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RE: Lucky Cores - Farewell

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4/9/2013 8:55:23   
Baron Dante

Warmaker: You know, Varium doesn't give a big advantage, so all that logic relies on is... the fact that you get Credits with the Varium. (Actually, is even that true? At some point I recall you only got the Credits if you didn't get any other items, like Azrael's with it, but that's gone since the Key system was dropped)

250 battles isn't really that much. I mean, I'm pretty much the opposite of an active player, yet given a reason to play, I did some 3000 battles in 2 weeks. That's over 200 wins each day, so it would've taken 2 days to get that much.

In fact, at some point, I believe I played for 2 hours a day: Both Power Hours. During those you'd be able to get about 3k Credits already.

And believe me, 1 extra damage would be totally worth it. In a carefully planned build with some amount of Strength to it, you could drop 4 stat points from there without any loss, and put it elsewhere, or just keep it there and still gain a small difference that may make a battle from a close loss to a close win.

Neos: While it's true it's generally people that have the item that defend it, that doesn't necessarily mean they would be biased with their opinion on it (Yes, there are people like that too), and in fact, it also works the other way around. There are people that don't have it, and have their biased opinion of it because they don't have it, thus it getting nerfed doesn't hurt them. In the best case scenario, the item is totally balanced, just something that needs a specific (Albeit easily available) counter. these players don't want to make an effort to counter it, so instead they want to remove it from the metagame entirely as a viable option.

< Message edited by Baron Dante -- 4/9/2013 8:58:58 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 26
4/9/2013 14:23:11   

Trans u didnt understood
Yeah smoke makes block, malf makes deflect, support makes crit.

But to appear rare. This is so stupid if u get malfed or smoked, if u block or deflect even once the fight is already over, Be cause of the factors. I usually dont really care about the luck, but they shouldn`t increase blocking or deflecting. Because if someone blocks his attack or deflect ( which happens pretty much ) the fight is already lost.

Oh trans. As well u know i`m merc. Tell me is there any skills on merc which give deflections and block +? ( no )
Assault bot still dont work on shadow art and more dex. ^.

Ok baron i understood / Agreed. I always miss powerhours cause of my work. I have always to absent from both power hours.

< Message edited by Warmaker04 -- 4/9/2013 14:27:21 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 27
4/9/2013 14:26:26   

I don't see how max chance for block/deflection being around 30-45% is anywhere close to being rare. Crits yes, since these cap at 20% IIRC and scale much slower but not the other two. Unless you see 1/3 as rare then good luck.

No, if you get Malfed or Smoked then you use counters in form of skills or Bots. If you choose not to, blame yourself for poor strategy and not being able to fin. I can counter them by using Reflex and Energy Shield as a BM - trained to adequate level too. So no, Malf/Smoke =/= game over. With your build, probably. Based on your posts.
AQ Epic  Post #: 28
4/9/2013 14:30:26   

Trans... i`m merc... We cant avoid it except with Assault bot, but that also will made us more defended.
If i use infernal android i cant avoid it, but i`m attacker cause i can do high dmg. with the assault bot = defense.

I cant really decide to be attacker
Or to be defender. I like both, but which one is better? If i get defended, i will do lower dmg, cause i wont have the infernal special power
AQW Epic  Post #: 29
4/9/2013 14:35:18   

Use the Bot. Or think of other strategy to nullify its effect, whatever it is.
AQ Epic  Post #: 30
4/10/2013 10:13:01   

Ok guys please don't go off-topic ok...
AQW Epic  Post #: 31
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