@bei Currently, you can't. You can only sellback souls that you bought from the shop. Like for example, you bought Storm Knight from the shop which cost 8 SG, so you can be able to sell him back for only 1 SG. In other words, any character you purchased from the shop can be sellable for now. Edit: @above Welcome back! You miss quite a lot of awesome things. Oversoul is going into Oversoul Beta Revolution if you check the DN, new battle engine with shiny features and interfaces. For the past 2 month releases, we got lots of Orc and Ogres characters being release for a month. The Orc character are Orc Chieftain, Thrak, Orc Savage, Orc Pillager, Orc Peon, Orc Raider, Orc Warrior, Orc Axeman and Orc Rouge. The Ogre characters are Ogre, Ogre Trapper, Ogre Bandit, Ogre Maiden and Ogre Shaman. A lot of them have low respawn rate but they have high possession rate. Also, the permanent x-boost stack to 20 and extra boost stack to 40. The lifetime boost SG price increase from 10 to 12. For more info, check this out. Once again, welcome back to Oversoul. Its good to have players returning to play OS again. Edit2: @above Oh, i forgot to mention this, Nulgath has been drawing new Creatures of the week ever since 2 week ago. The first was Brain Tick although it was released as Water Tick in-game. Second was Mishap the mutant dragon creature. The third is Stink Eye who will probably be release this week. Water Tick is located at the new Lobby call Grotto but it require Water Elemental to unlock the shop. So catch Water Elemental first who can be found at the south lake. Mishap is found at Nomad Cave and he had low respawn rate but high possession rate. Also, we got new lobbies that were release a few weeks ago. Grotto, Horkfort and Ogre. Each of the lobbies have magnificient background. Oh, speaking of Horkfort and Ogre, there is a shop which store Orc Chieftain and Ogre Mage AKA Fire Klunk. Both cost 100K which is quite expensive but vey worthy. You will need to meet the requirement to unlock the shop. It will be quite tedious and hard because some of the character have very low respawn rate especially Ogre Maiden and Ogre shaman. So, good luck with that. Enjoy OS!
< Message edited by Megadragonknight -- 3/29/2013 3:27:14 >