Legendary AdventureGuide!
Just to point out that it is hard to truly compare both since they are there for different reasons for the most part, the only/main similarities being they both are videos containing some sort of art creation. The purpose of the time-lapse video is to give people a true glimpse of how art is created in EpicDuel, how much it takes and what the process is like. It can give a tiny jist of how much time goes into it, but the main purpose is to show the process for people to see the creation of an awesome item within a tiny time period, so you can feel closer to the development process of the games art and understand it more. Livestreams do show how art is made and give a more in-depth show of how long it takes to make each thing, since it shows in real time the step-by-step process of art creation, however that is not its main purpose. The art gives people something to watch and enjoy, giving the video more aesthetic value rather than just having a blank screen while we talk, it adds another layer to it. The main purpose of Livestreams is to give players a direct link to us, so not only can they watch the art creation, they can ask questions about it; what program is being used? What tablet do you guys feel is best? How long will it take to complete? - all questions you may not find an answer for in a time-lapse video. Not only this, but since you have representatives from all corners, Coding/Programming, Art, Moderation, Storyline, Balance and Testing - it gives people the ability to ask almost every question they could think of about the game and get the best answer that can be given. Livestreams act as a way for players to ask us direct questions and gain the best answers that can be given at the time, maybe even find out some information on future releases. All-in-all, both do show the creation of art, however, both also serve very different purposes. Livestreams are long lengthed, but also include a lot of information (and silliness), but you can drop in and out as you like. Time-lapse videos are made purely for looking into the creation of the art and how things are made, looking from purely an artistic sense - brilliant for those who want to go into art or try out creation of art, or even just like to understand the creation of releases. For this reason, comparing them can be done, but does not really make a great comparison. It's like comparing a phone and a digital camera, both are awesome tech and the phone likely has a built in camera, but that is about the most you can compare them, because both have a lot more depth about them which concentrate on very different things. It is all down to what you want out of a video, whether you want to learn about art or learn about the game in general, that is the simple question. Answer that and you have the answer for which out of livestream and time-lapse is best for you.