and in a match against other Ice types, he will lose most of the time, no matter how good his special cards are. Considering how Barbarian Master is a starter character's evolution, I feel Ice Beetle is very well balanced, power-wise. It's rather like how Max Storm is close to Lightning Wolf Master's level. Now, if you were talking about Cosoma, that's a different story! Cosoma is very, very good for being only a Veteran level character, and in fact, has the best Ice deck you can get without Soul Gems.