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RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread XCVII - READ THE FIRST POST

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3/5/2013 20:09:06   

The following images will leave you thinking Like this
My Armies resources are being prepared as we speck
i their Leader have already gotten myself a fancy hat and we shall prepare WORLD WAR IV and cool mustache.

AND our MOON CHEESE CANNONis ready to fire to cause masive destrution like we did on MARS a few years back and the Moon and that how we took them over.
Post #: 576
3/5/2013 20:10:58   

xD Wow. Nice use of illustrations! That was so random, but was amusing somehow.

In other news, Ice Nomad is very hard to possess. I vaguely remember this being this case back in Alpha, but dang. Are the newer characters really just that much easier to possess?
AQW  Post #: 577
3/5/2013 20:11:50   

Oh yeah i am getting myself an airfroce training bats you know what they are called flying rats.
Post #: 578
3/5/2013 20:12:01   

@Tally: I'm jealous of your Bavaria, I must possess her still but I haven't had luck.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 579
3/5/2013 20:16:37   

hey i been thinking you guys know how their are counter cards that apply counter i was thinking what could be a smart way to counter so i came up with a little process using life drain that means u heal 3 of the returned damage.i know their are easier way but concluding that not all monster have those required cards to deal the nessecary dots or the increased unblocabkles or the high amount of shields i thought well why not life drain price for a price.
Post #: 580
3/5/2013 20:19:15   

Lifedrain would work but it's limited to Shadow chars. Also, while it minimizes the damage taken it still is damage, but yeah I see what you're saying.

@below: It might work against a char that uses counters rarely but when used against neutral char that spams counter, Life Drain isn't that effective.

< Message edited by EpicCoconut -- 3/5/2013 20:22:28 >
Post #: 581
3/5/2013 20:19:58   

yeah cause bats have no dots and couple unblockables and 1 empower so i was designign in my head how to go arounds counter.
Post #: 582
3/5/2013 20:23:31   

Wow, this has been a long fight, Tally is pretty smart and OS just started to be laggy >.<
EDIT: Well fought Tally :D

< Message edited by DeathGuard -- 3/5/2013 20:26:07 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 583
3/5/2013 20:23:39   

Got my Ice Nomad!
Now I just need to pick up an Earth Nomad, and all 3 Recruits.

Guys, where is the best place to get Earth Nomad, besides the Labyrinth Dungeon?

xD Nice!

< Message edited by Lord Beck -- 3/5/2013 20:26:05 >
AQW  Post #: 584
3/5/2013 20:23:58   

I put classic rock on loop while hunting Cosoma. Found a Barbarian. Grooveshark, being the troll it is, had decided to play Cherry Pie not 5 seconds before. So Barbarian shows up and I hear "Dirty, rotten, filthy, stinkin..... SHE'S MY CHERRY PIE

I had a Grumpy Cat moment at that point.

< Message edited by so0meone -- 3/5/2013 20:27:53 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 585
3/5/2013 20:28:04   
The Jop

Let me just stop by to say that I love quadruple poison. It's amazing.

The main map's caves.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 586
3/5/2013 20:28:14   

Guess who's back guys. I'm not one for a big entry, so I'll just say what's up?. . .I guess I will show this piece of artwork for those who have forgotten who I am: (Revontheus + Max Storm) My signature art, fusion characters! By the way, I am all caught up thanks to the wiki and I can taste CC around the corner so I thought I should get to know this game all over again xD


AQW  Post #: 587
3/5/2013 20:28:16   

@Deathguard Good game to you too :3
DF MQ  Post #: 588
3/5/2013 20:30:50   

Hey nice to see you again Jmagic! While CC is closer than before, I'm not sure it'll be here by next week. But hey who knows?

@below: Yes there is! If it isn't...Nulgath's fingers will start to lose blood.

•Card Customization.... *crosses fingers even more

< Message edited by EpicCoconut -- 3/5/2013 20:34:26 >
Post #: 589
3/5/2013 20:32:35   

@EpicCoconut: Likewise! And hopefully it comes out next week or the next bi-weekly release. There is always room for hope! :D
AQW  Post #: 590
3/5/2013 20:34:23   

@Tally: Thanks!

@On topic: Since I need to catch as much characters as I can, I will use Pyre Witch and search for PD and then look for Arch Lich, and at last Storm Knight, WitchBlade and Fiend of Vergil lol
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 591
3/5/2013 20:34:31   

Welcome back! I feel like I should mention that in your absence I sacrificed Zeuster to the RNG Goddess and took over the chickencow race. I'm currently trying to guide them into OS. But they have no sense of direction, so it's kinda hard.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 592
3/5/2013 20:35:20   

Oh right, caves! Thanks, though I've only encountered Peasants and Zardman so far...

Welcome back! Let's see how badly Card Customization breaks the game, shall me? This is an exciting time to be playing Oversoul!
AQW  Post #: 593
3/5/2013 20:39:02   

@So0meone: Zeuster is gone! ! D:

@Lord Beck: Yes it surely is! Nulgath and his team are smart people (I hope), they will know how to manage it.
AQW  Post #: 594
3/5/2013 20:41:41   

Oh, and the rare beasts got a huge boost to spawn rate. Still abysmal possession chance though. I got Kruger, I've killed exactly 36 AFZs and 11 PDs with no luck possessing them. And I've killed... 17, I think? Krugers as well.

Since Saturday.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 595
3/5/2013 20:42:19   

I'm 99% sure that there WILL be something wrong with CC that we won't like once it's released. I'm also sure that Nulgath will change and fix it over time. On that positive note, I'm going off to eat.
Post #: 596
3/5/2013 20:45:45   

If you refer like Kruger to Frost Lion, I got it at my 2nd try and he was pretty easy ._.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 597
3/5/2013 20:46:39   

@EpicCoconut: Yeah, I totally agree with you on that. CC is just too big of a release on its own to not have something wrong with it (aside from bugs). In any case, the feedback we give when it does make it into OS will be vital information for them to hear out in order to make it better. Or maybe there will be a testing server of some sort for founders to test it out?

@so0meone: O.O Really? . . .Cosoma Cosoma Cosoma! ! ! ! D:
AQW  Post #: 598
3/5/2013 20:51:39   

I see the need for a banlist, or some form of limitation. Otherwise my Minotaur is going to have some fun with Petrifies...
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 599
3/5/2013 20:54:51   

There shouldn't be a banlist, just tiers in which only those who fit in a category shall face of with each other. Sort of like pokemon tiers
AQW  Post #: 600
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